Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 715 The battlefield comes and goes freely!

I can't believe it, this newcomer has directly become the dominant position.

Jungle cloak and Lich's Bane, these two pieces of equipment are like a well-developed little murloc in the mid lane, even if Kuro uses his shield to block the key skills, he may not be able to beat this little murloc Alright.

It seems that our world's top eight junglers capsized in the gutter this time!

Everyone talked a lot, and there were more sighs and surprises in their hearts.

As everyone expected, this little murloc was about to go against the sky in the mid-term. His high damage caused too much threat to Crow's and AP, and the mid laner was still a disaster.

Therefore, as soon as the team battle started, the battle quickly turned into a one-sided situation due to the death of ap and ap. Although Crow developed well in the team, he couldn't change this situation. In the end, he could only look helplessly at the damage The tall little murlocs strangled between them!

Damn it, kill this guy no matter what you say! The locomotive was full of anger.

In this round, Victor of the locomotive was targeted to death, and he was not given any time to develop. What was even more irritating was the team fight.

This little murloc doesn't care about anyone, and only seeks trouble with his mechanical pioneers, so Locomotive wonders what enmity he has with this newcomer!

At this time, seeing the little murloc rushing into the crowd again, his killing intent was wanton.

This time, if you risk your life, you must kill this little murloc!

After calculating the position where the little murloc is most likely to rush in, the locomotive kept standing behind his teammates.

This time, he obviously made a small mistake in his positioning, so he became the target of the little murloc!

With a sea stone trident and a mischievous strike, the little murloc flew out, and the damage hit him directly!

It was full of blood, but the moment he was hit by the little murloc, he lost half of his blood. The speed at which the blood bar dropped made people gasp! !

This hurts!!!

You don't need a big move, it's enough to kill someone, this little murloc is the scariest!

I can't believe this is a little murloc from the jungle.

The damage of the q skill Naughty Strike,

w Seastone Trident's damage, Lich's Bane's damage, Pu's damage, these four damage effects are superimposed together, the resulting output is really terrifying, being directly hit by this combo that looks like a skill Lost half of the blood!

Seeing that the situation was not good, he handed in the treatment and ran away.

That's okay, if the little murloc slaps his ass again, his life will be confessed.

Yu Luocheng saw that he was running away, but he didn't panic. Just when everyone was about to focus their skills on him, Yu Luocheng hurriedly pressed the e button, jumped up, and avoided all the skills!

After holding the pole in the air for about 2 seconds, a layer of water waves rolled up and slapped fiercely towards the crowd!


This shot was taken even more among the crowd. At least three people got the skill, and they saw Nunu, Eternal Nightmare, and Dark Leader collectively lose blood.

Nunu and Eternal Nightmare are alright, they have relatively enough HP, but the Dark Head was shot, and half of his HP was gone immediately, the damage was exaggerated and scary!

The three of them were slowed down by the group, and Yu Luosheng's teammates quickly followed.

The first was Sap, and a flying anchor was thrown towards the Eternal Nightmare. Crow reacted quickly, and immediately activated the shield to resist this key control skill, and then quickly backed away.

The Thresh in the small crotch couldn't bear it anymore, and a pendulum of doom flashed up, keeping as many enemies as possible.

The enemy retreated while fighting, and gave as many skills as possible to Yu Luocheng's little murloc.

There's no way, Yu Luocheng's little murlocs deal too much damage, and if they don't deal with this guy, their team battles won't be over at all.

At this time, the little murloc has used the key life-saving e skill, which is the best chance to kill him!

Victor of the locomotive didn't skimp on skills at all. The four skills of laser ray, confinement machine, bouncing ball, and ultimate move were all thrown at Yu Luosheng's face.

It's a pity that if he develops well, a set of skills can definitely easily kill a jungler without a meat outfit in seconds, and now it's just killing half of the little murloc's health.

The remaining half of the blood can only be given to his teammates.

The teammates also regard the little murloc as a thorn in their side, and take special care of this little murloc.

Just when the little murloc was about to make a sacrifice for his team, there was a sudden crisp sound, just like the golden sound of gold in cartoons!

Damn it, this guy is out of Central Asia!! the locomotive cursed.

Nima, how many minutes has it been? This little murloc is all in Central Asia. After seeing the little murloc's body covered in a layer of gold and immune to all skills, everyone felt a layer of despair in their hearts! !

It's okay, we can still stand it, kill him! Kuro said boldly at this time.

Snowman Knight Nunu stepped forward, standing in a position where others could not touch him, and activated his ultimate move!

Grass atomic bomb!

Snowman Knight's ult has a very strong control effect, the super deceleration in the group range is enough to make it difficult for the enemy to move, and more importantly, when his ult is fully read, the damage caused by the explosion is enough to kill people.

It was because of this big move that Kuro and the others were barely able to fight, because the snowman knight's big move divided the battlefield, and only the lonely little murloc fell among the four of them.

It's just how to fight, divide the enemy, wipe out a little murloc with the best equipment first, and then slowly deal with the others.

2.5 seconds is not too long, it happened to be the reading time for the snowman knights to slow down collectively, Yu Luocheng's teammates were also very unjust, everyone forgot to make a move to interrupt, but in the end they had to panic Scatter out of the snowman knight's grass atomic bomb range.

He's dead now.

The teammates sold him.

Everyone felt a sense of relief.

To be honest, a newcomer should have been subjected to all kinds of inhumane abuse when he first arrived here, but the result was such a brilliant performance, which really made people feel a little stressed. Now that he is finally going to die, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.

In short, even if you are very good as a rookie, don't be so aggressive. It's too embarrassing for these masters here. Didn't you see that the world's top eight jungler Ku Luo broke into a sweat? ?


Kill him, his golden body is gone!! the locomotive yelled.

After finishing speaking, the locomotive threw a confinement device at the little murloc's feet without hesitation.

At this level, this device is enough to imprison the little murloc in an instant, making him unmovable.


The moment Zhongya disappeared, Yu Luocheng suddenly pressed the flash, and then used the operation of wq to penetrate the body of the enemy's auxiliary dark head of state.

The little murloc's q skill is a gliding skill, even if it is hit at a very short distance, the body will still continue to glide towards that trajectory. At this time, Yu Luocheng really used this skill to directly penetrate the body of the support on the opposite side, and then forcibly Dodged the most powerful wave of damage skills from the enemy!

Damn, this made him hide!

Give me blood, give me blood quickly, I'm going to die!! the auxiliary dark head of state yelled in panic.

The w skill of the little murloc has a bleeding effect, and the auxiliary dark head of state has only about half of the blood. After being penetrated by this wq, the blood volume has directly bottomed out. What is even more frightening is that his blood volume is still passing away .

The reaction was still a little slow, and before the treatment could be used, the Dark Lord let out a scream and fell to the ground.


It's so perverted, killing people is like picking something out of a bag!

Yu Luocheng, who was more than capable in the crowd and took away the life of the opponent's assistant, immediately detonated the anger of all the masters present, so even if they were facing a big enemy, the vitality of all of them at this time was still directed towards Yu Luo Sheng flew there, and he was bound to kill Yu Luocheng's little murloc.

Yu Luocheng saw a bunch of skills thrown at him, and secretly wondered: What a hatred!

After wandering for 1 second, Yu Luocheng hastily pressed the e button!

Seeing that Yu Luocheng's little murloc was about to be caught, this guy nimbly turned over and jumped, using the e skill to avoid many damages again, and jumped out of the enemy's attack range, throwing all the enemies behind him at once.

Wow queen!!! This is the most incredible little murloc I have ever seen!

He actually escaped!

Why is the cd of his e skill so short? It's only been 5.6 seconds.

At this time, everyone gradually changed from praise to exclamation. A little murloc entered the enemy's hinterland, played a whole set of damage, killed a support, and then escaped gorgeously. It felt like a The little creature with a high IQ shuttles freely among a group of big fools, and the big fools can't do anything about him.

He is a little murloc in the jungle, and the jungle cloak provides him with a 20% CD reduction. If the talent runes get another 10% CD reduction and the blue buff he has, his CD reduction is full. Yes, if I remember correctly, at that time the little murloc's e-skill should be one every 4.8 seconds. Musley said slowly.

Oh, a skill in 4.8 seconds, wouldn't the little murloc be able to easily shuttle through the enemy group, and also use the e skill to absorb tons of damage?? said the turbaned man.

Anyone who has fought against the little murloc knows that the little murloc's e skill is extremely annoying, not to mention that it can avoid most skills, and it also has a long-distance displacement effect.

Originally, to deal with the little murloc, it would be obviously effective after his e skill was released, but a little murloc with e skill in 4.8 seconds, combined with Zhongya's 2.5 second invincibility time, means The time you can attack him is only 1.5 seconds!

How could you kill such a little murloc, especially when paired with Flash and the displacement of the q skill...

The five of Ku Luo are really screwed, and they are played around by this little murloc. After wasting so many skills and time on the little murloc, the rest of them are not surprised. All teammates are wiped out one by one! one

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