Undefeatable – League of Legends

Six hundred and seventieth chapters down the road to siege and kill a dragon

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Let's go, Lao Zhou. Read the Shuo Shuo Net Yu Luocheng sighed and said to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan's sense of squatting on the tower is very good this time. He knows very well that the madman who went back and updated his equipment will definitely find a chance to kill Xiao Wang, even if he passes the tower.

Even with the current damage of Xiaowang Old Tree and Zhou Yan's widow's skills, it is basically difficult to kill the bull's head, but it is possible to kill the bull's head with the damage of the defense tower.

It's a pity that this lunatic's consciousness is really good. He used his battle roar to remove the control of Xiao Wang and Zhou Yan's big moves. Without the control effect, the bull head can go wherever he wants, completely unable to block.

Right now, Zhou Yan can only watch Niutou kill the man and leave wildly.

Zhou Yan dared not make up for this wave of soldiers. The widow is considered a short-handed hero, and her life would be in danger if she was hit by a bull's head.

Xiao Wang was mentally prepared for being forced to kill by passing the tower at this moment. After buying some equipment, he immediately used teleportation to return to the line of troops, so as to avoid being pulled down again.

Xiao Wang didn’t go directly to time. The equipment of time was originally Laoshu’s first magical equipment. It is fleshy but hurts. But if it spends 1,000 yuan to buy a bursting wand, it will still be forced to kill by the tower .

Giving up on the idea of ​​using the Light Rod first, Xiaowang bought the next big piece of equipment, the Frost Armor. This equipment with armor, CD, and mana can make Xiaowang develop better on the line...

The teleportation of their big tree is gone. The fanatic said.

Understood. There was a smile on Mu Liying's face.

At this time, Yuan Chuanyihe also looked like a cunning fox, and his eyes deliberately glanced at the duo who was going on the road.


With the first wave of two-person lane combinations going back to update equipment, the two-person lane must switch back to the bottom lane.

Many people are very surprised, why the two-person road is like an international agreement, and everyone abides by it? Why can't we go to the road?

This has already been said before, the reason for going down the road with two people is to protect the little dragon,

If your duo is on the top and the enemy is on the bottom, then the simplest tactic is to gather 4 of them in about five minutes and take the dragon directly, so that the economy will fall behind inexplicably.

In the same way, even if you switch lanes and the two-player lane runs to the top lane, you must switch back to the bottom lane immediately after a certain period of time, because the enemy may go directly to the bottom lane after returning home to replenish equipment, and gather 5 people to get it. dragon.

Xiaolong is always the biggest key to widening the economic gap in the early stage. It is more important than kills. Professional teams would rather organize a successful dragon than waste time on how to kill people.

The dragon is there, as long as your goal is right, the economy is free, but people, with flashes, healing and displacement, can they really be killed?

In the early 7 minutes, the duo of the Chinese national team and the Japanese national team all switched back to the bottom lane, and the two heroes who were originally top laners also returned to the top lane to continue fighting.

Baifeng and Chuguan Wang have already gone through a period of weakness in the early stage. After the broken piece of equipment is released, Baifeng's mouse, the source of the plague, may not be afraid of Obama.

The blind man is coming back, be careful. Zhou Yan detected the movement of the blind monk on the opposite side, and hurriedly sent a signal to King Chuguan and Bai Feng.

We support the past. Xie Lianda said to Zhou Yan.

Both of them reacted quickly. When the blind monk on the opposite side went around the tower and cut off Chu Guan Wang and Bai Feng's retreat, they were already in the middle of the wild area, and they would be there in a short time.

King Chuguan and Bai Feng are in a bit of an awkward situation at this time, a large wave of troops are forced into the tower, and the blind monk is in the grass behind the defensive tower, obviously not intending to let them escape, and started a siege battle.

Suddenly, Shan Benxing's blind monk showed a strange smile on his face, and he controlled the blind monk to insert a jewelry eye directly into the tower.

Seeing this eye, King Chuguan and Bai Feng both had a bad feeling!

Sure enough, a gust of red whirlwind appeared on that eye, and suddenly the world turned pale! !

The bull's head has been transmitted! Yu Luocheng's heart tightened.

On the top road, Xiao Wang was full of anxiety. He ran forward desperately, trying to use his imprisonment to interrupt the teleportation of the madman.

However, the lunatic seemed to have calculated the distance correctly, and looked at the clumsy tree Maokai with that mocking expression.

Xiao Wang used his confinement skills to fly onto a small soldier, and approached the bull's head of the madman as much as possible, and took a step forward, the distance was enough, Xiao Wang hurriedly swung the old tree's heavy fist to send the madman who was about to send it down. The gangster was interrupted by the blow.

Swoosh swish~~~~~~~~~~~~


Xiao Wang cursed angrily, staring at the screen in frustration.

At this moment, Xiao Wang felt that he had let go of a demon who was helping others, and soon this demon would harm the world!

The World Destroyer fell from the sky and appeared directly in the defense tower on the bottom lane!

King Chuguan and Bai Feng were both pale, and they were trying to calm themselves down and find a way to escape.

Chuguan Wang saw the time when the madman's bull head teleported to the ground, and threw a q floating water bubble towards it.

He managed the timing very well. It was the moment the tauren chief landed on the ground. As soon as the bull's head was teleported down, it was controlled by the water bubble and floated into the air.

But all these fanatics were obviously prepared long ago. Before his bull's head floated to a high point, he saw the fanatic's tauren chief let out a loud roar, and his whole body was wrapped in a firm bloody fighting spirit.

The control of the blisters was instantly released, and the bull's head turned into a meat bomb chariot and rushed towards Nami, who was the king of officials.

King Chuguan had nowhere to escape, and was hit by the majestic horns directly against the wall, unable to move at all.

The bull's head's control can be said to be the longest in the League of Legends except for Morgana, especially this kind of first hitting the wall and then flying, it is difficult to move for nearly 3 seconds.

Nami of King Chuguan couldn't use any skills. He was hit by the bull's head against the wall, and then knocked into the air. With full blood, he was instantly killed by the bull's head without taking any damage from other heroes! !

This hurt... Chuguan Wang took a deep breath.

He didn't even have a chance to release his ultimate move, and was instantly killed by Niutou. How abnormal is this Niutou's development?

Looking at Baifeng again, although Baifeng turned on the mouse's invisibility in time and fled in the direction of his teammates' support, the Japanese team is very experienced, and their support directly inserted a real eye at the position where Baifeng fled.

This real eye fully exposed Baifeng's position, but Baifeng had no choice but to hand in healing and flashing together...

However, the auxiliary female tank didn't let him go at all. Healed and flashed, and then gave a super long-distance solar flare to cover the place where Baifeng escaped.

Baifeng's awareness is very good, and he used a pendulum to move around to avoid the key stun ring. As for the deceleration ring, he was still hanging on his body...

Can you escape? Yamamoto Xing's self-confidence swelled, and he controlled his blind monk to hop and jump, and then flashed across the wall one by one, moving nearly a thousand yards in a row, and kicked the decelerated monk with a kick of Lei Yinbo. The white mouse.

Bai Feng was really hard to beat four punches by himself. After being kicked by the blind monk, Bai Feng knew that he could not survive. Fortunately, he activated his big move and fought against the blind monk for a few moves, barely replacing some of the blind monk's HP .


A grim laugh came out, and a black flying shadow sprang out from the side, splitting into several shadow clones in an instant, and flying towards the blind monk!

Kill the blade!

Ghost cut! !

Bijier Machete!

The damage was hit on the blind monk, Xie Lianda concentrated his attention and intended to kill the opponent's key blind monk in seconds!

King Chuguan and Baifeng have been killed, and the Japanese national team will definitely push down the defense tower in the bottom lane, and the next target is Xiaolong.

Killing people, taking towers, pushing dragons, this is simply a three-piece service in the early stage.

And what Xie Lianda has to do now is to interrupt the opponent's third key link, taking the dragon.

Killing the blind monk, without the existence of punishment, the opponent would not dare to take the little dragon, Zhou Yan can use his own life to take down the little dragon.

Therefore, Xie Lianda spared no effort to throw his skills at the blind monk, and he was bound to kill him instantly...


The voice of a puppet came from the side, and a shield appeared on the blind monk.


A magic ball shock wave suddenly appeared, forcibly sucking Xie Lianda into it, to interrupt Xie Lianda's most critical damage output at this point in time.

Spare your dog's life! Xie Lianda snorted coldly.

In fact, based on his accurate calculation of damage, just one more basic attack can kill the blind monk on the opposite side, but he didn't dare to stay for half a second. After being sucked by the clockwork big move, the female tank took another For eq control, Xie Lianda also had to explain where it was.

You can't die, otherwise you will lose more team economy.

Xie Lianda was unwilling but decisively pressed the r button, his body and the shadow clone of the previous big move alternated positions, and calmly avoided the big move of the clockwork demon.

For you to hide quickly. Motokawa said unhappily.

Xie Lianda's reaction was really fast. Yuan Chuanyihe's use of the Clockwork Demon was like a joke in front of him. The big move had never hit Xie Lianda, and he was dodged in various ways.

Of course, Yuan Chuanyihe would not care about this kind of thing now. The blind monk is not dead, and the opponent is seriously downsizing. If there is no defense tower in the bottom lane, if there is no dragon, the economy will be greatly stretched...


This lunatic is very good at rhythm. The overall strength of Little Japan should be a little behind ours, but under the leadership of the lunatic, they are step by step and orderly. Using the advantage of the road, they forced Xiao Wang's teleportation Come to make up the level, and then take advantage of the wave that Xiaowang didn't teleport to directly siege and kill five people in the bottom lane, even if they know their intentions, there is no way. Li Tuchuan said with a frown.

Yeah, the defense tower is just a decoration in front of the bull head with the ultimate move.

This bull's head hurts really high, and the king of the club was killed just like that. Now that the team's economy has been pulled away, the bull's head is even more against the sky. Alas, the mistakes of the first-level team have been chained like this... Zhang Aijing smiled wryly shook his head.


Important message:

The National Day is coming soon, on October 1st and 2nd at the Guangzhou Comic Exhibition, the website gave us a few authors a booth to set up a booth to show their faces and cuteness, and uncle will also sit there~~ Any friends who want to come?

Address: Get off at Pazhou Station of Metro Line 8 in Guangzhou, and there will be instructions: Guangzhou Pazhou Poly Expo Hall! ! one

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