Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 701 Who donated the liver?

Department of Liver Diseases, Shanghai Hospital

A doctor wearing a mask stood next to the instrument, helped the patient sit down, and quickly filled in the contents with a pen. [Ci Shu Ge]

The patient was a middle-aged man, with a black face, but a sickly whiteness, but this whiteness faded quickly.

The reexamination is very good. You have fully recovered. You just need to take anti-rejection drugs on time in the future. Dr. Lan, who is in charge of liver surgery, said.

Doctor Lan, there is something I've been wanting to ask you for a long time. The middle-aged man's face slowly recovered color, obviously he was just a false alarm.

What's the matter? Dr. Lan asked.

It's like this. I still don't know who donated my organs to me. Although I heard you say that he has passed away, I still want to thank his family in person. This disease has tortured me for many years. I thought I would be like this all my life... the patient said earnestly and sincerely.

Old Yu, you also know the hospital's regulations. We only accept organ donations. If the donor is unwilling to disclose his name, we will not disclose it, so I hope you understand. How should I say this thing? It can only be said that God favored you and gave you a chance to be reborn. You just need to cherish it. As for who gave you the chance to be reborn, it doesn’t matter. Don’t worry about it anymore. Since you are exhausted from rough work, you can enjoy life as a retiree, anyway, you have a promising daughter and a good son. Doctor Lan said with a smile.

In fact, what happened two years ago is still in Dr. Lan's mind, and he feels it vividly.

A suicide note, a big boy crying hoarsely.

Dr. Lan has seen too many stories behind the patients, but every time he thinks of that scene, he is always filled with emotion.

In fact, Dr. Lan had learned about the original story in private, and then he unconsciously paid attention to the weeping boy, thinking that his current achievements should have lived up to that suicide note.

Good son... Yu Jing muttered to himself, but he didn't know how to respond.

He had just woken up from a serious operation and hadn't said a word yet. The son acted like he was going crazy, and scolded the family with some words, then turned around and left.

This is the second time. Yu, who was pressed on the bed by the instrument, could do nothing but look at his back and watch him walk out of the family. At that moment, Yu felt that he should not wake up. What I saw was such a picture.

Forget it, don't mention him. Yu Jing shook his head, every time he was mentioned, his heart would feel uncomfortable.

Dr. Lan was stunned for a moment, and some doubts arose in his heart.

Why, doesn't he satisfy you? Dr. Lan asked.

In Dr. Lan's view, it is a blessing for Yu to have such a son. A person who is willing to make such sacrifices for his friends must have qualities that ordinary people do not have. After all, it is nothing but life.

How can you be satisfied? Yu Jing sighed.

In the past two years, he has recovered relatively quickly. Every once in a while when he comes to Shanghai for reexamination, he will ask the same question, that is, who is the person who donated his liver to him?

My own son betrayed me and severed ties with this family, but a stranger can donate my precious organs to me. Is it true that the child I have worked so hard to raise is not as good as a stranger?

How could he be satisfied with this son?

Oh, maybe you have never learned about his world. Old Yu, I also advise you, don't be so stubborn when you are so old. Stubbornness is very harmful. You don't need to go to the factory anymore You are tired, and you have a daughter who is taking care of your family. In your spare time, you should think about the cause and effect of all the things, or put yourself in someone else's position and think about it. Many things will become clear at once. Originally, In terms of your physique and the health of the donor, you can recover in a year, but it has been delayed for so long because of heart disease. Doctor Lan said with a smile.

Dr. Lan has a general understanding of the family's situation, and he also knows that there is an irreconcilable contradiction in it, and at the same time, there is an introduction that can resolve everything in an instant.

However, Dr. Lan would not say.

Organ donation is inherently anonymous, and the hospital expressly stipulates that it cannot be revealed. Even if the donor is actually a friend of the recipient’s son, or even his son, as long as the donor expresses his life-saving intention, they will not disclose it.

But Dr. Lan was the one who was deeply touched by that incident, and he sincerely hoped that such entanglements could find a breakthrough on Yu Jing's side.

In fact, things about e-sports are not too difficult to understand. Dr. Lan, a person who does not play e-sports, only learned about the situation of e-sports after that incident.

Now that e-sports has become an Olympic event, that boy is now considered a national Olympic athlete, so there is really no need to have too much prejudice.

The most important point is that as long as Yu Jing goes to understand his son's world, it will not be difficult for him to find out that an e-sports kid passed away the day before his operation. As long as he is not too stupid, he will understand who it is Donated his liver to him.

It is inconvenient for Dr. Lan to say more, but he just hopes that Yu Jing can fundamentally clarify this matter.

Yu actually left the hospital alone.

I don't know where that girl Yu Yu went, she didn't even call the doctor to greet her, so Yu Jing could only go back to her residence by herself.

Yu Jing lives in Yu Yu's apartment at the school, which hurts that the accommodation is expensive, and the poor ones are not clean, so if Yu Jing comes over, Yu Yu will let him live in her place at the school, anyway, the school In the allocated one-room apartment, Yu Yu went to the female classmate's to squeeze in by herself.

Yuyu, I'm back at school, where did you go? Yu Jing asked while holding his mobile phone.

Oh, oh, I'm outside with my friends, I'll be back soon. Yu Yu said hastily.

Yu Jing actually knows her daughter quite well, but if she talks like this, she is probably lying. Just like when I asked her several times if she secretly paid back the money owed to her uncles, she also answered no, and Yu knew that she probably paid it back.

That is, Yu actually doesn't quite understand where this kid got so much money. He heard that the benefits for swimmers are very good, but if he is not fully famous and does not accept some endorsements and advertisements, he will not have so much income.

When the child grows up, she can't fully control it, so let her do it.

She should have gone to play with boys... Yu Jing suddenly felt that this possibility was more likely.

Yu Yu has also reached the age of dating, and Li Yun used to nudge Yu Yu to marry her elder brother all day long, lest the fat water go to outsiders.

When Yu Jing adopted Yu Yu back then, he also planned to use her as a child bride, but now it's so old, the child bride is completely gone, children have their own ideas, and they can't be imposed.

Coupled with the fact that Yu Yu is so outstanding now, she has seen all kinds of big scenes, and going in and out represents the honor of the country, there must be better boys waiting for her.

Thinking of this, Yu Jing felt relieved.

When Yu Yu can bring back a good boy home, it will be a very happy thing.

However, after walking a few steps, Yu Jing became worried again. If Yu Yu married someone, it would belong to someone else's family. It's good to have a look, but if Yu Yu leaves, the whole family seems to be taken away in an instant of anger, and they are left as an old couple. Even if the family has savings, life may not be comfortable.

The older a person is, the more things he thinks about. Yu Jing shook his head helplessly and continued walking towards the depths of the school.

Just after turning a corner, I suddenly saw a series of large banners and slogans.

Congratulations to our Senior Yu for setting foot in Tokyo, Shanghai University is the best in e-sports

Congratulations to e-sports for becoming an Olympic event, Shanghai University has officially listed e-sports as one of the references for scholarship winners.

Congratulations to our Shanghai e-sports club for beating the national colleges and universities and winning the first place in the college league. We are the college champions

These banners are all marked in red, which is very eye-catching.

Yu Jing frowned. For him, e-sports is like a demon. Just looking at it makes him feel uncomfortable. He can't wait to go forward and tear these things up.

Old Yu, are you here? At this moment, an old man's voice came from behind.

Yu actually came back to his senses, saw the bald but refreshed Dean Fang, and quickly said politely: Dean Fang, hello, hello.

Dean Fang was met by Yu Jing through Yu Yu. Dean Fang valued Yu Yu very much, especially when he learned that Yu Yu was about to participate in the Olympics, he specially invited Yu Jing to participate in some school conferences.

This made Yu Jing, who had never been on a big stage before, feel very honored.

Why, you also know something about e-sports? Dean Fang asked with a smile. He saw Yu Jing staring at the e-sports club banners from a long distance just now.

No, I just think it's very strange, how can this kind of thing appear in the university, won't it affect the students' study? Yu Jing said.

This thing is not absolute. Everything has two sides. There are good and bad. It depends on whether the people who learn it are positive or use it as a pastime. There are indeed many students in the school who play video games and are useless. In addition to study, absenteeism, absenteeism, but there are also some positive things, such as the children who won the first place in colleges for our school, and there is a world-renowned outstanding student in the field of e-sports that our school is very proud of. It is worth learning for the students. Dean Fang said very enlightenedly.

Is this something worth learning? Yu Jing asked with a puzzled face.

Of course, take the student who dropped out of our school as an example. He left school halfway to play professional e-sports. He is now world-renowned. After returning to school, he caused a bigger sensation than Yu Yu. Young people basically We all know him. Now, e-sports has become an Olympic event. He is already an Olympic member of the national team. As far as I know, he is still in charge of the captain. He is a rare talent in our country, and he is also the pride of our school. , It's a pity that he hasn't met the school for a while, if there is a school, I will let the hospital hold a meeting. Dean Fang said.

(Sorry, I just updated it now. I was sick today, and I don’t know if it’s a cold or a fever. I have a severe headache and dizziness. It’s the kind of thing that makes your head feel heavy when you stay still, and you will feel dizzy and painful if you shake your head vigorously. Do friends who study medicine know what symptoms this is?... In short, I can only write one chapter today, and I don’t know what the status will be tomorrow. Uncle usually updates 365 days a year, including holidays, but if you are sick, There is really no way to hope that everyone must understand and understand.)

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