United states tax collector

Chapter 241 Are you done? It's my turn!

"Director David, you don't need to thank me. As a member of Congress, reminding the general public to pay taxes is actually within the scope of my responsibilities."

Looking at Pipps's appearance as a bad guy, the IRS system was a little more angry. At this time, there was a sneer on the corner of David's mouth. How happy Pips is dancing now will be revealed later. How miserable!

"Now that Director David has explained the issue of tips for human rights organizations, let's change the topic."

Peoples picked up a briefcase placed under the table, took out a piece of information and said: "It has been almost three months and nearly four months since the Black Tax Act was passed on December 3, 2021. Your IRS Although the specific amount of tax revenue has not been announced, I have learned about it through various channels. The total amount of tax revenue is about 12-15 billion US dollars, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the senior officials of the IRS system, especially the DC General Administration, all looked tense because they had heard that Pips was going to make a fuss about the tax amount next.

"According to regulations, the specific tax amount of the black tax bill will not be officially announced until the end of this year, so I don't need to answer this question now."

"It doesn't matter if you don't answer."

Peoples raised the document in his hand and continued: "As I said, I got the rough data from various sources. Our total national tax revenue in the United States last year was 3.422 trillion U.S. dollars, of which personal income tax was (accounting for 22.1%), social security tax (accounting for 33.5%), corporate income tax (accounting for 7.6%), consumption tax (accounting for 17.5%), property tax (accounting for 1.4%) and other taxes (accounting for 17.9%)..."

"According to the requirements put forward by the Congressional Black Tax Bill Committee at that time, the share of the Internal Revenue Service's black tax bill must reach more than 1.5%. However, based on your current tax share, calculated on a single month basis, in the country The share of total tax revenue is less than 0.5%.”

"The Black Tax Act gives you nearly all tax powers, and also equips you with various resources, channels, and funds. However, your Internal Revenue Service has failed to achieve even half of the goals expected by the committee. So should this bill continue? Woolen cloth?"

Peoples knew that no matter how much he attacked the Internal Revenue Service's abuses of lynching in this debate, he could not shake the foundation of this bill.

Because whether David uses this bill to deal with human rights organizations or bureaucrats, it is all based on taxation. In simple terms, it has been implementing the original intention of the establishment of this bill.

And if he wants to shake this bill, he can only start from the original intention of this bill. For example, directly attacking the black tax has seriously failed to meet expectations. Only then will most members of Congress support this bill. shake.

As long as these members of Congress are shaken, this bill can really be shaken.

This is his trump card in today’s debate!

"Damn it, damn Pipps, how long has it been since the black tax bill was passed? Isn't it normal that it didn't meet expectations? Can this also be used to attack us?"

"It's only been a few fucking months. By the end of the year, it's enough that we can deliver results that satisfy the committee. Why are you so anxious now?"

Many senior officials in the Washington DC General Administration couldn't help but curse.

As for Obadiah Vertonghen and the others, their brows were furrowed and their faces solemn.

The so-called family members know their own affairs. Of course they know very well that the tax revenue from their black tax bill has indeed not reached expectations, or even, as Peoples said, has not reached half of the expected results.

And now that Pipps got this data from somewhere and announced it in front of the whole country, it is certain that Congress will be shaken.

During the live broadcast, David sneered: "The black tax bill has only been passed for a few months now. It is normal for it not to meet expectations, and it is still early before the end of the year. Of course, our IRS is confident that in the remaining half of the year , pull up the share, you are using this to make an argument now, isn't it a little too hasty?"

"Also, Representative Peoples, although you are a member of Congress, you are not a member of the Black Tax Bill Committee, right?"

"Logically speaking, it is not your turn to take care of the tax share of the black tax bill. What's more, I heard that you have not handled your constituency, voters, and various tasks well. Are you? You should take care of all your duties, and then worry about the tax share of our IRS?"

Peoples was not angry because of David's words, and replied without changing his expression: "Although I am not a member of the Black Tax Bill Committee, as I said before, as a member of the country..."

"Wait a minute Senator Peoples!"

Before the other party could finish speaking, David interrupted directly: "Since the beginning of today, you have made various accusations about our style of conduct and the black tax bill, and I have almost explained it to you one by one. You know, This is a debate on the TV station, not a hearing on the black tax bill. It’s my turn to ask some of your questions, Congressman Pipes, right?”

After saying this, Pipps was stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it carefully, David seemed to be right.

This was indeed just a TV debate, not a congressional hearing on the black tax bill. He really didn't have the power to keep asking David to answer.

And now that David has said these words in front of the whole world, it would be somewhat unfair and rude for him to forcefully interrupt the questioning of the black tax bill.

After all, it’s a debate, so naturally everyone can speak freely and ask what they want.

You've been asking me for so long, and I've explained and answered you one by one before. Now it's my turn to ask you, so naturally you have to give some answers, so that you can show the fairness of today's debate!

Thinking of this, Pipps could only reply magnanimously: "Okay Director David, since it's a debate, you can naturally ask me some questions."

"Okay, Congressman Peoples, I wonder if you still remember the closure of the Ingalls Shipyard in your district half a year ago?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Pips' expression, which had remained calm at first, froze, and the index finger of his right hand on the table trembled slightly.

"Interesting, judging from the facial expressions and other micro-reactions of Congressman Pipps, there seems to be something behind the so-called shutdown of the Ingalls Shipyard half a year ago?"

"Well, according to psychological analysis, when a person feels guilty about something, his eyes will flicker with uncertainty. Just now, when Director David mentioned the closure of Ingalls Shipyard, Pi Although Representative Pus quickly covered it up, I could still see that he was indeed a little flustered."

Ordinary viewers didn't notice anything unusual about these involuntary micro-expressions, but the facial expressions and psychological experts invited by the TV station discovered the clues, and they also made their own analysis with great interest.

"What, Senator Peoples is guilty?"

"It's interesting. Pipps has been attacking Director David and the IRS's black tax bill before. Is he going to be slapped down now?"

"As far as I know, this shipyard had more than 3,000 employees back then. When it was closed down, the workers there took to the streets to protest. It was quite a big deal at that time."


Through the analysis of TV station experts, the Internet became a hot topic at this moment.

At the same time, Oakland, a city located on the east coast of the San Francisco Bay Area, adjacent to San Francisco, is also the location of the former Ingalls Shipyard.

At this moment in this city, the shipyard employees who had been laid off and are still unemployed are holding their breath and clenching their fists.

The main reason why the Ingalls Shipyard was closed was because, for some unknown reason, as a member of Parliament for the area, Pieps had no reason to argue with the committee members established by Congress.

Therefore, after the results of the closure came out, more than 3,000 laid-off employees took to the streets to denounce Pipps. However, in the end, due to Pips' power, it could only be settled. .

And now that I heard that there might be some unknown inside story in this shipyard, the anger of the laid-off workers in this shipyard was once again reignited.

Live broadcast on KTLA-TV.

In fact, if ordinary people asked this question, a veteran like Pips would not show any abnormality at all.

But it is a pity that David is not an ordinary person. He is currently the number one executioner of the IRS. He has not only sent criminals, but also sent many high-ranking officials to prison.

Thinking of David's various achievements, coupled with the fact that he suddenly asked this very sensitive question for him, Pips was caught off guard and felt a flash of panic in his heart.

But he soon adjusted and asked, pretending to be confused: "This is what happened in my constituency at that time. Of course I remember this. What's the problem?"

“The original intention of shutting down this shipyard was because Congress wanted to reduce some of its financial resources. At that time, Congress chose three locations, namely the San Pedro Shipyard on the West Coast and Southeast Shipbuilding in Wilmington. plant, as well as Ingalls Shipyard in your constituency, one of these three will close."

"Ingalls Shipbuilding is one of the major shipyards of the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard. It has built many destroyers, cruisers and amphibious warfare ships. With so many contributions there, it stands to reason that as long as Pips Congressman, if you had argued your case to Congress, there was a high probability that this shipyard would not be selected, but you did not. Instead, you watched helplessly as it was shut down, causing more than 3,000 people to lose their jobs... …”


Pipps couldn't listen anymore, so he stretched out his hand and interrupted: "I don't know where you heard the news, saying that I will not argue with Congress for this, and that I have caused more than 3,000 people to lose their jobs. This is simply It’s nonsense. As the MP for this area, what good will closing this shipyard do to me?”

David smiled slightly and replied: "Of course, according to the news I heard, when Congress was going to choose one of these three shipyards to close one of them, the relevant personnel of the San Pedro Shipyard found you and brought you some advice. Along with the $1 million, they also promised to provide you with campaign funds and resources for the mid-term elections. In the end, after weighing the pros and cons, you chose to agree to this condition, so you did not argue hard in front of the committee. Congress shut down this shipyard!"

David obtained this information through Goldfinger, which is naturally accurate. The reason why he described it with the uncertain words "as far as I heard" is mainly because if he directly said that he had mastered this information, If there is any evidence, it means that the IRS must intervene in the investigation.

As a member of Congress, in order not to cause panic and targeting by other members of Congress, Peoples certainly cannot investigate and arrest him like other officials and criminals.

But it doesn't matter, his goal has been achieved, which is to embarrass Pips in front of the whole country and cause others to criticize him.

"It can be seen that Congressman Peoples is panicking. This proves that there is really something wrong with him!"

"Based on psychological behavior and performance, what Director David said may not necessarily be true rumors. Maybe... it's true?"

The experts from the TV station made their own analysis by observing Pipps's expression and demeanor.

"What, the reason why Congressman Pipps wants to close the shipyard in his district is because he received bribes and some conditions from the San Pedro Shipyard?"

"The San Pedro Shipyard is part of General Dynamics National Steel and Shipbuilding Company, which is also a subsidiary of General Motors. As for General Motors, it is the sixth largest defense contracting company in the world and the largest in the United States. One of the arms groups, it is ranked 214th on the Forbes Global 2000 list. It is a well-deserved giant group. Now I seem to understand why Congressman Pipps allowed the shipyard in his jurisdiction to be closed down!"

"Compared with getting some support from such a giant group and losing some votes and reputation by closing the shipyard in your own jurisdiction, the former is indeed more cost-effective!"

"Don't rush to a conclusion. After all, Director David is just hearsay, and there is no substantive evidence."


At this time, the Internet was also in an uproar because this big melon was exposed.

At this time, the laid-off employees of the original Ingalls Shipyard became even more excited.

Although David said it was just a rumor and did not say there was any substantial evidence, this is logically reasonable and can be explained.

As a shipyard that has made great contributions to the United States, Ingalls had a high chance of being retained by the congressional committee as long as Pips argued hard.

As for the reason why Pipps refused to argue, there really is no better explanation except that, as David said now, he accepted bribes and received some conditional support from the shipyard and even the company behind the shipyard. .

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