Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 952 Consumption and Explosion Both

The Void Fissure is very special. When a whip is pulled over, it will cause two stages of magic damage. These two stages of magic damage will also directly trigger the first layer of Void Mark. The passive of the chrysanthemum monster has no cd. That is to say, after collecting 3 layers of imprints and triggering real damage, if the enemy is attacked by the Chrysanthemum Monster skill again, then the imprints will start to be counted again... At first, Thresh ate two imprints, and was given by the circle of the void. True damage is triggered. Thresh, who was knocked into the air, was whipped twice by the Void Crack, so Thresh, who had just eaten the real damage, was marked again. Yu Luocheng is a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder. After seeing Thresh's body with two more layers of marks, he resolutely pushed forward. After the big tadpole cd was finished, he immediately added a big tadpole and went over... in the middle The target, the 3rd floor is full, and then send a real damage Be careful. Feixie warned. Trev was also puzzled, didn't he just pay for a cannon cart to earn a little money, but he was hit so hard by the opponent with two sets of real damage... The two real damage is 150, plus the damage of his skills, the total was Destroying a bottle of medicine close to uu blood will increase the blood volume by 150. It is estimated that Thresh was knocked out of the blood volume of nearly 3 bottles of medicine. These 3 bottles of medicine cost 105 yuan. In order to make up for a cannon car worth 43 yuan, I lost 1 yuan in the end. Thresh brought a total of 3 medicines, he took two of them, and then used his own blood recovery to bring back the next amount of blood... But, just because his blood bottle was low, Thresh didn't dare to go forward Lucian of Saolin East has replenished his troops. If the hero Thresh doesn't know how to use a comparable normal attack to harass the enemy's HP in the lane, his effectiveness will be greatly reduced. This Thresh is also young. Lin Dong comfortably recruited soldiers, and no one harassed him to collect all the soldiers. It must be that Ou eats octopus monsters less often. Yu Luocheng said. Octopus is a new hero. Generally speaking, new heroes will be very popular when they come out. Unfortunately, Chrysanthemum is not as popular as Bron and Yasuo. It can be seen that Russia's auxiliary Telef is a typical example of not understanding the Eye of the Void, and underestimated the terrifying outbreak of this hero in the early stage. Only you, a freak, can play this kind of unpopular hero, but unpopularity has the advantage of being unpopular. If you play a familiar hero, ghosts know what skills are. Yu Luosheng said. Everyone is a professional player, and is basically familiar with all the skills of more than a hundred heroes. But understanding is one thing, and being able to guard against it is another. Yu Luocheng has always played weird routines, so that even those professional players who are familiar with all the heroes will be beaten in a circle. Fercis doesn't move, this guy is too old, let's make more trouble with this young Thresh. Yu Luocheng made a judgment. Lin Dong also nodded grimly. I like to bully professional players who are too young. Judging from Thresh's performance in the early stage, there should be a chance to kill him. Others are well-known supporters in the European server, and they have been playing professionally for two years... Li Tuchuan heard that Yu Luosheng and Lin Dong had already partnered to plot against Russia's support Thresh, and shook his head helplessly, However, I believe Compared to Yu Luosheng and Lin Dong, the two e-sports veterans, Russia's support Telef is indeed a little younger. Telef is a tough and soft support, and his style of play tends to look for the enemy's flaws and then go all out. Recruit the enemy. After being consumed by the opponent's chrysanthemum monster's various blood volumes, Teleff was still calm and forbearing at first. He believed that he would be able to find the opponent's dead chrysanthemum monster's flaw...Little octopus, don't be caught by me, if you get hooked, cooperate A set of explosions on my big plane will directly let you go to the fountain. With this thought in mind, Treve kept a certain distance from the enemy... But, as the big tadpoles and small tadpoles collided one after another, and as the blood bottle was exhausted, Treve's heart was already slightly shaken .

Why didn't I find out before that the hero Eye of the Void is so annoying? This guy's skills are so slow, and his trajectory is so obvious. Why do I keep getting hit? Does the support on the opposite side turn on the sight plug-in? I didn't The medicine is gone and can no longer be consumed. Treve said to Ficius. Phycius frowned. To be honest, he didn't have much chance of winning against Yu Luocheng, so he chose a slightly stronger plane. On the other hand, he only wanted to develop peacefully. The road is still relatively peaceful and can develop well. If you do it, you may die. The problem is, the hero Chrysanthemum Monster is really disgusting, with endless skills, but the slow and fluttering skills are always difficult to hide when flying over. After eating a few more skills, the blood volume has dropped a lot. If it continues like this, it will really be consumed by the opponent. Fight a wave Figheus finally made a decision. In any case, if the combination of aircraft and Thresh can control the enemy, it will have an advantage in fighting. Trev just waited for Phycius's words. It was a very uncomfortable thing to be beaten by the opponent all the time and not be able to meet the enemy himself. Look at my hook, if we can hit it, we will hit it hard. Trev said. Okay. When the Russian bot lane duo was planning to fight against the opponent, Yu Luosheng and Lin Dong were also planning on the other side. Lin Dong, sell it, we'll fight them, Yu Luocheng said. Lin Dong stared straight at his eyes. Damn, why didn't you sell it? Damn, did you make a mistake, who is the assistant, is there anyone selling it? Lin Dong ignored Yu Luocheng, he didn't sell the plane, the explosion rate of the plane was very high, if he sold it, it might be possible... I'm sorry Lin Dong was still acting petty, when he suddenly saw a hook passing through the wall of the soldiers and facing straight Fly by yourself. Lin Dong was so annoyed by Yu Luocheng's words that he didn't have time to react. Under normal circumstances, his displacement is still there, so there is no reason why he was hooked by Thresh on the opposite side. Many enough. Yu Luocheng secretly gave Lin Dong a compliment in his heart. This guy Lin Dong just had a stubborn mouth, and just now he was saying that he would not sell, so he dedicated his body to Thresh's hook just now. Well done, just waiting for Thresh to come over. Trev was determined to fight this time, so he directly pressed the second paragraph to turn himself into a ghost and fly in front of Lin Dong, and then used his pendulum of doom skill to forcibly give Lin Dong's Lucian Pull back. Fight first. Yu Luocheng yelled. Yu Luocheng waited for a while, and when Ficius' plane approached, Yu Luocheng flew out decisively, blocking this guy's intention to attack. Fei Xiusi is also very powerful, he made a beautiful roundabout move, dodging Yu Luocheng's skills... Forget it, before Thresh. Yu Luocheng found that Fei Xiusi was very cunning, and he didn't hand in a movement skill at all. If Feixie's plane didn't grant displacement skills, Yu Luocheng would definitely not be able to use this only control skill, so the target turned directly to Thresh. Lin Dong and Yu Luocheng are worthy of being old partners, and the two shifted their focus quickly... Lin Dong hid behind Yu Luosheng's octopus monster, and hit Thresh with all his skills. Yu Luocheng easily put a Weakness on Fichers' super-explosive plane, and then quickly used the combo of q, and put 4 marks on Thresh. Thresh's blood volume was not full, this set of bursts hit Thresh's body, and the output was even higher than Lin Dong's Obama. Thresh, who had eaten the full set of skills, saw that his blood volume had bottomed out, and hurriedly flashed and ran away. Without further ado, Lin Dong followed up with a laser beam and took Thresh away. Why is his damage so high? Trev was going crazy. I am a big Thresh, how can I say that he is almost full of blood, but he didn't withstand the attack of the octopus monster and Lucian for 3 seconds? ? How can this be? ? You took someone else's u skill, you should use your flash earlier to avoid the octopus monster's knock-up skill. Seeing that the situation was wrong, Ficius decisively took off and left. Trev looked at his corpse, and couldn't figure out why it was a very beautiful attack, but why he was killed by the opponent in seconds... and why the damage of Octopus is so high, he is not a consumable hero What, what kind of explosion is this Nima? I told you just now that Eye of the Void's explosion is very high even when there is no ultimate move, especially when all 4 skills are hit. Feixie is somewhat Said dissatisfied. My support is really too simple. If he uses flash to avoid the octopus's knock-up, the result is definitely not the case. Why does he have to leave a flash and it will be instantly killed by others? Eye of the Void is a consumable hero, but it is also He is a very terrifying and terrifying hero. Each hero has a total of 5 skills if the passive is added together, and the 5 skills in the League of Legends all have very little damage effect. Among them, the fire man is the fire man's passive burning, and he has the second man in the early stage high outbreak. The octopus monster seems to consume all its skills, but its outbreaks are sometimes even more perverted than the fire man. The first two of the octopus monsters are i5 seconds, that is to say, in the i5 seconds, there are two or two damages in total, which is equivalent to 4 small skills plus the spit skill, and there are a total of u damages here. Forget u times of damage, his passive, every 3 times the skill hits the enemy with a burst of real damage, and another real damage will be added here. All together, here is the damage of level 8. Thresh has eaten the skill damage of level 8 octopus monster in i5 seconds. Even if the basic damage of level 8 is low, it is enough for him to drink a pot, let alone Lin East Lucian's short-term high burst... Generally speaking, heroes with high consumption do not have high burst.

It's a pity that this doesn't apply in front of the Eye of the Void. This is a void monster that sacrifices all self-protection and movement abilities, and consumes and explodes to the extreme.

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