Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 532 Sea of ​​Consciousness!

Most of the god-like reaction operations originate from consciousness. [word*book/Ge]www/

What is consciousness? Simply put, it is IQ. Don't think of League of Legends as a simple game, if you want to score higher.

Everything has to be thought about, and you have to use your brain to think about it.

When you try to kill someone solo, have you ever observed the mini-map in the previous 30 seconds to confirm that the enemy's jungler is not near you, have you ever remembered the opponent's summoner skills, whether there is flash, and whether there is healing.

For a real master, each wave of attacks is actually quickly passed through in his mind, predicting all possible things that may happen next.

For example, Pan Sen forcibly kills the mid laner when he uses his ult. As the king of junglers in the world, how could Xiaoyan fail to predict that the opponent's spider is squatting back in the middle? ?

So the moment he fell to the ground and fainted, he predicted that once he was controlled by the Spider Queen, he would definitely die

Blink, already prepared at hand, when he controlled Wu Sen's bomber, his eyes were fixed on the Spider Queen's movements, as long as there was a white sticky object flying over, he would immediately hand over the dodge

call out

A light of space flashed, and Xiaoyan's Pan Sen had a very strange displacement. This displacement made him jump to the side of the Bomberman, avoiding the control of the Spider Queen


The spear swept across, and Xiaoyan quickly connected to the output, pressing Wu Sen's blood line down.

And at this time, Guang Yi has already flashed up, his skills don't need any skills at all, and he smashed at Wu Sen's body without thinking, Wu Sen who has no flash and no treatment will undoubtedly die

At most two seconds, it cost two flashes, just to kill Wu Sen again when he didn't flash.

Even knowing that Wu Sen was protected by someone, they resolutely completed the kill

Seeing that Wu Sen still died tragically, Zhou Yan felt unwilling. After hitting Pan Sen with a set of venom in human form and an exploding spider, he quickly turned into a spider form, biting the little dragged Pan Sen fiercely.

No matter what you say, you must leave this arrogant murderer behind, and you can't let him run away like this

Xiaoyan's Pan Sen was standing against the defensive tower just now. After killing Wu Sen, his own blood volume was low. Now that he has eaten Zhou Yan's set of skills in full, his blood volume has bottomed out. The life of the red HHPP was given here, but suddenly a green light shrouded Pan Sen's body...


The new version of the healing technique is simply heaven-defying. Not to mention the added HP is comparable to that of a shield, it also has a 30% acceleration effect. How can this make other summoner skills embarrassing?

Everyone has healing, everyone has health boost, mid laner, AD, support, some top laners all have it, only the jungler who must bring punishment can't bring it.


This damn healing technique drove Zhou Yan almost crazy, he didn't care about the blood volume added by the healing technique, what he cared about was the damn acceleration, which made Pan Sen, who had residual blood, run very fast, just missing a little blood

Zhou Yan bit his lip so hard that it was almost broken

He was annoyed, why didn't he add a basic attack when he was doing combo moves, that way the damage would definitely be enough, he was annoyed why he had to hand in the spider web so early, so that he wouldn't be easily dodged by the opponent

Watching Xiaoyan's Pan Sen escape with the limit blood volume, Zhou Yan's chest heaved violently.

It's always like this, it's either late, or it doesn't do anything, obviously snatching his HHPP at the beginning and restricting his level development, but it didn't take long for him to lead the rhythm. Wu Sen was killed these two times, not only The last hit is seriously behind, and the level is not as good as that of the opponent. The blue HHPP who just got it and has not been hot is taken away by the opponent's mid laner. Wu Sen in the middle lane will be suppressed by the opponent's Guangyi for a long time.

For the mid laner, the blue HHPP at 7 minutes is too critical. The side with the blue HHPP can often be ahead of the opponent by a CS and a small piece of equipment.

In the duel of professional players, one extra piece will be the key to the outcome, and the butterfly effect often appears in professional league competitions.

Once or twice, Zhou Yan may be able to forgive himself, but every time he did not do what he should do, Zhou Yan was already extremely annoyed

You are not suitable for jungle, as I said earlier, you are not suitable for jungle

Zhao Tinghua's words suddenly came out of his mind, which made Zhou Yan even more restless.

Is it really not suitable for playing wild?

If not, why does it seem that the gap with this person has not narrowed after a whole year of hard work?

Using two flashes to kill me, they are also crazy, old Zhou, help me control the wire. Wu Sen, who was waiting for his resurrection in the spring, cursed endlessly.

It has to be said that Xiaoyan's jungler is really domineering. He still chose to be strong even though he knew that Wu Sen was behind the scenes. This kind of courage is not something ordinary people have.

After being damaged twice, Wu Sen was about to fall behind in making up the knife. When he went out, Wu Sen bought two eyes on purpose to ensure that he could develop normally in the next time.

There is an old saying: Eyes are life

Many players were caught online, so they naively used probability to speculate that the opponent's jungler should not come to trouble them again, but in fact most junglers like to squat in deep wells, one time is not enough to come twice, Just like Xiaoyan this time, he didn't gank in other lanes, he just ganked in the middle lane continuously...

If you don’t buy eyeballs at this time, just wait to be used as an ATM by others. The more you are caught, the more you have to buy eyeballs, otherwise it may not be safe under the tower, and it is really targeted at those who break into the house and force X

Zhou Yan kept his silence, and controlled the line of troops to this side of his defense tower.

He didn't indulge too much in that self-blame and annoyance, because he knew that no amount of complaints would be of any use, and he couldn't change the fact that he was being led by the nose.

Two kills are often the beginning of the whole rhythm of Xiaoyan, the king of the jungle. What is the butterfly effect on the L field?

That is, through a very subtle GANK advantage or HHPP preemption, it triggers subsequent small-scale team battles and wins in the process of dragon grabbing. It became the victory of the whole game.

Even the slightest breeze from a butterfly's wings can trigger a catastrophic storm

In a professional competition, the details can never be ignored, because any detail changes in any link may become the most critical turning point in the outcome, and for some reason, Zhou Yan has always had a premonition that this game is very likely because he has no Killing Pan Sen will cause him to retreat steadily afterwards

I told you that you are not suitable for jungle. No matter how hard you work, it is useless... Oh, forget it, let me tell you another secret. If you are led by the nose by the opponent, especially if you are led by the rhythm If you are led by a strong jungler, then what you should do is definitely not to immerse yourself in online development, but to play a surprise game, forcefully gank a certain lane, push towers, and force the opponent's jungler to come out to defend.

After calming down, Zhou Yan slowly recalled what Zhao Tinghua said in his mind.

Zhou Yan and Zhao Tinghua walked out of the same small county. For a long time, Zhao Tinghua hardly had any contact with the Lm team members, including Zhou Yan.

But that time when he went back to his hometown for a visa, after Zhou Yan defeated the three gangsters with one against three, Zhou Yan and Zhao Tinghua had more connections.

Zhao Tinghua's jungle ability is higher than that of Zhou Yan, he knows this very well, so he has never been reluctant to ask him for advice.

Playing cards not according to common sense, chaotic rhythm

Zhou Yan tried his best to keep himself sober and calm, thinking about how to disrupt the opponent's deployment.

From 7 minutes to 8 minutes, HHPP has been taken, the mid laner and the jungler have ultimate moves, and the bottom lane should be at level 5...

If I were Xiaotuo, what would I do next?

Thinking, Zhou Yan let himself calm down and think.

To disrupt someone's rhythm, you must first predict where his next move will be placed

get off the road

Yes, it must be the next way

Wu Sen's flash in the middle is already OK, coupled with the protection of his eye position, it is impossible for Xiaoyan to kill him again.

On the road, it is even more impossible for Xiaoyan to go now, because at this time, ganking on the top road is equivalent to giving Xiaolongbai to the four members of the Lm team.

Then Xiaoyan's only gank may be the bottom lane, which is also the wave when the bottom lane reaches U level

Kill the road, don't ask for a complete kill, as long as Yu Luocheng and Lin Dong are driven away, they can collect the little dragon.

That's right, it must be off the road

Should I go down the road to protect them? At this time, Zhou Yan asked himself in his heart.

Now that he has guessed Xiaoyan's next intention, he should take corresponding measures.

Protecting the anti-squat seems to be the only option...

no no no

Can't do that.

When he killed Wu Sen, he also knew his intention, but in the end Wu Sen still died.

In other words, when he killed a certain lane of GANK, he had already taken his own appearance into consideration

Do you have any chance of victory in the bottom lane?

Yu Luocheng is fighting an economic war this time, the rune talent is not suitable for fighting, no matter how good the operation is, the damage and control it can provide are the same...

No, no, the mid laner Guang Yi, who can't be the dv sniper in the bottom lane, will definitely come over.

Wu Sen will also support, so the mid laners and junglers of both sides gathered in the bottom lane, which directly became the bottom lane 4

If their side can barely draw with the opponent, 4 is a completely different concept, because the opponent's mid laner is already better developed than Wu Sen, plus one with blue HHPP and one without

wrong, wrong

not 4

The crocodile on the top lane is teleportation, and the dragon girl on the opposite side is also teleportation...

Once the battle breaks out in the bottom lane, it will directly evolve into 5

His body trembled inexplicably, and Zhou Yan's pupils continued to expand...

He felt it, felt the breeze being flapped by the butterfly's wings in the fog of war in the Summoner's Canyon.

This breeze will turn into a huge storm sweeping the entire Summoner's Canyon in a minute and a half

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