Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 682 Irelia, unyielding will...

Damn, what kind of hero has been shaved into a dog, and it can no longer be played, so what if it is weakened many times, it will explode everything, there are only scumbag players, and there are no scumbag heroes. Da Luo stared at the screen, while Waiting for the arrival of Xiaobing, while resenting what he most wanted to say on behalf of Irelia for the will of the blade

Irelia has been a perfect hero since she was born, even if she suddenly loses to the crocodile in the lane one day, and the top laner is suddenly dominated by the dragon girl and the poodle, but 30 years in the river and 30 years in the river west is used to describe the League of Legends. This game couldn't be more appropriate

Being quiet and unattended does not mean that this hero has been forgotten. Some heroes are just like her name, and their will is imprinted in the hearts of every player and player. The changes of the times and the replacement of versions bring only a short-term depression, and they are not It doesn't mean she was completely overwhelmed and abandoned.

She is waiting, waiting for the next dawn, and then the sharp blade will bloom like the sun. At that time, she will use the sharp blade in her hand and her unyielding blade will to tell this battlefield that never stops fighting whose era it is

The sharp edge of the knife in his hand was already trembling, as if waiting for the rise of will, Da Luo was waiting for the moment of his real death waltz.

It's getting closer, the army of minions is getting closer...

In the eyes of the will of the blade, the increase in the number of enemies is actually the burning of the fighting blood in the heart, and all the enemies will become stepping stones to embrace her as the king, and achieve a higher peak

It's now

Quiet as a virgin, moving like a cunning rabbit, Da Luo's blade will draw an afterimage, and he shot in an instant, using the sharp blade to sprint and relentlessly kill the enemy crow commander.

The chief strategist had a ferocious face, and when Da Luo's blade will approached him, he quickly released a confinement trap on the spot.

This confinement trap turned into black claws, protruding from the ground, trying to wrap around Da Luo Irelia's legs. Although the blade will Irelia passively has a reduction and control effect, it does not mean that this hero It is suitable to go up and eat the enemy's control.

Da Luo is very clear that whether he can complete the third secret art, the final secret secret death harvest after three ins and three outs, depends on whether he can avoid the key imprisonment skill of the crow gorgeously.

Stepping on this confinement trap, it only takes about 1 second to be unable to move.

The blade sprint was still cooling down, and Luo Xun started the flying posture, and the sharp blade giant sword in his hand shone with a unique luster, as if it had been charged with some kind of energy

The restraint time under his feet became tighter and tighter. Da Luo saw the timing and used his sharp blade to sprint again. His body turned into an afterimage and returned to the place where he had just attacked, completely throwing off the claws under his feet that tried to imprison him.

After making a slight detour for about 1 second, Da Luo, who was looking like returning without success, suddenly turned around again, and started the sharp blade sprint again, returning to the battlefield nimbly and fiercely


In just a few seconds, Da Luo instantly completed three stages of displacement, and the trajectory of his movement suddenly drew a shape with the intention of killing coldly, and the cold and unrestrained phantom moved with a calm and unhurried attitude.

My God, is this infinite displacement?

The audience exclaimed, bloody escaped the fatal confinement of the strategist commander, this warrior of will returned to the enemy again, those who are not familiar with the skills of the sword sister have already been shocked, never thought of the League of Legends Among them, there is a hero who can be so elegant and ghostly

Jie is already a hero with a lot of movement, but he will be overshadowed by the infinite movement sword girl

The chief strategist was in a panic. He never thought that the other party could show such an amazing operation, perfectly defrauding almost all of his skills.

Back in front of the strategist commander again, Da Luo didn't immediately attack the panicked strategist commander, his cold and haughty eyes seemed to say: I'll come back to take your life later...

With a flash in his eyes, his eyes suddenly locked on Nami, who was wandering nearby.

Hephaestus turned pale.

He was very smart not to get close to his teammates just now, that's because he knew that a smart sword girl would definitely refresh continuously to move continuously.

However, no matter how scheming he was, he would never have imagined that after Da Luo completed a shift, the blade sprint would still remain in a cooling state.

Once it cools down, the residual blood within a radius of 700 yards will melt into the corpse

I'll call you the british guy to die for the humiliation in the cupboard, Da Luo roared.

The sharp blade was dark red, and the blade came first. There were already wounds on Nami's body. When the figure arrived, blood gushed out.

Hephaestus was killed on the spot, his eyes were filled with resignation, these guys were obviously the defeated opponents back then, how could he step on his head, how could he lose to them

The sharp blade is refreshed, Da Luo does not need to add an extra knife, a sharp blade sprint under the effect of the flying posture will take away the life of the auxiliary Nami...

After killing someone, turn around again, and there is another strategist commander, this guy is still there in a daze and has not recovered, when the strategist commander has not yet struggled out of why the other party didn't kill him, Hephaestus was on the blade Blade Will Irelia of Dirty Blood has returned to his presence

balanced strike, less

The flying posture continues to output.

Da Luo's Irelia is galloping, switching, and killing continuously. The audience has already felt that their brains are not enough. They have not figured out the order of all these moves at all, and they can't see why he can move infinitely. , infinite harvest

Reaped, really reaped

In the soundproof room, coach Huang Kang stared at the screen in disbelief, seeing the blood-stained Irelia on the battlefield, the waves in his heart suddenly surged

Three ins and three outs, Irelia's team battles are vividly displayed.

Then there is the ultimate esoteric blade harvest

That exquisite word, passing by in a flash, left the most indelible mark in people's hearts in an instant.

Kill Nami first, then go back and take the crow away...

And until she killed the strategist Commander Crow, her sharp blade sprinting ability entered the cooldown, just like a swordsman put down the killing sword in his hand and stared at the battlefield, the enemy basically fell down, except for a madman who also galloped through the battlefield Ryze stared at him.

After less than half a second of confrontation, Xuanwu didn't move half a step towards Da Luo's Irelia.

Xuanwu knew very well that at this time he could not be the opponent of Blade Will Irelia, this guy would slaughter his companions like lambs, and similarly, as long as he was close to him, he could take his own life away. In the qualifying match, Xuanwu might open-mindedly go up to give such a blade will a pentakill, but he won't do that, this is a national match.

The mighty madman Xuanwu turned around and fled without any hesitation, and if he was delayed for a moment, his life would have to be confessed here.

And Da Luo, who took a full four heads, didn't chase after him. The team battle had already been won, and the enemy's will had been crushed. Rational but very helpless retreat.

In front of such Irelia, he can't save anything, the situation is over, and he has no intention of fighting again.

With the deafening sound of four kills, Da Luo, who merged with the unyielding will Irelia, took a deep breath.

The more frustrated, the more courageous, if he doesn't explode in silence, he will perish in silence. Looking at the battlefield, a wave of heat suddenly surged in his heart. This heat rushed from his heart to his throat, and he insisted on roaring out.

A bunch of scumbags, I, Da Luo, is your top daddy Da Luo was at the peak of excitement, his hands were off the keyboard and he hammered his chest frantically, his whole face was red and blue veins were exposed.

At this moment, the audience burst into enthusiastic cheers and applause.

At this moment, who dares to say that China does not have world-class players?

At this moment, who dares to say that the hero of Blade Will Irelia is scum? ? ?

The announcement of the four kills in the national competition shocked the eyes of the whole world. Ronaldo not only proved to the world the will of the blade, Irelia's true will that never surrendered, but also proved to the world that he, the lone gull, never gave in because of the league. It's over and down. He's just waiting for an opportunity to explode completely.

Okay, that's great, he's really healed. United Front Li Tuchuan couldn't help but boil all over.

In the training match and the qualifying match, Ronaldo's performance has repeatedly shown that he is working very hard to improve, and his strength is also growing. Perhaps he lacks an opportunity to detonate himself

When a player has feelings for a certain hero and devotes himself to it, he will be terribly focused, and this kind of focus is the most difficult level of bottleneck for players to break through.

Li Tuchuan knows very well that the reason why Yu Luosheng is strong is that he has a persistent love for e-sports. When he touches the keyboard with his hands and stares at the screen, his whole temperament will change. Li Tuchuan is very focused on this Seldom seen in others.

So now, Da Luo also realized it.

He has a different style from Yu Luosheng. Yu Luosheng is calm and wise. Everything he does is basically calculated in his heart. The layout is almost perfect. Coupled with his excellent operation, he has achieved his reputation as the world's top.

And Da Luo is fierce, violent, impulsive and bold, often reckless in order to achieve the goal, full of attack and wildness. But no matter which style it is, true concentration is what a top player needs most

When you need to wait for an opportunity to think calmly, keep silent. If you need to be violent and bold to kill the enemy, you should completely tear away any worries you shouldn't have and go forward bravely.

This time Da Luo finally did it, Li Tuchuan believes that his strength has been raised to a new level because of this game, and he will even hit the top laners in the world

Just wait and see, the Chinese national team may not be perfect, but a single spark will surely start a prairie fire

The monthly ticket seems to be just a number, but it affects the fate of our big battle, so the end of the chapter is not only asking for tickets, but also asking for tickets)

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