Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter Nine Hundred and Sixty Five

The reason why Annie, a hero, has become a mainstream support is precisely because of her terrifying team-starting ability.

Annie who flashed up to give her a big move is the scariest thing. Yu Luocheng is a supporting professional player himself, so why don't you know what Annie wants to do at this time.

Of course, this Annie is only level 5 now, so it is impossible to directly flash up to give her a big move, but Annie's flame is a fan-shaped area effect, and it can achieve group control with the passive stun


Sure enough, Annie little bitch used flash, and she appeared in front of Yu Luocheng and Xuexue instantly, showing a very sinister loli smile.

Big K is still very smart, she deliberately calculated the time of Yu Luocheng's flash, and got stuck when Yu Luocheng didn't flash this wave.

There was a change in the grass, which was transmitted by the hand of Noxus.

There also appeared a dark red figure holding a dagger in the river, with an x-scar like Rurouni Kenshin on his glamorous face, it was the female killer Katerina

The wild spider hiding behind the dark vision finally couldn't help the restlessness, showing her sharp spider legs

This scene was quickly captured in Yu Luocheng's eyes, but this process was actually just a flash of Annie's incomparably short time.

Can't be stunned

Annie stunned herself, and Noxus immediately fell to the ground, and forcibly hooked herself back with his guillotine. After a set of skills and the big move of guillotine, only two-thirds of the blood was left, and then Katerina Followed by Flash and Attack, Death Lotus Blossom will add an Ignition, and hang up directly

Everything that would happen quickly passed through Yu Luocheng's mind, and he also reacted the second Annie flashed

Pressing his finger on the key, Yu Luocheng turned into a swordsman and pushed his hand on the coffee table in the pavilion, and slid back gracefully. Suddenly, the place where he was just now was covered with dizzy flames from Annie's little bitch...

Slow down a bit, and Yu Luocheng would be knocked out by Shi Ting just like Xuexue's dark element.

Heh Noxus held a huge axe, teleported out of the grass and landed abruptly.

There was no dazed dark element in his eyes at all, instead he was striding towards Yu Luocheng who was slipping backwards, and he was not stingy at all to force him forward

What grudges and grievances, damn it, don't kill the support right in front of you! Yu Luocheng cursed immediately.

Feng Li's Noxus can directly kill the Dark Element without even using a hook.

As a result, this guy Feng Li didn't care about Xuexue, and he wanted to chase him after flashing. He really thought he would lose the treasure.

Fortunately, Yu Luocheng has long been accustomed to this kind of situation of being targeted by no brains. He is sure that Noxus has no intention of letting him go. When Noxus flashed up and released the iron-blooded hook axe, he quickly Key Pressed - Lost Track

There are two steps in the magic shadow fascination skill of the trick witch, the first step slides out for a long distance, and pressing it again will activate the second step, returning to the original starting position.

It can be said that Yu Luocheng slipped away from Annie's large swath of dizzying flames, but backing away was useless, and the iron-blooded hand attacked again, not giving Yu Luocheng a chance to survive. Yu Luocheng was very aware of Noxus' damage, so he opened the lost track very decisively, like a swordsman with a flick of his windbreaker, disappeared in front of the enemy's offensive and returned to the original place where he drank tea, calmly and freely

Wow, this operation, dodging two key skills in a row

Captain Niu H is really Niu H

The audience has already cheered.

Yi Qin at the side glanced at Yu Luocheng, who seemed relatively relaxed, and breathed a sigh of relief.

This guy's reaction and operation are really good. Generally speaking, Annie's flashing flame stun is more difficult to avoid. Yu Luocheng sensed in advance to use the shifting magic shadow fascination of the trick enchantress to avoid this stun.

Afterwards, Noxus flashed up again and hooked the iron blood hook, trying to pull Yu Luocheng back to slaughter him, but Yu Luocheng simply went the other way and used the second stage to return to the original place, avoiding Noxus s hook...

A dizziness, a back reduction, being touched by any of them is fatal.

However, Yu Luosheng's situation is not optimistic.

In front of them were the three opponents, Annie the Fire Girl, Verus the Arrow of Punishment, and the Spider Queen, but behind him was a Noxus who had rushed to the air.

It is definitely not possible to go backwards, it is tantamount to being attacked by a set of Noxus skills immediately, so Yu Luocheng is cut off from the way back.

There was no other way, Yu Luocheng fled towards the direction of the river.

There is also someone in this direction, it is Xu Ben's Katerina

Yu Luocheng didn't think much about it, and quickly walked towards the river.

Ah, the skill is empty. Xuexue was anxious for a while, and immediately pushed the dark magic ball out after she was awakened from the dizziness. Unfortunately, the magic ball only hit Annie, and the other two missed.

Xuexue thought she must be dead. After all, she was directly surrounded by 4 people on the opposite side. As a result, this group of vicious enemies passed directly in front of her as if they hadn't seen her. Luo Sheng went

Yu Luocheng glanced back, and immediately wanted to scold her.

I thought that when the enemy ravages Xuexue, they will buy me some time to escape, but I don’t know that everyone has no interest in Xuexue at all, it’s like filtering out the mobs in the dungeon, anyway, it won’t lose equipment, experience, gold coins, etc. not much.

All of a sudden, there was a Katerina in front of her behind her.

Xu Ben is very smart, he didn't directly use the displacement skill to jump on Yu Luosheng's face, but directly released the death lotus on the spot...

He knew that Yu Luocheng had to walk towards her, otherwise Yu Luocheng would be caught up by the four people behind and die even worse. Sheng will take a full amount of damage.

Yu Luocheng had no choice, the blade storm and the 4 ferocious wolves behind him, Yu Luocheng had to bite the bullet and bump into the blade storm.


At this moment, on the high hills on both sides of the river, a huge frost wild boar rushed down from the high place, and its body directly hit Katerina's small body, Katerina was knocked into the air, and the death lotus It broke right away.

I'm here. Yiqin smiled sweetly, like a heroine who has been waiting here for a long time.

Yu Luocheng and her looked at each other with a smile. The reason why they fled this way was not only because Katerina was the only enemy here, but because Yiqin had already guarded here.

Yu Luocheng hurried to Yiqin's place, and they would be together with her. He threw a spell in his hand and at the same time took out a phantom dog leash, and put it on Katerina's body.

Depend on

Xu Ben's face darkened, and the situation where Yu Luocheng was surrounded suddenly turned into being surrounded and beaten by two people.

Xu Ben's blood volume dropped quickly, and the damage of Zhumei's skills was not low. If he was controlled by the phantom chain again, it is very likely that he would die here.

He didn't dare to think too much, he didn't dare to use his jumping and surprise skills to get close to the enemy, he hurriedly jumped towards the group of tough teammates behind him, so as not to be forcibly given away by Yu Luocheng and Zhumei.

Why are you running, kill, we will avenge you when you die, and hold them back with your life. Xu Chang said anxiously.

How can others be so stupid? Xu Ben said angrily.

Xu Ben was still full of blood just now, after eating Zhumei's set of skills and the four-stage damage of Yu Luocheng's qp combo, his blood volume is only about 10% left. If he doesn't run away, he will definitely die.


After 5 seconds, the chain of the magic ring will cause an imprisoning effect. Xu Ben used it to return to his teammates, but he was still imprisoned at the last moment...

Yu Luocheng kept attacking Xu Ben with basic attacks. After all, he is an AD enchantress, and the main damage comes from normal attacks...

Yu Luocheng was very bold, and forcibly attacked the imprisoned Katerina in front of the chasing Noxus and Annie, all for the purpose of killing Katarina.

Damn, the captain is too fierce. If you don't leave, you will be surrounded and beaten by four people on the opposite side. How dare you do that?

I'm going to die, the captain can't run away.

Originally, if Yu Luocheng turned around and walked away after Carter escaped, he could escape easily. If he turns around and kills Katerina now, it is equal to giving the enemy a chance to catch up.

Yu Luocheng was still attacking, as if he couldn't see the enemy at all, as there were already 5 people in front of him at this moment

That's the real 5 people, a whole team, every second will kill you.

Xu Ben, Big K Xu Chang, Feng Li, and Lu Feng immediately entered the range of attacking Yu Luosheng, and the five basically wanted to fly on Yu Luosheng like a rugby player...


A gust of cold frost flew by in the air, and I saw a frost lock with bones on both sides spinning and flying down. After hitting Anne, it exploded suddenly, releasing a huge frost breath.

These icy auras spread quickly and turned into an iceberg, freezing all five enemies who were about to pounce in the glacier.


nh Yu Luocheng couldn't help giving a big praise.

Yu Luocheng dared to continue attacking Katerina because he knew that Yiqin had a big move in his hand.

Using herself as a bait, the enemies will definitely rush forward desperately and form a pile. At this time, Yiqin directly freezes a large area with a big move.

Of course, what Yu Luocheng didn't expect was that Yiqin's skills were released so accurately and wonderfully, that one big move actually froze five people on the opposite side.

The blame can only be blamed on the five of them wanting to kill Yu Luocheng too much.

Fuck, Fuck

Xu Ben yelled, and the five people were all frozen, looking at the picture it looked very sad.

Especially Xu Ben, who was under Yu Luocheng's attack, was about to break free from the phantom chains and was immediately frozen again, his life was about to be confessed.

Sure enough, Yu Luocheng continued to find the frozen Katerina from the crowd, and used the basic combo to deal damage quickly, taking away Katarina's last HP, and completed this difficult kill

(This is the second chapter, probably the third chapter will be around a little bit)

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