United states tax collector

Chapter 270 Funeral

"Yes, the attacker is indeed a member of the Thacker family."

After receiving the confirmation, the media at the scene was completely excited.

Why would David let his men go find the Thacker family?

Could it be that... there is an intention to conduct a tax investigation on this notorious family?

It should be!

Since David is going to launch a tax investigation into this family, and the people from this family have killed David's auditors, then there may be something good to watch next!

"Oh Maika, he is actually a member of the Thacker family?"

"The Sackler family? Is it the family that sells OxyContin, a rare and large amount of heroin, which has killed countless families?"

"I understand. This notorious family must have known that Director David wanted to investigate them, so they jumped over the wall and killed the inspector who came!"

"Good investigation. This bastard family sells poisons with unscrupulous intentions and has torn apart countless families. But so far, all members of this family are at large. I hope Director David will send them all to prison!"

After hearing that the person who killed the IRS inspector was a member of the Thackle family, social media also exploded at this time.

Some victims who were poisoned by OxyContin, as well as a large number of victims' families, madly expressed support online, hoping that David would severely punish the family.

In the following days, the headlines of the IRS inspector’s murder and the Thackle family continued to trend on major social media.

As for the City Bureau, under David's command, a large number of people with interests in the Sackler family were 'invited' back and were investigated and interrogated one by one.

At nine o'clock in the morning, David changed into a black suit and black tie in the apartment building.

Today is the day Higgins was buried, so he was dressed like this to attend the funeral.

After going downstairs, Nissen's car was already waiting. He opened the door and got in. Without much conversation, the two started the vehicle and drove towards the highway...

Our Lady of Los Angeles Cathedral, located in downtown Los Angeles.

The church is a perfect blend of modernism and pre-Gothicism, with Gothic elements such as pointed-arched windows, towering spiers and sculptures, while incorporating a modernist minimalist design.

The church complex covers an area of ​​approximately 39,000 square meters and is located in the center of Santa Monica, Los Angeles. It is the main church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese.

Higgins's funeral will be held here today.

In fact, strictly speaking, Higgins was not qualified to hold a funeral in a church of this level due to his status.

However, after all, this was an inspector who died because of executing David's order, so he wanted to have him buried with splendor after his death, so he found a bishop of this church to communicate with him, and finally came to an agreement. of.

Of course, in addition to allowing Higgins to be buried with dignity after his death, the main reason is that this church is located in the Santa Monica area, the headquarters of the Thackle family.

Holding the funeral here can be regarded as a kind of personal warning to the Sackler family.

Arriving at the entrance of the Notre Dame Church, a large number of media reporters were already waiting here. As soon as they saw David's arrival, they immediately gathered around to ask questions.

"Director David, it has been three days. Is there any progress in the tax investigation against the Sackler family?"

"Director David, the Sackler family has disclosed the tax statements of Purdue Pharma for these years two days ago, and no tax evasion has been found. What do you think?"

"Director David..."

Facing the media's questioning, David naturally had no interest and ignored them, and walked directly through the crowd into the church.

I saw that many people had come to the venue at this time. In addition to Higgins' relatives and friends, there were also many colleagues from the city bureau.

David came to the side of Higgins' wife and daughter in front of the stage. Perhaps because of the relaxation in the past few days, both his wife and son were much more emotionally stable.


David hugged the two of them respectively, and then he and Nissen found a seat and sat down, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

But just a few minutes later, there was a sudden commotion from behind. Everyone turned around and saw that it was someone from the Thackle family who had arrived.

And the visitor was no stranger to David, he was Mariano, the father of the attacker Hobson.

"What are you bastards of the Sackler family doing here? You are not welcome here!"

After the media reports in the past few days, the members of the Sackler family have become familiar to the public. So when they saw his arrival, some of Higgins' relatives immediately recognized that he was a member of the Sackler family. The man immediately let out an angry voice.

"I just want to see Inspector Higgins off for the last time. I don't mean anything malicious. I hope you can understand..."

"Fake Squid, I don't need your hypocrisy, get out of here!"

Higgins' family members did not show any appreciation at all. Instead, they all became more excited, as if they were going to take action if Mariano didn't turn around and leave.

Seeing this posture, Mariano had no choice but to put the wreath aside, then turned and left.


One of Higgins' family members trampled the wreath he brought to pieces, then picked it up and threw it into the trash can.

After this little episode, the time came to 9.30.

At this time, Catro, the well-known pastor of the church, came out. After reaching the stage, he said in a serious tone: "Thank you to the relatives, friends, and colleagues present... for coming to the funeral of Mr. Higgins. Mr. Higgins was a A great inspector, he has been in the industry for 11 years. He takes his work seriously, is friendly to his colleagues, and always treats prisoners with respect..."

"May his relatives, friends and colleagues be strong, and may God rest in peace for Mr. Higgins, Amen!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone at the scene followed the pastor and made a set of big cross gestures and said "Amen".

American funerals generally have five ceremonies, and the first ceremony is the opening prayer of the priest, and the second ceremony is the memory of the deceased by relatives and friends.

Higgins' wife took the lead on the stage and told about Higgins' life and some of his deeds worthy of praise.

Later, his sons and relatives also took turns to join the battle.

Nearly an hour later, at the pastor’s prompting, it was finally David’s turn.

He arranged his clothes, walked to the stage with a serious look, and said in a deep voice: "Inspector Higgins, who has worked diligently in our IRS for 11 years, is a very capable inspector, and this is what I Not long after he took office as city director, he was asked to participate in the investigation of the Sackler family's tax situation. It's a pity that God is jealous of talents... May the Lord bless him in heaven!"

David had prepared this set of reminiscences yesterday, and he spoke eloquently for nearly ten minutes before finally walking off the stage.

After him, Nissen and other IRS colleagues also came to the stage to remember him, and then the second ceremony of the funeral came to an end.

Next came the religious ceremony. The church clergy walked up to the stage and began to recite some Bible verses. Then there was the farewell ceremony and the pastor's final speech. The funeral was left with the final burial.

At the pastor's signal, Nissen led three inspectors to the coffin, took out the prepared American flag and covered the coffin.

In the United States, anyone who dies in the line of duty, whether a soldier, police officer, firefighter or federal agent, is eligible to wear the national flag, and IRS auditors are no exception.

In the eyes of Christians, the church is the closest place to heaven, so there is a cemetery not far from here.

After the four Nissens worked together to carry the coffin to the burial place in the cemetery, the lined-up inspectors immediately fired a gun into the sky as a final tribute and farewell to the inspector who died in the line of duty.


Seeing their husband's body falling into the pit and being buried in the soil, Higgins' wife, relatives and friends could not bear it anymore, and they cried loudly in grief.

Half an hour later, the hole was completely filled. At this time, Higgins' son Morghi walked up to David with a sad expression.

Seeing his arrival, David also said: "I'm sorry, please have my condolences..."

"No, Chief David, you don't need to apologize or feel guilty about this."

David raised his head and looked at him slightly surprised.

"My father actually always wanted to work for you, and when he heard that you were transferred to the city bureau, he was even more ecstatic. Although that action was an accident, I want him to choose again, and he will also There will definitely be no backing down.”

David felt a little ashamed after hearing this.

To be honest, before the accident, he didn't know who Higgins was at all. After all, the status difference between an inspector and him now was too big, and it was impossible for him to know them one by one.

As for the Sackler family's actions, he just left it to Neeson to handle. He didn't know that Neeson would choose Higgins to carry out this mission together.

"Oh, by the way, Director David, can I make a request of you?"

Morji changed the subject.


"I want to join the Internal Revenue Service and work with you in the future. This can be regarded as inheriting my father's mantle and legacy. Is that okay?"

David looked at him and asked, "Are you sure you want to get into the IRS?"

"My father often said that the IRS is the root of this country. It is because of the IRS that we can have money to build airplanes and aircraft carriers, build cities, provide welfare benefits to people, and improve everything in this country. It’s a great career, so I’m sure my dad would be proud to be an IRS auditor!”

David nodded to acknowledge what he said, and asked, "Are you in college now?"

"That's right, I can finish my studies in two years."

David took out a pen and paper, wrote down his personal number and handed it to him privately, and said: "When you finish your studies and your mind has not changed, just give me a call then."

Although the selection of IRS inspectors is harsh, if this Morji really wants to come in, with David's current status, it will only take a few words.

"Thank you, Chief David."

After the funeral, David did not return to the city police station. Instead, he came to a prison under the jurisdiction of the Internal Revenue Service in the suburbs.

The purpose of coming here is also very simple. He found out that the Camorra family, who was sent here by himself before, had some business cooperation with the Thackle family regarding the drug OxyContin.

Therefore, when I came here, I mainly wanted to find people from the Camorra family to serve as witnesses, so that they could go to court to testify against the Thackle family.

"Director David, nice to see you!"

As soon as he heard that David was coming, the warden here quickly put aside all official duties and came out to welcome him.

"Hello, Warden Erikson, the main purpose of my coming here today is to meet Victoria of the Camorra family."

"No problem, I'll arrange it right away!"

In the prison interview room, David came here first.

After waiting for about five minutes, the door was pushed open, and a prison guard escorted Victoria in.

Compared with the aristocratic look she had before her arrest, Victoria, who was now wearing prison uniform and without any cosmetics, looked more like a woman.

"It's you!"

When she entered the door and saw David waiting, Victoria was stunned for a moment, and then a look of resentment appeared in her eyes.

"Sit down and let's talk!"

"What do I have to talk to you about?"

"Let's talk about it, it will be good for you!"

After talking about this, Victoria still felt resentful, but finally sat down.

"Ms. Victoria, you don't look good. Logically speaking, the conditions in our IRS prison are better than those in ordinary prisons. Why, are you not used to living there?"

David's words almost made Victoria scold her on the spot.

The Camora family has been in the upper class in Los Angeles for so long, and she usually looks like a pampered rich woman.

Now that I'm in jail all of a sudden, who the hell can get used to living here?

During the time she was locked up here, her days were almost like years, and when she thought about the thousands of years left in her sentence, she wanted to die even more.

David smiled slightly and said: "It seems that you are really not used to being here. Let's do this. I have something I want to ask you to cooperate with. If you behave well, maybe you will have another chance in this life. How about taking a look at this colorful world?"

As soon as she heard that she could go out, all the distracting thoughts in Victoria's mind were instantly wiped away. She looked at David with excited eyes and said, "Really, do I still have a chance to go out?"

"Yes, it depends on your performance!"

"What do you need me to do?"

"It's very simple. I know that your family had dealings with the Thacker family before, and you were responsible for getting OxyContin from them. Therefore, I want you to appear in court to testify on this matter."

"What, you want to take action against the Thackle family?"

Victoria was stunned.

Because the information in the prison is relatively limited, she is not quite sure what happened outside in the past few days.

"Yes, are you interested?"

"Accusing the Thacker family... They are Jewish people with a rich background, not like our Camorra family..."

Victoria seemed hesitant.

"This is not your concern, you just need to answer whether I am willing or not."

"Of course I do, but..."

"But what?"

"I think you should also know that the reason why the Sackler family is still standing after such a big scandal was exposed. In addition to being Jewish, the network they built in California is also an important reason. Accusing them My risk is not small either, so...so..."

After hearing this, David finally understood. It seemed that Victoria wanted to bargain with him, but he did not refute immediately and asked lightly: "Tell me, what do you want!"

"I want...amnesty!"

"Sorry, I can't do this!"

David was amused.

Co-author: You have been sentenced to thousands of years in prison, and you want to be pardoned just for testifying?

This is too naive!

Or do you treat him like a fish in water?

"No, Director David, you can do it. I know that the top management of your IRS attaches great importance to you. As long as you are willing to apply to them, they will definitely approve it. If you agree, I can't help but testify for you in the future. I can do whatever you want me to do, whatever you want me to do..."

At the end of her speech, Victoria almost adopted a pleading tone.

After entering here, I was sentenced to a heavy sentence. It is impossible to reduce the sentence and it is impossible to parole.

If she wanted to leave here, it would be death.

Or...only now can David save her!

So as soon as she heard about the chance to be free, all dignity and backbone were forgotten by Victoria.

She was really fed up with this life here.

"Anything is okay?"

David seemed to have some interest. He stared at her face, which still had some charm, and then slowly glanced down her neck, collarbone, and mountain peaks...

"Anything is fine, as long as Director David is willing..."

In order to cater to David, Victoria not only straightened up, she even wanted to pull down her collar a little for him to watch.

But he was interrupted by David: "That's enough. What you committed is not an ordinary crime. It is impossible to grant amnesty. But what I can guarantee is that after you have been squatting here for ten years, I will apply to the higher authorities." I’m letting you be released on parole, that’s it!”

Victoria looked bitter and continued to bargain: "Ten years is too long, Director David. Three years and three years of squatting for me are enough punishments. How about it? Please!"

"I said ten years can only be ten years. If you are not willing, I can find other people in your family to cooperate. Perhaps, they will be more willing!"

David said as he stood up.

However, he was interrupted by Victory's nervous and urgent words: "I am willing, I am so sorry, Director David, let me be paroled in 10 years, just 10 years!"

Although ten years is indeed not a short time.

But when she goes out, her life will only be halfway through.

But if you don't want to, you will have to die in prison for the rest of your life.

Victoria is not stupid, of course she will make a choice.

David nodded with satisfaction and walked out of the interview room without saying anything more.

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