Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 722 Yama, the Demon Ryze

Wow, it's really King Yama!!

I really miss the time when I was playing. When I was learning mid laner Kassadin, the first video I watched was Yama's playing.

Yeah, actually, I've always thought Yama is very strong, but he didn't perform well in the World Championship.

The game is about to start, and the proportion of Chinese people in the field actually occupies a lot.

Originally, Feng Li planned to enter the arena through the guest channel, but after thinking about it, he was really nothing now, and he had no face to go through this small back door, so he finally chose to line up and sit with most of the Chinese audience .

However, what Feng Li never imagined was that this person who was said to be as bad as himself would be the captain of the Chinese e-sports team!

Seeing Yan Luo Wang standing on the highly-anticipated stage like a metamorphosis, Feng Li was completely shocked in his heart, and the concepts lingering in his mind seemed to be destroyed to pieces in this instant!

I am the first competitive player to fight the world with King Yama...

After many years, he is so brilliant and tall that even many in Australia like the world-class mid laner Yan Luowang. Compared with himself, Feng Li realized that he found a person who was originally on the same starting line as himself. , just because of his choice, his persistence, the trajectory of fate has completely changed!

He is now representing the country, representing the glory of China's e-sports, and it is the person Feng Li most aspires to be when he is humiliated.

Unfortunately, it is impossible in this life!

It was difficult for Feng Li to calm down in his heart, and all the remorse and regret in his heart could only be turned into a long sigh.

The road is chosen by oneself.

I also chose mediocrity.

I only hope that my good brother Yan Luo Wang can truly represent the Chinese on this stage, beat Australia fiercely, and let myself feel that little bit of pride from the country, that's enough!


The game begins, the players are in place!

The screen jumps to the BAN selection stage, and the game between the two sides officially begins!

Old Yan, since we want to trample them to death, why don't we just use a brutal system? Emperor Song said.

The chairman team is not here, and today is the time for their second-place players to show their strengths. Naturally, everyone cherishes this opportunity very much. After all, the attention of this world tour is not inferior to that of the S-League!

What is the concept of cruelty? Xiao Wang asked.

Xiao Wang admits that his top lane style is different from Da Luo's, and he will play steadily.

However, this does not mean that his top laner is not brutal. Facing a player like Australia's top laner, Xiao Wang will not develop slowly with him. If you have the ability, don't change lanes.

BAN's people are very straightforward and simple. Considering that the two top laners are almost dominant today, heroes like Tauren can't appear directly, and they just default to Kacha.

Then came the relatively strong top laner Dashu, Lucian, jungler, and the like in the recent version.

Xiaowang's hero pool is deeper than that of Da Luo, so if all the heroes dropped by both sides are top laners, Xiaowang will only be happier!

On the other hand, the Australian national team had some minor disputes about the BAN people.

Everyone agreed that BAN should aim at King Yama, who is the strongest on the opposite side, and snap off his Ryze. Philip felt that there was no need to click off Ryze, because Ryze was also one of the heroes he was good at using, which was tantamount to hurting himself.

In the end, the Australian team gave the last ban to Xiao Wang,

Click on the more dreaded heroes that Xiaowang used in the Chinese competition area before.

Can you play Ryze? Australia's jungler Victor asked.

Take it easy, Victor! Philip said.

Victor, this guy's name is the same as that of Mech Pioneer, which is also an interesting coincidence, so everyone also calls Australian jungler Victor Mech Pioneer.

Victor Nupa himself doesn't like this kind of duplicate name very much, because his position is the jungler, he would rather have the same name as Evelyn the Widowmaker than a useless mid lane hero Mech Herald.

The core of the entire Australian team is the jungler Victor Nupa.

Call me Nupa! I hope you don't underestimate the enemy. Although China has only one Pluto who is the most feared, it doesn't mean that they have no masters in other positions. This King Yama is definitely one of the masters! Victor Nupa said seriously .

The coach has said it many times, haven't you seen me use Ryze? Philip said.

Of course I have.

That's right, since I can play Ryze so well, it means I also know how to deal with Ryze! Philip said, and he was talking about the confidence that every professional player should have.


King Yama has two world-famous heroes, the first is Kassadin, his Kassadin is enough to aspire to the number one in the world, and the second is the wandering mage Ryze.

Kassadin has been modified and weakened in a disguised form. It is no longer suitable to play in the mid laner. After several versions of cuts and enhancements, it still has a foothold in this version and has become a super popular top laner. At the same time, the mid laner is also a good choice!

Australia really did a lot of homework against the Chinese team. They studied the heroes that Yan Luowang is most likely to use.

As expected, when Ryze was still on the court, Yan Luo Wang took down this hero decisively without any hesitation!

King Yama, do you use Ryze or should I use it? Xiao Wang asked.

Now Ryze mostly appears in the top lane, Xiao Wang himself is also a good Ryze player.

However, the hero Ryze is actually played by most professional players. He doesn't need too many gorgeous operations, and he belongs to a hero who develops and rolls his face on the keyboard.

I'll come. King Yama said.

Would it be a bit too much for you to come... to sacrifice so early? Xiao Wang said.


Xiao Wang took a special look at Yan Luo Wang.

I don't know why, but King Yan Luo felt his face changed a lot after he went out and came back, with a murderous look in his whole body.

And he chose the hero Ryze to fully embody this murderous aura!

The Ryze in the hands of others may be to grow, grow, grow, and save the world.

The Ryze in Yama's hands is simply a mobile spell output bunker, and every time it appears, there will basically be an explosion of people's lives!

Baifeng and Chuguanwang respectively chose Thresh and Aircraft, which are super fierce combinations in the early stage.

In the jungle, Emperor Song even chose the poodle to deal with Australian jungler Victor Nupa's widow Evelyn.

For the top order, Xiao Wang chose Dao Mei.

The poodles are all out, so they must rush in. The most suitable person to be fooled with the poodles is naturally Daomei!


The lineup is completely determined, enter the game!

At the beginning, Australia gave up inexplicably. The Chinese national team is quite strong here, and they directly invaded the wild area with a group of five!

Not to mention too much, when we fight against you in Australia, we just need three BUFFs to start.

The start was very successful. Australia's Victor Nupa Blue BUFF was invaded and could only roll away obediently.

However, when Nupa climbed a long distance and finally ran to the blue BUFF wild area of ​​the Chinese national team, he was soon disturbed by Yan Luowang and Xiao Wang, and had to give up this BUFF and return to his own red.

The widow is a jungler who needs a lot of levels. If there are so few buffs at the beginning, then the efficiency of this stealth hero's roaming gank in the early stage will be greatly reduced!

In the early stage, the widow is one level and one damage.

Damn it, they'll be counted on like this. Victor Nupa scolded angrily.

Why don't you push the line and push the pawn line over, and their mid-top will not dare to harass me to play buffs. If the opponent starts the game with three buffs, how can I fight! Victor Nupa continued.

Teammates like pigs, they didn't even notice such details. If this is a game in South Korea, the second-tier teams will understand this truth, okay?

But having said that, the Chinese team handled the details very well.

They chose to invade Victor Nupa's blue BUFF, Nupa was driven away, so in order not to let themselves lose, they would naturally choose to get the blue BUFF from the Chinese national team. In the wild, Nupa had to give up this idea.

They didn't come to support from home and above, that's because they were pressed by the opponent. If they came to support, their experience would be seriously behind, and it was extremely difficult to match the line.

Nupa's own strength is far higher than that of his teammates, but he also feels that the quality of the entire team is far less than that of the Chinese national team.


Old Yan, I think you are quite angry today, why don't you give you this blue to calm your fire? Song Diwang took the blue BUFF added by others, and walked towards his wild area with a smile.

The blue BUFF can take two and can't superimpose the effect. This blue is a good choice for Ryze in the middle.

Okay. King Yan Luo nodded.

Slightly gave up the small soldiers in the middle, Yan Luo Dynasty went with the blue BUFF.

Emperor Song and King Yan Luo are old teammates, and the tacit understanding is very high. King Yan Luo basically moved to the side, threw a magic ball casually, directly got the blue BUFF, and the level will soon enter level 3 .

And it was precisely because of this special experience difference that King Yama suddenly approached Philip's mid laner, the ancient witch spirit Xerath, at level 2.

Philip's heart tightened. Seeing Ryze, who had advanced to level 3, rushing forward, he hurriedly used the W skill, trying to stun King Yama.

Yan Luo Wang seemed to have a thorough insight into Philip's thoughts, moved flexibly, avoided Philip's dizzying ball, and then took a step closer!


Rune imprisonment!

Magic surges!

3 skills, after reducing the CD by 3 seconds, King Yan Luo moved sideways again, avoiding Xerath's bombardment, and then leveled A and then connected to the Q skill overload.

Yama is a perfect combination of skills and basic attacks!

This set directly knocked out nearly two-thirds of Philip's Xerath's blood volume, and Philip hurriedly retreated in fright, desperately taking drugs to recover his blood!

(The S4 World Finals is finally over ahhh!! The royal family actually won a game, it’s really exciting, I thought it would be 3-0~~~~~~ Having said that, I originally wanted to see IMP and two The strongest matchup in the world, but it’s a pity that in the 4 rounds, it seems that their teammates are leading the rhythm, and there is no plot to reap the harvest and compete with each other in the later stage. What a pity! No matter what, we still have to applaud our country’s team, EDG Eight Qiang, the top four of OMG, the runner-up of the royal family world, the results of the three teams are all very good!)

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