United states tax collector

Chapter 131 Chapter 130: Barbie Q, killed the governor’s son

Samson pointed: "The path on the left goes uphill, about 5 kilometers!"

Following his instructions, two official cars drove up immediately.

at the same time.

On the mountainside of the Red Rock Mountains, inside a temporary wooden house.

"Shoot, shoot, kill him, haha. Molly, your 'little lamb' was killed by my tiger, hahaha..."

"Dammit, pick up the gun, pick up the gun, bastard!"

"There are landmines there, don't go there, oh Shet..."

Dozens of surveillance screens were placed inside the wooden house, and a group of men and women inside were staring at the screens and constantly making curses, cheers, and other sounds.

ten minutes later.

Sitting in the center, a young man with dyed red hair couldn't help laughing after seeing the target he selected on the screen killing three opponents: "Hahahaha, that bastard Marvin, finally You brought me a lion!”

Just now, no matter who made a proud sound in the room, he would be rebutted and provoked by others.

But the strange thing is that after the red-haired man made a proud voice, everyone at the scene was silent. No one dared to verbally provoke or ridicule.

It can also be seen from this that the red-haired man is a being that no one dares to mess with even among this group of second-generation ancestors!

"Wait...what's going on? Why did a car come in?"

At this moment, a second-generation ancestor in the house saw two cars coming in through the surveillance screen on one side and quickly made a sound.

Hearing his reminder, everyone looked over.

Sure enough, two cars appeared on one of the monitor screens.

And what worried everyone was that the area where the two cars drove over happened to be the area where the red-haired man had just chosen his target.

While thinking, the target on the screen quickly came face to face with the two cars.

The target had just killed three people and was already in a state of fright. As soon as he saw the appearance of the vehicle, he immediately opened fire on the leading vehicle.

It can also be seen through the surveillance screen that the people in the vehicle were not to be outdone and immediately stretched out their guns to fight back.

Feeling the suppressed fire, the target hurriedly hid behind a tree.

But he couldn't hide for long before he was shot by a man with excellent marksmanship in the car, exposing his calf. He fell down, and was killed by a direct shot to the head.

"Fake Squid, Fake Squid, who can tell me who they are, I will kill them!"

Seeing this scene, the red-haired man in the wooden house was so angry that he jumped up and down.

He has played this hunting game many times, but has never been able to win the championship once. Now he finally had some hope, but it was shattered due to the intervention of outsiders. How could this keep him from going berserk!

Then, without saying a word, he picked up an M1903 rifle and walked out of the house.

The others also looked at each other, and finally picked up their weapons, intending to teach the outside saboteurs a lesson.

At the same time, here is the surveillance screen scene.

"Is everything okay?"

The car David and the others were riding in followed, but they were not attacked by the gunman just now.

"It's okay, tax chief. Fortunately, our car has bulletproof glass."

Hearing the sound coming from the headset, David breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and punched Samson in the abdomen, and said viciously: "Why didn't you tell us if you were in danger?"

Samson's face was distorted because of the pain. It took him a long time to recover, and he replied aggrievedly: "The movements of the prey are not restricted in this area, and I didn't know they would come here." Come over here..."

In fact, what he wants to say more is that you are the ones who insist on coming. If you don't come, there will be no danger!

David asked: "Is that the prey just now?"

Samson replied: "Anyone with a collar around their neck!"

"Why the collar?"

"Because it is an explosive device. As long as the prey runs out of the specified range, it will automatically detonate!"

"You guys, these employers, are really ruthless!"

David couldn't help but feel sad for these captured prey, but he had no choice but to do so. This was the way of this world where the weak and the strong preyed on each other.

The Internal Revenue Service, for example, is powerful enough to punish those lawbreakers and the current second-generation ancestors.

"Keep walking, keep your spirits up, maybe you will encounter other prey!"

David reminded, and then the vehicle continued to the location of the second generation ancestors given by Samson.

Fortunately, we were lucky on the rest of the way and didn't encounter any more attacks. Everyone successfully saw the small wooden house a few hundred meters away.

But just when everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly, bursts of gunfire rang out, and then both vehicles felt the impact of bullets.

"damn it!"

Nissen, who was in the front car, cursed, then quickly turned on the loudspeaker in the car and shouted: "Stop, we are from the IRS!"

He knew that the second-generation ancestors must have misunderstood and thought they were here to cause trouble, so he opened fire on them.

Opposite, the second-generation ancestors who were ambushing around the wooden house all released their triggers after hearing that it was the IRS, and all of them were in a state of confusion with big eyes and small eyes.

They did not know that they were from the IRS before, but now that they knew it, they dared to open fire.

Although they are all relatively arrogant due to their family backgrounds and the extreme ideological exaggeration of the brotherhood, most of them have not yet lost their minds. They still know how powerful the IRS is.

But most people have not lost their minds, but some people have lost their minds.

“Fuck the IRS!”

This man was the red-haired man just now. Not only did he have no intention of giving up, but in order to better hit the opponent, he directly stuck his head out of the bunker and fired a bunch of bullets at the vehicle in front of him.

"Da da da……"

In the official car in front, Nissen and others were dumbfounded when they saw that the person on the other side dared to open fire after announcing their name to the IRS.

They have even begun to wonder, aren't the Indians' lessons profound enough?

How dare these people take action against their IRS?

It seems that the second-generation ancestors of these brotherhoods are really extreme to the extreme, otherwise they would not play such an inhumane game!

Nissen was also angry and immediately opened half of the car window. With his keen observation, he quickly locked the direction of the bullet.

What was even more surprising was that the second-generation ancestor who shot at them actually stuck his head out like a fool.

Then he won't be polite!

Nissen immediately raised his gun and took aim, and then suddenly pulled the trigger. As a Marine, his marksmanship naturally did not need to be questioned.

Although there was no direct shot to the head, it still hit the opponent's neck. The red-haired man fell to the ground instantly, clutching his bleeding neck.

All this happened in just a blink of an eye.

On the wooden house side, seeing the red-haired man fall, a second-generation ancestor who was close was stunned. Realizing his fear, he suddenly shouted: "Don't shoot, I surrender, I surrender!"

After saying that, he threw the gun directly.

The other second-generation ancestors, after hesitating for a moment, followed suit.

After all, they were law enforcement officers from the Internal Revenue Service, not gangsters or thugs. As long as they surrendered, their lives would not be killed.

inside the vehicle.

Nissen breathed a sigh of relief and turned to the headset for instructions: "Tax Commissioner, they know they are afraid!"

"Then get out of the car, but be careful in case they plot!"


The two car doors opened, and Nissen and others got out with guns in hand, and then cautiously moved toward the wooden house.

"Raise your hands and stand up, don't play any tricks, otherwise I will kill you without mercy!"

Nissen and others walking on the wall warned as they walked.

The second-generation ancestors were also very cooperative and walked out one after another with their hands raised.

"Fake Squid, Marcus is dying, who can help him!"

At this moment, the anxious shouts of a woman in the area where the red-haired man fell just now attracted the attention of the second generation ancestors.

When they turned around to look, everyone looked dumbfounded.

Because they were in a tense state just now, many people didn't notice what happened. But now when they took a closer look, they saw that the red-haired man's neck was stained with blood, and he looked like he was out of breath. appearance.

At this time, Nissen had already walked up and looked at the red-haired man. Although the bullet grazed his neck, it had obviously injured the blood vessels. With this bleeding speed, it would be difficult for him to be an immortal in this barren mountain. saved.

But he didn't really care.

First of all, this guy must have evaded taxes.

Secondly, they were enforcing the law, and after being warned, this guy actually dared to shoot at him, so his counterattack was in compliance with all rules and regulations.

In short, this guy died in vain.

"Marcas...Fake, what did you do? Why did you shoot him? Fake..."

At this time, David and others had also walked up, and Samson, who was following him, saw the red-haired man lying on the ground clearly, and ran up anxiously while cursing.

Less than 5 seconds after he arrived at the red-haired man's side, the red-haired man's pupils became dilated and he died.

This made him fall directly to the ground, and murmured desperately: "It's over, it's over..."

"What's going on Samson, who is he?"

Seeing Samson's appearance, David couldn't help but stepped forward and asked.

Samson turned his head, his face changed from despair to anger, and accused: "He is the son of Stevenson Curtis. It is not good for you to kill anyone. Why did you kill him!"

"Stevenson Curtis? Governor of Nevada?"

Samson said emotionally: "What do you think!"

After receiving the confirmation, Nissen's face suddenly turned pale.

He knew that each of these second-generation ancestors had a rich or noble family background, but he did not expect that a governor's son would actually be shot dead by him.

And he is also the governor of their state of Nevada!

You know, in the United States, the governor has great power.

Even the president has no power to remove them, so sometimes they don’t even have to give him the respect of the president.

In history, when the federal government wants to implement a bill, sometimes the president needs them to implement it in the states, and he has to beg these governors for help.

The original Declaration of Independence stipulated that each state has the power to formulate its own laws, build its own armed forces, form alliances, engage in business, and conduct self-trade.

At that time, American states even had the right to issue their own currency and form their own armed forces, but the federal government did not even have the power to tax the states.

Today, although the federal government has taken back many powers from the states, such as tax autonomy, it has been transferred to the Internal Revenue Service.

But the power of the governor can still be said to belong to the emperor.

Not only can he enact many laws in the state, but he can also direct the work of cities in the state. Most importantly, he also has the power to mobilize the National Guard.

The National Guard's equipment and weapons are not as sophisticated as those of the IRS, but the Nevada National Guard has a division of people.

This is definitely an armed force that cannot be underestimated!

Although the IRS is not afraid of a mere governor, Nissen is just a small auditor, so of course he is.

Because after all, he is not David. David is now the star tax collector of the IRS. He has made such a great contribution to the IRS and is the commander of armed dispatches.

Therefore, even if David offends the president, whether it is for image or to set an example for other auditors, the IRS will definitely try to protect him.

But Nissen is a small auditor. Maybe in order to appease the governor's anger, the IRS secretly dealt with him!

Even if we don't deal with it and transfer him to guard the pond or something, his future will be ruined!

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