Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 708: The newcomer enters the field

Yiqin breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't come here many times, and she really didn't know that Musley had such special rules.

She blinked at Yu Luocheng, and whispered: Be careful, if people here think you're too bad, you will be kicked out like the three just now.

Is there anyone in this world who can say I'm good? Yu Luocheng raised his eyebrows and said.

Can't you be more humble? Yiqin gave her a charming look.

Yu Luocheng smiled confidently, freely and noblely.

There are strange customs in the strange circle, do as the Romans do, go to some other party Yu Luosheng may be worried about his lack of knowledge about socializing, picking up girls, telling jokes, talking about movies, drag racing, etc. But if this is an e-sports party, he is required to He is not afraid of being strict. On the contrary, he appreciates Musley's strict selection, which means that all the people in this e-sports party are elites.

Msley is a very hospitable person, but he is also very repulsive of guests.

Hospitality is those people he already agrees with, they either have extremely high influence in the field of e-sports, commentators, hosts, veterans of e-sports, coaches, analysts, or have the strength beyond superman, the strongest non-professional king Players, Hall of Famers, well-known team players.

A circle is open to the outside world. Some people don’t know the rules and communication, so they will always bring in some people who are out of tune with this circle, or those who have not yet qualified. As the store manager, Msley will strictly Guard and select, and exclude that person without regard to his face, so that this circle can maintain the quality it should have.

This is why his shop is so famous and authoritative.

Otherwise, it will not be called the backyard of American e-sports by insiders

Introducing the two into the yard, the entire yard is very large, almost like a small private manor, a group of us gathered on the grass, white tables were placed there in rows, and there were a lot of delicacies.

Although the weather was a bit cold, this kind of open-air party was very atmospheric. Most of the people were outside, and only a few people were inside.

The room is also very big, especially the hall, through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, you can see ten computers in the hall, which are obviously specially used for fighting

You two are free, I will give orders for the following activities. Musley said.

After finishing speaking, Musley shouted to everyone who was chatting and partying on the lawn: Hey, our Asian beauty is here!

Everyone turned their heads. There were men and women, blue-eyed, brown-eyed, curly-haired, and afro-haired. It could be seen that Yiqin was very popular among this group of people, and several people had already come up to sign up enthusiastically call.

Not surprisingly, Yu Luocheng was ignored.

Yu Luocheng glanced at it, and found that one of them looked familiar, he seemed to be the jungler of Team X, what was his name? Yu Luocheng forgot, but his big nostrils were very impressive.

It is said that foreigners have big nostrils, but it is really rare to see a nostril that can be used as a basin to catch water like the x team's jungler Kuro. If it weren't for this nose, Yu Luocheng might not be able to recognize him.

Ku Luo looked very attentive, chatting with Yi Qin, and finally glanced at Yu Luocheng, and asked, Who is this?

Yu Luocheng wondered, he was the champion of the league after all, and Clow, as a top eight player in the league, didn't recognize him.

Damn, is it true that as Yiqin said, Asians all look the same in the eyes of foreigners?

Yiqin naturally wouldn't reveal Yu Luosheng's identity, but just smiled and introduced him as a friend from China and an e-sports fan.

Everyone chatted quickly, except Yu Luocheng, who couldn't understand the bird language at all, was eating there.

This is a comprehensive party, and there is a self-service barbecue. The taste is very good. Yu Luosheng doesn't care about chatting, and try the authentic American grilled wings here.

Across the room, Msley had already entered the room.

Standing in front of the glass window, he gestured to Crow, who was chatting among the crowd, from a distance.

Kuro understood something, left the crowd with a smile, and walked towards the house.

Hey, what are you doing? A man with bristly hair came over, and Musley and Crow were whispering.

Here's a newcomer, treat him well, Msley said.

I like this kind of thing the most, Pao Huo's face immediately brightened.

The most interesting thing about Musley's shop is that there will always be some newcomers here, and everyone has rules, and non-experts will not be recruited in, which leads to the fact that every newcomer who enters the circle here basically has to accept their tests to be considered They are members approved by their store in Musley, and they are only eligible to participate in the party here next time, otherwise they will basically be wiped out and completely disrespectful.

Pao Huo, forget it, who in the e-sports circle doesn't know you? You are simply bullying the small with your shots. At this time, a woman with black hair and wheat skin in a slim trench coat said.

This woman should be a mixed race of white and black, with a straight nose bridge, she looks healthy and energetic, and her eyes with super long eyelashes are shining with the unique charm and charm of mixed race beauties.

I'll come, I'll come to the house, said a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy who just crawled over from the computer.

Small crotch, it's not your turn to test newcomers, Musley said.

I'll do it, Crow said.

You are not suitable either, you are a jungler in the world's top eight.

What does that matter, anyway, he didn't recognize him when I greeted him just now. Clow said.

Clow was actually a little unhappy in his heart. He was a celebrity in the American e-sports circle. Any newcomer who came here would either eagerly come up to say hello or look up at him from a distance. That Chinese kid was fine, and he had to take the initiative to ask his identity.

Of course, the most important thing is that James wants to give him a blow, let him know how strong the masters here are.

Then you come on, it's done, Kuro waits for you to line up with him. Musley said.

No problem, how many heads are you going to press me for? Kuro raised his eyebrows with a smile.

I'll crush you super god, said the boy called Little Crotch admiringly.

Is there nothing wrong with me? Pao Huo said in confusion.

It's too humiliating for you, a second member of the national team, to make a move, Musley said.

Musley also didn't want to go too far, and it didn't make much practical sense to let the gunfire shoot, because it didn't matter whether the rookie or the master, basically he would blow him up directly, which instead gave the rookie a step down.

It is actually a bit too much to let Crow play. After all, Crow is the jungler of Team X and a world-renowned e-sports figure.

However, in order to be able to 100% give the rookie the effect of getting off his horse, Musley didn't have much problem with Crow, and at worst let Crow play another position.

After the discussion, Musley looked at the time, and it was twelve o'clock in the morning

Then the real night out begins

Musley pushed open the glass window, took out a microphone, and said, Everyone, are you ready for tonight's feast?

here we go

Haha, I've been waiting for this moment.

This time I will make you lose without even underwear

Jim, I'll win all your wives over.

A group of people did not know why, and all gathered towards the small house.

Let's go, we'll go there too. Yiqin said while pulling Yu Luocheng.

Wait until I finish eating this grilled wing.

Musley pressed a switch in the house, and the wall next to the floor-to-ceiling windows suddenly made the sound of mechanical gears rolling.

Yu Luocheng gnawed on the chicken wing and looked up.

Nima, scrolling display

The display screen slowly slid down from the top of the wall, and finally completely fell on the wall, instantly turning into a projection display screen. The visual effect was excellent at night, just like watching a movie in a cinema.

After the display screen fell, someone had already moved out chairs, sofas, and cushions from inside. Everyone did it themselves, and soon paved the lawn into an open-air seating hall, surrounded by a semicircle, and in the middle were those A grill is blazing.

The charcoal in the barbecue grill was collectively pushed into the carbon pit in the middle of everyone, so it directly became a bonfire

Campfire Gaming Party?

Yu Luocheng really thought that this group of Americans would enjoy it, first they would drink, eat barbecue, chat, and when the time came, there would be a big show.

Needless to say, since there is a display screen coming out, there must be a civil war. Otherwise, what are the ten machines on both sides of the wall and under the glass windows?

How about it, isn't it interesting? Yi Qin pushed Yu Luocheng and said.

Well, it's simply enjoyment. I just want to see how the strength of this circle is. Yu Luocheng said.

There is food, drink, bonfire with atmosphere, sitting down and chatting with a group of people watching the game, and some betting by the way, such a weekend night is too luxurious.

What do you think, you have to play. Yiqin said with a smirk.

Me? Yu Luocheng was taken aback for a moment.

Nima, I just came here to eat, my hands are still freezing in this winter, why should I go there, there are so many people here

It's the rule here, as long as there are newcomers coming, they will definitely be given a chance to play. You see, they're here, behave well, don't lose face to your sister. Yiqin showed the appearance of a little fox.

This is so noisy, I just got off the plane today, and I finally went out to have a meal with the beautiful woman, so I can relax without training. I thought it would be a kind of comfort to have a barbecue and a competition. Who knew that I would go to it myself...

cheating? isn't it?

Hey, Yu, which side are you going to choose? Musley walked over with a smile, with a scheming look.

Yiqin pushed Yu Luocheng, and the crowd around the campfire started booing, saying some hypocritical cheering words.

Yu Luocheng knew that he had to prove his strength to enter this circle, but he didn't expect to come so soon... Or the same sentence, I just got off the plane, so I took a shower at most, okay?


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