Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 748 You don’t understand the world of great gods

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\u003c!----\u003e Another homicide occurred in the bottom lane, and Lambrador in the middle lane was a little bit stuck. [This article comes from]

In fact, this guy must be a little upset. What kind of plane is the duo on the opposite side?

Normally, Lucian and Pan Sen can be violent with their eyes closed.

In short, the Labrador is no longer full of negative energy full of complaints like before, and it is always like this when playing ranked. You will encounter this kind of people who have complained and distrusted your teammates from the beginning. At this time, as a As a special case, you can't make any mistakes in the game, because as long as you make even the slightest mistake, you will immediately be greeted with a storm of scolding by this guy

I haven't studied it before, how dare Yu Luocheng use the barbarian king as a support? ?

How can you say that before Yu Luocheng took the barbarian king for ranking, he had already practiced the barbarian king's man-machine that the side master despised, okay?

Qianmeng is a typical bot lane to take kills, and at the same time replenish soldiers without falling. 90 CS in 10 minutes, which means that the enemy's minions basically did not slip away from her hands, just like playing a tower defense game. blood is still full

This kind of supplementary knife plus 3 heads means that she can directly use the power of the three phases

With the power of three phases, Ezreal's combat power will also have a qualitative leap, especially in the early stage when everyone's resistance and blood volume are not high, the consumption and explosion of Ezreal with three phases are very scary , like Obama, who basically wants to be king in the bottom lane, but he can't handle the set of Ezreal's three events

It's perfectly normal for Yu Luocheng to snatch heads, not to mention playing ranked, even in professional leagues, you can often see Yu Luocheng silently taking heads from Lin Dong, while he himself Directly engage in output equipment.

Every time he saw Yu Luosheng exporting equipment, Lin Dong consciously kept his eyes open, and Zhou Yan would give up some money at the same time to ensure that the team's eyes were complete.

Playing in ranked, Yu Luocheng's first piece of equipment is still able to replenish eye stones, and even a master can't stand up to the crowd. Only by ensuring a bright view of the bottom lane can he defend and kill the opponent happily.

So after Qianmeng possessed three items, Yu Luocheng also made up a yellow cross.

With the increase in output ability, Yu Luocheng completely became an unstoppable mad dog.

Originally on the road, Pan Sen was probably the father of the barbarian king, and he could beat him before level six, but now Yu Luocheng has almost become Pan Sen's ancestor, directly driving the whirlwind to chop.

Pan Sen was really scared. He had never seen an auxiliary barbarian king so arrogant.

But this barbarian king knows witchcraft, and his resistance is particularly high, and he doesn't seem to lose much blood when he is beaten.

He's going to charge the tower! Pan Sen groaned inwardly.

This barbarian king was insane, he didn't look at the defense tower when he cut people, so he chased all the way to the defense tower, Pan Sen turned around without saying a word, and just stabbed him with a flying spear.

It's too much, I've never seen such an overbearing barbarian king, you don't even look at your equipment, you hold endless in one hand, carry a red cross on your shoulder, and wear resurrection armor, you dare to be so presumptuous with just a yellow cross

Punch the tower? I let you rush to the tower, just die here first

Pan Sen and Lucian were so aggrieved that their eyes lit up when they saw the Great Barbarian King rushing to the tower like this.

I like the enemy rushing to the tower when the wind is headwind. This is a perfect opportunity for my side to come back. First kill the barbarian king, and then slowly clean up that little Ezreal

The two of them worked together, one set knocked out more than half of the barbarian king's health, plus the damage from the defensive tower, soon the arrogant and shameless barbarian king was less than a third left.

This barbarian king also seemed to be disconnected, he didn't care, and continued to chase after Pan Sen. Not to mention, this guy's damage was really not low, and the critical hit caused Pan Sen's blood volume to drop very quickly.

At this moment, the ethereal Qianmeng slowly appeared. His goal was the same as Yu Luocheng's, and it was Pan Sen.

When Pan Sen was forced into a corner by Yu Luocheng, Qian Meng threw a very smooth PAP combo towards Pan Sen's face.

When Ezreal releases all the skills in 1 second, he will find things flying in the sky one after another, and he can't see what is what. There is a super big yellow half moon


Like a sickle harvesting wheat, it was swept away, and the assistant Pan Sen's body was directly swept into two parts, and he died tragically under the defense tower.

Yu Luocheng, who was on the top of the tower, activated his big move at this time, a real man in 5 seconds

As a man, who can be a man like the barbarian king for 5 seconds? At this time, even if you are a big dragon, a small dragon, a melee soldier, a long-range soldier, an assassin, a king of law, you can't get rid of this arrogance in front of the barbarian king

Standing against the defense tower and Lucian's output, Yu Luocheng went forward bravely, wielding the big knife with hunger and thirst, without even thinking about his life staying here.

one knife


Two blows and another crit

The barbarian king who activated the big move has increased rage, and when he is full of rage, it will be a critical strike

The reason why it is called Man Three Swords is that under three swords, Crispy Skin must die, but if you don't die after three swords... I, the Man King, must die.

Under the passive effect of the knife critical strike, the barbarian king usually only needs three swords to kill a mage and AD, and when the attack speed is fast, it is an instant kill.

Yu Luocheng's current equipment is not very good, and the critical strike effect on Lu Xian's body is not so immediate, but it also let Lu Xi'an know how powerful the auxiliary barbarian king is.

You can go. Qian Meng also entered the tower, and according to her calculations, Yu Luocheng's one more top of the defense tower would basically pay for his life.

It's okay, I can carry it for a while. As a world champion, I have the ability to accurately calculate time. Yu Luosheng said.

After counting the time, Yu Luocheng decisively used Whirlwind to escape from this battlefield.

Everything was as I expected, after the invincible time of the ultimate move ended, I was already out of the range of the defense tower, but the trouble was that an anti-aircraft shell from the defense tower was falling from the sky and chasing Yu Luocheng who had left the defense tower.

The last damage of the defense tower was also in his calculations, under the empty blood, when Yu Luocheng was about to be killed by the defense tower, Yu Luocheng leaned a little closer to Qianmeng.

The shells from the Zi defense tower fell and hit Yu Luocheng directly on the forehead.

At that second, Yu Luocheng was sure that with the tacit understanding between himself and Qian Meng, she would definitely use healing techniques to save himself.

However, after the screen turned black and white, Yu Luocheng's face turned black all of a sudden.

Where's the healing technique?? Yu Luocheng stared wide-eyed, watching the message of his own death floating in the upper right corner.

You don't have to Qian Meng also asked strangely.

When the barbarian king is a real man for 5 seconds, his HP will be empty, and he will die if he is touched by an enemy after 5 seconds.

In fact, the barbarian king who knows how to play can persist for U seconds, because in the U second, the barbarian king can use all the anger into blood volume to complete the extreme show in the U second

Big sister, it's not like you don't know that I didn't add QM. Yu Luocheng said with a wry smile.

Oh. Qian Meng replied lightly.

If you want to save skills like this, it will cost your life anyway. Yu Luosheng said.

Qianmeng is well-known for saving skills. It is good at saving skills, so you know that you will keep your hole cards.

I told you to go. Qian Meng expressed her intentions very straightforwardly.

I told you to go just now, but if you didn't go, I thought you could survive the last second limit show by adding it, but it turned out that you were counting on my healing skills...

If this is the case, then Yu Luocheng is naive. Most of Qianmeng's healing skills are reserved for herself. If she can really save her teammates, she will not be stingy. , covet their own treatment, so sorry.

There is indeed a difference between a woman and a man. Yu Luocheng believes that if it were Bai Feng and Lin Dong, they would definitely give him a cure. Who knew that Qian Meng would be so hard-hearted, even if he was so sloppy, there was no need Take revenge immediately, we are teammates, teammates should trust each other, how can we calculate and calculate like this, I feel so tired.

Qian Meng took two more heads, and after taking the defense tower away, the opposite party directly announced the request for a middle push.

The Labrador was also a little dumbfounded, and couldn't believe that these two people who he considered to be funny directly beat the opponent to the middle.

Look, I said that the bottom lane is a surprise move to win, the teammate on the top lane said with a smile at this time.

Lambrador really couldn't say anything more. After all, he had already been killed twice by the opponent's mid laner in this round. If he didn't go down the lane and directly penetrated the opponent, he might be the one who would be blamed for this round.

You are really good, I'm sorry for my bad words at the beginning. Labrador was quite sincere, and apologized to Yu Luocheng and Qian Meng.

Yu Luocheng also enjoyed this process of pretending to be H, and typed a line of English:

Qian Meng glanced at Yu Luocheng's typed English, and there were probably some black lines on his forehead.

This idiot, this is not English, it is clearly Chinese pinyin, okay?

The Lambradors were bewildered, they didn't understand what kind of horse Yu Luocheng was talking about, and asked several questions in a row.

Seeing Qian Meng's beautiful eyes full of contempt, Yu Luocheng smiled sarcastically and said, Look, I'll just say, they don't understand the Great God World

Next game. Qian Meng was too lazy to entangle Yu Luocheng with such funny English.

Let's go Yu Luocheng clicked start, and quickly entered the next round with Qian Meng. \u003c!--over--\u003e

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