Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 527 No matter how the group wins!

Remember [Chinese website] www. in one second, to provide you with high-speed text starting. What can Da Luo and Zhou Yan say, they can only fight with the enemy with their last lives. If one can be replaced, one is the other. If they cannot be replaced, the opponent must be disabled

Da Luo has a tough temper. Seeing that the angel has no protective cover for his ultimate move, he slams into his face without saying a word, saying that he will kill you, a bird man.

No matter how you say it, Zhou Yan is also a crispy skin. The shield of the big move was knocked out, and the remaining blood could not withstand the attack of the pack of wolves. What's more, Pan Sen's big move landed combo, so that he had no chance to resist .

Without too much struggle, Zhou Yan should do what he should, and the rest depends on his teammates.

Help me, save me The top laner of the sniper was terrified by Da Luo's mad dog mode. If he was changed again, he would be speechless to face the elders of Fujian.

Fortunately, Smooth Thresh was strong, and a lantern pulled him back a little, which freed him from Jax's mad dog.

He let out a long breath, and finally he didn't die.


A barrage of dark yellow full moon suddenly streaked across the sky in the distance, hidden in the splendor is a shocking murderous intent

The birdman angel had just spit out the breath, the yellow barrage swept across his body, and all the remaining blood was scraped away, making the entire face of the sniper player turn green

Damn, why did you forget about Ezreal's big move

After taking away the life of the sniper Angel, the barrage swept across the bodies of the Trick Enchantress and Thresh respectively.

This damage was a bit unbelievable, and it directly knocked out Guangyi's trick enchantress passively.

Yu Luocheng's mouse did a lot of damage before, Lin Dong's Ezreal came here at this time, and it was completely killing people. A big move not only took the bird's life, but also maimed many enemies

Guang Yi herself was startled and hurried back, but suddenly a dark magic ball flew from the wall and hit her abdomen like a marble.

Guang Yi's Deceitful Fairy Clutches her belly and stays on the spot, unable to move.

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The black magic ball flew horizontally like a bullet, and it was the big beads and small beads falling on the jade plate, all of which hit Guang Yi's cunning enchantress.

Guang Yi's whole person is not good, it is obvious that there are two trick witches, how do you Tn Wu Sen know that I am the real body, even if you dare to directly use the big move, aren't you afraid that the big move will be thrown on your fake body?

It's useless for Guang Yi to complain, if he chooses one of the two, the other will be chosen, what else can you say.

Once I die, the rest depends on my teammates. I hope they can... Sigh, forget it, let's withdraw, count as many as you can run.

In the beginning, the form of the sniper was good, forcing away Yu Luocheng's rats, killing the widow, and Jax was also fighting the trapped beast, but when Ezreal and the dark head of state came to help, the situation changed completely up.

Their positions were too concentrated, not to mention a lot of damage from Yu Luocheng's savage shot before, and a big move that hit all three of them by Ezreal, and then the Dark Head followed up with the output, In the early stage, everyone's blood volume was not high. After taking so much damage, and the level is not as good as that of the opponent, they can't stand it for a while

The main output angel and trick witch were killed again, and Pan Sen, who was dragging little, didn't have any skills. The original dumpling situation turned into being chased and killed by the dark head of state, Ezreal, and the mouse...

Others, whether it is the Dark Head, Ezreal or Mouse, can give very high output, and the remaining junglers, support and aD really can't beat the opponent.

Let's go, I can't beat you. Pingshun called out helplessly, and said to Xiaoyan and Zhiming.

Ping Shun's Thresh doesn't have much HP right now, so he can only sacrifice him to protect his teammates.

In the end, before Ping Shun finished speaking, the dark head of state hit the ball, Ezreal jumped up, the mouse venom exploded, and he died directly, and was thrown by his teammates Xiaoyan and Zhiming, You are already dead, say As if if you don't say so, we will come back to save you contemptuous eyes.

The team battle was finally lost, 3 changes

Before the team fight, the sniper was still thinking that if the group fight is won, the wild area and the tower will be there, but it turns out that after the team battle, the wild area is still someone else's, and their own mid-lane defensive tower must be lost. Send a small dragon, and the economy is pulled apart again.

Everything was just as the sniper said, after winning the group, Yu Luocheng and the three quickly took away the middle tower, and took a small dragon, each of them was very rich.

It was originally said that the team won the battle, and the third wave of blue hhP and red hhPP refreshed in minutes could be preserved, but in the end they were wiped out by others, leaving nothing left.

There is no way, as a jungler, Xiaoyan still has to mix with his teammates in the lane, and share the economy and experience of his teammates

As the world's top jungler, Xiao Yan really rarely had such a miserable time, and he had to admit that the double-player jungle double-invisibility routine that this bitch Yu Luocheng came up with caused him great trauma.

Alas, how should I put it, they miscalculated Yu Luosheng from the very beginning.

Oh, it's hard to imagine, since the double-wild double-hidden tactic has completely suppressed the Sniper Team, I can't help but start to admire the person who came up with this tactic. The Lm team is really a creative team. On the other hand, our North American team , shouldn’t I also learn more?” North America’s commentator was very moved.

In the past, who would have thought that the specifications of the unchanging jungler would change in this professional league, let alone that the combination of this hero is so strong that even the world's top jungler Xiaoyan is so miserable

In the last round, the top jungler Xiaoyan used his invisible widow carr to win the praise, applause, and respect of teams all over the world, but in the second round, the Lm team directly came with a double stealth, and played against Xiaoyan The online ganK comes and goes freely, raises pigs in the wild and strolls in the garden, and playing in groups is a bit amazing.

Not only the North American commentators and professional teams were surprised by the tactics of the Lm team, but even many Koreans who hated the Chinese team the most rebelled, saying that their Korean tactical routines are amazing, but after seeing the innovative style of the Chinese Lm team , It seems that the Korean tactics are like that.

Let's go back to China's own commentary and teams.

Everyone in the country is watching the game, and the commentary is a key guide for the game. The mood of the commentary also affects the emotions of the audience. When everyone hears Yiqin, who has a goddess voice, she expresses her excitement and joy with her excited speech and a little coquettish shouting. At the time of excitement, can the audience not to be excited? ?

This guy, why is he so talented, he thought of such a tactic. Yiqin was secretly happy in her heart.

Seeing that his mainland team finally swept away the haze of the previous round and played such a novel and wonderful tactic, how could Yiqin be unhappy? If there were talents like the Lm team in China earlier, they wouldn't be as depressed as they were before It was miserable.

It's not that the domestic e-sports players don't work hard enough, but that they don't have enough ideas while working hard. Yiqin has been in the e-sports circle for so long and realized it early.

Now only Yu Luosheng, and only his team, have played their own style, showing the e-sports strength of our own country to the e-sports fans all over the world

It's gone up, it's gone up! Wu Xiaokang shouted happily.

What's rising? Luo Qingjin asked puzzled.

Of course it's the live broadcast data. It fell sharply before, and it's probably just like Ru. After the wave just now, it reached 90 in just a few minutes, Wu Xiaokang said.

Xiao Ku from the Propaganda Department of the project team said with a smile on his face: We put up a big title on the game's home page, and the double-hidden tactics are powerful to kill the world, which should have attracted many players who are playing the game.

Seeing that the data had finally picked up, Ike, Luo Qingjin, and Xia Yingxing gradually had smiles on their faces. The Lm team really withstood the huge pressure, and in the second game, the morale that had dropped before was recovered

Judging from the current situation, the double-hidden tactic still has a strong explosive power. Coupled with the wild mouse with a high output in the middle and late stages, and Jax, who is more powerful in the later stage, it is too difficult to lose in team battles.

Now the Sniper team is in a very embarrassing situation. The Lm team has a total of 4 output positions.

Jax, you don't care, if you don't hold back the mad dog who suddenly didn't discuss your face, the back row will be cut to death.

You don't care about the dark head of state, his development is so good, his damage is high, if he doesn't pay attention, he will be killed in seconds, and he is dead, how can we fight the team battle?

Then, the three items of Ezreal came out, and Whisper is probably coming soon. It can be said that it was the period when Ezreal had the highest output. A big move combined with passive flare, the damage is definitely much stronger than their aD, Definitely limited.

But when they managed to restrain Jax, the Dark Leader, Ezreal, and a well-developed mouse, how could the five snipers care about them?

In the last round, if you win the game, you will have a chance to come back. If you can't beat gg, the next game will be played. Xiao Yan said seriously.

Their snipers have often fought against the Lm team, but if the Lm team got a big advantage in the early stage and snowballed, they might not win one of the ten games they came back, so Xiaoyan would never allow his team to be slowed down like this. , We must continue to fight them while the economy is not too bad.

It is impossible to develop steadily online.

The widow and the mouse are two invisible, and the mouse already has the ability to kill anyone in stealth, not to mention that the line is too deep, basically if one person appears on the line, it is not far from death.

You still have to fight in a group, not hoping to win, as long as you can defend the defensive tower, and rely on the enchantress to kill the key figures of the opponent and the angel's high output in the future, there may be hope. If you can't win at all, you really can only go to the next round, and you can't stay too long under the opponent's double hidden disgusting halo, which will affect the morale of the next round.

The five sniper killers began to gather for a last stand

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