United states tax collector

Chapter 252 The four major film companies give in

"It's not that I don't agree with it, it's just that Congressman Pipps thinks that if Director David hadn't launched an investigation, the source of the information would have been too cautious..."

Melinda quickly smoothed things over.


Donald sneered and said: "It doesn't necessarily mean that our Director David's source of information is careful, or it can't be that some people are not doing things cleanly and leaked the news?"

The so-called certain people naturally refer to Pips.

At this time, Pipps naturally heard the yin and yang in Donald's words, and he replied with a slight dissatisfaction: "Whoever does something unclean, your IRS David's methods are well known to everyone, he just wants to Come on, who dares to say that their privacy will not be leaked?"

"Congressman Peoples, what do you mean now?"

The two looked at each other, and an invisible smoke filled the air.

When thinking about the mid-term elections in November, if he did not win the support of a large number of criminals, he would most likely lose the Senate seat. Peoples could only bite the bullet and said: "Nothing else, I want to get a job from Washington." Send another investigation team over to thoroughly investigate this matter again. If nothing can be found this time, then I will admit it!"

"If you want to investigate, just investigate. Do you think our IRS is your back garden? Do you know that because of cooperating with your investigation, the Western Suburbs Branch has been basically shut down for the past two days? How much work has been delayed and how much has been lost? Taxes? You provide us with these taxes, right?"

What Donald actually wants to say is, I gave you a fucking face, right?

Forget it about the black tax bill, now you are chasing after the Western Suburbs Branch. Is it going to be over?

"Chairman Melinda, you should know how much financial pressure our country is facing right now. The White House attaches great importance to the contribution made by the Western Suburbs Branch. If you continue to pester like this, you will not be able to complete the White House work. If the tax performance evaluation target is set, we will reduce the budget of your Congress to fill it. If Congress is shut down by then, don’t blame us!"

This time it was Obadiah who spoke.

"Director Obadiah, what you said is serious. We are not making things difficult for the Western Suburbs Bureau. Well, since Agent Hewlett went to the Western Suburbs Bureau to investigate, and since the results are out, there is no problem, then this case That’s the end of the matter, we, the Taxation Committee, won’t get involved!”

As a member of Congress and the chairperson of the Taxation Committee, Melinda certainly understands the current economic situation in the United States. If the IRS is really pushed into a hurry and the IRS starts to tighten its financial resources, it may really bring trouble to Congress. to the point of shutdown.

After all, no matter how powerful your Congress is, its facilities, electricity bills, labor, and salaries still need funds. If funds are stuck, various departments and links will be paralyzed in minutes.

She would have to take the big blame by then, so seeing the situation soon, she naturally didn't want to accompany Pipps and the three of them to stir things up.

"Chairman Melinda..."

"Okay, no need to say any more. If you don't agree with this matter, you can talk to the Speaker of the House of Representatives!"

When he saw that Melinda was about to disembark and run away, Pips immediately became anxious, but before he could continue, Melinda interrupted him.

"Okay, I also want to talk to the Speaker of the House of Representatives this time. Since the three of you have objections to this, let's go there together."

Seeing that Melinda had already indicated that she would not get involved, Obadiah and Donald no longer needed to stay here, so they turned around and walked out.

The three Pips were glaring at each other.

If they were asked to go to the Speaker of the House of Representatives to talk about this matter, they would naturally not dare.

Because in the past few days as they have criticized the black tax bill, the IRS has been putting pressure on the Speaker of the House of Representatives to control them.

But in order to win over the votes of those criminals, they chose to turn a deaf ear to the words of the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

If you run over now, let alone support them, it would be nice if you don't spray them bloody in front of them.

Just when the three of them didn't know what to do, Melinda's landline phone rang. She picked it up and listened for a while, then put down the phone and said to the three of them: "Listen, the Speaker of the House of Representatives said that he wants to see you, and I also remind you. Don’t try to shirk it!”

The expressions of the three people suddenly became bitter. The Speaker of the House of Representatives knew that they were here in the Parliament Building, and they also used words such as "Don't shirk". So what else can they do, they can only get over it.

after an hour.

In the office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the three people walked out in disgrace.

Each member of Congress has his own office in the Parliament Building, and the last place the three returned to was in Pips' office.

"Fake, what should we do now?"

As soon as he entered here, Timothy cursed loudly, as if he wanted to vent his grievances.

Because the IRS threatened the president and cut off funds and shut down Congress, the three of them were sprayed with blood when they were called in front of the Speaker of the House of Representatives just now.

That is to say, the Speaker of the House of Representatives does not have the power to directly remove them, otherwise the three of them would probably pack up and leave now.

"The Tax Committee led by Melinda has withdrawn now, and the Speaker of the House is suppressing it again. It is difficult for the three of us alone to pose any threat to the black tax bill. If we continue, let alone expect the Senate position, maybe I won’t be able to keep my seat in the House of Representatives now..."

Prinhal's concerns are not without reason.

Although the Speaker of the House of Representatives cannot directly remove them, he can set up a special committee to investigate them. If this committee invites David to join, I believe David will be very happy to deal with them.

The reason why David doesn't dare to kill them now is mainly because he is worried about the overall influence of Congress. But if the Speaker of the House of Representatives authorizes it, then David will not worry about it and will go free to attack them.

Then, like the shipyard scandal that broke out in Pipps, the source of the news may not be "rumored", but may be evidence on the table.

"Damn it, if only we had allies in the Senate!"

Peoples cursed unwillingly. If there were senators in the Senate who supported them, the Speaker of the House would not dare to put such great pressure on them now.

"Yeah, it's a pity that Stevenson hasn't been elected yet. If he is elected, it will be much easier to have him endorse us in the Senate."

After Timothy also sighed with emotion, the atmosphere at the scene fell silent.

After a while, Prinhal seemed to have made a decision. He said to the two of them: "Forget it, the current situation is not very optimistic. I'd better quit first and see if I can elect a senator or a senator in the mid-term elections." Or let’s wait and see if Stevenson chooses him.”

"In that case, I'll retreat first."

Although the votes of criminals are tempting, the pressure from the top to the bottom of the House of Representatives is too great now. If the two continue to do this, they may be kicked out if they cannot insist on voting for them. So after a period of After careful consideration, the two finally had no choice but to withdraw.

If it were normal, Pips would definitely have scolded him when he saw the two allies withdrawing like this, but he also understood the situation he was in now, so although he was unwilling to do so, he could only express his acquiescence. .

In the next few days, the three congressmen headed by Peoples suddenly lowered their profile, not to mention accepting interviews with the media and attending events to criticize the black tax bill. They even stopped posting on Twitter. This confused many people.

"What's going on? Why haven't Congressman Peoples spoken out for several days in a row?"

"This is not right. It seems that at the beginning, Congressman Peoples was shouting loudly for repealing the black tax bill. Even after the embarrassing incident on the TV debate, he still continued to criticize the bill. How can he do it now? Disappeared?"

"Forget it that Pipps disappeared, and there is no news about the two Congressmen Timothy Pringhall. Something must have happened. Could it be that the IRS threatened them?"

Don’t you say that the black tax bill has serious flaws?

Didn’t you say that you will make every effort to promote the repeal or reform of this bill?

How many days has it been? Just start pretending to be dead?

Netizens who didn't know what was going on started talking about this a lot, but the criminals among them who originally expressed support for the three people were angry.

Although I don’t know much about the inside story behind the sudden retreat of the three people, it can be guessed that they must have received some pressure or even threats from the IRS!

These criminals began to set the pace on major social media, constantly attacking the three people with words such as cowards and cowards.

At the Western Suburbs Branch, after receiving the news from the main bureau that the Pips and the others were no longer active, David has not been idle these days. After presiding over this round of appraisal meeting on April 1, Then he asked his subordinates to conduct a thorough investigation of the remaining major film companies.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, after reading the information and documents collected in the past few days, David immediately called Lewis over and ordered: "It's been delayed for so many days. It's time to get down to business and issue a notice. The film company will come to our western suburbs branch to accept punishment for various tax issues before three o'clock tomorrow afternoon!"


Lewis immediately turned around and left the arrangement.

Soon after, representatives from several major film companies who received the news came to the Disney Film Company building and walked into the conference room with solemn expressions.

Disney Vice President Okanji, who was waiting here, didn't look much better at the moment.

After everyone gathered, the door of the conference room was closed.

The representative from Warner Film Company immediately asked: "Mr. Okanji, tell me now, what should we do?"

"Evan, don't panic first..."

"How can you not panic!"

Representative Warner, known as Alvin, interrupted and continued: "You have also seen that lobbying Congress is not effective now, and the three members of the Pipes have also backed down. We now have other Choose?

As soon as these words came out, representatives from major film companies all looked at Okanji with dissatisfaction.

If Disney hadn't come out to interfere with it.

After seeing that United Artists, Mijiao Film Company and Mijiao Film Company surrendered, they might just follow suit.

Well, now that the black tax bill has been introduced, it would be strange if the Western Suburbs Branch didn't blame them for this.

Even if you surrender now, the price you pay will definitely be heavier than if you surrendered in the first place.

"Everyone, please be patient. My bosses are already working on it and there will be a solution..."

Okanji was still trying to comfort him.

However, Ivan didn't take this trick anymore. He retorted: "Didn't you say the same thing before, saying that your bosses are already working on it? What's the result?"

"Those congressmen who criticized the black tax bill no longer dare to say anything due to the pressure from the IRS. Even if it is put into operation again, what can it do?"

This was once again recognized by representatives of several major film companies present.

It’s true that the bosses behind Disney have complicated backgrounds, but David can even handle members of Congress, so what else can’t he handle?

The Disney family is a big business and can still withstand the hardships, but these major film companies cannot withstand the hardships.

As the saying goes, mortals suffer when gods fight. If the fight continues, I don’t know whether Disney will die or not, but they will definitely be used as cannon fodder.

When Jia Duobao and Wang Laoji fought fiercely, wasn't He Qi Zheng the one who died?

"Gentlemen, please believe me again. My boss will find a solution. Don't compromise so easily..."

Okanji knew that he was in the wrong and could not refute too much, so he could only continue to comfort him.

"Okanji, you also know that the Western Suburbs Branch has just made a rumor and has investigated our situation clearly. We need to go for review before 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. We have reached this point. I and our Warner Films It is impossible for the company to continue fighting with him. In recent days, our stock price has suffered a lot because of this. I hope you can understand our situation..."

Because Warner Film Company may face sanctions from the Western Suburbs Branch at any time, the market has lacked confidence in them during this period, and their stock price has suffered great losses, so they really cannot withstand the pressure.

If you give in now, you may bleed heavily, but it doesn’t mean it’s over.

But if you really dare to continue to resist, once the Western Suburbs Branch imposes severe penalties, the entire company may collapse directly.

"Mr. Okanji, we at Huanqiu Pictures are too. We hope you can understand."

"So do we at Columbia Films."

"And we have Paramount..."

The other major film companies had obviously also thought carefully, so when they saw that Warner Bros. was preparing to protect their lives, they all followed the trend.

"Evan...you...Fake, do whatever you want!"

At this point, what else could Okanji say other than to curse.

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