Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 740: Ranking Against the Current


Haha, I won

Yu Luocheng stood up gracefully, looking particularly intoxicated.

Alas, this kind of game can be won, Yu Luocheng also admires himself now, why can he be so handsome.

Lin Dong, who stood aside and said all kinds of sarcastic remarks, felt very boring, and was surprised that this guy Yu Luocheng did not know when he secretly practiced Yasuo, but when he caught up, he said that Yu Luocheng was lucky.

Jing girl, pour me a cup of hot milk, master is thirsty. Yu Luocheng called Zhang Aijing happily.

Zhang Aijing stomped her feet in anger, she could only accept the bet and ran to the kitchen to get Yu Luocheng a cup of hot milk.

Why is this guy so abnormal, 8 can win.

Paralysis, it's so much better for an assistant to play alone. Xie Lianda said with some displeasure.

As for Yu Luocheng's operation of blowing up the enemy with a whirlwind, and then using the instant displacement of the ultimate move to avoid the fire mark of the man of fire, even Xie Lianda, who relies on showing off for a living, couldn't help but applaud.

What's annoying is that Yu Luosheng is clearly an assistant

Successful promotion

Bronze to Bronze

Yu Luocheng let out a long breath. The promotion match from Bronze to Bronze I was indeed comparable to the Champions promotion match. Fortunately, he was promoted in the end. The next match should be easier.

Riot Games is a particularly cheap company, and their qualifying system has an unknown rule.

When you win, you can win consecutively in rankings, your teammates are all happy, and even if you don't play very well, you can lie down and win.

But when you want to lose, then you have to kneel even if your teammates are as good as bulls and hogs will let you know what is the magic of deep pits

Playing in the bronze group, a master like Yu Luosheng cannot guarantee a 100% winning rate, so if you want to climb the pit in the bronze group, you need to treat every qualifying match well.

Make sure you win every game, don't fight against the wind, don't fight against the wind, if you accidentally win a few rounds in a row, or the winning percentage is positive, then the teammates assigned to you by the system will become more reliable and more and more reliable.

If you win consecutively, your score will increase. Sometimes you can add more than 30 points in one game, and you can directly advance to the game after winning three games. This is the most ideal time for scoring points. If you rush up during this time, you will be completely out of the game. In this situation, if you don't rush forward, you may continue to struggle here for a long time.

Bronze group, silver group, gold group, platinum group, diamond group, king group, in fact, there is really no very obvious dividing line of strength between groups, there are many diamond players who are beaten by gold players in the matchmaking game, and then The gold players taunted the diamonds, did the diamonds get picked up?

In fact, this is just a kind of jealousy. The reason why gold players want to ridicule diamond players is because a person who has been blown up by him can get diamonds. Why didn't he go up? At least get platinum...

But the diamond player himself understands the reason very well. This is not the first time he has encountered such silver, gold, and platinum people who jumped out to mock him.

Those who can ridicule will never understand the truth that League of Legends has never been about manipulation or laning. What he needs more is support, cooperation, teamwork and many details.

Diamond-level players are killed online, but you will often find that in the later stage, this guy will have a strong combat power, or become a tower-stealing maniac

The gold-level players were killed and collapsed online, and then there was soy sauce all over the game, and then the equipment was always behind, and there was no sense of existence.

Diamonds can go to diamonds, that's because even if they are killed, they all know how to play their role in this game and how to contribute to the team. Silver and gold players are killed and collapsed, and if they can not scold the jungler, then they are of particularly high quality.

Yiqin came here today obviously not to look for Yu Luocheng, because after watching Yu Luocheng beating Yasuo, she went shopping with Zhang Aijing and Dailan on her arm when she was about to leave the video.

Women always have so many things to shop around, why can't they figure it out.

Yu Luocheng naturally has his own things to do, and he has to kill Qianmeng to a higher rank quickly.

Judging from Yu Luocheng's incomparably rich experience in abusing food, the difference between bronze and silver lies in the random selection of heroes, random appearances, mutual spraying at the beginning, and random use of symbols.

If you linger in the bronze for a long time and still can't make it up, or even win a game without adding many points, you should pay attention at this time, treat each game well, and strive to give the points to the winning rate and hit the right, so that the teammates you meet will Slowly and reliably, when you finally get more points, then you have to play more seriously, because when you win a round and your points start to increase, it means that the system recognizes that you are qualified to advance.

It's like a fish jumping over a dragon's gate, there will be thousands of struggling fish of the same kind in a pool, some are dragging their legs, some are swimming desperately, some are retaliating against the society, and some are full of negative energy after failing to leap over the dragon's gate...

The water keeps rushing down. If you choose a hero that you haven’t played very casually, build casually, and stack output indefinitely with the wind, and pile up output with the wind, then the water in the pool will continue to wash you down. , even if you look like you are still in this pool, in fact you no longer have the qualifications to jump the dragon gate.

The only way is to take every game seriously, don’t lose a few games with arrogance and anger, and use your best hero to play consecutively. After you beat yourself to feel like vomiting, the winning rate is basically positive. After you win more, the system will Let your score speed up, just like a wave, the real wave will help you try to jump the dragon gate.

You must be more serious when there are waves, because this is the best chance for you to get rid of this puddle. If you miss it, you may have to wait for a long time. Use the positive energy given to you by this system to go all out and break through the countercurrent. If you leap over the dragon gate and successfully advance to the next stage, you will be completely out of the pit

When it comes to Baiyin, the players here are sparring with each other, and there are fewer gifts at the beginning of the game.

However, there is still a lot of negative energy in the silver division. Losing a blood will spurt, and the headwind at the beginning will immediately treat the game negatively, and there are still unreasonable parts in the equipment.

In the same way, ignore these things, and still choose the hero you are best at, preferably a hero with a relatively strong version. With the positive energy given to you by the Dragon Gate system just now, you can often rush to the promotion match in one go.

The difference between silver and gold is actually not that big. Don’t choose random heroes and play positions randomly. The so-called random selection of heroes simply means that you should not use them if you haven’t played 50 games. Silver Gold is filled with a large number of all-round players, with a posture that can play in any position. In fact, this is the biggest factor that hinders them. After playing a position for a long time, a hero can play for a long time. , and this feeling often becomes the key to winning or losing. If you want to score points, you can use your best hero and position.

In addition, if you want to score higher, please practice the auxiliary

In the ranking, it is inevitable that there is no human rights on the 5th floor, and it is inevitable that the position will be robbed. In this case, it actually means that the winning rate of this round is less than 50%.

It’s impossible to retreat, and there will be penalties, so don’t hesitate to choose a support, you will keep the winning rate of this game at 50% if you choose support, but if you play well as support, you can ⊥ the odds of winning To become bigger, the ranking itself is the accumulation of countless games, so when you encounter this situation, the guaranteed winning rate is 50 or even the auxiliary winning rate is reached. It doesn't matter, since the winning rate is 50, you will definitely lose. In the next game, you will fight for the hero and position you are good at. If you can't compete for support, you don't need to explain. After a long time, your support may be very good, yes You get distracted.

The most difficult thing in scoring is not always winning, but being able to deal with it calmly after losing, not wavering in your determination to be good at heroes and positions, and resolutely start to continue ranking, and then repeat it again and again.

Climbing points is not something that happens overnight, and there is no need to complain about the fact that people with high tiers are not as strong as you. Some people with high tiers are not as strong as you. They are strong because they seized a good opportunity to score points , and then entered a segment of a higher realm, under the influence of a period of time, they will develop a stronger consciousness and completely become the strong of that segment.

Constantly tossing and turning with several heroes in a tier is a process of cultivation in itself, so if your strength is in this tier, but you use your patience to defeat yourself, there are many people in this tier who don’t do this People, gradually you will naturally leave this circle. The biggest and incomparably deep pit of gold on silver does not need technology, let alone a sense of nothingness, let alone any cheats for ranking up, watching commentary videos saying that this hero is strong Just go to practice. Others explain that a king-level player will win the golden game. If you give them the weakest hero, they will probably win. So play your position well, choose your best hero, and play patiently. It may be a few months. People who linger here, but after a few months, people who have no talent can leap to the dragon gate.

From Gold to Platinum, this is a game with a relatively better competitive environment. There will be much fewer situations of adverse windfalls, opening blows, and random grabbing positions, because those who can get to this stage have to give up those bad habits first. people.

In this segment, the concept of a team has already been established, until Xiaolong is more important than killing people, knowing that pushing towers is the kingly way, knowing that the top laner must get meat and entangle the opponent's main output force, and the auxiliary summoner skills must be targeted, such as An assassin with a blade on the opposite side must have weakness in his hands. He will look at the lineup and find the weakness of the enemy team...

In fact, these things don’t need to be understood deliberately. If you toss and turn in silver and gold, these things will be realized unconsciously. If you don’t climb the pit all the time, you will never realize the importance of these things. I

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