Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter Nine hundred and sixty-eight money is not a matter

What did you say, suspend the game???

Coach George's disbelieving voice suddenly came from the Canadian lounge.

The members of the Canadian group were also puzzled. They stared at the organizer in New York. The man in a suit said with an apologetic expression: No way, this is the decision of the E-sports Association. We have no choice. I hope the players will I can understand it, and we have to explain it to all the audience.

Wait, don't go, tell me why the game is suspended first, Coach George said angrily.

They have already won the first round. The morale of the national team was obviously broken by them in the first round. As long as they pursue the victory, they will definitely win the second round. Why do you say that the game is suspended when the game is suspended?

If you have any questions, you can ask the chairman of the association, Lupu, or the chief judge, the judge Oshika. This is their decision. The reason seems to be that a certain player of the Chinese team violated the rules and needs to be punished. Host Fang said.

After speaking, the man in the suit quickly left.

The most important thing to solve now is not the issue of national players. The country and players must obey the arrangements of the Olympic Organizing Committee and the World E-sports Association. What's more, there is no strict rule that the second game of the World Tour itself must be held on the same day. Japan At the beginning, in order to gain more popularity and money for one more day, the match was split into two days. In the UK, there was even a week between the two games.

Since the Olympic Organizing Committee and the E-sports Association requested to suspend the competition, although the organizers are a little embarrassed, it is not a bad thing for them, because they can still earn another day of popularity.

The League of Legends world competition is now hot all over the world. For such a heavyweight country, especially the extremely popular country and Canada, the number of viewers is measured by tens of millions. Even if the organizers hold it again for free, they are willing. , This kind of competition is held once less, and all sponsors will support it with both feet.

Now, the most important thing to solve is the live audience.

The audience must have come to watch the two rounds, but the second round had to be suspended and a date was chosen, so the audience naturally felt uncomfortable.

The organizers also have countermeasures, telling the audience that as long as they hold today's tickets, they can watch the second round of the next Canadian game for free, and give some skins to those who come to the scene.

Everyone needs skins. Although the audience in North America is generally not easy to pass, it is decided that this is the case. Either stay on the scene and complain, or wait for the next time to watch the skins.

How is it? Li Tuchuan asked eagerly when Xia Yingxing came back.

Everyone saw the commotion at the scene through the glass window, and it was obvious that the news had been released.

The organizer and the sponsor agreed to choose another day to play the second round, but they said that the cost of giving away skins on the spot probably needs to be settled by us. Xia Yingxing said.

The audience must be treated well. Most of the people who can come to watch the game are loyal fans of e-sports. The sudden suspension of the national team should not disappoint the audience.

Let's say there are more than 20,000 people at the scene, and each person has a skin... Even if it is relatively cheap at 50 yuan, it is still a million dollars?? It will cost millions to stop a game?? Zhang Aijing looked at the densely packed scene. crowd.

How can we bear this? Li Tuchuan said with some dissatisfaction.

The right to suspend the game is given by the Olympic Organizing Committee and the E-sports Association. They only use it. The problem of the audience should be resolved by the organizer.

We don't want to be responsible for everything, Xia Yingxing added.

Then ask Ike. Yu Luocheng said.

For things like skin, I must look for Ike.

Although Ike is in charge of all League of Legends events, players must communicate with Tencent officials through Ike.

Xixi, where's Boss Ike? Zhang Aijing asked.

Isn't this coming? Xixi pointed to the guy in the down jacket who was hurrying towards the lounge in the aisle.

Oh, she was dressed like a rice dumpling, I really didn't recognize it. Zhang Aijing said.

As soon as Ike walked in, he found that everyone's eyes were on him. He didn't know what happened for a while, and he choked out a sentence after a while: I just arrived, what's the matter with the suspension of the game, can it be Canada? Playing the same tricks as South Korea?

This time we used tricks. Yu Luocheng said with a smile.

...well, what's going on? Ike asked.

Let me explain... Li Tuchuan said.

Li Tuchuan immediately told Ike his thoughts.

Ike had heard about Qianmeng a long time ago, after all, the win against Japan was really satisfying.

Li Tuchuan, do you really want to do this and suspend the game? Ike asked seriously.

The compensation for this time, if each of the 20,000 people at the scene is calculated at 50 yuan for the skin, it will also cost 1 million yuan.

Who will pay for this money?

The national team? Even though the national team got a huge amount from Japan, the rent and expenses of the players in the United States are superior to a certain extent because they earned it by playing games. The spare money is definitely not too much, Xia Yingxing I must have been exhausted for a long time on the issue of funds.

Playing the world tour is burning money.

If the national team comes out with the one million yuan, everyone will probably have to tighten their belts.

I know that this incident was caused by our suspension of the game, and we will try our best to pay for the compensation. Ike, what you need to help us is to see if there is an internal price, so that we can save a little on-site compensation expenses. Li Tuchuan seemed Seeing that Ike was a little embarrassed, he eased his tone.

Although the game company can use as many skins as they want, in order to maintain the balance of virtual currency, it is impossible for the game company to make so many skins for free and give them away for free. These skins must be backed by corresponding RMB.

One million is not a small number

There should be no internal price. Half of the rewards are for individuals, and it is difficult to target groups, otherwise the virtual currency will depreciate. Eike said.

After all, do we have to pay the money? Coach Huang Kang said.

One million yuan Song Emperor, Chuguan Wang and others all gasped, feeling that it was an astronomical figure.

It's really not a small sum. Zhang Aijing nodded.

Everyone's eyes fell on Xia Yingxing. The money allocated by the government is in Xia Yingxing's hands. I don't know if the government is willing to help you pay the money

Xia Yingxing said, If the players have an accident, or if the team has an unexpected expense, the government will pay for it. But in this case, we can decide not to suspend it temporarily. The government will not give this kind of money.

In fact, it is considered normal, the government will definitely not pay this money, because this is the trouble that the national team has asked for.

Xia Yingxing paused, but continued to speak: However, Li Tuchuan, if you think such a suspension is necessary, then I will find a way to solve the problem of the money. Now I need to know how to spend one million compensation to suspend this Is the game worth it?

Ike also nodded at this time, he needed an affirmative answer.

Li Tuchuan saw that the two big Ps were asking himself such a serious question, and he felt a little conflicted in his heart.

However, he finally set his sights on Yu Luocheng and Qian Meng.

Suspend the second round, that is, the second round must win Canada, otherwise such a thing will be lost and the loss will not be worth the loss

Yu Luosheng, Qianmeng, give me the answer. If you are in the bot lane, can you defeat the Canadian twins? Li Tuchuan asked earnestly.

Yu Luocheng glanced at Qian Meng, Qian Meng didn't seem to expect that things would suddenly fall on her, a woman.

But Qian Meng didn't answer, let's see what Yu Luocheng said.

Yes. Yu Luocheng nodded without talking nonsense.

Qianmeng came out, Yu Luocheng was full of confidence, why didn't he dare to fight the Canadian twins?

The strongest bot lane combination, how can it⊥ be given to the North American twins, it must belong to Yu Luosheng

Li Tuchuan received Yu Luosheng's affirmative answer, and as if he had made up his mind, he replied seriously to Xia Yingxing and Ike: It's worth it. If we can enter the Olympic finals, it will be worth spending a few times more money on it.

Xia Yingxing nodded.

Everyone is fighting for the honor of the country. Although one million is a large amount, as Li Tuchuan said, if you can enter the Olympic finals, no amount of money is too much. This is the first time e-sports has entered the Olympic Games. How can there be the United States, South Korea, Canada, and the United Kingdom in the Olympic Games but no country? ?

Yu Luosheng believes that he and Qianmeng can fight against the Canadian twins, and Li Tuchuan also believes that Yu Luosheng and Qianmeng can do it. In this case, Xia Yingxing has no reason not to believe in Li Tuchuan's decision.

Okay, I will try my best to settle the on-site compensation. Xia Yingxing didn't say much.

Miss Xia, what you said...the government has already paid a lot of money for the world tour, and you need to go to many departments to allocate the money, and you have done enough. Our big Tencent is 100% sure Support your country's team to enter the World Olympics, not to mention that L fist company is also owned by our big Tencent, and our L project team will not let you pay for the on-site compensation, so leave this matter to me, you guys We just need to make good use of this opportunity and enter the World Olympics. The money matter is nothing to our big Tencent, Ike said righteously.

Compared with the World Olympics, a mere one million is nothing to Tencent. Ike believes that the Ps above will definitely not be stingy on this matter.

After hearing Ike's incomparably heroic words, everyone was stunned.

The matter of money is not a matter at all, and it is estimated that such words can only be said by relying on the Tencent Empire.

Back to the big boss, I feel like a local tyrant. Li Tuchuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

With Tencent paying for it, everyone felt a lot more at ease.

Of course, everyone also understands that to a certain extent, Ike is selling favors to everyone. Without Ike, it is basically difficult to discuss such matters. A lot of support has been given, and it is precisely the countless talents who silently support e-sports events and are full of blood and backbone in their hearts that give China e-sports its current status.

There is no way, uncle, as an employee of Tencent, should invite the promotion of implantation in accordance with the situation. Don't tell me, you have watched Zhengfeng for so long and still don't know that our Zhengfeng comes from Tencent. However, no matter how you criticize Tencent’s games for stealing money, on L, you have no reason to criticize. Without Tencent’s support for e-sports, China E-sports is still struggling in a dark corner, so everyone must support us. Vote for the monthly ticket every month, and the recommended ticket for every day. )I

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