United states tax collector

Chapter 152 A breakthrough in the smuggling case

After Isidor left, David looked at Simmons and said, "Keep an eye on him tonight!"


After finishing this matter, it was almost 10 o'clock.

Today was another court session in Henderson and a tiring journey. David also felt a little tired, so he returned home and fell asleep.

It was eight o'clock the next day.

After a night's rest, David was already feeling refreshed and was about to go to the bureau after brushing his teeth to deal with today's matters.

But at this moment, a rapid ringtone rang.

He could only rinse his mouth quickly, then picked up the phone on the bedside and looked at it. When he saw that it was Keanu calling, he quickly picked up the call.

"How about the tax inspector Keanu?"

"Sorry, Commissioner David, I didn't disturb you so early, did I?"

"No, I'm about to go to the bureau."

"That's good. Oh, by the way, I heard that you just came back from Henderson City. I have to say that you did a great job in the two cities. It made our IRS look good."

"Keanu's tax inspector gave him a reward."

"Oh, by the way, did you encounter any difficulties regarding the two major cases, or did you need help from our Main Street Branch Bureau?"

On the surface, Keanu was asking if he had any difficulties or if there was anything he needed help from the Main Street Bureau.

But in fact, David heard the urging meaning in the other party's words.

However, he didn't point it out and replied: "There are no difficulties at the moment. There are already some clues about the counterfeit banknote case. If it's quick, it can be solved today, if it's slow, it may be the day after tomorrow!"

"Really, that would be great!"

On the other end of the phone, Keanu's voice sounded very happy, and then replied: "Okay, I won't disturb Mr. David."

After ending the call, David put on his coat, picked up his tax badge and gun, went downstairs to buy a cup of coffee and a hot dog, and then walked to the bureau's office.

Knowing that he had arrived at the game, Simmons quickly came to him and reported: "Last night, after the guy returned to the casino, he played until 3 o'clock in the morning. He exchanged one million for counterfeit banknotes and lost 50. Ten thousand, and the remaining 500,000 was laundered into real money by him using the casino, and then he returned home, nothing unusual."

David nodded and said, "As for the smuggling case, didn't you say you found several relevant persons? Bring them back to me first."


Simmons immediately turned around and walked out.

After about an hour, the doorbell was rang, and then Simmons walked in and said: "Tax Commissioner, I have brought him back and he is in the interrogation room!"

David immediately stopped what he was doing and came to the door of an interrogation room on the third floor. After pushing the door open, he found two men and one woman sitting inside.

[Name: Augustus Lambert. 】

[Occupation: Smuggled goods broker. 】

[Illegal income: 2 million US dollars. 】

[Income details: On December 7, he helped a smuggling group to match up a buyer named Morrison, who made a profit of US$300,000 through ivory trading. On December 18, he helped a smuggling group to match up a buyer named Rutherford. A buyer from Germany made a profit of US$200,000 through the transaction of antelope horns...]

【More details:……】

[Tax payable: US$792,000. 】


In an instant, David had reviewed the three people's information.

Simmons and the others were right in their investigation. These three people were indeed related to the smuggling case in the main street.

As for the identity of these people, they are the group's brokers, that is, people who specialize in introducing buyers of smuggled items to the group.

While David was sizing up the three of them, the three of them also had expressions of fear after seeing David's face.

Obviously, they knew David.

David put away his thoughts and asked, "Do you recognize me?"

The man named Augustus pretended to be calm and replied: "You are joking, Chief David, you have been in the limelight recently. I am afraid there are very few people in Las Vegas who don't know you..."

"Now that you know me, let me stop talking nonsense. Do you know why we came to you?"

The three of them looked at each other, and then Augustus shook his head and said, "I don't know..."

"Stop pretending, I know you are the brokers of the smuggling group. As long as you answer some of my questions honestly and pay the taxes you should pay, I don't want to embarrass you!"

"I...we are not brokers, please don't talk nonsense!"

Seeing how ignorant these guys were, David also turned cold and said, "What are you doing on December 7, 2021?"

Augustus felt a little guilty, but still said stubbornly: "I...I can't remember..."

"Can not remember?"

David sneered: "Then let me recall it for you. On December 7, through your connections, you found a retirement fund manager named Morrison in the main street and brought him 4 cigarettes from the smuggling group. The transaction for high-quality ivory was 1.5 million U.S. dollars, and in the end you earned a commission of 300,000, remember?"

After hearing this matter being pointed out, Augustus' expression immediately changed.

But before he could react, David continued: "And on the 18th, you brought 20 pairs of high-quality antelope horns from the smuggling group and sold them to a man named Rutherford. Buyer, the transaction was for $1 million, and you earned a commission of $200,000."


"do not talk!"

This time, before David could continue, Augustus interrupted directly, and then said in a frustrated tone: "Since you have found out so clearly, I can only admit defeat, and I will pay the tax." !”

David turned to look at the other two people: "What about you?"

"We will pay it too."

The two of them admitted it without even thinking about it.

Now that David has found them, and since he can investigate Augustus so clearly, is there any need to think about it?

All their transaction information must have been investigated clearly.

Instead of continuing to engage in useless verbal disputes, it is better to waste less saliva and just admit it!

"very good!"

David was quite satisfied, and then said: "In addition, I need a favor from you. I want some information about your online presence."

Upon hearing this, the three of them suddenly became embarrassed.

"Why, don't you want to?"

"It's not that...it's just that our upline is sick and is currently being treated in Germany."

David questioned: "The smuggling group you are dealing with is quite large. Are you just going online like this?"

"They are very cautious. For such a long time, the three of us have been in contact with a senior executive of their group named Chilwell. We don't know the rest of the senior executives!"

"If that's the case, how will you get the goods next?"

David still didn't give up his doubts.

"I heard from Chilwell that a batch of goods will arrive in the next two days, and their group will arrange for someone to contact us by then."

"These two days? Do you have an accurate time? Which route did you take?"

"I'm not sure about this..."

David's face darkened, and then he looked at the other two people. Suddenly he noticed that the female broker named Sharon looked a little strange. He immediately asked: "How are you Sharon, do you have anything to add?"

"no no……"


David's sudden slap on the table not only startled Sharon, but also frightened Augustus and the two people beside him.

"Just say whatever you have to say. Don't try to hide it from me. It won't do you any good. Do you understand Sharon?"

Facing the aggressive David, and recalling his shocking move of bringing armed troops into the Indian tribe, Sharon could not bear it any longer, and immediately said tremblingly: "One time Chilwell and I met to get goods. , he was an hour late, and later found out that his truck driver had a heart attack on the way. I happened to have a friend who was an unemployed truck driver, so I recommended him to him. Maybe my friend knew the route..."

"Well, ask him where he is now and ask him to come over!"

Sharon was a little embarrassed and then said: "This... Chief David, this is my friend after all. I don't want him to know that I tricked him. I hope you can understand..."

David thought for a moment and replied: "Okay, then give me his phone number, name, address, etc., and we will take care of it ourselves."


As if she had been granted amnesty, Sharon immediately took a pen and paper and started writing. After she finished writing, she tore off the paper and gave it to David.

"Go and check, then make a call. Don't make any noise first and try to trick him."

David took it and handed it to Simmons without looking at it, and Simmons immediately opened the door and walked out of the interrogation room.

About 10 minutes later, Simmons came back and said, "He has a fever. It's very severe. He's at home now and can't come to us."

David frowned, then stood up, opened the door and walked out. As he walked, he said to Simmons, "Take me to his house!"

Half an hour later.

Main Street, a civilian community.

The car driven by Simmons stopped in front of a house at No. 102.

The car door opened and David got out of the car first, came to the door and rang the doorbell.

Soon, an 11- or 12-year-old girl opened the door and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Is Mr. Aubrey home?"

"Looking for my dad? He has a fever."

"We are from the IRS and would like to ask your father a few questions."

David said as he took out his tax badge.

The girl hesitated for a while, but finally turned around, led the two of them up to the second floor, came to the door of a room, opened the door and walked in.

I saw a middle-aged man lying on the bed with a towel on his forehead, looking extremely weak.

[Name: Aubrey Jamie. 】

[Occupation: Truck driver. 】

[Income: US$40,000. 】

[Income details: Income from salary from smuggling group...]

【More details:……】

[Amount of tax payable: US$10,000. 】

After checking through Goldfinger, and after confirming that Sharon had not lied to him, David said: "Mr. Aubrey, we are from the IRS and want to ask you something!"

Hearing someone speaking, Aubrey on the bed slowly opened her eyes and looked at David and Nissen who appeared in the room.

But at this time, he looked a little confused, obviously he didn't understand what David said before.

"You go out first, I'll talk to your father about something."

The girl nodded and walked out.

David then said again: "Mr. Aubrey, we are from the IRS!"


Aubrey, who was still very weak, immediately tensed up after hearing these three words, and then tried to pretend to be confused and asked: "Two gentlemen from the IRS, what do you want to ask?"

"We have already investigated and know that you are working for a smuggling group, but we do not want to embarrass you. As long as you tell me the group's hidden sufferings and smuggling routes, then I will turn around and leave. As for the fees you need to pay, Taxation...just treat it as a reward for your meritorious service!"

It's just a mere $10,000 in taxes, and David is too lazy to deal with it now.

"I...I don't work for a smuggling group, and I don't know the route. You must have made a mistake in your investigation!"

Seeing that Aubrey still chose to speak harshly, Simmons immediately stood up and said, "Mr. Aubrey, according to our IRS investigation, you have been unemployed for half a year, and no funds have been remitted to any of your accounts within half a year."

"What's interesting is that in September, you paid a tuition fee of 20,000 US dollars for your daughter. We also checked your gas, fuel and other consumption bills in the past few months. The expenditure was about 20,000 US dollars. Above, aren’t you going to explain the source of this money?”

Aubrey, who was already pale due to fever, turned even paler after hearing these words, but he remained silent.

Simmons continued to add: "If you continue like this, then I will have to arrest you and charge you with unknown sources of property and tax evasion. Think about your daughter, how will she survive if you go to jail?" !”

As soon as he heard about his daughter, Aubrey could no longer remain silent. He gritted his teeth and said: "They will change the warehouse to a new location every time. I don't know the new location yet, but the smuggling route always comes from Honglin Valley. .”

"Red Forest Valley?"

David knew this place, which was located about 10 kilometers away from the Indian tribe. It was considered a sparsely populated area.

"Then what time is the next time? When?"

"At 2 o'clock this morning, they will have a batch of goods arriving!"


"I'm sure, because I was originally notified to go, but I suddenly had a high fever this morning and couldn't go, so I had to ask for leave."

"Okay, then Mr. Aubrey, please give me some good news!"

On the way back, Bucky suggested: "If we are going to 'cut off goods' tonight, should we transfer some people from other teams?"

Although smugglers are not too dangerous, he feels that they need to be on guard.

"Relocating manpower from other teams...forget it, we don't need them!"

If you want to second people from other teams, you will have to pay taxes as a reward.

Now in this case, the taxes are different from those on the street.

So why not use people from the main neighborhood?

Didn't Keanu always tell him to ask him for help if he needs help? Then it would be in vain if he didn't ask for help!

Immediately, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Keanu's number.

"What's going on, Commissioner David?"

Soon, the phone was connected, and Keanu's questioning voice came.

"Inspector Keanu, there are some clues about the smuggling case. I need you to arm two inspection teams tonight and come over to cooperate with me on my mission!"

"Sure, what time is it?"

Upon hearing that the smuggling case had made such great progress, Keanu was very happy and agreed.

"About 11 p.m."

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