Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 710: Playing Wild as an Online Game

My God, what's the matter with this kid? Could it be that he really doesn't recognize Kuro, and he randomly chooses a little murloc to fight in the wild?? The hooded hunk yelled.

Overestimating one's abilities, really overestimating one's abilities.

In the past, there were a few guys who couldn't dance well. They used some non-mainstream heroes, but they were educated by our people so that they almost lost their underwear. This kid... well, how should I put it, put on airs in front of Kuro, Just looking for death! said the bearded man.

There was some joking and sneering light in Musley's eyes, and he said to Yiqin lightly: It seems that your friend will not have a chance to attend our party in the future.

Yi Qin was also embarrassed and puzzled.

This dead Yu Luosheng, what a shame, why not just choose a jungler to play with, get a little murloc as a jungler, can a little murloc play as a jungler, your opponent is the top eight Kulo

Originally, Yiqin still had great confidence in Yu Luocheng, knowing his strength was there, even if he was tired from the journey, his strength would not be any worse, but this guy chose a little murloc as a jungler, so he didn't expect anything from him Alright?

Yiqin doesn't care if Yu Luocheng can enter this circle, anyway, Yu Luocheng won't stay here for too long, but is worried that he, the majestic Pluto, has been abused here, and it's not good to spread the word Ah, after all, some people have already regarded him as the strongest player in the world. On the one hand, this thing is the accumulation of honor in the competition, and on the other hand, it is also the accumulation of fame.

Although players from various countries put Yu Luosheng on the same level as Adams and Li Yuexin, the two super powerful players, most people still think that Adams and Li Yuexin are stronger than Yu Luosheng. His reputation accumulation is far from as deep as these two powerhouses who have already swept away.

This time, Yiqin allowed Yu Luosheng to enter the back garden of e-sports unique to the United States, which can be regarded as a way for Yu Luosheng to consolidate his reputation and status abroad. As a result... this guy probably treats this kind of competition as a casual game up.

Alas, forget it, let it be like this, I hope he doesn't die too badly, lest he need a super explosion to redeem his funny comparison when he really fights with the Angel Army of the United States!


At the beginning of the duel, since it was not a completely regular professional league, everyone was not overly rigorous, but both sides had strange moves.

For Yu Luocheng's side, it's special to be a titan in the top lane, and it's not reasonable in terms of lineup. The biggest problem is that there is no group damage, and it may become weaker in the later stage.

The lineup selection on the opposite side is also not very orthodox.

The top laner is a Snowman Knight, the mid laner is Viktor the Mechanic Pioneer, the jungler is Eternal Nightmare, the runaway loli Jinx, and the support is the Dark Head.

Yu Luocheng must have laughed when he saw the dark head of state playing support.

Little foreigner, he actually played the support Dark Head in front of grandpa, didn't he know that the world's number one support Dark Head is sitting opposite you?

However, this time you are playing jungle, and you are playing with a little murloc who was tricked by your teammates, otherwise you will die to assist the Dark Head! !

Since Yu Luosheng assisted the Dark Head of State in the world competition, many people at home and abroad have begun to follow suit. They have indeed found that the hero support of the Dark Head of State is very reasonable, with strong consumption and good control. After level six, the burst is high. Yu Luocheng's super gorgeous shotgun group control is extremely difficult, and if he is not careful, he will play it off, wasting a big move.

Hold on, don't make Kuro too fat, we still have hope of winning. The little crotch said.

Yeah, our top laner is very good. The bamboo pole white man said.

Yu Luocheng glanced at his top laner, well, he still doesn't say a word, he's pretty bored, I hope his q-iron flying anchor can be more accurate, otherwise he won't be able to take enough damage to gank on the top road.

Snowman Knight is a hero who is easy to kill despite his lack of displacement. In fact, he spits out ice phlegm to give himself a speed boost, or bites a soldier to restore blood. It is very difficult for you to kill him.


The duel started, Yu Luocheng bought a jungle knife and 4 bottles of blood medicine, and walked towards the wild area with a touch of sadness.

Do you need us to beat you more? asked the white man with the bamboo pole.

In fact, everyone is really worried. The little murloc hero has a high AP burst, but it is used as a jungler. It is estimated that the jungler's speed is slow to become scum. Although the skills have improved, the gank efficiency may not be good. After all, the jungler is small. Murloc damage is limited.

No, don't be too late online. Yu Luocheng used simple words to piece together what he wanted to express. The teammates also took care that Yu Luosheng was a guy who didn't know much English, and he spoke slowly. Some contemporary gestures.

The little crotch controlled his hero to go to the lane, and he thought to himself that he had to set up his bot lane more, and he couldn't expect his own jungler to help, and Crow was a well-known guy who liked to grab the bot lane. Jungler.

It's pretty smart, knowing that the first point is to add the w skill Seastone Trident. The man with the shawl in the mid laner said to himself.

For the little murlocs to play jungle, the first point must not be to add e or q, the jungle efficiency is unbelievably slow.

It must be a w sea stone trident.

The damage of the little murloc duel is actually very high, because the w skill sea stone trident has magic damage in the normal attack, as well as the effect of magic tear and serious injury, which lasts for 5 seconds, which makes the little murloc Fitz's Playing efficiency will be greatly improved.

With the help of his teammates, Yu Luosheng quickly killed the red buff, and added the e skill to the second point.

The first buff will basically be helped by teammates, so the speed of finishing it should not be much slower than that of Nightmare, but Nightmare's jungle efficiency is notoriously fast. If there is no accident, wait for Nightmare to get the double buff and advance to level 3 to the line. After a wave of gank, Xiaoyu has just reached level 3.

With this in mind, the top laner Sap and the mid laner shawl hair man are relatively wretched in the early stage. If Crow, a tricky guy, seizes a chance, they will have to hand in Flash, and the second time they will die.

Yu Luocheng didn't rush, after taking the red, he directly went to get the blue, quickly doubled the buff, and then chose to fight a ghost monster, and was promoted to level 3.

At this time, Sap, the top laner, took a special look at Yu Luocheng's little murloc.

Not too slow. Sap secretly said in his heart.

It's just that Sap originally thought that Yu Luocheng would come to the top road to squat, after all, his pawn line was a little dangerous, who knew that this guy turned around and went to clear the jungle, ignoring the top road.

Sap glanced at the bushes, estimated the time in his mind, planned to finish this one and back away...

Suddenly, a black mist in the grass spread along the ground, and quickly approached Sap's abyssal titan.

Oops, it's glued!

After the Eternal Nightmare puts this black energy on the enemy, his speed of chasing people will become very fast, coupled with the red buff's deceleration...

Sap reacted very quickly, and calmly used his skills to clear out the weak blood soldiers in front of him, and then rose to level 3 in an instant!

Select q skill in seconds, fly anchor!

A flying anchor was thrown towards the rock wall behind him, and it hit the hook accurately!

Sap's huge titan body pulled hard along his iron anchor, and flew straight to the rock, getting rid of the entanglement of Eternal Nightmare and Snowman Knight, and then hurriedly fled down the tower.

Not bad, it is indeed the strongest top laner Titan in North America! Crow smiled, and was not annoyed by this loss.

Crow took double buffs quickly, and squatted at level 2. He also used the misunderstanding of others subconsciously calculating the jungler's gank time at level 3.

Sap's Titan is really good. He was only level 2 just now, and he didn't learn the Q skill Flying Anchor. Even if he flashed under the control of Nightmare and Snowman Knight Nunu's slowdown, red buff, and fear, it was difficult for Sap to stay in danger. , use the skills to quickly clear the bloody soldiers in front of you, and after leveling up to level 3, learn the skills in seconds and use the long anchor to fly away!


When Yu Luocheng saw that he was caught and escaped on the road, he secretly sighed in his heart, both sides are masters.

However, he didn't intend to go to the muddy water on the roadside and continue to brush wild monsters.

It's not that Yu Luocheng didn't go to the road to support, but that he didn't add the q skill Naughty Strike when he was level 3.

Without the important breakthrough of the little murloc q skill Naughty Strike, the gank efficiency is very low, and it would be a waste of time to go there, it is better to honestly clear the jungle.

Yu Luocheng has a very good way of clearing the wild, from left to right, ghosts, Sanlang Canyon, 4 ghosts, stone people, go home to buy equipment, and then start from ghosts...

This kid, are you playing League of Legends jungle as an online game?

Soon the people on the other side of the campfire began to complain.

Let's play single player.

Someone in the middle is about to die!

Wow, this guy is just swaggering to eat the thread?


The man with the shawl was very puzzled. He knew that his jungler was not good enough in this game, so he chose a tragic little murloc hero, and he didn't expect him to achieve anything.

So the shawl-haired man wants to be stronger in the middle lane. At level 5, there is a good chance to kill the opponent's mid laner Victor. Who knew that the damned nightmare of Kulo appeared, and the two of them worked together to kill him. , which made the shawl man depressed to death.

What is speechless is that his own jungler didn't come to help. After seeing that he was dead, he came over to eat his own soldiers.

Alas, I hate this kind of non-existent jungler the most.

Yu Luocheng reached the middle road.

What is the favorite thing about junglers, that is, when you don't know where to go after a wave of junglers, and your teammates on the line die, you can eat money and experience openly.

When he saw the robbery in the middle road, Yu Luocheng was overjoyed. He was worried that there was nowhere to find this experience, so the middle road sent a wave of warmth...

Hey, this Victor hasn't come home yet, thinking that he won't die with half of his health? Thank you for sending us 300 yuan and experience.

At this moment, Yu Luocheng had a devilish smile on his face!


Good news, good news~~~~~~~

Uncle now has some cool posters of Yu Luosheng's comics in his hands. They are small gifts that he has memorized back from the comic exhibition. Friends who have arrived at the comic exhibition should have gotten them, but in response to the general public who can't go to the comic exhibition, they really want to Friends of this souvenir, Uncle specially organized a small event, so that friends who did not participate in the comic exhibition can also hope to get this Captain Yu Poster, not only the poster, but also the first edition of the exquisite trial booklet of Who and Fighting, cherish it Oh, Captain Yu's super handsome cover!

Everyone add my WeChat: luanshu920

There are small questions about this book on WeChat, if you answer the questions correctly, you can draw a lucky draw to win Captain Yu's poster! one\t()

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