Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 677 Bottom lane dominance

Remember [Chinese website] www. in one second, to provide you with high-speed text starting. You can still chase, don't retreat, Yu Luocheng commanded.

Hephaestus's Nami's blood volume is not high, and Emperor Song's condition is still very good. If it is just to take the head of a prince, how can Yu Luocheng be willing? No matter what, he will kill Hephaestus Killed.

Emperor Song was also a radical player, so he used the good salary to go up without saying a word, and went directly to the tower to forcefully retain Nami of Hephaestus.

Yu Luocheng turned on the gP missile system, and frantically threw acid bombs at Hephaestus' little Nami, all kinds of deceleration, and various long-range skills. Killed in two blows.

Hephaestus was very unwilling, and ordered his blind monk who forced his way into the defense tower to be killed. However, Emperor Song still left a flash on hand. When he saw that something was wrong, he flashed away and left without killing himself at all. Opportunity.

Hephaestus is so angry, originally this wave of groups they were at their worst was a one-for-one exchange. No matter what, they were able to kill Yu Luocheng's damned crab. As a result, two of them died on their side, and none of them died on the other side. .

Losing two lives is still a small matter, and they will definitely lose their little dragons. The economy provided by a little dragon is very considerable, so they are easily snowballed by the opponent, and it is a bit difficult for them to survive until the later stage.

Xiaolong won, Yu Luosheng had one head, one small dragon, and one assist money, and suddenly changed from a proletarian farmer to a well-off level, and his life was very nourishing

I didn't buy eye stones before, so it is appropriate to buy another eye stone now.

Let's continue to press, and when the crab is still relatively strong, we can press as much as we can. Yu Luocheng said.

As the number one crab in the national server, Yu Luocheng is very clear about the advantages and disadvantages of this hero.

Crab is a hero who is very strong in laning, and he definitely walks sideways, but once the laning period is over, his role in team battles will be greatly reduced, especially as an auxiliary crab does not have a stable source of income and cannot receive kills. If you can't get the equipment out, the damage in the later stage will be negligible.

As for his ult move, Universe Teleportation, it mostly depends on fate, this ult is not something you can use whenever you want, many times you won’t know what to use for this ult after a team battle .

Yu Luocheng played aggressively because his purpose was very clear. If this hero is not aggressive in the early stage, he is useless. In his lifetime, he must completely use up the British aD as he did in the previous game.

An aD can't generate enough output in the later stage, then the developed Da Luo's blade will - Irelia will become the father of the whole game, cutting whoever he wants.

At the u level, crabs will also usher in a very strong period of arresting people.

The Great Teleportation of the Universe can first suppress the enemy for 1 second, and then switch positions...

In fact, it is very creative and interesting for Riot to design such a skill, but Riot has set Crab as a more biased hero.

You should hide behind the team and play output. Do you expect to use the big move to replace the opposite hero? Don't be killed by the opponent first.

If Crab is a meat-type hero, his ultimate move is indeed very effective, similar to Scorpion's ultimate move, one move determines the outcome.

And if the crab is used as a support, then the replacement skill will be feasible to a certain extent. Anyway, the support is cheap, and if the opposite aDp is replaced, it is also a support change.

Yu Luocheng really doesn't think the Crab is a suitable aD because his transformation ult can basically only be used to escape, but as a support, the feasibility will be much higher...

Hephaestus and his aD are just plain wretched.

They knew that Yu Luocheng's big crab was going to be u-level soon, and once he was level 6, Yu Luocheng would use a flash to force a replacement, and no matter how they fought, the two of them would lose, and the equipment gap was too big, so the two The guys are extremely wretched, even if they go to the wild area to grab some leftovers, they are not willing to stay online easily, knowing that the line of soldiers is slowly reaching the defensive tower.

Yu Luocheng wasn't in a hurry, his goal was to suppress the development of the opponent, now it's been 10 minutes, and there are only a pitiful 50 aD divination knives, this kind of gold-level last knife will naturally cause him a lot of pressure.

The last minute's last attack is very important. If there are too many misses, then when others are in a team fight, he can only silently play alone in the bot lane. After all, without the two sets of equipment of electric blade and endless, he can't play well in team battles. Doesn't have a big enough effect.

As far as the supplementary knife that cannot take care of itself in life in the UK, it is far away from the electric blade and the endless two-piece set.

This Yu Luosheng's ability to dominate the bottom lane is really against the sky. Hephaestus can't do anything about him. He is not at the same level of strength at all. On the seat of the British stage, a man with short blue hair dyed The man said with a smile.

Hephaestus is okay, but their sincerity is not that good. Han Zongzhi said disdainfully.

Not long ago, they had just finished their match against the UK in South Korea, and their team did not leave the UK, because next week they will face China in London.

Han Zongzhi has been waiting for this game for a long time, and he wants to avenge the championship at the beginning

In the league, Han Zongzhi lost all his face, and was almost not eligible to join the Olympics due to e-sports moral reasons. Fortunately, Cui Yu's skillful skills allowed him to secure Han Zongzhi's position as the chief aD of the Korean national team.

During this period of time, he has been playing games with other countries, and Han Zongzhi felt extremely boring, because no country would be their opponent for the Korean Hell Army.

The more boring it is, the more Han Zongzhi is looking forward to the day when he will fight with China, he will get back everything he lost from that guy Yu Luocheng, and let everyone know that it is just luck that that guy won the world championship that's all

An Luoxuan, I think you want to fix that guy as much as I do, he will have to kneel in front of us and beg for mercy next week, Han Zongzhi said with vicious eyes.

It's not a repair, but I really want to fight him again. An Luoxuan said calmly.

What do you say so nicely? In short, the two of us must easily blow up the two of them. Didn't you see their powerlessness when they dealt with the Canadian twins? Facing our two combinations, ten thousand of them would die. They are not our opponents in the bottom lane, and they have nothing to do, right, Coach Li, said Han Zongzhi.

Li Yuexin didn't speak either, just watched the match between England and China carefully.

Han Zongzhi, when you want to defeat someone, you must first admit his strength. On the one hand, you need to face up to your opponent, and on the other hand, tell yourself that the person who will accompany you as your enemy must be a master. Yu Luocheng is indeed an e-sports player. A rare genius in history, world-class and world-class players are like children in front of him. Hephaestus may be a very famous player in Europe, and he once beat Yu Luosheng in Ta. Unfortunately, they are not at all now. One level. Li Yuexin said

In the two matches, we can clearly see the strength of the support on both sides. Yu Luocheng is full of aggressiveness everywhere. If the opponent has a slight flaw, he will be caught and beaten severely. On the contrary, Hephaestus, who was very strategic in the past, is in front of him. With such an aura, Yu Luocheng couldn't show the demeanor of the leader of a team at all in front of him, and even felt that this guy seemed to be fighting with Yu Luocheng, always wanting to get something back, but in the end it was always him who suffered.

Li Yuexin sees all this clearly, so if the UK wants to win the Chinese national team, the only breakthrough is that the Xuanwu on the road can save the world in the later stage.

Xuanwu's personal strength is obvious to all in South Korea, and their top laner has basically been blown away.

Usually, when facing any national team, their Korean Hell Army always blows up in four directions, and does not give the opponent a chance. This is really the first time that they have collapsed all the way.

Of course, after seeing Xuanwu's pressure on the top lane, Li Yuexin also understood that the second-ranked top laner would probably not be able to play in the next game.

Urgot has started to go downhill, and the next stage should be the top lane for both sides. Li Yuexin said.

The suppression strategy in the early stage was very successful, and Yu Luosheng didn't blindly trouble the opponent anymore.

No matter how suppressed and blown up a road is, it will not be able to lead the team to victory. After looking at the equipment of both sides, Yu Luocheng began to place his wards in the enemy's wild area.

As a crab that can move around the world, catching people in the wild is one catch and one dies. When the team's economy is superior, the vision can make the game enter the rhythm of victory.

The wild area invaded, and Yu Luosheng, Xie Lianda, and Song Diwang waited in the bushes.

Someone is coming. Emperor Song said.

Ready to fight. Yu Luocheng replied.

Oops, there are 4 people on the opposite side. Xie Lianda called out.

Yu Luocheng took a look, and sure enough the other side came here together, he wondered how the other side knew they were squatting here.

Lin Dong, come quickly, you can fight, Yu Luocheng said with certainty.

Lin Dong is in the bottom lane, and he usually develops alone during this period. He is a long way away from everyone, and it will take a while to support him.

Hold on. Lin Dong rushed to support the wild area.

Pull back, you can hit, trust me Yu Luocheng said.

That's Yu Xie Lianda was also very angry, even if it was 3 on 4, he had no intention of retreating.

If their aP doesn't flash, they will kill him, Emperor Song said.

Don't be in a hurry, go around first, they have two weak points. Yu Luocheng said rationally.

Whether it is the blind monk or the robber, they all have the ability to fight in one go, but considering that there are two weak people on the opposite side, no matter how good Xie Lianda's manipulation is, he may not be able to kill the opposite person in seconds...

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