The old man was very angry.

"Little Wang Ye, look carefully, this is not a Tongtian talisman, it's just a show."

As the old Taoist priest said this, he casually slapped him, a simple and unpretentious slap.

Then, under the gaze of Wang Quan and Wang Ye, the slap without any fancy moves, even without the authentic Qi, smashed the thunder that was raging all over the sky.

Two years ago, Wang Quan's method of dealing with Zhang Lingyu's thunder method was returned by the old Taoist priest.

"Alas, the old Taoist priest is the old Taoist priest, he saw through it at a glance." Wang Quan sighed, his face pale.

The Qi seal he used just now was exactly what he learned from Mr. Lu. Unfortunately, the Eight Wonders are the Eight Wonders. If he wants to replicate them, his divine hand is not qualified.

But what she didn't expect was that this defective among the defective ones almost drained his Qi.

"Little Wang Quan, what other tricks do you have, use them all." The old Taoist raised his hand slightly and hooked his fingers.

It should be said that this gentleman is really naughty. He can do the little tricks of the young people.

Wang Quan stretched his waist and said, "It seems that you can't let me go without showing some real skills."

"Then come on!"

Wang Quan took a step forward, and the color of his skin and even his eyes began to fade, even infinitely close to pure white.

His hair also began to turn snow-white from the roots, scattered to his waist, and moved with the wind.

At this time, he was full of holiness, which was a trick that Wang Ye had never seen before.

"When a person is born, the innate Qi is transformed into the limbs and bones. This is compliance. Compliance is the law of nature, but it is difficult to escape death. Rebellion is a traitor, but there is a glimmer of hope."

The old Taoist priest looked at Wang Quan in front of him, his expression a little dazed.

Indistinctly, he seemed to see the immortal Daying again.

You know, even Lu Jin has never given him this feeling.

This alone is definitely not something that an innate supernatural power can do, unless this person's talent is enough to support him to the level of the left sect leader back then.

"Little Wang, you have finally opened your eyes today." The old Taoist priest slowly came back to his senses.

Out of respect for the Sanyi Sect, the old Taoist priest's body quickly showed golden light, which was the signature of the Taoist temple, the Golden Light Curse.

Looking at the little... old golden man in front of him, Wang Quan's face turned greener. What virtue and ability did he have to let the old Taoist priest use the Golden Light Curse to beat him.

But it was too late to avoid it now.

Wang Quan was really stubborn, and he went up and slapped the old Taoist priest.

After the slap, he flew backwards, smashed the gate, and several more roars sounded.

Wang Ye crouched in front of the gate and looked out, only to see several old trees that were a bit old cut off from the waist and fell down.

In an instant, dust flew everywhere, and there was no trace of Wang Quan's figure.

Wang Ye swallowed his saliva and turned around, "Old Taoist priest, you won't kill him with a slap, will you?"

"Don't worry about him, he's very tough, he ran away a long time ago." The old Taoist priest smacked his lips and dispersed the golden light spell.

He lowered his head and rubbed his fingers, always feeling a little itchy, "If I had known that he was so resistant to beating, I would have used more strength."

As he said that, he looked thoughtfully at Wang Ye who was trying to leave furtively.

At that moment, Wang Ye almost cried, "Old Heavenly Master, do you have anything else to say?"

"Didn't I just say that? You want to deal with that guy for me, I have to give it a try, don't you think?"

As the old Heavenly Master said this, his figure flashed and disappeared from the spot.

Wang Ye's pupils shrank suddenly, and he raised his hand without hesitation and made a gesture in front of him, "Luan Jinwei!"

At that moment, Wang Ye felt his head buzzing and rolled forward subconsciously.

When he looked back, the old Heavenly Master was looking at his hand, a little doubtful, "Just now... I seem to be out of touch with the surrounding environment?"

Looking at the towering old Heavenly Master, Wang Ye's forehead was sweating coldly and he could hardly stand up.

'Good guy, I almost fainted after using the Luan Jinwei on the old man once. It's too difficult to influence this person. '

'Is this the weight of the Heavenly Master of Zhengyi Tianshi Mansion? ’

“Magic?” The old Taoist priest had lived a long time and had seen a lot, so he saw through Wang Ye’s tricks at once.

“You have more than one master, right?”

Wang Ye’s eyes flickered subconsciously, avoiding the old Taoist priest’s gaze.

The old Taoist priest didn’t delve into it, but turned and went into the house, “Little Wang Ye, go back and rest quickly, tomorrow’s competition will not be easy.”

“Yes, old Taoist priest, tonight

"The elders are leaving." Wang also bowed to the closed door, turned around and left the yard.

As for what happened here, although it attracted the attention of many people, they did not dare to approach under the pressure of the old Taoist priest.

When it was late at night, a figure sneaked back to the yard in the dark, took something from the corner and left without stopping.

"Hey, this kid! "The old Taoist priest seemed to see the people outside through the window, but he didn't say anything.

Now, he was sitting on the bed with a headache. Not to mention the strange people in the world, let's talk about the Ten Lords.

Because of Wang Quan, old man Wang Ai didn't have any bad ideas, but other people were not so quiet.

The old family and the new rich family were secretly fighting endlessly; old man Lu even started a fire in Longhu Mountain.

The old ones were like this, and the young ones were even more tit-for-tat.

It was impossible not to have a headache.


The next morning.

"Hey, Zhang Chulan, how did you sleep? Do you want me to help you wake up?"

Wang Quan ran into Zhang Chulan with a gloomy face as soon as he arrived.

There is no doubt that he has seen the wonderful images of his great power last night, and now he only wants to do one thing.

That is to kill that damn photographer!

Hearing Wang Quan's words, Zhang Chulan subconsciously replied: "How to help? ”

Who is Wang Quan? He is always willing to help others!

Immediately, he took out his mobile phone and played the original video without editing and watermark mosaic in front of him.

While playing, he did not see Zhang Chulan's increasingly dark face, but paused in the middle.

Wang Quan deliberately magnified the golden toad's blood, and his mouth curled up with a meaningful smile.

"Zhang Chulan, I can't understand other runes. Tell me, why did your grandfather write "I was here" on you?"

"Ah! I'll kill you!!! "Zhang Chulan was instantly furious.

For a moment, he forgot how much weight he had and started to pull Wang Quan's hair, like a village shrew fighting.


There was a crisp "pop".

Wang Quan put his hands in his pockets and staggered to the front door, only to see a new battle schedule posted above the gate.

This first game, sixteen to eight, I don't know if it was accidental or coincidental, there was a highlight.

Wang Quan - Zhuge Qing!

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