United states tax collector

Chapter 339: Collective rebellion, the parliamentarians are confused

After hearing this, Donald smiled disdainfully and replied: "In the United States, as long as law enforcement agencies receive complaints, it is normal. What's so strange about this? What's the explanation?"

Mitchelson did not refute immediately, but took out a document bag, opened it, and took out a stack of photos. When he saw these photos, there was an uproar inside and outside the stadium.

Because in these photos, some of the people have bruises on their noses and faces, and some have bloody heads. In short, they are miserable.

"It is indeed normal to complain, but in our country, the most important thing is human rights. Look, these are citizens who have been persecuted by your IRS. You dare to say that you are not using the power in your hands to violently enforce the law!"

Michelson's accusation made the already uproar louder.

"If this is really what the IRS did, it would be so inhumane!"

"Yes, it doesn't matter that the IRS has great power. We can accept it, but if we use such violent methods to treat our citizens, I cannot accept it!"

"The IRS is a national law enforcement agency and cannot use such crude methods like gangsters. This is something I must say even if I continue to support the IRS."


To be honest, before these photos were released, most people on the Internet supported the IRS, except for those criminals and people whose interests were harmed.

But after these photos came out, they couldn't tolerate it anymore.

They say that in America, the only things that are inevitable are death and taxes.

Although this statement is slightly exaggerated, it can be regarded as a side reflection of the inevitable intersection between citizens and the IRS.

What if one day they miss paying taxes due to negligence or something, and are treated so harshly by the IRS?

This is what all citizens worry about!

“Congressman Mitchelson, no one knows where you got these photos, and no one knows whether these victims were really violently treated by our IRS. I believe that there must be a reason for what the bureau inspector did. You might as well point out in detail which region this case is. After I and the public understand it, we can discuss this issue carefully. Otherwise, what is the difference between this and taking it out of context? "

This time it was David who spoke out.

After hearing his explanation, the supporters of the former IRS came to their senses instantly.

Yes, how can we conclude that the IRS is violently enforcing the law based on only some photos of the victims?

Even if it is really violent law enforcement, can't it be done for a reason?

For example, police officers and FBI agents often empty their magazines when faced with violent resistance. Is that considered violent law enforcement?

And what happened in these photos now, if it was really the IRS, they didn't use weapons, they just beat these people up. In a way, they are much kinder than the police and FBI!

"Since we dare to show these photos in Congress in front of the whole country, they will not be fake. The victims of these photos were all done by your IRS inspectors. There is no doubt about this!"

After Michelson finished speaking, he looked at Dilpin aside.

He knew very well that although he took out these photos, these photos alone still had many loopholes and were not convincing enough.

This requires professionals like Dilpan to step forward and use their professional knowledge to plug these loopholes, so that they can further drag the IRS into the abyss.

But soon, Michelson and he discovered something was wrong.

Because facing the look he cast, Dilpan acted as if he didn't see it, and stared blankly like a wooden man.

"How did this bastard manage to be distracted in such an occasion?"

Michelson cursed in his heart, and then quietly pushed Dilpin's thigh with his hand. .

What I didn't expect was that the other party remained unmoved, still frozen in place like a wooden man.

Now he couldn't help it anymore and said directly to Dilpin: "Mr. Dilpan, as our chief lawyer at the hearing, do you have anything to add?"

"I...I guess I have nothing to add!"

As soon as Dilpan said these words, almost everyone inside and outside the court was dumbfounded.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that although on the surface the representative of this hearing is Mitchelson, the real ‘motor’ is the barrister Dilpan.

But now, Michelson has already launched an attack, but your engine, Dilpan, suddenly stalled. What's going on?

"Fake, it turns out the traitor is this bastard!"

Here, Maduaikai, who was listening, finally understood that the traitor was this guy.

Although Longman didn't show too much impatience in his seat, his expression wasn't much better.

They knew that there was a traitor in the committee, but they did not expect that it would be the core figure Dilpan.

If this is the case, then things are a bit bad...

"What is going on? This Dilpan is a dedicated lawyer for the House of Representatives. He is here to help the members of the hearing to nail down the illegal activities of the IRS. Why did he suddenly become silent?"

"Yes, when he attended the hearing before, this lawyer Dilpan's words were very sharp, and he could make the target blush every time. Today is indeed a bit unusual."

"Could it be that... this lawyer is also afraid of Inspector General David?"

The audience who were watching also noticed something unusual and kept guessing in their hearts.

At the same time, the Freemasons who were watching the hearing all looked gloomy, and it was obvious that they also saw that the situation was not good.

But unfortunately, knowing that the situation was not good, they had no way to deal with it. They could only hope that the situation would not collapse further in the next period of time.


Congress scene.

Donald turned his head to look at David, smiled slightly and gave him a look of approval.

Because before coming, David deliberately kept it a secret and did not tell him too many details, so he didn't know that the other party's chief lawyer had actually dealt with them.

And now he finally knew why this kid was so confident.

But then again, dealing with a Deer Pan can only be said to have solved a big problem, and the IRS is not completely out of danger.

After all, the lawyers invited by the House of Representatives are not only Deer Pan, but also several others.

Putting away his thoughts, Donald returned his attention to the podium.

At this time, Michelson, who was in the center of the podium, also understood that it seemed that Dilpan had betrayed for some reason, which made him very angry.

To be honest, after the FBI Deputy Director Madu Aike arrived and said that, he guessed that there might be a ghost in the team, otherwise the deputy director would not come in person and say those words of coercion and inducement.

Afterwards, he carefully considered the suspicious people in the team, but he never doubted Dilpan.

Because they have cooperated many times, they have a good relationship in private, and they trust each other very much.

But he didn't expect that this person he trusted the most had embarrassed him in front of the world just now, so Michelson wanted to stand up and punch him twice.

But when he thought that this was Congress and the global media were broadcasting live, he could only suppress his anger forcibly.

After trying to calm down his thoughts, Michelson said to a man on the right side of Dilpan: "Mr. Ratiu, do you have anything to add?"

His idea was the same as many people. Even if Dilpan betrayed, they still had other lawyers here.

As long as these lawyers stood up and used their professional knowledge and words to continue attacking the IRS, they would still have a chance of winning.

But he had a good idea, but he didn't expect that the reality that followed would give him another hard slap in the face.

"I... I don't have anything to add either!"


As soon as this sentence came out, it was like a heavy hammer hitting Michelson, Langman, and a group of Freemasons in the chest, making them almost unable to breathe.

It's okay for Dilpan to betray, but did the lawyer Ratiu also betray?

How can we continue this battle today?

"Oh my god, what does this mean? Why didn't the two lawyers express any opinions at the hearing? Are they here to watch the show?"

"Based on past experience, Dilpan and Ratiu are the ones who like to show off their words in Congress the most. Why are they playing ostrich today?"

"Look, Michelson and those congressmen are shocked. Obviously, they didn't expect this to happen. Something must have happened to them!"

"It seems to be the case. Could it be that these two lawyers have secretly turned to the IRS and deliberately embarrassed those congressmen?"

Such an outrageous and funny hearing also surprised the people who were watching.

"Fuck, what are these bastards doing!"


"How could this happen..."

At the same time, the Freemasons who were watching from all over the country were also angry and cursed.

First it was Dilpan, then it was Ratiu. The two elite lawyers who were invited to target the IRS this time have both rebelled. How can this be played?

What's more serious is that if even these two people betrayed, would the rest of the lawyers also betray?

As soon as this thought came out, the Freemasons felt a tingling sensation on their scalps.

If this is true, then they will not only lose this hearing today, but they may even be recorded in the history of hearings and laughed at by future generations for many years.

After all, since the establishment of the hearing system, there has never been a hearing like this, where all the lawyers here have been turned against.

This is simply a joke!

However, they really got what they thought.

Since Ratiu made such a statement, the other lawyers did not show too much surprise, but more of them were unnatural and fidgety.

In other words, their previous tingling guess might really be right, and the traitors are not just one or two, but perhaps... the entire lawyer team!

At this moment, the Freemasons were in a very bad mood.

And here, Michelson at the table naturally judged that things were not going well from the expressions of other members of the lawyer team.

This made him furious and puzzled.

No matter how capable you are, David, you can handle Dilpan and Ratiu, but how can you handle the entire legal team?

Moreover, you must know that it only takes two or three days from the announcement to the decision to hold the hearing, and the members are still not announced. How did David find the list in a short time and secretly deal with these people?

This is too outrageous!

This is almost the most outrageous thing that Michelson and the congressmen present have encountered in Congress for so many years.

"Congressman Mitchelson, please continue to answer my previous question. These photos you took out are from which region and branch? Are they deliberately taken out of context to lead the public to accuse our IRS? If you If you don’t explain clearly, you are throwing dirty water on our IRS!”

David had already seen that the matter of the legal team had confused the congressmen on the stage. Why would he continue to sit still? He stood up and asked for an explanation in front of everyone.

"Yes, Inspector General David is right. The details must be explained clearly. Otherwise, what's the difference from throwing dirty water?"

"My own legal team has nothing to say, so I dare to hold a hearing to accuse the IRS. This is really a bit of a joke."

"Before, Michelson and other congressmen threatened to do something to the IRS in this hearing. Now, it is really a big joke!"

On the stage, although Michelson didn't know what the current public opinion was on the Internet, judging from the surrounding media reporters and the atmosphere, he had already guessed that the whole country seemed to be watching their jokes, which made him so angry. His veins were showing, but he didn’t know how to refute.

Because historically, in hearings, they, the congressmen, are only responsible for eliciting the accusations of one party and exaggerating them on the sidelines. However, as for how to accuse and substantiate the accusations, that is what the legal team should be responsible for.

But now that the lawyer group has rebelled, he has not prepared in advance, and he does not have the professional ability and eloquence, so naturally he has no choice but to refute.

After a long pause, Mitchelson could only look at Dilpan, Latiu and other members of the legal team with unwilling, angry, and even slightly pleading eyes, hoping that these people would change their minds and help him say a few words.

But unfortunately, the team of lawyers pretended not to notice him and still sat there dumbfounded.

"Damn it!"

Mitchelson cursed secretly in his heart, and then looked at Longman, the backbone, but unfortunately, Longman was also thrown into disarray by this sudden collective rebellion, and there was nothing else he could do. The only solution is to remain silent.

In the end, knowing that there was nothing he could do about it, Michelson didn't want to continue to embarrass himself, so he stood up and left the seat directly.

When the other congressmen saw that all the representatives of the hearing were gone, and after exchanging glances with each other, they could only leave in dejection.

"What happened? Why did the congressmen leave like this?"

"This is a hearing, how could they just leave like this?"

"There was an incident at the hearing. It seems that the members of the legal team were incited to rebel. What else can these congressmen do if they don't leave? Can they continue to make people laugh here?"

"This is probably the funniest hearing in the history of our American Congress, isn't it? I haven't seen it in a long time!"

Such a sudden scene not only confused the media reporters at the scene, but also the people watching the live broadcast online.

In the minds of many people, such a turn of events at the hearing was the first time this had happened to the United States in so many years.

But it didn't take long for many people to figure out the reason.

In previous hearings, the division of labor between congressmen and the legal team has been very clear, that is, the congressmen will impeach the target of the summons, and then the lawyer team will use their professional abilities to refute based on the answers of the subpoenaed person. , and charged.

To put it in layman's terms, the congressmen at the hearing are employers, and the lawyers are thugs. Now that thugs don't take action, how can the employer defeat the other party no matter how rich it is but does not have force (the professional ability of lawyers)?

Only when the two cooperate with each other can the summoned target be held accountable to the greatest extent possible.

Now that all the lawyers on our side have defected, the remaining congressmen are naturally helpless. How can this hearing continue?

So now it's just a matter of decency for them to leave.

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