Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 675 If you don't buy eyes, you just do it!

After all, the top lane was inextricably played, but when everyone turned their perspective back to the super weird support in the bottom lane, they suddenly found that the opponent's ad support was disabled

What's the situation?? This question mark appeared in the minds of all the audience.

Everyone just watched the duel on the top lane not long ago, but something earth-shattering happened to the bottom lane. The summoner skills on both sides were handed over, and the blood volume on both sides was not much. Hephaestus' own Nami It also looks bad.

However, Yu Luocheng's super crab still has half of its HP.

This crab is like crazy, it directly crossed two waves of soldiers, holding an acid bomb in one hand and corrosive venom in the other, chasing the British ad 刂 Hephaestus

Brother, there are so many little soldiers. Lin Dong was also frightened by Yu Luocheng.

The confrontation just now was initiated by Yu Luocheng. As an online superior crab, there is no such thing as Heping Yu at all. From the very beginning, Yu Luocheng suppressed the two guys on the opposite side horribly.

Hephaestus and others couldn't take it anymore, and finally stood up to resist. In the end, after a wave of duels, Yu Luocheng didn't lose much blood, but Lin Dong himself was a little disabled, and all the summoner skills were explained away. .

The whole situation looked like a conspiracy carefully arranged by Yu Luocheng. After all, he was the one who provoked the matter, and it turned out that he was the one with the most blood left.

Nami of Hephaestus is taking medicine crazily. Originally, they wanted to take advantage of a large wave of soldiers to come over and try to rely on the line again. Those who were directly beaten home in the early stage like this were killed by others There is no difference, so if you can rely on the line, it is best to rely on it.

Who knew that Yu Luocheng's crabs were so brave, that the pawn line that was as strong as a hero in the early stage was like air in front of Yu Luocheng, and they directly pressed against him.

What the hell is this guy doing, let alone whether you can kill us, even if you change us, you will be killed by the soldiers

Hephaestus couldn't understand Yu Luocheng's old opponent at all, and kept a special skill on hand, trying to stop Yu Luocheng from the limit distance.

Yu Luocheng saw the right timing and threw a corrosive charge directly at the two people opposite him.

Once the corrosion charge hits the enemy, the big crab's corrosion hunter will be equipped with an automatic precise missile positioning effect, not only can it easily hit the enemy, but the range will become very far.

Crab's Corrosion Hunter is its main consumable skill, but this skill requires certain skills to hit the enemy. If it can be matched with Corrosion Charge, it is equivalent to installing gp positioning, and it will feel like chasing people and throwing Corrosion Bombs. Absolutely sour.

Yu Luocheng's gp acid locator hit the two on the opposite side, and his blood volume is not too much at this time, the damage of the two waves of minions is simply unbelievable, and he will die after a few touches.

Hephaestus sneered, leaving a wave of shock in his hand.

He knows very well that with Yu Luocheng's skill damage, he can definitely take his life away with a gp's acid hunter skill, but he can definitely use the return effect of the shock wave to restore his blood, so that he can withstand the opponent's skill of this skill harm.

shock wave

Hephaestus waved his hand to create a sea tide, and a shock wave rolled up towards Yu Luocheng.

Yu Luocheng reacted very quickly, instantly opened it and added a shield to himself, absorbing the damage from Hephaestus' skill, and then quickly aimed at the British absp who was trying to kill him directly; you boy, Are hands as long as mine?

Yu Luocheng threw the acid guided missile with precision guidance from his hand, and saw the green acid energy draw an arc and hit the British AD accurately.

That ad almost cried, he actually saw Hephaestus on it, and wanted to turn around and kill the damned crab, who knew his goal was not to assist Nami but himself, he paused for a while He fell directly into Yu Luocheng's attack range, and was directly taken away by the opponent's damage.

In fact, as a professional player, it is rare to make this kind of backtracking mistake, but the British ad is not sure about the range of this damn crab

As for any support, the British can definitely grasp the distance of the kite very well. The hero Crab is too unpopular. He has never even played against a man-machine, let alone judging its range. What kind of skills does he have? This ad is still unclear.

Hephaestus is actually in a similar situation. He has played the hero Crab himself, but unfortunately he is not very proficient in this hero. He only knows that this crab is very violent in the lane. Just like that, this crab landed in Yu Luocheng's hands, and it fell into the hands of China's No. 1 crab. Those were two completely different things. He was using the blind spots of all professional players to bring out the hero's nausea to the fullest.

It's like this wave of strong attacks against two waves of soldiers.

Come back and fight me if you have the ability, otherwise you will at least be replaced by me.

Facing so many little soldiers, Yu Luocheng's behavior was very close to committing suicide. After all, even if he killed someone, he would be beaten to death by the enemy's little soldiers.

But it was this kind of reckless spirit that made the two British bottom laners a little scared and at the same time they didn't want to let go of this opportunity to fight back, so they hesitated for a while, and were precisely guided by Yu Luocheng's gp because the distance was not accurate. take away.

Damn it, you are going to die for forcing our ad to be replaced. Hephaestus gritted his teeth and turned around to attack Yu Luocheng.

Cooperating with the damage of the small soldiers and Nami's basic attack, it can directly take away Yu Luosheng's life.

But after this basic attack was launched, Hephaestus suddenly noticed that the blood volume of Yu Luosheng's crabs had inexplicably increased.

Hephaestus was terrified, and found that his basic attack damage was only a little bit short, so he hurriedly ran back. Who knew that during the run, Yu Luocheng still took advantage of a short time with flat plus CD to deal enough damage , taking Nami of Hephaestus with him

double play big wave

Hephaestus froze there, he never expected

Why did this guy's blood volume increase inexplicably? At first Hephaestus thought that this guy killed a person and upgraded.

But leveling up wouldn't give him so much blood. Hephaestus thought about it carefully, and suddenly came to his senses. This bastard Nima pointed out the talent of dangerous game

l Talents are divided into three pages, the first page is for damage, the second page is for defense, and the third page is for support.

Normally speaking, the supporting talent is generally or in this way can ⊥ assist the flesh and have sufficient economic resources at the same time.

However, judging from the fact that Yu Luocheng recovered so much blood after killing someone, this guy didn't take the route of supporting talent at all, but added the talent master to the damage on the first page.

dangerous game

Generally speaking, this talent is a must for jungle blind monks, assassin heroes, and instant mages, because the 5% amount you get after killing people may save you

Hephaestus had calculated the damage correctly, and a general attack combined with the damage from the minions immediately took away Yu Luocheng, but because of Yu Luocheng's dangerous game and the blood volume added after the upgrade, Hephaestus shattered He Phaestus' thoughts

Just like this, Yu Luocheng showed off his IQ alive, and both of them died tragically under their own defense tower.

The captain is so violent, I can feel a hostility, Shen Xueyu said in a daze in the soundproof room.

It's really brutal, and it feels like a gamble. Coach Huang Kang said.

Yu Luocheng's wave was indeed a gamble.

There are two waves of small soldiers on the enemy side. Yu Luocheng rushed forward like this, and he had to confess his life there. He was betting that the other side would turn around and covet his own head. As long as the other side had the courage to turn back, he would immediately take a life ...

Of course, Yu Luocheng was not reckless at all, he must have calculated that after killing a person, his experience could be upgraded, and then he selected the dangerous game in his talent, so he used these two blood recovery effects to strengthen himself for a while, and once again Induce Hephaestus, and then tell Hephaestus to kill.

After killing the two of them, Yu Luocheng himself was also beaten to death by the soldiers. Generally speaking, it was a one-for-two exchange, and he won't lose any money.

With two heads, Yu Luocheng didn't buy the eye stone without any surprise.

It stands to reason that the assistant took two heads, and the first thing to do when you go home is to buy the eye stone, which can save enough expenses for yourself in the future, and the eye stone can also support some blood volume.

But Yu Luocheng didn't. His approach was just like the silver and bronze support in the rankings. What kind of vision and what kind of auxiliary equipment are all nonsense. They just want to be on the opposite side of the line, regardless of whether your opponent's jungler will come to catch them.

This kind of behavior of Yu Luocheng may have harmed many good young people in the country again. In the next week, smart people should not play rankings, lest they be cheated to death by various imitation assistants.

Emperor Song, take action in the lower lane. Xie Lianda put pressure on the lane, don't let their mid laner have the possibility of support. Da Luo, you'd better not let Xuanwu teleport down. After Yu Luocheng bought the equipment, he immediately ordered His team members said.

The other three nodded.

Whether it is Da Luo or Xie Lianda, the lane will definitely not make it too easy for the opponent, so it is basically impossible for the middle and top lanes to walk around the bottom lane.

Next, there is only one jungler left.

Yu Luocheng didn't buy it, there was a reason why he didn't buy it.

He was 100% sure that as soon as he got to the line, Hephaestus would check his equipment, and once Hephaestus knew that he didn't even buy it, he would definitely call their jungler to go down the road.

Then the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, and the Song emperor, who is ready to attack at any time, will teach the opponent's jungler how to behave

Eye position is to determine the movement of the enemy.

If the next situation is completely in your own hands, then why buy an eye? ()

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