Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 966: The world's No. 1 meat tank, Xuanwu...

Show me. Li Tuchuan asked Zhang Aijing to release the video.

At this time, Yu Luosheng also came over to find out the strength of the British national team.

Da Luo also came over with a hippie smile, as if he had a chance to play.

Several people turned on the video, and Zhang Aijing edited it carefully, showing some details of the top laner pair and the operation of the pair fight.

The early stage was very stable, and it didn't look very aggressive. Li Tuchuan commented.

The player named Bailey played as a dragon girl. In this era when the dragon girl is cut, it is rare to see a dragon girl in the professional circle. This unknown top laner chose the top laner of the previous era. one.

It feels so boring, this guy won't take ten thousand years to develop, right? Da Luo looked at it and wanted to doze off.

There were not many exchanges of fire between the two sides, but more of two people fighting each other.

This guy is equipped very quickly. Li Tuchuan said.

In 11 minutes, Bailey's dragon girl has already made Riyan.

Professional players generally multiply the time by 10 to make up damage, which means that 10 minutes is usually about 100 dollars, and the minute is 0 dollars.

This dragon girl is very stable in making up swords, and she will go to kill wild monsters in her spare time. What surprised Li Tuchuan is that this guy's equipment is very fast. It is reasonable to say that Riyan can only appear in 13 minutes. Guy has it in the early 10s.

Dragon Girl, a hero, has a strong need for Sun Flame. The combination of her own flame burning effect and the burning of Sun Flame will cause terrible damage.

After taking the lead in releasing large pieces of equipment, the British top laner Bailey showed obvious suppression, forcing the opponent's vt top laner to dare not replenish troops.

As a result, there was an obvious difference in the top laner between the two sides at 11 minutes. By 15 minutes, Bailey had already overwhelmed vt's top laner with 30 CS.

In the early 18th minute, the dragon girl Bingxin had already been made. With a wave of teleportation and bottom lane support, this dragon girl with two super fleshy and large pieces of equipment in less than a minute almost caused a devastating blow to ad. Han Zongzhi took this dragon The woman has nothing to do.

Although the dragon girl who took two kills in the teleport bot lane did not establish an advantage for the UK as a whole, but after returning to the line in the first minute, this dragon girl is almost the opposite father in the lane.

To put it bluntly, standing there and being beaten by South Korea, the South Korean player's own blood volume may be burned to a half.

The South Korean national team finally realized that the gap on the road could not continue to widen, so they began to forcibly bring the rhythm.

South Korea's No. 1 jungler Roh showed his amazing jungler strength, ambushing and catching British jungler Johnson to death in a row.

With more fights and fewer fights, South Korea has a great advantage in team battles.

However, in the chaos, it can be seen that when the South Korean team was chasing Longnu, Longnu was besieged by the Korean hell army for about half a minute, and finally escaped.

This meatiness is simply a nightmare. Li Tuchuan took a deep breath.

This dragon girl is simply a P. I don't know how much damage he suffered in the team battle. If it weren't for the super tank there, Britain would have been pushed home and pushed the base. After all, the strength gap between the two sides' ad and jungler is too big big.

It is precisely by virtue of Dragon Girl's super meat tank that Britain persisted until 35 minutes later.

In 35 minutes, his equipment is still not good enough. Zhang Aijing said.

Damn it, hasn't he been in the regiment all the time? Why does he still have such good equipment? Da Luo immediately cursed.

This top laner named Bailey has become the core of the entire British team. He constantly participates in team battles, and basically loses team battles. What is puzzling is that this guy's equipment is very good.

Generally speaking, if the top laner is well equipped, he will have two options. One is to stay in his own top lane, distract the enemy's attention by crushing the top lane, and force the enemy to send more people to defend themselves. , Give teammates some chances to breathe and develop.

Another way is to join a group and create a good fighting environment for the team by virtue of their small advantages in equipment.

Participating in a group is risky. If you still can't beat the team after joining the group, then your own development must be delayed.

However, this top laner from the UK is very strange. He must fight in any team, lose if he fights, and his equipment is very fast. He has always crushed the top laner of VT. That kind of incomprehensible super meat stopped the Korean hell The army's strong pace.

The game didn't end until 45 minutes.

After all, the British team lost. Their junglers are explosive, and they are basically explosive. Only the top lane has an advantage, and the top lane can be regarded as taking on the responsibility of saving the world. However, the strength of the Korean Hell Legion is indeed too strong. Parry.

The game was lost, but Li Tuchuan, Zhang Aijing, Da Luo, and Yu Luosheng saw a dreadful aura from this unnamed top laner from England

I... I seem to know who he is. Zhang Aijing remembered something and said.

Who?? Li Tuchuan and Yu Luosheng asked at the same time.

The world's number one tank—Xuanwu, Zhang Aijing said slowly.

Li Tuchuan also had some guesses in his heart, when Zhang Aijing said it, he also nodded.

It's almost the same, Li Tuchuan said.

The world's No. 1 meat tank, this name should have appeared two years ago, and the activity is in the US server.

In the field of top laners, there are American x-team captain Kurt, Japan's top laner Madman, and the world's number one meat tank, Xuanwu, who have fought against Kurt and Wilder, and they are not at a disadvantage.

This guy's most outstanding ability is not in being able to kill on the road, and be able to blow up the opponent, but in making up the knife, suppressing the growth, and the equipment is one step faster, and the meat is incredible. You can often see this guy rushing into the enemy Turning around in the pile, I don’t know how much damage he took. After the team fights, he may be full of blood

The American top laner Kurt belongs to the top laner who plays very smartly, and is good at trying to figure out the opponent's psychology.

Japanese lunatics are typical violent lunatics, all kinds of single kills, all kinds of strong attacks, and all kinds of tower crossings.

This Xuanwu is in the same rank as these two super top laners, but his style of play is developed like a cheat, and he has no solution. No matter how good the world is, once he meets this guy in the rankings, he will have the urge to hang up. If you haven't fought him, you won't know what it means to be desperate.

It turns out that the twins are talking about Xuanwu, he is playing for England. Yu Luocheng suddenly realized.

The information shows that he was originally British.

Well, I thought it would not be too difficult to fight the UK, but now it seems that there is another hurdle. Yu Luocheng said.

The world's e-sports is booming, and with this Olympic Games, almost every country is spending a lot of money to invite the world's best e-sports players. As a developed country, the UK is also a powerhouse in e-sports. lagging behind. Zhang Aijing said.

The appeal of the league is already very strong, gathering all the top professional club teams in the world.

However, the league does not include all the powerful e-sports players in the entire world. On the one hand, there are some very strong players who do not join the club, or use e-sports to make a living but do not play professionally, or are players in the team themselves. However, the number of places in the league is limited, and their team was not shortlisted.

During the national competition, all countries used their powerful appeal to gather this group of ghosts and ghosts together, and the extremely famous top laner Xuanwu also showed up.

It has to be said that besides facing a great enemy, this kind of competition with a large number of masters made the combative Yu Luocheng boil for no reason. Those strong players who could not fight against each other in professional competitions finally appeared in the national competition...

I'll study this guy, you keep training. Li Tuchuan seemed preoccupied.

Coach, what about me? Da Luo asked, pointing at his big face.

Go to training, Li Tuchuan said angrily.

Da Luo was overjoyed for a while, he could finally continue training, and he was really worried that the coach would isolate him.

By the way, Yu Luocheng, England's assistant is Hephaestus, you should be familiar with him, right? Li Tuchuan remembered something and said.

Well, it's an old rival. Yu Luocheng nodded.

The sun god He Polo.

Vulcan - Hephaestus.

Hephaestus, the British assistant, was a member of the World Champion God Team and Apollo's teammate.

At the beginning, the wing team was also defeated by the team of Apollo and Hephaestus. As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other. It just so happens that Hephaestus is playing as a support, and Yu Luocheng has already planned how to take revenge up.

The strongest support in Europe, Hephaestus

This guy didn't participate in the league, but in the past few sessions, he was Hephaestus. He is famous for seizing the opportunity and controlling the field of vision, and he has an excellent view of the overall situation.

In terms of operation, this guy should not be as delicate as South Korea's An Luoxuan, but he should be the brains of the entire British national team.

In the match against the Korean Hell Army, Hephaestus showed outstanding dominance ability, but unfortunately, his level couldn't keep up, and he was finally suppressed by Han Zongzhi's fierce style of play, so he didn't dare to really show himself...

After defeating Apollo and then dealing with Hephaestus, our vengeance will basically be avenged, Da Luo laughed.

I have long wanted to see these world-renowned e-sports players again. At the beginning, Taj and their wing team lost, and now they must get all of them back on l.

It's a pity, Zhao Tinghua is not here, otherwise I really want to regroup and fight hard with their team of gods again. Damn, if I don't fight back, I won't feel comfortable for the rest of my life, Lin Dong complained.

At this time, Zhou Yan also heard the words of Lin Dong, Da Luo, and Yu Luosheng.

Indeed, that was a scar engraved in their hearts for the few of them

Old Zhou, what's the matter with Zhao Tinghua's grandson? All monsters and snakes in other countries have jumped out. He is the number one jungler in China, but he doesn't show up, pretending to be garlic. Da Luo heard Lin Dong mention Zhao Tinghua's name , I felt uneasy for a while.

Old Zhou couldn't say it was the reason.

He knew very well that if the national team had Zhao Tinghua, the fighting power would rise in a straight line...

Zhao Tinghua, the pervert, ranked top two on the US server, and ranked third on the Korean server

The US server and the Korean server are really strong places. No domestic player has stepped into the top ten of the Korean server, but Zhao Tinghua is in the third place, which is enough to show how perverted his personal strength is. Those professional players in the Big Server Team of the Strongest were frightened by the news.

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