Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 99 Life and Death in Zero Four Seconds

?? Raven made a move!

Yu Luocheng clearly remembered that the enemy, Ruiwen, did not flash, which meant that she would definitely use the E skill to charge forward!

Yu Luocheng pressed the Q button decisively!

Brilliant Girl Lacus swung her magic wand, and a beam of magically imprisoned light flew past the place!

Ranged soldiers, melee soldiers, heroes, this magical light of imprisonment passed through the chaotic battlefield and flew towards the enemy's exiled blade - Raven! !


Hit, and it's the first part of Lux's Prisoning Light!

The first period of imprisonment was 2 seconds, and the second period of imprisonment happened to hit the charging Thunder Roar-Bear!

Yu Luocheng ignored the opponent's thunderous roar at all, and immediately pressed the E and R buttons!

Translucent Singularity!

The disc-shaped spot of light landed on the imprisoned Raven's feet, and made a sound like Jiao Lei, and it could be seen that the spot of light was shaking violently!


The sharp female voice shouted, as if releasing the anger that had been suppressed in her heart for a long time!

It can be seen that countless magical light spots appeared on Lux's chest, and these light spots gathered into a milky white vortex!

In the vortex zhōng yāng, a lengthy beam of light shoots out straight, piercing through a row of long-range soldiers, piercing the body of Raven the Blade of Exile, piercing the roaring body of Thunder, and flying to a place farther than the city wall! !

The ultimate flash! !

After this skill filled with the destructive aura of light passed through, all the soldiers in a row were instantly killed, and Raven's blood volume was also knocked out by nearly half!

Yu Luocheng's Lux had synthesized a double-armed outfit early on, with the Great Holy Grail in hand, plus the killing book. This kind of equipment can definitely destroy the large amount of blood of Raven who didn't have any magic resistance outfits.

Drop Raven in seconds!! Drop Raven in seconds!!!!!!

Just at this time,

Xiaodao yelled! !

Huang Yu was very calm. Seeing that his future guardian had no chance of escape, the decisive EQ Erlian directly switched to the hammer form, and directly went up to Lian and exchanged lives with Raven!

The instantaneous burst damage of the future guardian should not be underestimated. After this series of skills hit Raven, Raven's blood volume was instantly emptied!

! ! ! !

Finally, before Huang Yu's future guardian Jess was killed, he ended the 500 yuan Raven, and he himself was quickly killed by the enemy.

300 for 500, and there is still Raven with the big dragon buff, this TM must be worth it!


The situation suddenly became 4 vs 4, Xiaodao's prince and Xiao Tongtong's alchemist fought around the female police, taking protecting the back row as their duty.

Yu Luocheng was a support, and his position was extremely far back, basically no one cared about him.

The bear and the little murloc had already jumped the tower and killed the policewoman by force. Yu Luocheng glanced at the enemy's punishment arrow, Verus.

The enemy's gem knight has been fighting against the tower. At this moment, his blood volume is insufficient, and he is planning to deal damage from the original tower.

And as soon as he retreated like this, Verus, who was keeping up with the output of his jumping teammates, fell into the shooting range of the tower!

good chance!

Yu Luocheng's eyes lit up, he put a light shield on himself, and rushed to confront Verus!

A support and counter point?

Experts should know that support should maximize their own value as much as possible. Yu Luosheng has only one purpose in confronting the opponent's Verus like this, which is to use himself to attract the enemy's firepower and give teammates Relieve stress.

It's just that Yu Luosheng, who has turned off his voice, is really relieving pressure for his teammates?

Beam imprisonment! ! !

As soon as the CD was ready, the second imprisonment was thrown, and Verus, the Arrow of Punishment, was able to kill Yu Luocheng's brilliant girl with a few clicks, but was directly imprisoned under the tower!

2 seconds of imprisonment, but also to withstand the attack of the tower, plus the consumption of poison before alchemy, the blood volume of the arrow of punishment immediately dropped to half.


Damn!! How dare you play me!! Team Shuguang said angrily.

The confinement was lifted, and seeing that the bloody Lacus was about to run away, Verus, the Arrow of Punishment, naturally couldn't waste time on a supporter, and immediately followed his teammates and began to frantically output alchemy.


Once again, no one paid any attention to the assistant Yu Luosheng in the battle.

Yu Luocheng went around to the bottom of the tower, and his target turned to the gem knight who had a low blood volume.

Gem Knight saw Lux approaching and started running.

S move? The corners of Yu Luocheng's lips curled up.

To deal with S moves, limit skills and try not to shoot, just approach the enemy in a straight line.

Moreover, in fact, Yu Luocheng's confinement skills are still on CD, he ran here just to scare the gem knight and not give him the chance to join the battle.

Translucent Singularity! Yu Luocheng pressed the E button.

No matter how S, you can't even think about avoiding the range attack of the light-transmitting singularity.

After a level A, the jewel knight's blood volume is less than 200. As long as the next imprisonment controls him, the jewel knight will undoubtedly die!

Chasing all the way, the distance is getting closer and closer, suddenly, S moves to the gem knight and makes a movement of turning his head.

Yu Luocheng's eyes flashed.

I'm waiting for you to turn around!

Q, Imprisonment skills are thrown!

The moment Gem Knight turned its head, it was its stun ability that was thrown out. The white stun hammer was thrown in an arc and flew towards Yu Luocheng, and Yu Luocheng's imprisoning light coincided with it. Cross over!

The Prison of Light became a cylindrical cage of light, trapping the Gem Knight.

Imprisonment and dizziness, both sides are standing there at this time...

Moreover, both of them were so disabled that there was only a trace of blood left.

It can be said that whoever meets first will kill the other party!

The confrontation suddenly turned into a confrontation between two assistants!

The enemy's gem knight has prepared his skills. As soon as the imprisonment time is lifted, he will go up and give him a hammer to take away Lux's head.

As for Yu Luocheng's Lux, as long as a normal attack triggers the radiance on the gem, it can also take his dog's life away!

Whoever wins depends on who wakes up from the confinement and dizziness first!

do you know?

Lux's imprisonment time is 2 seconds at level 1.

And the stun skill of the gem knight is only 1 even if it is fully filled. 6 seconds.

In other words, Yu Luocheng's Lux wakes up 0.4 seconds earlier than the enemy!

Yu Luocheng swung this normal attack!


The gem knight ran away in a panic, but unfortunately the normal attack was still fired!

The gem knight skill died before it could be released.


If you don't have enough self-confidence, how dare you come to kill you?

Your life will be recorded in my murder book.

Yu Luocheng let go of his finger hovering over the W key, glanced at Gem's body, and then at the murder book...

3 floors up.

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