Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 74 The Thorn of Hatred, Huang Yu's Wrath

Li Sheng, what are you doing, go up without blood, give away the head!! Liu Qi, the captain of the Tianda team, suffocated a fire in his stomach.

It was only a short shot to solve the card master, who would have thought that he would be escaped.

Not to mention running away, he even took off two heads, which put the situation in a difficult situation all of a sudden.

I thought I could kill... Li Sheng dared not speak loudly.

Five people against four, this team battle was actually lost, the mood of the five members of Team Tianda couldn't be worse.

Accident, this time it was an accident.

Accidental fart, give me a serious beating!! Liu Qi scolded, Wu Kai, keep an eye on the card for me, others don't catch it!

I let the card die first! Wu Kai said.

Fuck, the card on the opposite side, Lich's Bane, has added a hat! Liu Qi clicked on the equipment bar, and the expression on his face instantly turned blue!

In 19 minutes, 203 soldiers were replenished, and 7 heads. The card master had already made the Lich's Bane and the World-Destroying Magic Hat in less than 20 minutes, plus magic shoes and a Doran ring, the card master The spell damage is terribly high! !

Wu Kai, follow me, I'll take it offline. Liu Qi said with a cold face.

Why? Wu Kai was a little puzzled, Han Bing went to reel up the line, why did he follow, shouldn't he do some eye positioning?

You are stupid, you didn't see the card's equipment, he can beat me with a set of skills! Liu Qi scolded.

Wu Kai dislikes being scolded the most, but now he doesn't dare to say anything, and follows Han Bing to the top road to collect a wave of thread and bring the thread over.


At about 19 minutes, the two sides entered into a short period of peace. Tianda team was busy closing the lines and clearing the field, and did not dare to easily start a team with the Scarlet team.

The Scarlet team is also closing the line and clearing the jungle. The widow is responsible for the vision, and the vision will reach the enemy's jungle.

It can be said that Huang Yu's widow serves the cards to a large extent, she is the eyes of the card master!

In about 20 minutes, Huang Yuyou walked to Dalong's position.

Although it is said that Dalong must have eyes for more than 20 minutes,

But Huang Yu didn't come here to get in the way.

He has inserted eyes in several key positions in the local wild area, which can detect the movement of local heroes. If they come to steal the dragons, these eyes can definitely see that they are gathering here.

The widow wore the omniscient potion on her head. She walked around and didn't find that the other party had eyes in this generation.


Liu Qi, the captain of the Tianda team, was still reeling in. He glanced at the dark area of ​​Dalong, and said to Wu Kai: Go and make Dalong's vision, don't be stolen!

Wu Kai nodded, and walked towards the Dalong area from the red buff position.

Wu Kai carefully looked at the enemy's position, and found that the prince was leading the way down the road. In this case, it is generally impossible for them to steal the dragon.

However, it is also possible that the prince deliberately went to the bottom lane, and then used his own dragon to have no vision. They let the crocodile take damage, and the cards and the angel of judgment output. The three of them stole the dragon, so the vision still needs to be good.

Wu Kai is also very careful, every time he walks into the shadowed area of ​​his vision, he will use a fake eye to look around.

When he found that his own berserker and the opponent's prince had collided at Xiaolong's position, Wu Kai also felt a little relieved. It seemed that it was impossible for them to squat around here.

Walking calmly to the Dalong area, Wu Kai inserted a real eye there, turned and left after finding that there were no eyes around.

However, at this moment, a red and slender hero popped out of the most insidious bush. It was Evelyn, the widowmaker! !

Wu Kai was startled at first, but then sneered again.

Isn't this the widow manipulated by the handicapped Huang Yu?

Wu Kai didn't pay attention to the widow at all. The equipment he produced had magic resistance, and the negligible damage of the widow was useless at all!

And the widow is only level seven, so her blood volume is really pitiful!

Wu Kai ignored the widow and walked towards her head-on, with a burst of ridicule in his heart.

When approaching the widow, he quickly pressed the enter key, and then quickly typed /t!

Let's take a look here. The widow and Leona, who are in charge of eye position, met at the dragon's position. There shouldn't be any battle between them. After all, they don't have much attack power... Oh, what did I see, the goddess of dawn Leo Did the character Na make a provocative move??

Entering '/t' in the chat bar of the League of Legends is the provocative animation of the character. Team Tianda's Wu Kai didn't pay attention to the widow at all, and even issued such a provocation in a very arrogant way!

The corner of Wu Kai's lips curled up, he just wanted to provoke!

It was stipulated in the competition that the contestants should not make any provocative actions or words, but it didn't say that the hero role could not be provocative, so what if he provoked Huang Yu in front of him.

A guy with a handicap, has the guts to come and kill me? ?

Huang Yu's face twitched a little when he saw Leona under Wu Kai's control make such a move, and Wu Kai's doggy face seemed to appear on the screen, arrogantly mocking.

If it wasn't for Wu Kai's deliberate revenge, how could his hand be injured.

Huang Yu was already holding back his anger, but seeing Wu Kai provoking him with such a hero, he felt like the fire in his stomach was going to explode!

Huang Yu clicked on Evelyn's skill with the mouse, and directly threw a big move on Leona!

Leona was immediately slowed down, and Huang Yu manipulated the widow Evelyn to continuously release skills to attack the extremely arrogant Leona.

It's really a mad dog that can't stand teasing. Wu Kai laughed.

Looking at his blood volume, he didn't lose much at all. The magic resistance equipment allowed him to completely ignore Evelyn's attack, and even Wu Kai wanted to stand there and slash him.

Come on, let's chase, let's see how I kill you! Wu Kai glanced at Xin Zhao who was not far behind him, with a sinister smile on his face.

Evelyn was killed by Xin Zhao twice in the early stage, both of which were accidental encounters in the wild, and it must be worth more than 200 yuan. Xin Zhao saw Evelyn chasing Leona and immediately rushed there.


Suddenly, a pair of blood-red eyes slowly opened, hanging above everyone's heads impressively.

Whenever these eyes look down proudly, it means that there will be a bloody smell in a certain corner, this is the strange and bloodthirsty card master!

The fan-shaped leaves slowly closed into a ring, and the place where they fell was between Leona and the widow.

A yellow card in his hand was thrown towards Leona's face without hesitation, as if he was slapping this bitch!

Immediately afterwards, the card master made another skill combo, and Leona's blood volume was only one-fifth left without even igniting it!

If there is igniting, plus a few flat A, this Leona is a set of skills taken away by the card master!

It's a card master...Look at that output, it's just too scary!!

Leona still has some magic resistance equipment... It seems that Leona is doomed, Xin Zhao's distance is definitely not enough to make it in time...

Hey, the card master doesn't attack anymore?

Leona's blood volume is very low. A card master with a blue BUFF should have both w and Q skills. Why doesn't the card master attack...


Yu Luocheng turned his head, glanced at Huang Yu who was sitting next to him, and said, You take this head.

I'll take it? Huang Yu was stunned.

The card master is the AP in the middle lane, and the most important thing in this game is the card master. If possible, all members of the Scarlet team should try to give him the head as much as possible to ensure his maximum development.

And this gank, all the damage was done by Yu Luocheng's card master. His widow Evelyn didn't do any damage at all, but Yu Luocheng left a trace of blood on Leona at the end, making Leona Take the head yourself...

He didn't flash, I'll stop Xin Zhao, you get rid of him quickly. Yu Luocheng said.

After finishing speaking, Yu Luocheng manipulated the card master to pass through the bloody Leona, and walked towards Xin Zhao who came to support him.

Huang Yu looked at the card master on the screen in a daze...

He must have seen Wu Kai's arrogant provocative action, and he must also know what kind of shame this provocation is for him.

He is repaying his own body in his own way, and he is helping himself to regain his face!


During this time, Huang Yu kept blaming himself.

As the captain, not only did he fail to lead the team to victory, but he caused the Scarlet team to suffer such a heavy blow.

If the Scarlet team died in the game, Huang Yu would definitely blame himself, and he would not have the face to stay in the Scarlet team anymore.

He had already figured it out, if he lost this game, he would distribute the money he earned from playing games to the players, pack up his things and leave.

But he never thought that this Yu Luocheng who just joined the Scarlet team could save the team.

He even considered his own face when the game was so critical.

It is very important to know that the card master's ult is very important. Even if the support is caught, the card master does not need to use the ult to rescue him, let alone him, a level 7 Evelyn who is not even as good as a support.

He launched his big move from the pawn line and flew over, with a set of skills to disable Leona, just to kill himself!

At this moment, Huang Yu really didn't know what to say.

He let everyone in the Scarlet team see the hope of victory when they were desperately heading for failure, and killed the enemies in succession!

And when he needed to save his face the most, he turned around gorgeously, gave up the head, and gave himself a respect... because no one knew how eager Huang Yu was to take it when Wu Kai typed /t to provoke him. His life!

One head, only 300 yuan...

Huang Yu took a deep breath, sour and hot, this gratitude is really hard to describe in words.

Huang Yu's eyes were fixed, and he clicked on the skill with the mouse!

The thorn of hatred! !

The widow maker's poisonous sting splashed a piece of Huang Yu's angry blood red!

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