United states tax collector

Chapter 200 Farewell and prepare to go to Washington

David stretched out his arms and pressed down, signaling everyone to calm down, and then said: "I have just received the notice of taking office, and I don't know the local situation yet. As for whether I will take action against Hollywood, I will It depends on the situation. Of course, if there is tax evasion in Hollywood, then our IRS will naturally crack down hard!"

He has not yet determined the specific policy of the General Administration against Hollywood, so he does not dare to draw conclusions in front of so many media. He can only make a simple statement first, that is, anyone involved in tax evasion will be severely punished. !

"Tax Commissioner David, according to records, Nicolas Cage, Robert Downey Jr., Wesley Snipes and many other Hollywood stars have tax evasion records. After you take office this time, will you Will there be a tax review on these celebrities?”


Hollywood's traffic gimmick is too big. How could the media reporters let David go so easily? In the following time, they still asked all kinds of pointed questions.

But David is not a fool. He knows very well that there is a lot of capital involved in Hollywood, and naturally he does not want to become the target of public criticism before he takes office.

So no matter how the media dig holes for him or question him, he always answers in a Tai Chi way.

Finally, seeing that the time was almost up, he announced directly: "Okay everyone, I still have a lot of things to deal with, so I'll stop here today."

"Taxmaster David..."

Although the media was still asking questions relentlessly, David ignored it and returned to the bureau without thinking. When he returned to the office, he received a call from Donald.

Donald first congratulated him on being elected to the God-making Project, and then changed the topic and asked: "Get ready, come to the General Administration tomorrow, we will hold an election ceremony for you, and we will also tell you what will happen to you. Policies and guidelines of the jurisdiction.”

When he heard that the General Administration was going to hold an election ceremony for him, David felt quite excited, and then replied: "I understand Deputy Director Donald."

After ending the call, he picked up the landline phone again: "Bucky, ask all the team members to come to my office."

Seven or eight minutes later, all the team members headed by Bucky filed in. Except for Bobby who was suspended, all seven team members including Serena were present.

Although they have been confirmed to be elected, Bucky Nissen-Simmons and others still have excitement on their faces.

Because they know very well that not only will they be transferred to Los Angeles, but there will also be changes in their levels.

According to David's previous promise, it's hard to say who the deputy tax inspector will be, but the position of the tax chief is definitely stable!

Regardless of what everyone was thinking, David said directly: "I was able to be successfully elected because you have made a great contribution during this period. Thank you for your hard work during this period."

Although he has the bug of cheating, he would not have received so much tax money without Bucky Nissen-Simons running around for him and mobilizing personnel from various channels during this period.

Therefore, David’s gratitude now comes from the bottom of his heart.

"Tax...Director, this is what we should do!"

"Yes, Director, don't talk about contribution or hard work, as subordinates, this is what we should do."


Nissenbaki and others expressed their loyalty while also changing their words.

"Don't worry, I have said before that I will not treat you badly as long as I am selected. And I have told Director William before that I can transfer you. So, if you all want to be transferred to the Western Suburbs Branch , then submit an application report to me now."


Nissenbakisimmons and others did not neglect, they turned around and left to prepare the application report, but in the end, Selina stayed.

David also raised his gaze and looked at her. He was also a little uncertain about the current thoughts of the eldest lady of the Kennedy family.

Serena also looked directly into David's eyes, and the two looked at each other for a long time before she said, "Congratulations on being elected."


"Western Suburbs Branch, I want to go too."

"Give me a reason."

The transfer from the Lake District Bureau to the Western Suburbs Bureau is of course a gratifying thing for ordinary people like Nissenbaki.

But David knew that for Serena, the eldest lady of the Kennedy family, even being transferred to the White House, let alone the Western Suburbs Bureau, might not be something worth celebrating.

"I remember I should have told you last time about our economic problems in the United States and the reasons for the passage of the black tax bill, right?"

David nodded. The last time the other party invited him to a restaurant for dinner, he did tell him about the economic situation in the United States and the fundamental reason why the black tax bill passed Congress.

"Then have you ever calculated how much tax revenue has been generated for our IRS since the Black Tax Act was passed?"

David shook his head. During this period, he had been busy working on taxes and had no time to compile these tax data.

What's more, strictly speaking, these data have nothing to do with him now. This is something that the General Administration should pay attention to.

"Let me tell you, including the tax revenue of this round of assessment period, it is less than 10 billion! And do you know how much our military expenditure is every month in the United States? The answer is a minimum of 60 billion! This is still just military expenditure That’s all, there are also medical insurance, social welfare and various expenses..."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"What I want to say is that it has been several months since this black tax bill passed Congress, but the tax revenue it has created cannot sustain the military's military expenditure for a month. Therefore, the White House must be dissatisfied."

After hearing this, David gradually understood what Serena was trying to express, and he asked: "So you mean, does the General Administration have other deeper meanings in transferring me to Los Angeles this time?"

"That's right!"

Serena affirmed, and then said: "I'm sure that the White House must have put pressure on the top management of the General Administration, and the top management of the General Administration has no choice. They must find a way to create more tax revenue, so they can only This task can only be accomplished by cutting off capital.”

"But you also know that our American capitalists are very powerful. If they threaten their interests, they would even dare to kill the president... so even the IRS does not dare to go too far all at once."

"Although Hollywood is also rampant with capital, compared to areas like Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and the military-industrial complex, this place is considered a soft persimmon, and it can also be said to be a testing point."

Although Selina didn't know the specific content of the communication between the White House and the top officials of the IRS, she graduated from Harvard University's Department of Economics. Through the domestic economic situation and some channels of family power, she quickly analyzed the situation. That was the main reason for transferring David to the western suburbs branch.

After hearing what he said, David was also lost in thought.

He could guess that the General Administration had deep intentions in transferring him to the western suburbs branch, but he had never thought about the game between the White House and the General Administration against capital.

But there is no doubt that Serena's words are generally correct based on his judgment.

After all, after the announcement of the god-making project, although the General Administration clearly stipulated that as long as elected, he would be promoted to a local branch director, and the location would be a big city, but the final result was confirmed to be a super city like Los Angeles. This is still more or less Somewhat unexpected.

Forget about Los Angeles, it is still a branch in the western suburbs with sensitive areas like Hollywood. It is certainly impossible to say that the General Administration does not plan to take action against Hollywood.

Thinking of this, David's attitude gradually became serious.

The joyful mood that I had been carrying since being elected has gradually cooled down now.

His election has not only completely brought him into the sight of the top management of the General Administration, but according to Serena, he may also have come into the sight of the White House. In addition, he may also become a thorn in the side of the Hollywood capital.

And being trapped by these three parties, if it doesn't go well, it will definitely be bad luck.

He hasn't even taken office yet. Why does he, the director of the Western Suburbs Bureau, feel so stressed?

"So you just asked me to give you a reason. My reason is that the situation there is very complicated, and I can help you!"

Serena seemed to see David's inner thoughts and said this with confidence.

David raised his gaze and looked at her. After thinking for a while, he said, "Give me an application report."

He didn't want to get too close to the Kennedy family, mainly because he was afraid of the group of capitalists who were enemies of the Kennedy family.

But after realizing that the General Administration may have asked him to deal with the capital there, judging from the current situation, he felt that keeping Serena by his side was not necessarily a disadvantage.

After all, the Kennedy family is one of the four major families in the United States, and Serena is backed by the Kennedy family, and the channel resources she controls are somewhat helpful to him.

Just like just now, if Serena hadn't reminded him, he would still have been immersed in the dream of being elected as the director of the Western Suburbs Bureau, without realizing the pressure and danger involved.

Serena raised the corners of her red lips, then turned and walked out.

About twenty minutes later.

Buckneyson, Simmons and others walked in one after another and handed over their application reports. After David sorted it out, he walked towards the director's office with some documents and cases that he needed to deal with after leaving office. passed.

When he came to the director's office, he knocked on the door first, got the prompt, then opened the door and walked in. He put the documents he brought on the table and then said: "Director, this is what I need to hand over to my successor after I leave office." I have sorted out all the documents and information, and there are also application reports from Buckinson and the others."

William nodded to express his understanding, and after gesturing for David to sit down, he said: "David, it is a good thing to be elected and come to the God-making Project, but this area of ​​the Western Suburbs Branch is not ordinary. After you take office, you must act carefully. ah……"

"I will."

"That's fine."

William picked up the landline phone and ordered: "Gusin, let everyone gather in the lobby on the first floor. Let's say goodbye to Director David."

After receiving the notice, all the inspectors, tax chiefs, and tax inspectors from all over the world quickly put aside their work and came to the lobby on the first floor.

Shortly after they arrived, David also walked down with William.

"Director David, I wish you all the best."

"Director David, I miss you."


Keanu, Hutton, Hector and others came forward one by one to hug or shake hands and say their final goodbyes to David.

And David didn't miss anyone. He shook hands with all the inspectors in the overall situation and the staff of other departments and said goodbye. Then he waved to them and finally left through the door.

Seeing David's departure, the inspectors, tax chiefs, tax inspectors and others in the bureau felt a sense of loneliness in their hearts.

In the past few months, the name of their Lake District branch has been resounding throughout the IRS system, but after today, I'm afraid there won't be such an opportunity again.

"Director, once Director David leaves, I feel like the sky is falling for our Lake District branch."

Gu Xing came to William without concealing his inner disappointment.

"Oh, what can we do? There will always be such a day..."

"But then again, I guess it will be your turn soon."

William was also disappointed, but after hearing Gu Xin's reminder, his face suddenly turned rosy.

That's true.

During this period of time, under his leadership, the Lake District Branch's tax revenue has repeatedly hit new highs, and the candidates for the God-making Project were trained by him. With so many political achievements here, how could his position remain unchanged? ?

When he thought that he was going to be promoted soon, William's sense of disappointment disappeared and he became full of expectations.

Here, after David returned to his apartment, he immediately found the landlord to discuss terminating the rent.

The deposit had to be deducted because the contract period was not satisfied, but he didn't care about this little money at all, so the landlord readily agreed.

After that, he packed some luggage and items that needed to be taken to Los Angeles, and found someone from a courier company to send them there in advance.

After doing all this, he returned to the apartment building and called to book a flight to Washington for tomorrow morning.

Ever since David was elected to the God-making Project, the heated discussion about the IRS system has not dissipated. Due to the fact that the jurisdiction has Hollywood, it has been heavily publicized by the media and even made the headlines of major platforms, arousing the attention of the whole people. discussion.

Carson City, FBI field office.

"Mr. Gavin has been confirmed. David will go to Washington tomorrow to attend the election ceremony and work report held by their general bureau. Then he will go directly to the western suburbs branch to take up his post."

In the office, Gavin was overjoyed when he heard the report from Owen.

Ever since David caught him, it would be an understatement to say that he had trouble sleeping and eating. Every day he was worried that David would do something embarrassing to him, or that David would get upset with him and do something to him.

All in all, David was like a sword of Damocles hanging over his head, giving him a sense of fear at all times.

But fortunately, now, the Sword of Damocles is finally leaving him!

After the state government confirmed the news that David would leave Nevada tomorrow, Lowry, Aldington and others were equally excited.

Like Gavin, they also have a sense of breaking free.

And this night was a happy one for them, and it was also the most sound sleep they had in a while!

PS: Thank you to Brother Wan Zhanghai for your reward support! ! !

A new chapter will start soon, so I have been a little slow in writing these two days, but what I can tell you is that the new chapter will no longer focus on the struggle against lawless elements, but will begin to focus on describing the struggle against capitalists. , the capitalists, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the major powerful families in the United States, and the Federal Reserve will gradually appear, and the story will become more and more exciting. I hope everyone will not run away and continue to pursue it!

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