United states tax collector

Chapter 311 Youtai Media begins to exert its efforts

Amazon's global headquarters is located at 21117 Third Avenue, Seattle, Washington.

At this time, on the top floor of the headquarters, in a hall full of green plants, a bald man was leisurely drinking coffee and reading a magazine.

At this moment, a woman hurriedly came to him and said, "Something happened, Mr. Jeff."

Yes, the bald man is none other than Jeff Bess, the founder of Amazon.com.

Jeff was able to turn Amazon into a company with a market value of nearly 2 trillion. Naturally, he has seen all kinds of storms. After hearing this, he was not in a hurry. He reached out to pick up the coffee and asked: "What?" thing?"

"Just now, people from the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service went to our branch in the city and took away all our executives."

Jeff, who was about to put the coffee to his lips, suddenly shook uncontrollably when he heard this, causing the coffee inside to spill on the collar of his suit.

However, he didn't bother to wipe it off, his words became hurried, and he asked: "What is going on? Is there any tax problem at our branch?"

What makes him nervous, who is used to seeing big winds and waves, is none other than the fact that there is one person in the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service that even he has to be afraid of, and that is Director David!

"The taxation of the branch strictly follows the instructions from our headquarters, and there is no big problem. However, the reason why the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service investigated us this time is clearly an order personally issued by the local director David, so... …”

What this assistant actually wants to express is that of course there is no problem with our dumb Amazon’s taxes. Otherwise, if we had not paid taxes for so many years, we would have been caught by the IRS!

However, David's methods are also well known. Even if there is no problem, this person can still solve the problem for you. And now that he has ordered the investigation of Dumb Mason, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no accidents.

At this moment, Jeff also looked confused.

Of course he was also very aware of David's methods, otherwise he wouldn't have heard that the branch was investigated by the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service, and would have lost his composure like this.


Jeff realized that he couldn't sit still and waited, and immediately said: "Convene a board meeting!"

Soon, a group of Amazon executives who had received the notification walked into a conference room on the 36th floor. Everyone's expressions looked a little calm. It was obvious that they had received the news that the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service was taking action against them. .

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Jeff immediately said: "I believe everyone has received the news that David has ordered an investigation into us. What do you think about this matter? Tell us your opinions!"

"We have not paid any taxes in recent years, and we have also received a lot of subsidies from the government. The senior officials of the Internal Revenue Service have probably hated us for a long time, so I conclude that David is not targeting us this time. , but it was directly targeted by their senior management.”

"That's right. Before this, because of our proper handling of tax policies, the handling of the matter by the Legal Department, and the relationship between the shareholders behind us, the IRS has been reluctant to take action against us. But now the IRS has David is such a ruthless person, and this guy has even touched the Sackler family, the Disney family, and the Swiss Bank, so it is only reasonable for him to touch us now..."

"Anyway, this person is a bit difficult to deal with, and now it's clear that he wants to target me, so we have to deal with it..."


After listening to the senior executives talking for a long time but failing to get to the point, Jeff became a little impatient and interrupted directly: "Okay, David's methods are indeed extraordinary. We can't just wait for him to do it step by step. To eat away at me, we must come up with countermeasures.”

"Mr. Jeff, since David only ordered to take away people from our Los Angeles branch, but not from other branches or our headquarters, it proves that he doesn't know much. I think We should send the legal department to Los Angeles to find out what the situation is like there and make a decision before it’s too late.”

The speaker was Magrica, the senior vice president of Dumb Amazon.

"Magrica is right. We don't have to do anything in a hurry now. Let's find out what the Los Angeles IRS is like first."

"I also agree that according to David's character, if he had caught us, he would have named us publicly. And according to the report over there, when their people went to our branch, they just said 'Please come back. The words "cooperate with the investigation" also reflect that they don't have much information. "


After Magrica said this, most of the senior Amazon executives present expressed their agreement.

Because judging from David's previous character, if he had grasped the handle of Amazon, he would have named him directly in front of the media just like he did to Hollywood and those cryptocurrency companies.

And now since this guy didn't choose to name him directly, there is a high probability that he doesn't have much information in his hand.

Seeing that most of the people present suggested sending the Legal Department to find out, after thinking about it for a while, Jeff no longer objected. He turned to look at a man present and said, "Laclova, you are the boss of the Legal Department. , then you can go there in person this time.”

"Okay Mr. Jeff."

While Amazon was holding a meeting to discuss, the top executives of Weiruan, Guge, Oracle and other major manufacturers were also discussing the matter intensely.

As for why I am nervous, it is very simple.

Because now David has the tendency to raise the butcher knife to the head of the mute Mason, so who can guarantee that it won't be their turn next time?

In order to avoid this situation from happening, major companies did not dare to neglect for a moment after the discussion, and immediately ordered the finance and tax departments to work overtime to review the company's taxes.

This night is destined to be an all-nighter for companies such as Amazon, Guge, Weiruan, and Oracle, but it is a feast for the media and the public.

The next morning, the news that the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service had launched an investigation into Amazon undoubtedly made the front pages of major newspapers.

[Washington Post: The IRS launched an investigation into Amazon.com. Will giant companies that have never paid taxes in recent years suffer losses? 】

[Los Angeles Times: Director David has made another big move. Is there going to be a tax clearance operation in the Internet field? 】

[Wall Street Journal: Executioner David has taken action again, and this action against the mute Amazon is likely to shake the foundation of the United States...]


Among the reports from major newspapers, the Wall Street Journal's wording was the sharpest. It could even be said that it directly attacked David's investigation of Amazon by name.

Of course, since they dared to compile articles to attack, they naturally listed several reasons.

First of all, the Amazon Group has a total of 270,000 employees. Once the IRS really launches a tax audit against this group, it will definitely affect the interests of many of them, triggering protests or strikes by these people, and triggering social chaos. of turmoil.

Secondly, the current economic situation in the United States is very bad. Once David launches an investigation into Amazon, it will inevitably trigger an earthquake in the stock market, causing the market to lose confidence and making the already bad economy even worse.

As soon as this front-page headline of the Wall Street Journal came out, it also caused an uproar on the Internet.

Many people think that the Wall Street Journal's accusation is right. After all, the economic situation in the United States is already so bad now. The IRS and David are still going to torment such a dominant enterprise. It would be strange if this does not cause market turmoil. .

At that time, this may become the trigger of a new round of financial crisis. I don’t know how many people will go bankrupt and jump off the building. Can the IRS bear this responsibility?

But many people think that Amazon, as a trillion-dollar company, has not paid a dime in taxes in the past few years, but instead received so many subsidies from the government. Is this reasonable?

It's definitely unreasonable.

After all, we ordinary people have to pay taxes honestly on our meager salary every month. You, Dumb Mason, make so much money every year but don’t get a dime. Do you still have any sense of social responsibility?

Since both views were supported by people, huge debates broke out online.

Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service, Office of the Commissioner.

At this time, David was sitting on a chair with his chin in his hands, staring at a Wall Street Journal newspaper on the table. Opposite him, stood Nissenbaki Simons and other senior officials in the bureau.

"Faker, this Wall Street Journal has gone too far. It actually attacks us in such a vicious tone!"

"The other major newspapers are pretty normal, but the Wall Street Journal is a thorn in the side. I think we need to go to their headquarters to find fault and give them some color."


Many people present expressed strong dissatisfaction with this Wall Street Journal article.

But there wasn't much fluctuation on David's face.

In recent years, Utahns have basically controlled the American media. As the number one mouthpiece of Utahns, the Wall Street Journal compiled this sharp article after seeing that he launched an investigation into Amazon. Accusatory articles are also normal.

"Has there been any progress on what I asked you to investigate last night?"

After bringing back the senior managers of the Duma Amazon branch yesterday, David used the plug-in to examine them one by one.

Although Ma Xun's research on tax policy was indeed very good, under his powerful inspection function, he still found some points that could make a fuss, so he told Buckinson and the others to send people overnight to collect evidence and investigate.

"It's a lot of work and it will take some time."

"The people on my side are also..."


Listening to the replies of several people, David did not blame them for their slow efficiency.

As the world’s largest e-commerce giant, Amazon’s group’s frameworks are spread all over the world. Investigating them will definitely not be completed in a day or two.

While he was still thinking, the cell phone on the table suddenly rang. David picked it up and saw that the caller ID was Donald. He immediately picked up the call: "Deputy Director Donald."

"What's up David, is there any progress on your end?"

"The investigation has found some things, but it's not enough. It will take some time."

"Okay, those Utahns have obviously put their efforts into the media. Now the IRS is facing a lot of pressure from public opinion. I need you to hold a press conference to get more people to support us, so as to alleviate it. Current public opinion.”

"Okay, I know..."

After ending the call with Donald, David immediately looked up at Nissen and said: "Arrange a press conference in half an hour."

Soon after, when the major media received the news that the Los Angeles IRS was going to hold a press conference, they immediately went to the lobby on the first floor of the Los Angeles IRS to wait as quickly as possible.

"Director David is here!"

I don’t know who shouted this at the scene, and then all the media reporters stopped talking and looked up.

Sure enough, David came to the spotlight surrounded by a crowd, opened his arms and pressed down to signal for silence, and then said: "Good morning to all friends from the media and the audience in front of the TV. Yesterday we put the mute Amazon into the spotlight. The fact that the executives in the Los Angeles branch brought it back has attracted widespread attention. I will give you a detailed explanation of this matter below! ”

After that, David pointed to a reporter from NBC TV.

The reporter also immediately asked: "Director David, many people are now talking about your Internal Revenue Service launching a tax investigation against Amazon. Is this true?"

Although many people have already seen it, it will only be confirmed if it is officially confirmed by the IRS.

"Yes, I can tell you clearly that our IRS is launching a tax investigation against the Duma Amazon Group!"

"Then I would like to ask Director David, since you are going to launch an investigation into the Dumason Group, have you got some practical evidence to prove that Dumason is indeed suspected of tax evasion?"

"This is still under investigation and it is not convenient to disclose it. Next question!"

After the CBS reporter was called by David, he immediately asked: "Director David, there is a lot of opposition on the Internet to your investigation of the Dumason Group. Many people believe that Dumason has too much control over it." People’s jobs, and as the third largest company in the world’s top 500 companies, once it is affected, it is likely to trigger an economic crisis. What do you think of this?”

"As for this issue, I think our great American statesman Benjamin Franklin has already explained that here, only death and taxes are inevitable, and collecting taxes is also the job of our Internal Revenue Service. If we don't collect taxes If so, where will the funds for the country’s medical care, education, construction, and military come from?”

"So I can tell you clearly once again that our IRS will never give up tax collection on a company just because it will affect the economy. Otherwise, I think our IRS will no longer need to exist!"

After David's sonorous and powerful words, the audience burst into applause.

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