Undefeatable – League of Legends

Seven hundred and twentieth IX battle without a doubt

Qu County is a barren county, but it is a pity that it is also a famous orphan county.

In this barren northern region, too many children have been abducted and trafficked, and too many children have been abandoned and left behind.

Unknowingly, the orphanage in Qu County was like a kindergarten, with more and more inexplicable children, but no one claimed them back, and no one wanted to adopt them.

Grandma Zhao, my brother is back. In the yard, a ten-year-old girl in a rusty wheelchair entered the room happily and said.

How do you know? The dean's mother-in-law with a face full of black spots came out.

I just know. The little girl looked proud like a fortune teller.

Sure enough, not long after, footsteps came from outside the yard, and a young man with a half-length middle-aged man walked in, looking like a thin and slender version of Adu

As soon as Xiao Guoguo entered the yard, the young man looked at the old swing under the tree. The swing was empty and there was nothing there.

I'm here. Guoguo waved her small hand at the young man at the gate of the yard from the other side of the room.

The young man laughed, then slowly pushed out a metal object from behind the fence in the yard, and said, Guess what I brought you, I only show you a small part.

I can't see clearly... The little girl was full of excitement, wanting to get rid of the creaky old wooden wheelchair she was sitting on and run over to see what gift her brother had brought her.

The elder brother doesn't come back often, but every time he comes back, he will bring himself a gift, so for Guoguo, apart from reading books every day, sitting in a daze on the swing, and chatting with Granny Zhao, what he looks forward to most is that his elder brother can come back.

The young man walked in, holding a big box with both hands, a part of a metal frame was exposed from the box, but he didn't know what it was.

What is this? It can't be a large Transformer, right? Guoguo asked in confusion.

Stupid, I bought this for you. It's a mechanical leg

Mechanical legs? Granny Zhao raised her eyebrows.

Come on, try it and you'll know, Zhao Tinghua quickly unpacked the package, revealing a very advanced-looking mechanical leg support.

There are metal pads at the bottom of the bracket that are similar to shoe grooves, and you can step on your feet, and then the movable metal bracket is connected to the knees, and then connected to the thighs and waist to support the whole legs.

Zhao Tinghua asked the little girl to sit there, and slowly inserted these mechanical legs onto Guoguo's legs.

Press this switch, and the metal frame will support you, and press this switch again, and the metal legs will take you to walk. Zhao Tinghua said.

Xiao Guoguo was full of novelty, and carefully followed Zhao Tinghua's instructions.

Pressing the red switch, the metal frame seemed to be injected with life, and slowly supported Guoguo's powerless legs.

Guoguo's face was full of surprise and disbelief, she actually stood up

Press this button again. Zhao Tinghua said.

Guoguo was overwhelmed with surprise, but with a bit of timidity towards joy, she tremblingly pressed the button next to her. Suddenly, the mechanical legs rose up powerfully, and powerfully carried her useless pair of legs. The leg took a step forward...

This step made the little girl very happy, because she had never experienced such a feeling of being able to take steps since she was sensible.

Keep pressing. Zhao Tinghua looked at the little girl's smile and continued.

Yeah Guoguo nodded heavily, she pressed the move button, the mechanical legs went from slow to fast, step by step, and even sent her running in the yard.

I can go

I can go, mother-in-law, look quickly, I can go Xiaobin, Da Zhuyou, Nannan... Come quickly, I can go

Guoguo kept walking in the yard on mechanical legs, like a bird that just learned to fly, and the whole yard was filled with her joyous laughter.

After a while, a few children with thick heads and thick brains appeared in the yard. They had never seen such a miraculous thing, and they all surrounded Guoguo with expressions of disbelief.

what is this??

It's so cool, Guoguo walks so fast

Guoguo, that's great, you can go out and play with us. The children burst into laughter, they had never seen such a miraculous thing.

Beside the house, Granny Zhao looked at Guoguo and the other children playing in the yard with a smile, and she took a long time to look away.

Didn't he choose to come to this orphanage as a yard at the beginning because he wanted to see the children smiling like this?

Actually, if you buy her a new wheelchair, she will be happy for a long time. This thing is very expensive, right? Granny Zhao looked at the adult Zhao Tinghua and asked.

Fortunately, a gift from an American friend. Zhao Tinghua said.

Oh, that black boy Zhou Yan called me a while ago and told me that he is in New York. That's great, you can already deal with foreigners. Zhao Yuanzi said.

Zhao Tinghua was silent for a while, and waited until the old woman's smile gradually eased before whispering: I'm going to the United States again, this time... it may take a long time, and I won't be able to come back to see you.

Go ahead and develop well, there is not much you need to worry about here. The old woman said.

En. Zhao Tinghua nodded.

when to go?

Just a few days.

By the way, why did you have so much money all of a sudden? Don't give the money here. Now the government has given us a lot of help. The more you and Zhou Yan give us, the more it actually encourages some people. Abandoning children with us is not because I don't want them to live well, but since they need to endure hardships, they will know how to work hard when they grow up, and things that come for nothing will make them more and more lazy. said the dean's mother-in-law.

I know, but like Guoguo, it's always time to find a way to cure it... Zhao Tinghua said.

She is lucky. A kind person saved her life. Otherwise, we would not be able to afford the expensive medical expenses. How many children did you have before... oh... The old woman sighed, not daring to recall the past , and hurriedly changed the subject, Let's talk about the money, your income in the club is not particularly high, right?

I transferred and signed a contract with an American coach. They gave me a very high transfer fee, and they sent this mechanical leg from the United States specially. Zhao Tinghua said.

Oh, that's very good... Granny Zhao nodded, and just about to praise Zhao Tinghua, she suddenly remembered something, frowned slightly and said, No, I heard that boy Hei said that our Chinese The e-sports national team is about to play against the United States, so you transfer to the United States at this juncture?

The old man often reads the news, and she also knows that e-sports has entered the Olympics, and Zhou Yan is already a member of the Olympics preparation, which is very gratifying.

Although the old man doesn't understand why Zhao Tinghua was not selected, he can learn a lot about e-sports through some news.

This... Zhao Tinghua didn't know how to explain for a while.

Seeing Zhao Tinghua's troubled look, the clever dean understood it all at once, and his whole face instantly pulled down.

You want to play the Olympics for the Americans? Dean Zhao asked.

Zhao Tinghua did not speak.

Granny Zhao's face darkened completely.

Guoguo, come here. Granny Zhao suddenly called over to the little girl who was having a great time.

Guoguo is very obedient, and she has already stepped on the mechanical legs. She enjoys the feeling of being able to walk.

Take this off. Director Zhao suddenly ordered with a cold face.

Mother-in-law Zhao Tinghua became anxious all of a sudden.

Guoguo stood there, not knowing what happened, and looked at Dean Zhao eagerly.

In the past, she would do what the dean said immediately, but now she really likes this treasure...

I told you to take this off. Dean Zhao's voice was already a little sharp.

Guoguo and the other children were terrified. Guoguo didn't dare not listen. She sat back on the wooden wheelchair and took off the mechanical legs with great effort.

After taking it off completely, Guoguo's eyes still had tears of grievance, and some dared not look into Dean Zhao's eyes.

Grandma, what are you doing? Zhao Tinghua also panicked.

Give it back, return this thing. The dean hit the mechanical leg with a long stick, as if the mechanical leg had suddenly become an extremely dirty thing.

What's wrong with mother-in-law? Guoguo was on the verge of crying, but she didn't know what to do.

When Director Zhao saw that Guoguo was about to cry, the expression on his face softened, and he explained, Guoguo, if your brother got this thing because he wanted to sell his own country, would you still want it?

Guoguo was stunned, looked at her mother-in-law, then at Zhao Tinghua, and hurriedly shook her head.

Grandma, it's not as serious as you said, and you can't say that about e-sports. Zhao Tinghua explained hastily.

Okay, even if you don't sell your own country, tell me, will you meet the Chinese team if you help the United States play in the Olympics? Granny Zhao asked coldly.

This...will...but... Zhao Tinghua said.

That's nothing. If you go to the United States to develop, I won't blame you. You get an American ID card, which means you are outstanding. Americans want to curry favor with you...but you represent the United States in the Olympics and beat our own country. What's the matter?? What's the difference between you and selling your own country? Dean Zhao said.

Dean Zhao came from the revolutionary period, and the hatred for traitors has been deeply rooted in his bones.

Zhao Tinghua was a little anxious by the dean's statement, and blurted out: We are just ordinary people, what does the country have to do with us. The United States can help Guoguo's leg to heal, but what about our own side? , If there is a real medical security, Abao and others will not die of illness, and if there is a social security, there will not be so many homeless children like us who have been picking up garbage since childhood.

Shut up... Dean Zhao's chest surged violently.

Zhao Tinghua also vomited out the grievances that were stuck in his stomach, because he himself is an out-and-out homeless child, and if he didn't rely on his dirty hands, he wouldn't even have the right to live to this day.

Originally, Zhao Tinghua's principle was not to help other countries compete in the Olympics. However, after the gorilla coach suggested that Guoguo's leg could be cured, his firmness finally loosened. If he could gain a new life through his own strength and hard work Then why do I still insist on the issue of the country? What has this country given me, besides a gloomy childhood, unfair treatment, indifference, ruthlessness and cruelty? ?

Mother-in-law, brother, stop arguing. Guoguo also cried anxiously, and hurriedly persuaded her.

She struggled to take off the small metal frame, and said to her mother-in-law and Zhao Tinghua: This...I don't want this anymore. As long as my mother-in-law and brother don't quarrel, there is nothing wrong with me sitting on a chair. Walking takes a lot of effort. You can see I'm sweating a lot and I'm so tired.

Obviously, Guoguo is a little girl who can't lie, the pretense in her eyes is too obvious, anyone can see that her naive and sensible made Zhao Tinghua helpless, and touched her sweaty little cheek Said: Guoguo, after a while I can take you to the United States and heal your legs. You don't even need this thing. You can walk and run by yourself... chasing butterflies, chasing dragonflies, chasing kites... ...

After Guoguo heard this, flaws quickly appeared on her face.

Dean Zhao looked at the expression on Guoguo's face, but didn't know what to say.

Everyone has the right to pursue their own life, right? Zhao Tinghua didn't even know if he was hopelessly wrong in doing so.

However, Dean Zhao still wanted to tell Zhao Tinghua that he couldn't let Zhao Tinghua have such thoughts.

Our orphanage is maintained by the government. Although the money given is really very little, and there may be corrupt deductions, but without this little bit of maintenance, there would be no orphanage, and you would not be here now... ...The hospital waived a lot of bills for us, but some of the treatments were too expensive, and the hospital couldn't afford them. There are donations every year, and these donations are very small, but none of the money comes from our own country, Guoguo It’s not that a well-meaning person paid such a large amount of surgery fees. She is now lying in a small cold box with Ah Bao and the others. This kind-hearted person is also from our own country. Yes, God is very unfair. Some of you grow up healthy, and some of you die young. You should not see the death of Abao and others, and then blame something. Instead, you should thank the government for funding, donations from well-meaning people, and grown-up images. The money that people like you send back to the yard has allowed more children to grow up healthily.

Granny Zhao's tone softened, but she said what she most wanted to say to Zhao Tinghua.

Zhao Tinghua grew up with too much resentment, which made him unable to tolerate many things, and made him so stubborn that there was no room for negotiation.

But no matter what, Granny Zhao hopes that Zhao Tinghua understands a truth, all things cannot be viewed one-sidedly...

Just like your closest relatives, you may not be able to bear some of their shortcomings, but he is always the best person for you and the person who is most willing to be the best for you. Xiaoen Xiaohui, I immediately felt that this was the most suitable, because it would be easy to miss the person you love the most. After all, you are just used to the kindness of the person closest to you, and treat it as a very normal thing.

You can't stand it and leave, but how can you hurt this relative after you leave because you hate this shortcoming?

This is the bottom line of Granny Zhao. She thinks it is a good thing that Zhao Tinghua can go abroad. He has proved to foreigners that he is a talent from China, but he cannot tolerate Zhao Tinghua doing things that hurt his own country.

Brother, the yard is not what it used to be. Everyone eats well and wears good clothes. The school doesn't charge us tuition fees, and they give us milk and bread in the morning... The teacher is also very kind to us, and there are still many volunteers. Those who come here will help us repair the yard, make a small bed, clean up, and sneak change to buy food for us. Guoguo said in a small voice.

Listening to Guoguo's childish words, Zhao Tinghua gradually calmed down.

In fact, he didn't really want to play for the Americans. If it wasn't for the opportunity to defeat Yu Luosheng on the highest stage, if it wasn't for Guoguo being cured in the United States, he would be given the favorable conditions offered by any country. will choose to refuse.

I see... Zhao Tinghua finally chose to compromise.

He silently picked up the stand, but handed the item back to Guoguo, and said, I will pay for this item, and I will return the money the Americans gave me.

Will it be expensive? Guoguo asked in a low voice.

It's okay, I can make a lot of money now. Zhao Tinghua said.

Why doesn't my brother join our own country's e-sports team? I've heard many people say that my brother is the most powerful e-sports player in our country. Many younger brothers who also play masturbation adore you. Guo If there is a smile on the face.

Zhao Tinghua glanced at the dean.

The dean said: You can choose this yourself. Anyway, I just hope that you will not do things that harm your country. As for whether you are willing to serve your country, it is up to you.

Zhao Tinghua breathed a sigh of relief, it was absolutely impossible for him to join the Olympic team, if it was her bottom line for Granny Zhao not to let herself join the US Olympic team to fight her own country, then Zhao Tinghua was also on the same team as Yu Luosheng Bottom line, he will never be teammates with this guy again, never will

Go, go and play with them. The dean said to Guoguo.

Guoguo asked for Zhao Tinghua's opinion with his eyes, and seeing him nodding, he put on the mechanical legs again like a bird, and happily plunged into the group of friends.

Seeing Guoguo bumping his nose against the courtyard wall because he couldn't control the direction, Zhao Tinghua couldn't help laughing like other children.

Ting Hua, don't be so stubborn about some things. It can be seen that your former teammates were very honest and sincerely regarded you as friends. The dean said earnestly.

That guy didn't know at all. He almost killed Guoguo by betraying him back then...Dean, I will not forgive such a person. Zhao Tinghua said fiercely while clenching his fists.

How can you blame him. Besides, Guoguo is fine, she can't walk, but she is still very happy now. said the dean.

The dean looked at Zhao Tinghua, and couldn't help but think of things that happened a long time ago.

Earlier, Zhao Tinghua was a homeless kid. He came to the orphanage to steal things, but he happened to be seen by Guoguo who got up and went to the kitchen to find water to drink.

In fact, the orphanage has always been visited by thieves, who hid food and valuables. Zhao Tinghua didn't steal anything, but the kind-hearted Guoguo found some food for him. At that time, Zhao Tinghua was really hungry. no.

Zhao Tinghua was not raised in an orphanage, because the child had been struggling outside all the time, and only when he was really down, would he go to the orphanage, and Guoguo would secretly leave some things for him.

For Zhao Tinghua, Guoguo is the best person in the world to him, and he treats her like his own sister.

Later, Zhao Tinghua got in touch with the orphanage more and became a member of the orphanage. After spending a short period of time as a teenager, he went to an Internet cafe as a network administrator when he grew up. embarked on the road of e-sports.

And Zhou Yan also has no parents.

Zhou Yan’s parents passed away in a car accident when he was in his teens. He couldn’t live in a relative’s house, so he went to an orphanage. Compared with Zhao Tinghua, Zhou Yan was luckier. Apart from his few words, he didn’t have much to say. Because the shadow of a teenager has distorted his outlook on life, he pays more attention to the people around him.

Zhao Tinghua and Zhou Yan worked as network administrators together for a while, spending one day and one night in a place full of fish and dragons, and finally became e-sports players together.

Therefore, no matter what the relationship between Zhao Tinghua and other members of the Wing Team is, he and Zhou Yan have always maintained contact and mutual assistance.

In fact, Zhao Tinghua also understood at the moment he signed the contract with the United States that the dean's test was basically too difficult to pass.

That's good, let's stop thinking about playing in the United States.

Picking up the phone, Zhao Tinghua called the gorilla coach.

He has to apologize to the coaches around him, after all, he has accepted generous gifts from others.

Coach Mike, I'm sorry I can't go to America. Zhao Tinghua said.

What's the reason? Coach Mike asked hastily.

A question of position.

Well, I can understand. Mike didn't force it.

I will return the money to you, and I will also buy the money for the mechanical legs from you, although I don't have enough money yet... Zhao Tinghua said apologetically.

In good conscience, Coach Mike really treated him very well, which made Zhao Tinghua feel very guilty.

The money belongs to the club, so just return it to them. I gave you the mechanical leg as a friend. Although we will have different positions in the Olympic Games and even become rivals, we will always be friends, aren't we? Coach Mike said with a smile.

I can't afford it. Zhao Tinghua knew very well that things like mechanical legs were by no means cheap.

Accept it. During the period of special training in the United States, you also gave me a lot of help. E-sports players and friends know no borders. Coach Mike said generously.

Zhao Tinghua's strength deserves to be respected by Coach Mike. Coach Mike will never force anything, because during the Olympics we were rivals. After the Olympics, this person is still the world's top e-sports player worthy of respect.

Thank you very much, Zhao Tinghua said.

Hehe, actually, you don't have to thank me. If you told me about this matter yesterday, I might have retained you even more... Oh, I don't mean to slander you in any way. If you can join, it is our best solution.

Is there a new jungler joining? Zhao Tinghua asked.

Well, he has the same talent as you.

Zhao Tinghua's heart fluctuated.

Zhao Tinghua, a powerful jungler in the world, knows that they should all belong to each other, and who joined the US national team to make Coach Mike so relieved?

The Chinese national team had little chance of winning against the American Angel Army. Now if they join a jungler whose strength is not inferior to their own, wouldn't the Chinese national team be sure to lose in this New York battle?

(The two chapters will be published together in this chapter so that everyone will stay up late and wait for the second update. Look clearly, here is the amount of two chapters)

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