Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 963 Emotional intelligence lowers IQ

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\u003c!----\u003e Six people stood up and hugged each other.

In the New York venue, a group of people stood up and applauded non-stop.

The applause was obviously for Yu Luocheng, he once again let people see what support is not cannon fodder, but enough to blow the enemy into ashes

Yu Luocheng looked at the densely packed competition venue, and his heart was burning.

Playing professional leagues, isn't it just to enjoy this feeling?

From playing in Internet cafes in the past, surrounded by a group of people, to now in the world venue, there are more than 20,000 people playing super games...

it feels so good to win

There is a theory in professional gaming circles that winning the first round wins the game.

In a best-of-five match, generally speaking, the players will show their full strength in the first game, and they will take the lead in momentum from the very beginning.

The game is very particular about momentum, and after losing a game, it will affect the mentality even more. Once the mentality is messed up, there will be problems in the performance of the next game.

Such is the case with this game between Russia and China.

In the second game, Russia's assistant Telef could not find North, and was played and killed by Yu Luocheng in various ways.

Apollo also didn't make any achievements in the middle lane, but he was suppressed by Yan Luo Wang for making up the knife.

In the wild area, Zhou Yan made a beautiful solo kill, causing a small collapse in the opposing jungler.

From then on, Russia had no power to fight, and they basically surrendered within 30 minutes.

In this way, the Chinese national team won both games and scored two important points. The Chinese national team also proved to the world their strength to enter the Olympic finals.

Sitting on the bus, a group of Chinese national team returned to the city in a mighty manner.

The people in Russia got on the bus as well, but they got on the bus at the airport, and they were going to fly back to Moscow without accident.

They lost to Canada in two rounds and China in two rounds. Their status in the world finals was seriously affected. If they lost to France in the next game, they would completely lose their chance to enter the Olympics. Obviously, coach Dickens has put Apollo and others dragged them back, and they had to educate them.

On the bus of the Chinese national team, everyone excitedly talked about the game.

Li Tuchuan coughed and patted the excited Da Luo who was sitting in front.

Da Luo turned his head, looked at Coach Li Tuchuan with embarrassment, and said, Coach...

Seeing Da Luo's expression, Li Tuchuan forced a smile and said, It seems that you know your problem. I thought you didn't.

That wave was indeed reckless on my part. Da Luo lowered his head, looking reflective.

During the training match, Li Tuchuan repeatedly told Da Luo that, as the control of the entire team, Da Luo could not play the first move anyway, and had to leave the big move Frozen Tomb to the rushing fox on the opposite side.

In terms of lineup, the Chinese team is actually very fragile. A group of long-range mages, the reason why ⊥Da Luo chose the Frost Witch is precisely because this team needs a stable and strong control, which is enough to kill the enemy with a backhand when they rush up.

It was a dangerous move for Da Luo to use his ult to start the team first, especially because he failed to control the key Fox... Coupled with the fact that he was seriously out of touch with the team, this put the team into a crisis.

As a top laner, such a fatal mistake cannot be made. Fortunately, Yu Luocheng's equipment is very good, and he replaced the position of the mid laner output with more than ten layers of killing books. It may have been overturned by Russia.

The first game was won by Russia, and the probability of losing the second game is still very high. It was a wrong step, a wrong step.

Li Tuchuan was not polite this time, and made the seriousness of the situation clear to Da Luo.

Da Luo was also blushing for a moment, not knowing what to say.

This is indeed the case, that wave is definitely not a problem of King Yama being killed in seconds, but a problem of Da Luo's hasty intersection of big moves and reluctantly starting a group.

I know that you really want to show yourself in this competition and let the people you care about know how good you are, but you have to be clear that our current competition is not about showing off in Internet cafes, nor is it a ranking show operation, it is related to all of us. For the future of e-sports players, take Yu Luosheng as an example, you should know how important the World Olympics is to him. Li Tuchuan said.

Da Luo glanced at Yu Luosheng who was in front of the car.

After the league, he, Da Luo, Wu Sen, Lin Dong, and Zhou Yan basically got what they wanted, had enough money, and had the capital to speak in front of their relatives.

However, for Yu Luosheng, it was just the fulfillment of someone's last wish, and he still had to work hard for himself, because everyone knew that he didn't play e-sports for high income, nor for high fame. What needs to be changed is to make e-sports brilliant enough to shake the pedantic ideals of the older generation in the entire country.

This kind of thing seemed unattainable before, but the World Olympics made everything possible.

If Yu Luocheng didn't have such good equipment in that wave, and was overthrown by Russia's team-killing dragon, and lost the game because of morale in the second round, they would really bid farewell to the World Olympics. What about others?

Da Luo didn't dare to think any further, and deeply understood that he almost made a big mistake.

I'm sorry, coach. Da Luo admitted his mistake, because he understood how terrible the impact of that wave of mistakes would be.

Well, the next opponent is England. I don't know whether I should let you play now, because I am really afraid that this situation will happen to you again. Li Tuchuan shook his head helplessly.

The strength of the British national team is not inferior to that of Russia. Li Tuchuan would rather just laugh and forget to play. Maybe he won't have much advantage online, but he will never make the mistake of leading the whole team rashly.

Some players are like this, their mistakes are never their own death, but often put the whole team into a crisis...

Da Luo is typical.

This kind of mistake can't happen even once in the world series

Coach... don't... I want to play. Da Luo was startled and said in a hurry.

With this mistake, Li Tuchuan already wanted to change his first position.

Li Tuchuan admits that Da Luo's current personal strength is strong enough. For example, the Russian top laner Ivan will be suppressed against Da Luo. This is enough to prove the strength of Da Luo's world-class top laner. However, the attribute of making mistakes is not necessary. Li Tu In order to take the overall situation into consideration, Chuan must replace Da Luo in the next game.

In the following games, Yu Luosheng's strength is enough to lead the rhythm like the two games in Russia, so as long as the bottom lane can play an advantage, and the other lanes can develop well, the game can basically be won, so it's good to play with Xiao Wang, lol Forget that as long as you don't face the perverted lunatic, you will be stable enough on the road...

I'll give you a few days off. You don't need to train for the time being these days. Training is useless to you. Your strength is enough. What you need is to empty your mind and think about it. Li Tuchuan Said.

Coach, don't, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, don't give me a vacation, don't give me a vacation. Da Luo was frightened, thinking that Li Tuchuan would use the vacation as an excuse to kick himself out of the national team.

Seeing Da Luo's noisy appearance, Li Tuchuan couldn't help but smile.

Did Lao Tzu say that he would fire you? He wanted you to die and reflect on yourself, and he was counting on you to save the world in the future.

Li Tuchuan expressed his meaning clearly. After Da Luo learned that it was not that kind of holiday, he let out a sigh of relief. He really felt that he needed to reflect on himself.

Hey, where did Da Luo go? Lin Dong asked very puzzled.

Lin Dong didn't see Da Luo all day today, not to mention that he was usually extremely annoyed by this arrogant one showing off his power in front of him, but he didn't hear his noisy voice today, he was really not used to it.

The coach gave him a vacation. Wu Sen said in a low voice.

Yu Luocheng turned his head, first there was a burst of doubt in his eyes, and then he understood something.

Da Luo really needs to go to the snowdrift to think about his past.

I'll go and have a look. Yu Luocheng didn't feel like queuing alone, so he got up, planning to go outside to get some air.

Outside, there is white snow all over the ground, and New York is not as comfortable as China in the frigid weather.

In fact, Da Luo didn't go far. This New Yorker was unfamiliar, so where could he go? Yu Luocheng used his ass to figure out that he must be in the wooden tavern at the end of the block, where he likes Erguotou Tastes a lot like American brandy.

Following the snow on the street, I walked to the end, pushed the door open, and the bell rang, and I saw a thick back sitting there alone, immersed in the smoke of sorrow for career and love embarrassment.

Yu Luocheng walked over and sat opposite Da Luo.

Da Luo was drunk and confused, his whole face was flushed, seeing that it was Yu Luocheng, he grinned a bit and said, Come on, come on, let's go.

Yu Luocheng took a sip to warm up his body, this brandy is really horrible

What are you doing, you look like you've been abandoned again. Yu Luocheng said.

Da Luo's appearance is very similar to He Shuimo's slump back then, the feeling of being abandoned by the world.

Yu Luocheng, now it's just us two brothers, I'll ask you whether women are more important or career? Da Luo asked with a bit of tongue.

Yu Luocheng almost fell off the chair, Da Luo is really drunk, asking such a world problem like Your mother and I fell into the water at the same time.

This is not a comparison.

I decided that I must play well, so I don't like her anymore.

Can you not be mentally retarded? What does the two have to do with each other? Yu Luocheng was a little speechless.

She influences me too much. As long as she is here, I will think about it, and when I think about it, I will lose my mind and make mistakes in judgment. You know, I can't fully concentrate even on such an important game. For the game, for the country, I I want to cut off three thousand threads of love with a knife... Da Luo waved the brandy bottle, full of vigor and peerless independence.

Yu Luocheng was struck by the half-drunk Da Luo.

But also, there will always be people in this world whose EQ is so low that their IQ is lowered. \u003c!--over--\u003e

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