Blazer finally found it

After the rain, a rainbow hangs in the mountains and forests. Of course, this is not a good time to tell short stories after the rain.

Torrete ran for tens of miles in one breath, directly from Hyde Fortress in the southeast corner to the south bank of Mengliu Lake in the hinterland.

Ningmgfu is very big, with villages scattered everywhere. Tang En put away his long knife and put on a white traveling robe, even if the faders chased him, it didn’t matter.

You are so focused on catching ‘War Ghost’ Wei Ming, it has nothing to do with me, a faded person passing by.

Besides, the round table hall has no time to waste. Sir Baizhi is very persistent but also very smart. The most urgent task now is to completely wipe out the defeated army and pass the victory of the battle of Ningmgfu to the junction.

As for where the big rune went, let’s go back and find Master Two Fingers, even if he squats in the God’s Grant Tower, it’s better than running around like a headless chicken.

There are a large number of building fragments scattered on the lakeside, each of which is huge, like a small building, and the exquisite drawings carved on it make people wonder where they came from.

Tang En hid in one of the fragments. His wet hair had already been dried by the sun. Through the gap, he could still see the defeated soldiers fleeing in embarrassment.

They were ragged, with incomplete armor, walking like walking dead, and they didn’t know where to gather.

“Greek is finished, no, the whole old order of Ningmgfor is also broken.”

Melina rolled her eyes, thinking that Greg was dead, so there was nothing to finish, but the second half of the sentence was thought-provoking.

Not only Grek died that night, but most of the nobles of Ningmgfu were killed in battle. I don’t know how many long-standing families died. The feudal order established by King Gefrey was about to fall apart.

Originally, this situation would attract foreign enemies, but Lienia, which borders Nimgofu, has no strength to occupy it, and Gaelid has no intention of expanding.

“Presumably soon, there will be bandits and rebels everywhere here.”

“If you think about it too much, those faders will pick them out and kill them one by one. When it comes to team battles, no one is a match for faders.” Tang En glanced at her, secretly saying that this woman is quite kind-hearted.

“Will the Faded take Nimgfor?”

“Nonsense, don’t come when you can’t miss it. Since that Sir Baizhi has suffered a loss, he will definitely stop the loss with all his strength. No matter how good Rodel is, it is also the territory of Montgotte, where the old order is the most stubborn.” Tang En From tactics to strategy, seeing Melina’s half-understanding expression, she quietly clenched her fists.

The wheel of history has been forcibly changed by him. Without him, this battle would not have been fought at all, and Grek is not dead, and Ningmgfu will always look half dead.

But Greg and most of the nobles passed away, and the power vacuum left behind must be filled by someone. He didn’t believe that Sir Baizhi couldn’t see the opportunity.

The round table hall lost the big rune, but got a dream base, it is not yet known whether it will win or lose.

“Do faders know how to govern?” Melina expressed doubts.

“Don’t underestimate that Sir Baizhi. He will do his best both in public and in private. How can we talk about a king without subjects, and this opportunity was given to him by me.”

Melina rolled her eyes and thought that the round table hall would really thank you, but she thought it was a good thing to say.

The current round table hall is like an adventurer’s association. Apart from forming an official alliance with the Golden Tree and being able to grasp who the finger witch is assigned to, it is basically not attractive.

not everyFaded people all long for power, and some only want money, power, or a comfortable life, and the round table hall just holds a big cake in its hands.

“No matter how good the finger witch is, it’s also a thing with two fingers. Many faders are quite self-aware. They don’t have the courage to become kings, but they have the courage to share the benefits.” Tang En laughed mockingly, and suddenly changed the topic.

“I’m looking forward to what kind of career the faded people with the base will achieve.”

Melina looked at Tang En, who seemed to be the mastermind behind the scenes, and said somewhat dissatisfied: “But the number of faders is too small.”

“There are very few nobles, but they can rule the vast majority of people. They can follow King Ge Fulei to conquer the world and gain glory and wealth. Why can’t the faded ones?” Tang En lifted his chin and said proudly:

“Do princes and generals care about each other?”

Melina was speechless for a moment, she seemed to be the same, the faded person has the supreme will to endorse, dare to say it is not honorable? Back then, the golden nobles could rule their territories and train their troops, why couldn’t others?

In this way, maybe the faded people can use another way to gather the legion, and it doesn’t matter who they serve as soldiers.

Melina seems to have seen a new force come to the stage, the Legion of the Faded is not necessarily everyone is a Faded, =.

“In this case, they and the nobles will not die forever.”

“There is no way to avoid this contradiction. If the faded person becomes the king of Elden, will he give good fruit to these nobles who despised him?”

“What’s that good for you?” Melina’s eyes became strange.

“Don’t look at me with the eyes of the big devil. I’m not a god. It’s impossible to cover everything. I won’t leave any chance for the other party.” Tang En shrugged and thought for a moment before sighing: “Nothing for me. Good, but good for the people at the border.”

Melina seems to have heard a joke, there is no benefit in expanding the war.

“Idiot, you have to think about things a little deeper. Only the faded ones can break the balance, and finally end all this before the entire junction collapses.”

After being scolded, Melina was still a little angry, but this sentence was thought-provoking, so she returned to the wooden state and lowered her head to think.


Tang En cursed again, the speed of fighting for the throne is too slow, and the fatal dementia is spreading all the time. If I’m not mistaken, Sir Baizhi’s old cunt just wants to drag his life to death.

If the faders develop, they will also force the round table to move forward.

This is another conspiracy, but it won’t be revealed for a short time. Tang En laughed and took off his robe, revealing his well-proportioned muscles.

The wound on his stomach is still there, and the severed flesh has not recovered, and he has no Holy Grail dew to drink.

‘It will seriously affect my combat effectiveness. If I use force, my intestines may collapse. ’ Tang En frowned, calmly analyzing his injury, closing his eyes, he could still feel the slow growth of strength in all directions.

This is the big rune being digested. In the past, if Tang En didn’t kill people, his strength wouldn’t increase by a single bit, but now it’s different. There is a huge energy body in his body.

He has no way of knowing how far it can grow and how long it will take to digest. He has no time to think about how it can be used other than ‘eat’. He just shouted to Melina who was thinking hard:

“Have you figured it out? Come and help me with the medicine.”

The perfumer’s medicine was included in Horslow’s “Thanksgiving Gift”, which is rarely used by faders, but it is not useless.

Melina raised her head. She hadn’t thought it through yet, but when she saw the dense scars on Tang En’s back, she slowly moved over.

The bowl-like building ruins were not too high. She arched her back slightly, grabbed the medicine sachet, wiped the milky white creamy liquid on Tang En’s back.

“Hiss, can you be a little gentler.” Tang En took a breath, this woman must have a grudge against him, why are her hands so heavy.

“You didn’t say that when you implanted the pyroxene before.”

“That can’t be helped. I’m not a masochist.” Tang En bared his teeth and said, “I must have offended you somewhere.”

“Yes, you lied to me.” Melina said decisively.

“Impossible, I have always been honest and trustworthy.”

“Why did he say that he was a fader and deceived Torette?”

Tang En looked puzzled, turned his head and said: “When did I say that I am a faded person, and you took the initiative to send it to my door, okay?”

This woman actually learned to beat her up, she didn’t even think that Torette would take a fancy to her.

Melina remained silent for a while, as if Dunn had never deceived her, and everything was just his imagination and wishful thinking.

“Then tell me, what is my mission?” The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, she simply asked the topic she cared about most, and she became much gentler even with the medicine.

This is a show of favor, but it is a pity that someone does not appreciate it.

“It’s not good for you to know too much. I’ll tell you when the time is right.” Tang En was really afraid that this one-stringed tree would get angry, so he dragged him to burn the tree.


The force suddenly increased, and someone grinned in pain, but he asked for help, and Tang En endured it, thinking that if he had a chance in the future, he would definitely settle the score with Melina, and sooner or later he would let her know how bad it was.

Time passed with the sound of his breathing, the sunlight shining through the gap gradually dimmed, and Tang En also began to feel drowsy. After counting so many people and fighting such a fierce battle, he dozed off for a while , I can’t stand it.

However, as soon as his eyes were closed, there was a shock at the same time as the hand on his back.

“Someone.” Tang En looked towards the gap and added with a frown: “And it’s very strong!”

A person was approaching, he did not deliberately suppress his breath, but released it like a demonstration. Then, he heard the excited robbery of the defeated soldiers, and for a moment, multiple bodiesThe sound of being cut.

Puchi, puchi.

The body was cut open by the heavy weapon, and the broken body fell to the ground in several pieces. The man was approaching unstoppably.

Is it a round table hall? How could they find it?

Tang En was a little unbelievable at first, but gradually, he also accepted this fact.

Damn it, I actually underestimated the enemy, Sir Baizhi is more difficult to deal with than I imagined.

Tang En was able to tolerate his own mistakes. He was not a prophet, and all his plans were based on intelligence, but Melina held back the hand that touched the ring.

“You are injured, the enemy does not know how many there are, I will lure them away.”

Tang En was stunned by the concise and concise words. He never expected that she would stand up at this time.

“you sure?”

“Sure, don’t think about it too much, I just think it’s the most efficient way to do this, and I’ll come back as a spirit after I lure them away.” Melina pulled out the dagger at the back of her waist, and disappeared between breaths.

Tang En didn’t stop her, and he didn’t care about being moved. From a rational point of view, there was no problem, but Melina’s initiative always made him feel a little strange, plus the look in her eyes before.

Is it a thorough recognition of me, or is the iron tree blooming?

He wanted to return to his thoughts, but he couldn’t let Melina go on an adventure alone. Since the Faded One could catch up here, it wouldn’t be a problem to catch her, so Spiritualization wasn’t invincible.

“Kill a few first, and then escape.” The swordsman who was lazy just now widened his eyes, raised his long knife, and got out of the gap.

The sun had set, the moon had not yet risen, and there was a strong smell of blood in his nostrils. Tang En drew his sword and looked around, and quickly determined the direction of the comer.

“What are you doing out here?” Melina was a little anxious, and she couldn’t understand it. She finally made up her mind, but this bastard didn’t appreciate it.

“We are companions, we should live and die together, and I hate to owe women favors the most.”

“You think you’re so handsome?”

“Well, I’ve always believed in that.”

The girl was completely speechless, and said in her heart that she really couldn’t understand this man, sometimes he was indifferent to reason, but now he was like a naive child.

Forget it, now is not the time to discuss these.

Melina had already entered a fighting state, and the more Tang En thought about it, the more strange he became. He didn’t notice the existence of other people, that is to say, there was no encirclement. Although the person who approached was berserk, he wasn’t naive enough to kill me alone.

Even if you are stronger than me, I will run away. Wait, why is this breath so familiar?

His expression began to change, from doubt to ecstasy, and then he grabbed Melina who was pounced on like a leopard.

“Wait, this is not an enemy!”

The girl’s hands were very thin and soft, but Tang En couldn’t care less about understanding, and just looked into the night with fanaticism.

The incident happened suddenly, and Melina, who knew that Tang En would not suddenly go crazy, did not struggle, and was just pulled in place, staring blankly ahead.

Da da da.

The sound of iron boots was approaching, and the first thing that came into view was a big sword dripping with blood, followed by a pointed face.

“Werewolves? He knows werewolves?” Melina’s eyes slowly widened. At this time, the moonlight cast light from behind the clouds, illuminating a tall and strong werewolf swordsman.

Blazer stood quietly in the distance, his body still had some broken flesh, and the moonlight also illuminated the scene more than ten meters away.


It was a man with a bare upper body, holding the hand of a petite girl, his eyes were confused at first, and then ecstatic.

The werewolf was stunned, and then took a closer look at the man, with black hair and blue eyes, and a slightly immature face, holding a Taidao in his hand, to make sure that he did not admit his mistake.

finally found you……

Blazer heaved a sigh of relief, as if he had completely shaken off from the ten-year-long torture, but he didn’t rush forward excitedly for a goodbye hug, he just turned his gaze from the man to the girl, and then from the girl back to the man, like this Back and forth, as if I completely understood something.

The long mouth suddenly grinned open, revealing pale fangs, and a violent killing intent gushed out from his body, mixed with resentment.

“Dawn Wright, what are you doing!?”


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