Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 957 You can't find North!

The X transposition global flow tactic is one of the classic tactics invented by Li Tuchuan, which has never been used in the world league. [Ci Shu Ge][Ci Shu Ge]

Li Tuchuan didn't intend to keep too much in this fight against Canada. He wanted to give Canada a taste of the power of the Chinese super guerrilla warfare.

Xiao Wang teleported down, as an old tree spirit, its outstanding feature is its foot control, its rough skin and thick flesh, and its damage is not low.

After Xiao Wang landed on the ground, he was beaten by the opponent without any accident, but so what, the old tree spirit who opened the big move is meat, a small cannon with no equipment, a jungler Wei without U-level, and a How much blood can the formed Clockwork Demon kill him? ?

The old Dryad doesn't care about anyone, the primary target is the Clockwork Demon, a thigh tied tightly to keep the Clockwork Demon, a set of skills stuck to it

At the same time, the trio of Bai Feng, Yu Luosheng, and Zhou Yan came up from the lower river.

Yu Luocheng was extremely brave, he knocked out their jungler Wei Wei with a single shield attack.

Xiao Wang was responsible for driving away the clockwork demon, and the others were responsible for gang-beating the other three people on the opposite side.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the combat effectiveness of the trio of Nightmare, Pan Sen, and Airplane is stronger than that of Fengnv, Xiaopao, and Wei. Yu Luocheng knocked out a set of skills, and Bai Feng immediately gave him a machine gun. Yeyue Hanlin flashed in a hurry, this guy reacted relatively quickly, if he was a little later, he probably wouldn't be killed in seconds

The Karen Carter twins are covering each other. However, when everyone has not yet reached U-level, the Chinese national team has always had a great advantage in team battles. They can only fight and retreat, and try to fight with AP. The magic round.

After Xiao Wang chased away the clockwork demon, he suddenly turned around and surrounded him, not caring about anyone except Wei, who was half-blooded.

It's a pity that Feng Nu and Xiao Pao are very smart. They use themselves as a human wall to cover Wei's retreat, preventing anyone from keeping up with the output and killing the jungler Wei in seconds.

Bai Feng, fuck him Yu Luocheng shouted.

Bai Feng was slightly taken aback.

Now the only person who can meet Wei seems to be the only one. The displacement distance of the plane is very long. If you turn on the jet flight, you will definitely be able to reach Wei on the opposite side

Can't be coaxed

We must quickly reduce the number of opponents

Bai Feng gritted his teeth, abandoned the conservative thinking that AD must keep his movement skills, and turned on the jet and rushed directly in front of Wei.

Wei didn't flash, and with the old tree spirit's big move, he could kill him immediately

Baifeng, Yu Dehao, just kill the opponent first, and the opponent's output can't pose any threat to you. Li Tuchuan shouted a little excitedly.

With a serious expression, Bai Feng continued to throw bombs during the basic attack, trying to deal enough damage.

Finally, Wei's health was exhausted. Bai Feng saw that this guy was trying to use his flying fist to escape, so he didn't even think about it. He followed a flash and knocked this guy down during the opponent's Wei Fei fist.

Taking the lead in defeating the jungler on the opposite side, the momentum of the Chinese national team soared...

I'm U

Zhou Yan said something suddenly.

There was a roar of thunder and lightning, and the entire Summoner Canyon was suddenly shrouded in dark clouds. The Canadian team fell into darkness, unable to see their fingers, and the atmosphere of fear was everywhere.


The Karen Carter twins are all bad screams, Wei's death allows the enemy to gain experience, and the 5th-level nightmare directly reaches the U-level.

One extra big move at this time would be devastating to Canada

Zhou Yan's focus on jungle is effective, which makes him level up very quickly. Originally, he was short of a wild monster's experience to U-level, but the experience provided by Wei Death made him reborn all of a sudden.

Zhou Yan locked the target and flew directly to Fengnv on the opposite side.

Everyone ignored Xiaopao's AD, because everyone knew that Xiaopao couldn't do much output in the early stage. With everyone's blood volume, they could handle it completely, and killing the enemy quickly was the top priority.

Feng Nu has no movement skills, and only holds a flash in her upper hand. If he is left behind, the wave on the opposite side will completely collapse

Zhou Yan's nightmare swooped down like a black magic blade and pierced into Fengnv's body fiercely, and the chains of fear quickly bound her body.

Karen didn't dare to be careless at all, and directly handed in the flash. If he was frightened, his life would be handed over here.

Retreat, retreat, Lauren Carter said in a hurry.

This wave of them suffered a lot. The jungler was dropped immediately, so the three of them didn't even have one person in front, let alone output.

What's more, most of the people on the opposite side are still in the hands of Flash, and if they are stunned by Pan Sen's flash and shield and sap, they will lose their virginity directly, or they will be tied up by the old dryad, and they will have to pay another life.

I'm coming! When the situation in Canada fell into chaos, the top laner Brown suddenly yelled.

This guy was killed just now, this will be resurrected from the spring.

He is also pinching the teleportation in his hand, and this teleportation can completely counterattack the opposite wave.

The Heavenly Soldier, on the road, Ryze took a fancy to an eye position, and fell directly from the sky, with a bloody stance about to enter the depths of the enemy army

Let's retreat. Yu Luocheng commanded.

When the enemy's top laner Brown lands, the Chinese national team can no longer love to fight. You must know that Ryze is in a state of full blood and mana, and the sudden attack will become very powerful

The clockwork demon's big move on the opposite side has not been used yet. If a group of people are caught by the clockwork ball and attacked by Ryze's group, the group will be beaten back directly.

Anyway, there are only four of them present this time, and the cards of King Yama are on the way to demolish the tower.

In short, we can no longer fight and must retreat.

If they retreat, the Chinese national team will earn a wild head here.

Everyone saw Ryze's teleportation, and retreated very quickly, because everyone took this link into consideration when using this tactic.

The group opened quickly, and the retreat also retreated quickly. In a few seconds, the menacing Chinese national team disappeared directly on the map, and it was time to go.

Ryze fell from the sky, but he didn't dare to chase too deeply. After all, the enemy has a lot of point control skills. Pan Sen can control it, and the old dryad can imprison him. In addition, the plane and the nightmare are both types with a lot of damage output. Maybe I can have one. If a person rushes up, he will be given a second by the opponent.

The Chinese national team runs faster than rabbits, Coach George said angrily.

Let's take Xiaolong and see if they dare to snatch it, said mid laner Ben Er.

His clockwork monster's big move has not been used yet, which means that they still have the capital to fight.

What dragon, I'm dead, okay? Yue Hanlin scolded angrily.

They were killed in the jungle, even if the four of them still have combat power, it is absolutely impossible to directly attack Xiaolong, because without punishment for them, at this time the big dragon is sending the opposite Nightmare Flash to grab...

My top road will also be pushed. Brown glanced at top road with a wry smile.

The card master of the Chinese national team used his big move to support the road, and then he didn't go home at all. He ate about three waves of soldiers on the road alone, and even consumed the defensive towers on the road to the point of failure, even if Brown rushed back now. When it comes to the top road, the top road defense tower is likely to be demolished.

However, the card master is often a chicken thief. He deliberately left about a quarter of the blood of the defense tower, and then let the defense tower kill the minions one by one...

Brown was killed once, and he lost a wave of minion experience and money. This time he teleported to the bottom lane to support him, but he didn't get a kill. The team didn't dare to fight Xiaolong. It was a waste of time and lost three waves of minions.

Originally, if the card master pushed him to go to the defensive tower, then Brown would be more comfortable, and he could control the line of troops close to his own tower, forcing the opponent's top laner to dare not go deep to replenish troops. Who knew that the card master deliberately Don't push the tower, let those little soldiers send the defense tower one by one.

This made Brown feel that his heart was bleeding. If he had known earlier, he would not have sent support.

Very good, the retreat was very decisive. Li Tuchuan praised.

The Chinese national team made a lot of money in this battle.

Use the card's big move to support, and have the teleportation road ahead of the enemy.

Like a baton, the card poured out its combat power and liberated the old dryad who was laughing and forgetting on the road.

At this time, the enemy will definitely take this opportunity to attack Xiaolong. After the cards fly on the road, it is impossible to have support capabilities.

So, taking advantage of the enemy's mentality, Xiaowang Old Tree Spirit quickly returned to the city to replenish equipment, and when the opponent was fighting a dragon, he directly teleported to the bottom lane to start a battle with the enemy.

The old Dryad went back home to buy equipment, and his level has reached U-level again. His blood volume is very high, and his resistance is also very high.

On the other hand, in Canada, the clockwork monster has not returned home to update its equipment, and the small cannon has no equipment support, and the two important positions are in a state of extremely weak combat effectiveness. An old tree falling from the sky is like a tree father falling from the sky

The fighting power of the sixth-level tree father is actually much higher than that of cards. King Yan Luo is equivalent to a baton. First, he will drop the opposite Ryze to prevent him from having the opportunity to teleport. Then he will liberate Xiaowang and let Xiaowang teleport to Xiaolong District to become his father. , plus the combination of Pan Sen and the aircraft is already strong in the early stage, so it caught the opponent by surprise.

This is Li Tuchuan's X Alternate Global Flow Tactic

The card and the dryad will be replaced. The card will not go home after killing the card, but will be pushed directly on the road. While developing, the enemy will lose competition on the road.

The old dryad took over the battle baton and went directly to the bottom lane. The old dryad with extremely strong combat effectiveness can play more roles than cards.

And this series of transpositions must be completed within ten seconds of Ryze's resurrection. Whenever the enemy's Ryze is resurrected, everyone retreats without hesitation.

Anyway, your jungler is dead, you dare not take Xiaolong, at most you will scare us away, but you, Ryze, wasted precious teleportation, and also delayed the time to go back to the top lane to develop, all our cards are on your top lane The naked defense tower has been exposed for a long time. If the defense tower is a female, the cards and her children are already there, okay?

Just to make sure you can't find Bei

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