Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 712 Playing murlocs is handsome!

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These two eye positions are really well done, so that our big Kuro didn't get a kill for a full three minutes with his ultimate move. The most important thing is that he is also behind in the field of clearing the wild. Campfire said Beside, the hooded man was full of admiration in his heart.

Beard is also stroking his beard at this time, he is a mid-laner player, and his jungle strength is not bad, but he didn't expect to deal with Nightmare's unsolvable big move gank, and he can do wards like this!

This kind of eye-making method is actually not what ordinary people would think of, but as long as the eye position is lowered, it can intuitively guess the location of the nightmare through the elimination method, and know whether he is preparing to kill with a big move.

Kuro wandered for about two minutes, but couldn't find a chance and finally managed to fly to Zed in the middle.

It's a pity that the man with the shawl was already alert. Although he didn't flash, he used his big move to avoid Victor's key confinement skills, and then used his displacement skills to escape.

In fact, if the man with the shawl in the middle lane hadn't made a warning in advance, it would be very difficult for him to make such a correct reaction in the first place.

For two eyes, Yu Luocheng only spent 150 yuan to protect his teammates from being gank by Eternal Nightmare.

And in these three minutes, Yu Luocheng saw that there was no chance in the lane, so he buried his head in the field.

After the little murlocs have a level 6 ultimate move, the gank success rate is very high, basically catching one and killing the other.

But Yu Luocheng didn't do that. With his current wild farming efficiency, he would get more money from wild monsters than gank, and the experience gained would be much higher.

No matter how the little murloc is played, he is an AP assassin and needs leading equipment and a high enough level.

Yu Luocheng made sure that his teammates would not be killed by Nightmare, and considering that the gank may not be 100% successful, the best way is to bury his head in the jungle!


Until the second wave of buffs is about to be refreshed, the little murloc who has been focusing on single player for 30 years is finally about to come out.

The little murloc has an iconic piece of equipment, that is the Bane of the Lich!

Before the revision of Bane of the Lich, the damage of a q skill of the little murloc can directly kill the crispy skin in an instant in the later stage, which is quite unsolvable.

After Lich's Bane was weakened,

The little murloc's wq skill combo damage finally made people breathe.

After Yu Luocheng bought the basic jungle equipment, the jungle cloak, he started to run towards the Lich's disaster.

But the jungle resources are very limited, it is impossible for Yu Luocheng to have the little murloc artifact of the Lich's Bane within ten minutes.

For Yu Luocheng, the little murloc's damage caused a small qualitative change in the early stage, which is a shining light after all!

Putting his head down and working hard, Yu Luocheng has now made Yaoguang. With this equipment, his damage will be greatly improved. In addition, his own level is not too far behind the mid laner. At this moment, he The fighting power of the player should be comparable to that of a normally developed little murloc in the middle lane!

With equipment and damage, let the audience enjoy the shark moment! !

After looking at the situation of the pawn line, Yu Luocheng quickly locked his target on the road.

Sap's strength should be the strongest among this group of people. The route is so long, as long as Nunu is slowed down, this Nunu will basically die!

I'm here. Yu Luocheng said to Sap.

The river has eyes. Sap immediately reminded Yu Luocheng not to walk directly on the river.

Yu Luocheng actually saw that spot, and still walked along the river.

Just as Sap was about to frown, he found Yu Luocheng's little murloc walking towards the Dalong Canyon.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Yu Luocheng's little murloc use the e skill to pole vault, cross the Dalong Canyon with ease, and reach the enemy's rear!

Hey, after the little murlocs went around like this, Nunu would never have thought that he would have to give up his life. At the bonfire group, someone had already spoken.

If the murloc is a jungler, there are actually a variety of gank positions. He has his own terrain traversing skills, has two rush skills, and has a super long-distance lock and deceleration skill. The success rate of gank is really high, especially After Yu Luocheng solved the problem of insufficient damage!

Hey, Nunu is dead, it depends on whether Kuro can notice it.

This rookie, he played the wild little murloc very well!

I've practiced it, so I guess it's the strongest jungle murloc hidden in our rankings.

Everyone was staring at the big display screen, and they had already discovered that Crow was in the lower half of the wild area in the full picture.

Nunu still feels that his ward position is very good, he will not be gank by the river, and there is no reason to be entangled, but he does not know that a piranha is slowly approaching him!

Sap took a look at Yu Luocheng's position.

He who was still replenishing soldiers quietly at first suddenly pressed his body forward. The hero Titan is already huge, and he walked up with awe-inspiring aura.

Nunu was not too scared, and immediately spit out a mouthful of the puck, slowing down Sap's Titan, and then drove around with w bloodthirsty acceleration, intending to avoid Sap Titan's flying anchor.

Unexpectedly, Sap didn't give him any face at all, and immediately activated his big move, precise guidance!

I saw the deep-sea titan raised the flying anchor in his hand and hammered it hard towards the ground. Suddenly, a continuous eruption of water bombs chased Nunu along the ground with precise guidance!

Keng! Keng! Keng! Keng!!!

Although the pursuit speed of the deep-sea titan's ultimate move is not fast, it is a skill that cannot be dodged. No matter how fast Nunu runs, he can't dodge this deep-water missile!


The depth missile hit Nunu, who was knocked into the air.

Originally, Nunu wasn't afraid of the Titans, and Nunu might not be able to defeat the Titans in a one-on-one fight, but when he saw a little murloc suddenly appearing behind him, his expression changed suddenly.

Damn it, where did this little murloc come from!

Precise guidance, flying anchor pulling, big shark attack, even if Nunu uses magic resistance equipment, it can't stand up to so many control skills and damage skills.

Nunu directly gave up the idea of ​​handing over the flash, and handed over his life.


After Nunu's blood volume was reduced, Yu Luocheng finally used the last q left in his hand.

Head grabbing is an art, isn't it?

On the one hand, you have to be able to calculate the damage of your own skills, on the other hand, you have to trust your teammates, he will definitely not be able to resist handing over all his skills. At that time, you can say in a high-sounding manner: I am afraid that he will run away, so I took the head .

Sap didn't say a word anyway.

The two work together to quickly push the pawn line under the opposite tower, causing the opponent's top laner to lose a wave of experience points when they die. This is a basic common sense after killing someone.

Originally, it didn't matter if Sap didn't get the head, but when he was pushing the line of soldiers, he found that this treacherous guy waited for his own skills to turn in first, and made the minions so weak that he would kill all the minions with one ass. Shot to death, collected a lot of money...

Paralyzed, the head is taken, and the soldiers are also taken, eating it to death!

Yu Luocheng pretended nothing happened, and quietly left on the road.

It's really cool, one head plus a wave of soldiers, more than 400 yuan in hand, and another small item can be added.

No flash!

The man with the shawl suddenly said something.

Yu Luocheng walked down the river, his hands still dripping with saliva while lighting the banknotes he got just now. Hearing what the man with the shawl in the middle said, his eyes lit up, and he looked straight at the gold coin in the middle! !

The biggest disadvantage of the hero Victor is that he moves slowly and has no displacement skills. An assassin like the little murloc is actually very restrained by the mechanical pioneer Victor.

Now that he has no flash, he is a cash machine in front of the little murloc. During the 5 minutes when he does not flash, you can withdraw 300 yuan once you go there!


Continue down the river.

In fact, Yu Luocheng knew that he was exposed to Nunuchan's vision.

Going down like this, it is easy to let the other party know that he is coming.

But Yu Luocheng did a very special trick.

He strode past that eye position swaggeringly, and pretended to go to his wild area, as if he was going to bury his head in the wild.

After passing the scope of the eye, Yu Luocheng suddenly changed his figure, calculated the approximate position that the eye could see, and turned around along the edge of the enemy's field of vision, heading straight towards the middle. go to...

The locomotive in the middle lane was still retreating. He saw the little murloc go to the wild area, and guessed that the opponent might come to attack him when he didn't flash.

So, after receiving this wave of soldiers, he decided to retreat immediately...


Suddenly, a little blue guy jumped out of the grass!

This guy was very agile, using the minion closest to him, he suddenly used the q skill to strike mischievously, and even shortened the distance with Victor in an instant.

pole vault!

The little murloc jumped up on the middle route, obviously intending to use the falling effect of the e skill to slow down to Victor, so that his teammate Zed can immediately catch up with the output of the big move.

The locomotive was also taken aback just now, but when he realized it, he let out a sigh of relief.

It's okay, he's still a little short of distance, and if his e skill falls, he won't be able to take pictures of himself!

The locomotive hastily controlled its own Victor to retreat, wanting to return to the safe embrace of the defense tower.

Unexpectedly, when the little murloc pole vaulted to the highest point, a flash appeared and used it.

The skills are shining! !


This skill fluttered and forcibly changed the position of Yu Luosheng's little murloc's tail, hitting Victor's face, successfully slowing down Victor.

At the same time, the man with the shawl has followed, turning into countless Daoying clones and starting to cut Victor's body!

Victor is a crispy skin, and a set of damage is enough to kill him instantly. At this time, with the damage and deceleration assistance of the little murloc, Victor, the mechanical pioneer, is doomed!


At this moment, the shawl-haired man couldn't help but let out a cry.

Yu Luocheng understood this sentence.

Foreigners are boasting that they are so handsome that they have no friends! !

(Every friend who voted is so handsome that he has no friends~~We are only 460 votes short of that girl, let’s catch up!)

(.) U

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