Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1001 Take the initiative to attack, stabbing in the wild...

Damn it, what's the matter today, I feel like I can't exert my strength all the time. Could it be that the wine I drank at noon made me unresponsive! Lu Feng, who was beating the spider, said irritably.

At this time, Lu Feng's Spider Queen was tied up by Yu Luocheng's chain, and the worse news was that he was now imprisoned under the defense tower, which was constantly attacking him.

The damage of the defensive towers would have been stacked higher and higher, coupled with the non-stop attack output of Yu Luosheng ad the trick enchantress, when Lu Feng wanted to escape, his body was still hung on fire, and the rest The amount of blood was burned to death little by little.

Treatment, if there is any treatment, give me treatment quickly. Lu Feng was still struggling for the last time, desperately leaning towards his home.

No CD. Xu Chang had no choice but to save him.

The spider died in one fell swoop, and the remaining Katerina, assistant Annie, and Verus were not very capable of carrying the tower. The three of them glanced at Yu Luocheng, who was still maintaining a good output position, and finally gave up on the tower. Behavior.

Now except for Annie who has the stun ability, no one else has real control. Without absolute certainty of catching Yu Luosheng, no one dares to take the risk of rushing to the tower again.

Damn it, this cunning witch is really annoying, if I didn't perform well today... Lu Feng complained when he saw that he was killed.

Lu Feng, don't be funny. It has nothing to do with whether you perform well or not. No matter how well you perform, it is useless. You don't even look at who is sitting across from us. Do you think that others will guess your tricks and thoughts? Not yet? Feng Li said.

In Feng Li's opinion, Lu Feng is too pretentious. Everyone played this game with an educated mentality, but he and Xu Chang thought they could beat Captain Yu. The person who can beat Captain Yu has not yet been born!

Just wait, I will definitely control him, I don't believe I can't kill him. Lu Feng said very dissatisfied.

That guy brought four sisters, two of them were bad guys, one was just okay, and the rest of the commentator, Yiqin, seemed to be no weaker than them, but after reaching the diamond level, everyone knew that the League of Legends game had one person who didn't If you know how to play, you can't play well.

Just like a wooden bucket, if one piece is missing, there is no need to fill it with water. He firmly believes that he will be able to take Yu Luocheng down, otherwise his years of League of Legends will be in vain!


Huh, you're not dead. Yu Luocheng glanced at Yi Qin who was beside him.

Yiqin smiled calmly,

Said: How could my sister die?

Yiqin's blood volume was very, very low, but she also controlled her own blood volume very well. When Yu Luosheng was dealing with them, she quickly found a blind spot where the enemy could not touch her.

Amazing, awesome. Yu Luocheng gave Yi Qin a thumbs up.

The situation just now was really one-sided, the top laner Golem basically gave away for nothing, the mid laner Lux and the Dark Head were killed in seconds, and then the enemy basically rushed to the tower with 5 people, and Noxus took the life of the tower dog It was revived by a healer, and the spider was killed by setting it on fire.

After this wave of team battles, Yu Luocheng originally thought that all the girls would die in battle, leaving him alone and having to give up the defense tower. Unexpectedly, Yiqin was still alive, and the enemy clearly showed signs of retreating.

This is good, barely playing a 1 for 3, only lost two kills, and then defended the defensive tower in the middle.

It is good news that the defense tower is not dropped.

You defend for a while, I'll go back and replenish my condition. Yi Qin said to Yu Luocheng.

Well, I can stand it, don't worry. Yu Luocheng returned to the defense tower.

The defense tower in the middle lane only has about one-third of its health, and it was worn down a lot in the wave just now, and now it is only 15%, but as long as it can stand firm, it will give Yu Luocheng a little more hope.

Yu Luocheng guarded the tower, and the opponent felt that there was not much chance to advance, so he gave up advancing and went around to make up the line.

Yu Luocheng first took a wave of pawns in the middle lane, and let Yiqin, who had returned to the middle lane, watch over the middle lane, then hurriedly ran to the bottom lane to collect money.

A large wave of soldiers has accumulated in the bottom lane, and if they are cleared in one go, there will be an income of 300 yuan at least, which is equivalent to a head.

For one head of a spider, the two waves of soldiers in the middle road cost about 200 yuan, and then there is another wave of soldiers in the bottom road, let alone 300, and if you take a group battle to develop for a while, you can collect 1400 yuan and go home. Straight out of the Electric Blade!

AD The enchantress needs the equipment of electric blade very much. After her ad, the damage of her skills becomes very low, and the w skill can't quickly clean up the minions in one go, so it is very necessary to use the equipment of electric blade to make tricks Enchantress' line pushing speed is accelerated.

Secondly, the electric blade equipment can make the harassing ability of the treacherous bewitching girl stronger. Use the w skill phantom shadow to follow up, and the normal attack will activate the lightning chain passive effect of the electric blade at the same time. If you are not careful when dealing with crispy skin With a critical strike, it is possible to knock out about 30% of other people's blood in an instant.

After possessing the electric blade, the trick witch is barely formed, and the attack power, damage, crit, and attack speed will have a qualitative improvement.

After about two minutes of development, Yu Luocheng had collected enough money, and went home immediately to buy the electric blade.

He clicked on the equipment bar, and while he was updating his equipment, he also took a look at the enemy's equipment. Fortunately, no one on the enemy side synthesized two large pieces of equipment, so that his equipment was clearly ahead.

Generally speaking, defensive equipment can overcome offensive equipment.

For example, if Noxus released two pieces of defensive equipment, one blue shield and one sunflame, then the two output equipment blood drinking and electric blade would not be able to defeat Noxus at all, even if the enemy had a blue shield to increase The belt equipment, the combination of drinking blood and electric blade is not particularly comfortable to fight.

So why do many people choose meat outfits when they are at a disadvantage.

Not only meat equipment can ensure that you are not easy to be killed by the enemy, but also the cost performance of meat equipment will be higher than that of attack equipment. It may not have much advantage in the line, but it is especially obvious when fighting in a team.

For Yu Luocheng, the biggest trouble right now is not Katerina, not the spider, and not Verus, but the hand of Noxus who is out of flesh.

Ya Ya's sister paper who was on the road raised him too fat, and this guy is dressed in meat. As long as this guy fights forward in team battles, all of Yu Luocheng's output must be involuntarily concentrated on the big meat of Noxus body.

It is impossible to ignore Noxus directly, this guy has a high level, as long as Yu Luosheng is given a set of skills, he will basically take away about 80% of his blood.

Now, as long as Yu Luocheng can deal with the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Noxus, the other enemies can be dealt with one by one with his own operations.

To deal with Noxus, you must have enough output. The output source of the trick enchantress is purely equipment. Drinking blood and adding electric blades are far from enough for Yu Luocheng. Now he must fight before the next wave of team battles. Collect enough 2300 yuan to buy a whisper.

With the 35% armor penetration effect of Whisper, the equipment of Noxus will be much, much weaker in front of him...

In the next group station, as long as the sisters are strong enough to kill Noxus, they will have enough opportunities to harvest the remaining enemies.


Yiqin, put a watch over there for me, and I'll steal a head. Yu Luocheng said to Yiqin.

Can't I let it go? Yi Qin raised her eyebrows and said.

Okay, their Annie will come to be Xiaolong's vision if nothing happens. I will steal her head first, and then come back later and everyone will take Xiaolong together. Yu Luocheng said.

These days, the money on the minion line is so limited, and it still only spawns every half a minute. When will Yu Luocheng have to wait until he can get the 2,300 money together, so the best way is to go to the wild to fight teeth. , earn some extra money.

Yu Luocheng roughly calculated the time, Xiaolong was about to refresh.

As a diamond-level support, it is necessary to prepare vision in advance about half a minute before Xiaolong's refresh, vision is everything.

Yu Luocheng just wanted to gamble, bet that Big K's little Annie would come to Xiaolong's place, and he would lie in ambush in a hidden grass, and take her life at any time.

This guy, has he learned to be smart? Yu Luocheng, who had been squatting in the grass for a long time without moving, was not able to sit on the sidelines.

At this time, Yiqin also risked his life to give Yu Luocheng a few key visions of the enemy's jungle area, but Yu Luocheng didn't wait for his Little Red Riding Hood to appear.

Damn it, I take the initiative to attack, I don't believe you don't even dare to visit your own wild area. Yu Luocheng secretly said.

Just like the fantasy forest, if you wait for the little monsters to come out to fight outside, it depends on luck to a certain extent, the money that the mobs explode is still so small, if you go deep into the dangerous zone deep in the fantasy forest, there may be rare treasures precious.

If it was anything else, Yu Luocheng would definitely have to run back and forth a few lines, constantly relying on farming troops to develop.

But after paying the basic salary of those little soldiers, they have nothing to do, so how can they make Qingyu in a short time if they don't go to the forest to hunt some prey?

The enchantress possesses the ability that none of them have, that is, she can float into the depths of the enemy like a ghost without anyone noticing.

Then he assassinated the enemy like an assassin.

Don't underestimate the damage of ad trick enchantress, perhaps the instant burst of ad trick enchantress is not as high as that of ap, but if ad trick enchantress catches someone in the wild, that person will undoubtedly die.

3 stages of movement within 12 seconds, the enemy has a flash and it is difficult to fly, and there is a perfect control skill such as the Phantom Chain on hand, which makes the enemy even more inescapable, and can only stand there and be madly clicked.

If you don't wait for Annie and Little Lolita, then take the initiative to assassinate them! ()

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