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\u003c!----\u003e Olympic qualifiers, the female swimmer Wang Mingming achieved good results and entered the Olympic group as the second place. I believe we will see her more outstanding performance in the near future. * Literature Museum Ww ;oM*

Having said that, her swimming time is about a second slower than the first place. Anyway, the little genius is still very exciting. You must know that there are definitely a small number of people who have achieved this result in foreign championships. said the announcer.

Haha, of course. I am looking forward to her performance in the Olympics. It would be best if she could win a swimming gold medal for China.

Two announcers on the sports channel are clearly praising a player.

In front of a 19-inch old-fashioned color TV, Yu Jing and Li Yun, who were wearing thick sweaters, were sitting on the sofa, listening to the announcer's words, their faces were full of delighted smiles.

Yu Yu is just trying to get ahead. Sitting on the other side of the sofa, the middle-aged woman with gray hair said.

Wearing a small kerchief and holding a child in her arms, the woman appeared to be a visitor.

The smile on Li Yun's face grew even more, Yu Jing also lit a cigarette on his own, but just as he was about to take a puff, Li Yun gave him a hard look.

Cigarettes, Yu Jing's body can't smoke. If he didn't take care of his decades of smoking addiction, Li Yun wouldn't give Yu Jing a single cigarette.

Yu Jing smiled mischievously, and put down the cigarette that was approaching his mouth.

From the very beginning, I felt that this girl had a future. Alas, I knew I would have brought this child here. The eldest sister who was holding the child continued.

The relatives and neighbors already know that Yu Yu is a small sports star, and he is about to compete in the Olympic Games, which ordinary people can't even dream of. So I don't know why the number of visitors to the originally deserted home has increased over the years, and the relatives have become The faces are amiable. In the past, if money was mentioned, they would change their faces. Now they are all smiling and easy to talk about.

This is indeed the case. Unlike people who work outside to make money and come back with great fame, those who are famous like Yu Yu are not the same. They are things that money can't buy.

Let’s put it this way, the old house where Yu Jing and Li Yun live should be demolished in recent years. When the government makes subsidies, it must take into account that Yu Yu is a national first-level athlete and is confirmed to be an Olympic athlete. Subsidies must be more, but also comprehensive.

For other families living here, it is absolutely impossible for them to bargain with real estate companies and the government. No matter how rich your family is, what is the use of it? Who knows you?

Money can also be earned through doing business. Fame is very difficult for ordinary people to obtain, so it is also very precious.

Li Yun is very clear that the family itself is not rich. Both of them are ordinary workers, and they could barely support the growth of their two children, but buying a house is basically impossible, even if they add some money to the family. New appliances take a long time to think about.

But Yu Jing, who was killed suddenly, was seriously ill, which was a family destruction. Li Yun thought that the family would be broken and couldn't support it.

Fortunately, Yu Yu has practiced hard for many years, and finally made it through. This family who is about to go to a dark corner, and has been stared at by relatives and talked about flowers, suddenly jumped up, and its status is even higher than that of her natal family. The eldest sister's house is even higher.

Only after suffering, being pissed and looked down upon will you know how important it is for the children in the family to be successful.

I really can't imagine how this family will survive if Yu Yu is doing nothing in the swimming team?

Oh, by the way, where's your little Sheng? The eldest sister Li Aiyu suddenly remembered something and asked.

This... Li Yun was a little embarrassed immediately.

Yu Jing's complexion suddenly changed.

He's still in college and hasn't graduated yet, hehe. Li Yun said.

Well, I guess I can find a good job after graduation. It's getting late, and they are all waiting for me downstairs. The eldest sister Li Aiyu stood up.

Well, I'll take you down. Li Yun stood up.

Today is the holiday, and a wave of relatives came over from her mother's house. Li Yun cooked a table of delicious food for them.

Okay. Li Aiyu picked up the child in her arms.

Walking downstairs, Li Yun whispered to Li Aiyu, who was holding her grandson, I'll have to wait a while before I can return the money to you.

Give Yu Yu to me, don't worry about it, Yu Yu is a good boy. Li Aiyu said.

Oh, oh... have you paid it back? Li Yun was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to understand something.

Li Yun still doesn't know what kind of income Yu Yu's income is. The fixed salary paid by the state should not be much. It may be that Yu Yu received the endorsement in advance and got the advertising fee in advance...

Yu is actually a very face-saving person. Even though Yu Yu can make money now and has a lot of national security and welfare, he doesn't like Yu Yu to be responsible for the expensive operation fee. What he means is that Yu Yu keeps the money for himself. It means that young people may live in a bigger city in the future and need money very much. They will pay back the money they owe. The salary is not high, but they can always pay it back.

Yu Jing never cared about his relatives, and he was a little nervous, and he didn't care about other people's opinions at all, but Li Yun knew very well, which relative really said to lend you a sum of money and let you pay it back slowly in five or ten years?

Yu Jing wanted to save face, and didn't want Yu Yu to return the money borrowed for the operation, so Yu Yu secretly got the phone numbers of relatives in her mobile phone, and gave all the money one by one.

Li Yun naturally asked Yu Yu, but Yu Yu pretended to be in a daze and didn't know anything. Li Yun felt that this was the child's filial piety, so there was no need to ask further.

If the money from Big Sister's side is also paid back, then there should be no more money owed, and I can finally keep the money... Li Yun looked at Li Aiyu who left, and let out a long breath.

With Yu Yu's help, Li Yun is getting a rare promotion now, and her salary is about twice as high as before.

Although the money is not going anywhere, it can finally be saved.

Now Li Yun doesn't need to worry about Yu Yu's problems. As a national first-class athlete, she will not only have more room to take off in the future, but also has a solid job.

A girl doesn't need to ask too much, and now she has achieved such an achievement, what else does she need to worry about?

The thing to worry about is naturally the problem of his son Yu Luosheng.

Li Yun is very clear that this society is no longer the era when college students were the favorites of heaven. Even if Yu Luosheng returned to school after playing professional games and got a college diploma, it may not be possible for him to find a good job in the future.

The child is also in his twenties. I heard Mrs. Xu and Sister Hua say that after a boy becomes independent, it will be difficult for him to find a job after graduation and support himself. It is impossible to solve the problems of marriage and house in just a few years. The vast majority are still the parents at home to take care of everything for the children.

It's a lot of money to take care of these things, can you get married without a hundred thousand?

Can't there be hundreds of thousands of wedding rooms?

In the next five or six years, this money must be taken out, and she must make these plans, otherwise she will be in embarrassment again.

Probably about 5 years. My salary is now UU, and I can save 16 UU per month for my daily expenses of 400. It's about 10,000 a year... It's only 100,000 after 5 years. Li Yun broke her fingers Forget it, my heart sank all of a sudden.

In this day and age, what can 100,000 yuan do? It is said that girls in certain counties in Lecheng get 80,000 yuan as their bride price when they get married. Saving it for 5 years can only solve Yu Luocheng's future bride price problem.

While thinking about it, Li Yun felt helpless. Yu Yu has a future, so he doesn't have to worry about life. What can Yu Luocheng do? He plays e-sports and many people watch it, but he probably doesn't have much money.

After walking outside, Li Yun suddenly became preoccupied again. After turning the corner, she wanted to buy a bag of salt and go back to discuss this matter with Yu Jing, but she happened to see Li Aiyu, the eldest sister she had just sent out, at the entrance of the street with a few others. The relatives of the natal family who were full were chatting while waiting for the car.

What about going to college? We didn't know that the kid was addicted to game consoles, and he ran away from home for the second time, as if he heard that he was expelled from college. A woman with yellow and black skin said.

This person is Li Yun's second sister and also Yu Luocheng's second aunt. She usually likes to gossip about people's affairs behind her back the most. Li Yun's second sister Li Aiye is the one who gets angry the most. This person is born with a sharp mouth

There is such a thing, I thought Xiao Sheng was studying in college, and he would be a college student of our family in the future. Li Aiyu said with emotion.

A bullshit college student, his father was so angry that he was sick and hospitalized. Others don't know about it, how can I not know about it? Second sister Li Aiye said.

I seem to have heard a little bit. It is said that Li Yun's family is also strange. The child picked up is very promising, but the child born is such a bad thing. Xu Ning, the second sister of the big fat pier, said.

The others were also sighing. If Li Aiye didn't say anything, everyone really thought that Li Yun's son was studying at a university in Shanghai. They didn't expect there to be such a big essay in it.

No wonder, when I came here a few years ago, I saw this kid playing computer games like a demon. When I greeted him, he responded casually, as if he had lost his soul. At that time, I felt that this kid would definitely not have a soul in the future. It’s useful, but I didn’t expect to make my father mad.”

That's right, a few years earlier, didn't Li Yun still say that her son was going to transfer to another school? The second sister Li Aiye rolled her eyes, looking excited to gossip again.

How to say?

It's just running away from home. A fifteen or sixteen-year-old child ran away to play games, and then ran away again when he was old... I don't know why the Yu family gave birth to him. It's like cutting my own life. Two Sister Zhang Aiye was quite loud at first, but the latter sentence was deliberately lowered.

At the corner, Li Yun, who was standing there in a daze, listened to all these words, her body visibly trembled

Li Aiye, I, Li Yun, can't finish with you

Li Yun's eye circles were flushed, and this time she felt like she was going to explode in a gentle and ordinary way.

At this moment, she wished she could pick up the broken glass next to her and twist Li Aiye's neck, then smash all the broken glass into this bitch's mouth

In the past, when Li Yun heard such bad things about their family behind their backs, she swallowed it, swallowed it.

Even if his child is rebellious, no longer obedient, no longer caring for this family, in Li Yun's heart, he will always be the most precious and precious...

Li Yun can endure everything, but she will never tolerate someone saying her son like this

(The next chapter will be posted around 1 o'clock) \u003c!--over--\u003e

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