Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 534: Desperate situation is hard to come by!

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Medium Wu Sen said.

How long? Yu Luocheng asked.

Around 4 seconds.

Yu Luocheng pressed the button to open the chat bar.

Before, he memorized the cd time of Pan Sen's ultimate move with his hand, and looked back, and found that Pan Sen's ultimate move was ready.

Zhong disappeared at this juncture, and their junglers have not appeared for a long time...

No good, they will choose to shoot down the lane

Yu Luocheng has the money-jumping rune talent. Even if all the skills are hit in the early stage, the damage it can provide is very limited. On the contrary, the mid laner and jungler in this period will have very strong combat effectiveness.

Yu Luocheng took another look at Wu Sen who was rushing down the middle lane.

Wu Sen's mana is only half, and his blood volume has been consumed a little. His mana is basically only enough for him to use a set of skills. In the case of 4, their side will definitely suffer more than the other side.

Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up from the grass and sand, and a strange air flow swirled in the sky, and it pressed down rapidly

Circle after circle, a ring of war appeared on the surface, suddenly covering the back road of Yu Luosheng and Lin Dong

The location covered by this big move is very essence, even if Lin Dong and Yu Luocheng flashed back at this time, they would still get a full blown big move from Pan Sen

The back road is blocked, there is no escape

The smooth Thresh let out a ghostly cry, suddenly flashed up, and the pendulum chain of the doom pendulum in his hand slapped towards Yu Luocheng and Lin Dong.

The chain can forcibly change the displacement of a person, and it also has a deceleration effect. Once it is photographed, two people will be buried here

Lin Dong, dodge to the river. Yu Luocheng fixed his eyes and said decisively.

As the saying goes, there are wolves in front and tigers in the back, wouldn't you walk sideways?

Yu Luosheng and Lin Dong reacted very quickly, both of them flashed towards the direction of the river when Thresh's doom pendulum hit, avoiding this fatal restrictive skill.

However, this does not mean that they are out of danger, and Ping Shun is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Seeing these two people flashing together, a predictive hook flew straight towards Yu Luocheng and Lin Dong.

Yu Luocheng's consciousness is very good. After flashing away, it doesn't mean fleeing to the furthest distance, but deliberately detoured in an arc.

I've been playing Thresh for so long, and I still don't know what tricks you have?

Walking in a chic way, I saw Thresh's soul-chasing hook flying down from the edge of Yu Luocheng's door, cutting off a few hair ends, but in the end it still missed Yu Luocheng...

But, unfortunately, behind Yu Luocheng is Lin Dong. Lin Dong thought that Yu Luocheng would open the shield to help him block this hook. Who knew that Yu Luocheng would step aside so frantically.

Isn’t it the vocation to help? What are you hiding from meow? What do you say you are hiding from?

Moreover, you are a fallen angel Morgana, Morgana is the hero who ignores the most control skills in the League of Legends, open a magic shield, as long as the shield is not broken, all control skills can be immune, Lin Dong will I don't understand why you, Yu Luocheng, don't help me block it?

Damn, you can't avoid this, Yu Luocheng cursed.

Lin Dong almost vomited blood, it's fine if this bastard doesn't help him block, and he beat him back

There is a reason for Yu Luocheng not to block this hook. Although the shield of the falling angel Morgana is immune to control, if Thresh is hooked, Thresh can still use the second q to fly over. At that time, Thresh Come a big trick, the soul-binding prison, like the wall of souls in the Pentagon, will control both of them.

Of course, it’s not much better right now, Lin Dong was dragged back two steps by Thresh, and the smooth Thresh flew up like chicken blood, and opened the Pentagon in seconds like a big move in purgatory, killing Yu Luocheng and Lin Dong. Dong and Dong were both trapped.

Yu Luocheng couldn't be stingy with his skills anymore, and hurriedly put a magic shield on Lin Dong, making him immune to Thresh's deceleration.

Someone in the river is their mid laner Frost Witch! Lin Dong screamed strangely.

Now it's all right, you will be enemies wherever you go, and you will be dumped directly.

The Frost Witch's control is the most heinous. When the Frost Witch approaches, she will send the two of them an ice sculpture, and both of them will be killed instantly.

Xiu Xiu Xiu Xiu

Xiu Xiu Xiu Xiu

Two whirlwinds of different colors appeared one after another at the upper and lower positions of the river, and the speed became faster and faster, and when it reached the limit, it would open the portal

top lane hero

It can be seen from the small map that the top laners of both sides hide from the opponent and start teleporting far away, afraid of being interrupted by the opponent's skills.

The jungler appeared, the mid laner appeared, and even the top laner who was far away in the sky appeared through teleportation

All of a sudden, all the heroes of Summoner's Canyon gathered in this river battlefield, and the smell of gunpowder was extremely strong

However, the current situation is definitely not good for the lm team, because their ad support has fallen into the siege of the opponent. At the beginning of the battle, one of the two trapped people must be killed, either

Lin Dong was in a predicament, he could feel that at least twelve pairs of eyes of the five enemy people were fixed on him, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

At this time, Lin Dong would understand the truth of why Yu Luosheng didn't fight.

The most urgent thing is to think of a way to escape. I still have a displacement skill and a healing technique in my hand. Where should I escape? ? ?

When Lin Dong was anxious, Yu Luocheng's heart also sank. Their current position was really too embarrassing, no matter how hard they struggled, they would die.

Killing people, taking towers, and taking dragons is as logical as eating, watching movies, and opening houses. The problem is that this will cause huge economic losses to the LM team. Going forward, all resources may be processed in the same way. The routine was taken away, and the game was lost like this...

It can't be like this, absolutely can't be like this, there must be a way, there must be a way to escape, and then fight back, it must be possible

Just like watching the Five Heroes of Langya Mountain before, when seeing the five heroes besieged by densely packed enemies, all the audience broke into sweat and did not dare to breathe.

Everyone can see that this is a team battle that is related to victory or defeat. Even if it happened in the first 10 minutes, the advantage of a master vs. master battle is a victory. Whoever loses the team will miss the finals

The thunderstorm rumbled down, slapping messily on the ceiling of the Seoul Arena, Yu Luocheng was so upset that he wanted to break the ceiling and let the rain pour down, so that he could keep calm in this moment of victory and defeat .

However, I was careless, really careless.

He thought it was a 4 storm at most and it turned into a 5 storm.

At this point in time, it is impossible for them to win the opponent. As a support for jumping money, the role they can play is very limited, and it is the mid laner AP who can really determine the victory or defeat of this team.

A half-blue blasting ghost and a full-blooded and full-blue Frost Witch, who is more effective?

to force the weak

The sniper's move was too quintessential, they knew that the lm team was very strong, and Yu Luosheng's role in team formation could make up for many mistakes made by weaker teammates.

But they seized the time when Yu Luosheng's ability to assist Morgana's combat ability was the most limited, and at the same time, when the mid laner AP team battle influence of both sides was the strongest, they fought a 5 team battle.

Wu Sen's operation is not as good as Guang Yi's, plus the gap between the previous two kills and Lan hhpp, it is really obvious who will win this wave

Game, everything is a game, from the very beginning, the sniper Xiaoya set up this game, just like Tian Ji’s horse racing, let the final victory be handed over to a certain horse on both sides

The layout, timing, and the sniper's step by step made Yu Luocheng feel cold all over.

After all, I underestimated a person who is known as the jungle king. Even though this person has been my friend for a long time, he is the one who sniped and killed his dream of becoming a champion

If there is hope, Yu Luosheng will not give up. When everything is a foregone conclusion, struggle seems meaningless

At this moment, Yu Luocheng felt Lin Dong's somewhat helpless gaze.

Even without looking him in the eyes, Yu Luosheng could still know that he was expecting, hoping that he would be able to survive a desperate situation like before, and that he could reverse his occupation with a god-like operation.

The problem is that in the past one or two seconds, Yu Luocheng has calculated countless plans in his mind, and simulated countless possible escapes, just like stepping into a maze. Repeat countless times and take countless new choices, but all roads, no matter how intricate or ordinary, point to the darkest abyss of death

If, if I could have foreseen all this earlier, I might not have fallen into this maze.

Why, why didn't I think that the sniper would choose to start a group at this point, and it was a clear sign that Xiaoyan gank three times in the middle

Teammates can stare at themselves when they are in danger and have nothing to do, so who should they stare at when they are helpless? ?

Perhaps the choice of jumping money Morgana is the same as the choice of blasting ghost support in the first game, which is a fatal mistake.

As the Frost Witch got closer and closer, the biting cold not only permeated the river, but also shrouded the five members of the lm team.

They know very well that this lonely figure like an iceberg is the nightmare and death god of all of them. Once her frozen mausoleum is opened, the dream of the lm team that has worked hard for countless days and nights will be buried in it in an instant. severely sealed, frozen

Da Luo, who teleported to the ground, roared loudly, asking Lin Dong and Yu Luocheng to lean towards him.

A crocodile can't stop the Frost Witch Lisa Zhuo's frozen funeral ceremony, both Lin Dong and Yu Luocheng knew it was meaningless.

Healing, I also have healing. Wu Sen leaned here desperately, hoping that the healing could be given before the Frost Witch was sent to the mausoleum.

Second Lisandra

Zhou Yan's voice also came at this time.

No matter what game he played, Zhou Yan rarely spoke, this time he also spoke

Yu Luocheng had calculated all the plans, and they were all unfeasible.

However, why did Zhou Yan say that he would instantly kill Lissandra the Frost Witch? It seems that this is the most impossible...


Suddenly, Yu Luocheng froze

He didn't see where Zhou Yan was until now.

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