Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 684 Cut into slices in minutes

Fuck, this cooperation is a bit of a tiger! Shen Xueyu called out first. \u003c800 Fiction Network WWw.800book.net Full text, fast update, no pop-up window! \u003e

Lin Dong, Chuguan Wang, and Bai Feng, the players in charge of playing the bottom lane, also had their eyes lit up at this time.

First is Yu Luosheng's handsome changing hook.

The skill of changing direction hook is indeed mastered by many diamond-level Thresh. The problem is that this thing often depends on acting skills.

Yu Luocheng's aggressive posture just now was aimed at Lucian, and everyone thought so.

The angle is good, the position is good, first a fake move and then a shot...

However, Yu Luosheng is very smart. It is very difficult for you to hook a Lucian who has displacement. A player of Qiu Minghui's level can completely dodge with displacement skills after you take the hook. Reaction.

Yu Luocheng didn't go to hook Lu Xian, the target suddenly turned to the support, that support was completely unexpected when facing such a hook

The hook is often only the beginning of a confrontation, and what is incomparably subtle is that Yu Luocheng has calculated that the opponent, Braum, will definitely use it to go away...

So, with a miraculous sweep, Bron's skills were interrupted. This kind of operation is simply shocking in Japan, where the server has just been opened, which is why the scene was full of embarrassment.

Many Japanese who have played Thresh have their eyes wide open. Never thought that Thresh would play like this? If it really fell so badly, the whole audience turned into Guan Gu's magical sentence: Shi Guo

The question is, is this over? ?

Absolutely not

It was as if Bron accidentally stepped into a trap. Originally, he just fell to the ground. Who would have thought that just as soon as a stone fell from the tree, it would be fine if his head was smashed into the pit.

one after another

A series of controls were completed in one go, Bron couldn't even fight back, and the whole person was out of control

If such a chain control operation is completed by one person, it can be said that this person is very good. The problem is that another person put the shelf.

Could it be that the Chinese national team also knew that Yu Luosheng's Thresh could definitely slap Bron back with the pendulum of doom, so they put a shelf under Bron's feet? ?

Bron is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so how can he bear it if he is controlled continuously for 3 seconds or nearly 4 seconds?

During this process, the female policeman has already launched three general attacks, and with the damage of the upper shelf, Bron has to remove half of his blood at least.

And Yu Luocheng Thresh's damage couldn't be ignored at all, Yu Luocheng's Thresh didn't fully release his skills, the quick connection between basic attack and skills.

He also played two basic attacks himself, the damage was not lost to AD at all, and then he hung up an igniter for Bron

When Bron was at level 1, he was beaten for a while, his health was not full, and then he was controlled for 3 seconds to 4 seconds. When he stepped on the shelf, was hung up and set on fire, and found that he was about to die, he thought It's too late to flash

The damage is worse than flashing. Yu Luocheng had already calculated everything accurately.

As soon as the words fell, Bron, the assistant of the Japanese national team, followed Yu Luosheng's script, and really escaped in a flash

Yu Luocheng and Qian Meng's tacit understanding is simply at its peak, the two of them flashed at the same time, each gave Bron a final attack like a combination of two swords...

On the Japanese national team side, Qiu Minghui pressed Healing in a panic, trying to save his support, but his support was hung up and ignited early, and the healing effect was negligible.

First blood was born, 400 yuan rose goldenly from Braum's head

This first blood was obtained by Yu Luocheng, and it was set on fire in his hands. In the end, Bron was also set alight and burned to death.

When fighting in the bottom lane, there is not much chance of getting a head. In other words, everyone is a battle player, and milliseconds count in the confrontation process. If the support deliberately kills a person, the enemy may run away. The most likely Still got killed.

Therefore, unless the difference in strength is really huge, it is not necessary to give people a real head, especially when even a basic attack like a level can determine life and death.

The rapid outbreak of the first blood was completely unexpected by the Japanese national team

What happened?? Motokawa Kazuwa immediately let out a voice of dissatisfaction.

I was not careful... the Japanese assistant with big earrings said with a gloomy face.

At this time, Qiu Minghui took a special look at the man with stud earrings. If he was not in the competition, Qiu Minghui really wanted to scold him.

You're too embarrassed to apologize, you're too embarrassed to be gloomy, I told you countless times before the game, please pay attention to your father, get your spirits up, your opponent is a fighting eagle, not those neighborhoods in Japan yelling bastard

Qiu Minghui's only rejoicing now is that the head did not fall into the hands of the policewoman on the opposite side. The days after that are not easy

Pay attention to me. Qiu Minghui's thousand words could only be turned into a cold expression in the end.

The big earrings had an innocent look on his face. To be honest, he never thought that he would die.

The early burst damage of the policewoman and Thresh is pitifully low. It is definitely not possible to kill such a super meat tank with a displacement like myself. As a result... In the end, he still died, and he himself felt that it was miraculous.

Once Qiu Minghui's assistant died, it was basically difficult to take care of himself.

What made Qiu Minghui even more disgusting was that this stupid supporter of his didn't even have a passive, so if he could create a passive, he could knock out a lot of HP from the opponent's Thresh or the policewoman.

At this time, Qiu Minghui basically couldn't replenish troops. Both the policewoman and the Threshman were very long. Qiu Minghui, who was added to the second level, directly hung up the defense tower and waited for the support to go online.

This ad is still so stable in making up damage, Qiu Minghui scolded with an unhappy face.

I am afraid of this situation when playing masturbation. On the one hand, the teammates are very pigs, such as my support, and on the other hand, the opponent is very strong.

If the rune belt has physical penetration, the attack power will be very low, generally only about uu, which will add a lot of difficulty to the ad divination knife.

In the end, Qiu Minghui found that the opponent's hand was very steady. If he guessed correctly, he missed two knives when he killed Bron, and all the other soldiers made up for it.

That is to say, now Qiuming's last attack directly falls to the opponent with 10

This is not a good thing.

You have a pretty good mentality. I thought you would be nervous, restless, slow or something when you played this kind of super national competition for the first time. Yu Luocheng turned on the voice of the bottom lane team and said to Qianmeng.

In order to facilitate the bot lane ad to assist and communicate, in the team voice, the bot lane combination will generally open another channel. Just press a button on the side of the mouse, and the voice will automatically switch to the bot lane voice, and you can hear the whole group The voice of the team speaks, but only the person with the voice of the bot lane can hear what he speaks.

Qian Meng didn't speak.

From the beginning to the end, what Yu Luocheng heard the most was Qian Meng's simple and cool Yeah.

Sometimes I don't even bother to say um.

This made Yu Luosheng very puzzled.

In the past, we didn't turn on the audio, and usually spoke by ourselves.

Nima is sitting next to her now, why does it feel the same as before, let's kill each other once, can we cheer and celebrate a bit?

I'm going to support in the middle lane. It feels like a fight is about to start. Be careful in the bottom lane. Yu Luocheng said aloud.

Hmm. Qian Meng still pronounced with her nose.

Can you give me a blessing? I'm going to do something very dangerous. Yu Luocheng continued.

The middle road is about to reach U-level, and with Xie Lianda's character, he has to kill Clockwork with a blade no matter what.

But it was obvious that the opponent's jungler would appear there, and Yu Luocheng believed that a scuffle would break out in the middle, so he asked Qian Meng to push the pawn line over forcibly so that he could swim away.

Wandering is risky, Yu Luosheng needs a blessing.

But it turns out that Qian Meng was his nerve.

Qian Meng didn't hold back the slightest bit, if it were Lin Dong, Lin Dong would definitely say bitterly, I can't stand the two people opposite you when you leave

Qian Meng didn't, that attitude seemed to be telling Yu Luocheng: This way down, it's the same with you or without you.

Yu Luocheng, whose self-esteem was hit hard, could only walk in the middle of the road in desperation.

Qiu Minghui and his studded male assistant couldn't get out of the tower, and Yu Luocheng, who couldn't get the head, had no sense of existence, so Yu Luosheng must fight for his own world in the middle, so that his name as the king of the underworld could be worthy of his name. Be like Conan, wherever you go, you will die

My pawn line was pushed a bit too far, and the clockwork is hiding under the tower, so it's not easy to kill, Xie Lianda said, frowning.

I'm here, it's okay, I won't be able to support you if you pass the tower kill. Yu Luosheng commanded.


I have teleportation, don't worry, go ahead and encircle and wipe out Little Japan, Xiao Wang said loudly as he went on the road.

With the opponent's defense tower in the middle as the center, Xie Lianda's Blade Shadow Tailong is in front, Yu Luocheng's Thresh is in the shadow on the right, Song Emperor's prince is on the left, and Ryze, who is smiling and forgetting on the road, is always on standby

There is only one clockwork in the middle, and at most one opponent's jungle mantis will jump out, and it will be dead if it comes

Kill the bastard

Xie Lianda hated Little Japan, the tricky thorns in his hand lit up, and he wanted to rush to the tower to be stronger than

Yu Luocheng's hands were not slow, he directly used a long-distance magic hook that passed through the thick wall, pulled back fiercely, and forcibly pulled Yuan Chuan Yihe against the wall

When Xie Lianda's skills were fully activated, he saw a sky full of sharp blades slashing across the clockwork demon's face, cutting her into pieces in minutes

(One chapter was missing yesterday, and I will make it up today. I’m really sorry yesterday. I’m so tired, I’m so tired. There will be three chapters today. This is the first chapter. I’ll send you the second chapter in the evening.)

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