Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 89: Yu Luosheng's Assistant Lux

?? Okay, the contestants return to their positions and start entering the BAN selection stage! The voice of the host came.

The game officially started, and the court immediately became quiet, looking a bit serious and solemn.

Oh, the first hero to be banned by the Suguang team is the card master!! The host's voice increased a few points in decibel!

This move of the Shuguang team caused a burst of sighs from the audience.

In the match between Team Tianda and Team Blood, Yu Luocheng's card master almost dominated the entire match. Anyone who watched that match would be afraid of the hero card.

And Team Shuguang didn't give Yu Luocheng a chance to choose a card master at all, the first hero to be banned was the card master.

It's such a pity. I thought I could see that magic-like card performance again... However, this is enough to show that the AP players of the Bloody team really pose a very big threat to the Suguang team's championship. The host said .

The Bloody team didn't take their BAN person seriously, because this time their AP player wasn't Yu Luocheng, but Huang Yu, whose hand had recovered a lot.

On the Bloody team's side, Blind Monk, a hero with a strong early rhythm, was banned, and then two APs that Yang Ying was good at were banned, which also targeted him.

After the bans on both sides ended, the selection process began.

In terms of selection, the knife on the first floor directly grabbed the prince.

Prince is Xiaodao's best jungler, and the hero's comprehensive ability is also very strong, flexible, controllable, strong in gank, and strong in team fighting. This hero is definitely a non-BAN must-have.

After Xiaodao took down the prince, the opponent immediately chose Verus, the Arrow of Punishment.

In the S3 season, the two strongest are the female police officer Caitlin and the Arrow of Punishment Verus, not because these two have been strengthened, but because the others have been weakened too much. Hall's appearance rate in the competition has become lower.

Verus, the Arrow of Retribution, is a hero with extremely high output, coupled with a group control skill, he is indeed an extremely powerful player in the middle.

After Verus won, Team Dawn immediately chose Thunder Roar-Bear.

The hero Thunder Roar is positioned as a jungler,

Occasionally appears in a secondary position.

In fact, Thunder Roar is not suitable for playing support. The development of the bottom lane is about being able to advance and retreat. Once Thunder Roar launches a bear hug in the bottom lane, he will either die or be injured, which is not safe. The most important thing is that this guy's hands are actually very short, so he can't really play an auxiliary harassment role.

Roaring Thunder, in fact, this hero is not suitable for choosing too early, but the jungler of the Suguang team looks very confident.

After Team Dawn took Verus and Thunder Roar, it was Team Blood's turn to select.

Huang Yu hesitated in choosing the mid laner, and finally chose Jess, the future guardian.

This hero is one of Huang Yu's best mid-lane heroes. In fact, it is not very wise to choose Jess in the mid-lane when facing a bear jungler, but Huang Yu still clicked the OK button.

Subsequently, Xiao Tongtong went on the road, and he chose the alchemist-Singed.

The future guardian Jess, the alchemist Singed, the lineup of the bloody team does not know what route to take, let's see the next selection.

Okay, the last two heroes of Team Dawn chose Gem Knight-Tariq and the little murloc Fizz. If I remember correctly, Team Dawn's AP player should be Yang Ying, who played Void Predator in the last game Katzke performed very well and made a perfect harvest, and this time he chose a rather special AP, Hailing Chaoxi-Fitz, let's look forward to his outstanding performance.

Seeing that the opponent chose the little murloc Fitz, Huang Yu on the Scarlet team was also stunned.

He has faced many heroes in the middle lane, but the little murloc Fizz has not played many lanes. To be honest, Jess should not have much advantage in fighting the little murlocs, because Jays can easily be defeated by the little murlocs once he sends a shock wave. The E ghost monster to dodge.

The little murloc should be banned just now. The little murloc's ability to forcibly charge is too strong. Huang Yu said in a calm voice.

It's okay, I'll take care of my vision, he doesn't have many chances to come out from the flank. Yu Luocheng said.

The little murloc's team-fighting ability is actually not strong, which is probably why the little murloc's appearance rate in the competition is not high. However, this hero seems to have been developed recently, and the number of people using it has greatly increased.

Going to the Scarlet team to choose someone again, Yu Luocheng on the 4th floor directly chose the shining girl Lacus without any hesitation.

Oh, this Lux should be a support, right? The Scarlet team's thinking is a bit weird.

Lux's choice is even more surprising than the appearance of the little murloc.

The brilliant girl Lux can indeed play as a support, but this is actually a relatively weak support. Her role is mainly reflected in the later stage of the team.

Oh, I changed it, I chose Zyra the Thorn...Well, in fact, Zyra the Thorn is used as a support, and the support ability is much stronger than that of Lux... Oh, I changed it again, and I changed it back to Lux... sure !!

As we all know, the hero Lux needs a very strong anticipation ability, because all her skills are non-directional. There are many ordinary Luxes, but to really play well, you need to master a lot. Also I don’t know how much player Huang Yu understands Lux’s support.”

After the BAN selection is over, the lineups of both sides are all locked, and the final 30-second countdown begins!

Friends from the audience, friends from the audience, the final of the Lecheng Coca-Cola Cup has officially begun. The friends present must be the most obsessed fans. So what kind of exciting competition will our ten contestants bring us today? , let’s wait and see!!”

The host is very good at igniting the atmosphere. This time, there was a burst of cheers from all over the venue.

It is hard to count how many fans there are in a city, but what is certain is that the ten players sitting in the ring are definitely the best players in Lecheng, and the duel between them must be the focus of the public!

And the grand prize of 60,000 yuan, as well as the well-deserved title of No. 1 in Lecheng, the final winner? ? This is the hottest topic among all fans! !


Okay, the screen enters the reading interface... Let's introduce the lineups of both sides again.

Oh, no, Team Blood's mid laner Jess was not manipulated by player Yu Luocheng!!

It's the Radiant Girl-Lacus!!

The Brilliant Girl-Lack's ribbon is weak, which means that player Yu Luosheng, who performed a card art last time, is not playing the crucial AP position today, but the support position!

This... this is a bit unexpected!!

After the host was so surprised, the audience was in an uproar.

At the beginning, Yu Luosheng's card master heroism left an indelible impression on countless people, so the outstanding AP players play support instead of mid laner, isn't this a waste of money? ?

(Why do I have to post it now... because it's Monday again, I want to recommend tickets!!!!!!)

(Guys, recommendation votes are really, really, really important, really, really, really, really, really troublesome, after you have accumulated enough points, vote for a recommendation ticket for Brother Luan!!)

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