Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 524 Exquisitely save teammates!

Is it safe for me to get off? Zhiming asked. [word*book/Ge]www/

The two ADs in the bottom lane basically can't do anything to anyone. Although Zhiming's hero is slightly stronger than Ezreal, but considering the strength of the opponent's gank, I really dare not press too much.

However, if it continues to develop peacefully like this, Zhiming feels a little bit unwilling.

Obviously, the opponent's double-hidden routine had a very good effect in the early stage, directly causing a devastating blow to the wild area. It can be said that Xiaoyan has no place to develop and gain experience in this round.

The mid laner was directly ganked again, and the level and economy must be behind the opposite mid laner. It can be said that the mid laner is also in a disadvantaged state.

I saw the widow. Ping Shun said.

With Ping Shun as an assistant, I don't know what to do now.

Should he return to the lane to suppress Izreal's development now, or continue to roam to prevent the enemy's GANK.

I feel that no choice is appropriate, Ping Shun wondered, what is the guy on the other side thinking, how could he come up with such a disgusting tactic in the professional league? Seriously playing laning, serious teamfights?

This is also the first time for Pingshun to encounter this kind of situation. His Thresh also feels that he can't go anywhere now, so he can only wander around the wild area with Xiaoyan to ensure some of their development.

Don't get confused, take these wild monsters away, let's push them up the road, we can't let them take the initiative like this, Xiaoyan said.

The initiative is very, very important. If you are led by the nose, you can believe that within 5 minutes, you will fall behind in any field resources, online development, and head ratio. It is better to organize an attack by yourself and force the opponent to defend.

Guang Yi nodded. The most feared thing in professional leagues is being passive. The so-called defensive counterattack in this game can only appear in team battles. Things like normal development, dragons, pawn lanes, tower pushes, and HHP Ono affect the entire game. For rhythmic things, you must not blindly adopt defense, because when you are constantly shifting the battlefield by others, if you are not careful, you will be seized by the enemy due to vision or order issues.

Now, the sniper feels that the best way is to hold an initiative by himself.

Come on, follow me, let's hit the road together, Xiaoyan said.

Thus, Xiaoyan's Pan Sen and Shun Shun's Thresh began to swim towards the top road, aiming at Da Luo's Jax.

Jax is a hero whose strength is generally at level 1, 3, and U, but in fact he can't beat many heroes in normal lanes, such as Angel...

However, this time, Da Luo is very happy to develop on the road. With his two invisible brothers, the angel must be extra careful. Many times, Da Luo will jump on the face of the angel for no reason, and hit him hard. Angel dare not fart. [Word*Book/Ge]

That's right, it's just pretending that there's a kinky behind you

Anyway, your angel must not be able to see the widow and the mouse, and you know that you are afraid of our two invisible junglers and dare not fight me, so I will rush to your face without thinking, you fight back, you fight back, you T fight back?

This time, Da Luo followed the same pattern and jumped up to give the angel the same trick.

Oh, I'm stupid, you really dare to fight back, Da Luo cursed.

L This game is very particular about acting skills, this angel must think that he is pretending to be behind him again so he fights back.

Now that you're all on it, you have to be tougher and pretend a little more, not to mention you angel, do you really think that I dare not kill you by force?

Da Luo took advantage of pretending that there was a prostitute behind him a few times before. If he had ignited it, he believed that the angel was already dead, and it would not be too difficult to kill an angel without a level 6 ultimate move.

Damn it, I'm calling you! After some fighting, Da Luo realized that the jungler on the opposite side had appeared...

Oh no , there is a damn Thresh

What's wrong with this shit, all the supporters come to gank with the jungler?

Da Luo didn't dare to think too much, and hurriedly hid in the grass.

Many people will say that hiding in the bushes is actually pushing yourself to death, it is meaningless, it is better to run away directly.

In fact, this is not the case. Da Luo did this more to buy time for his skills to cool down, because only in this way can he escape.

The counterattack storm is still in hand, and Da Luo is more or less careful.

The opponent was also very experienced. Before entering the grass, he inserted an eye, and soon saw Da Luo who was hiding in the grass and was waving a long stick in his hand.

Hmph, where are you running?

Ping Shun controlled Thresh, blocked Da Luo's back path, and a pendulum of doom pushed Da Luo back a little.

However, Da Luo's position is still very coquettish, even under the condition of being slowed down, he used pacing to bypass Thresh's soul-hunting hook

Like this kind of gank, if you are hit by Thresh hook, you will die 100%.

Pan Sen also came at this time.

Fortunately, Pan Sen is only at level 3 now, and the damage he dealt is not that terrifying. Da Luo activated the counterattack storm, and after avoiding some damage, he still has a little HP left.

If you want to kill me, then you have to pay the price! Da Luo yelled angrily, and at the moment when the counterattack storm ended, a sudden flash followed QU

Da Luo's hand speed is very fast, you can see that Jax's flash and jump skills are as coherent as one skill, the opponent's crippled angel was not prepared at all, and was stunned by Da Luo's mid-air sweep

hit hard


The dark yellow strength turned into a halo and exploded on the edge of Jax's long staff, the force directly destroyed the armor of the angel Kyle, and the whole dented.

Angel Kyle never expected that Jax would make such a surprise attack to change his life when he was surrounded by two teammates, and he seemed very annoyed

Careless, really careless, how can I not count Jax's cooldown, he just walked around the grass just to delay time.

Xiao Yan and Shun Shun both breathed a sigh of relief. Jax's change of life is a loss for them. Without the angels, they can't advance on the road at all, and they can't force the two invisible guys out.

At this time, Da Luo grinned. This life-changing must have been earned by his own side, which destroyed the intention of the other side.

Right now I still have a little HP left, the enemy's defense tower is in front of me, and the opponent's jungler and support duo are behind me, I'm going to die no matter what, but I can't give Angel my head, otherwise I won't be able to fight well in lane.

Throwing the long stick to the ground, stepping on the corpse of the angel Kyle, Da Luo tried his best to make his Jax look cool, waiting for the opponent's jungler to take his life...

Da Luo, go down the tower. Suddenly, Da Luo heard Yu Luocheng's voice.

Why? Human heads cannot be given to angels...

Stop talking nonsense, get over here. Yu Luocheng interrupted him.

Time is running out, Pan Sen has already gone here, Yi Da Luo's current blood volume was taken away by Pan Sen with a spear, but the problem is that his blood volume will die even if he is touched by the defensive tower.

At this moment, Da Luo suddenly saw Yu Luocheng's mouse go around from the opponent's triangle grass to the position behind the opponent's tower... Zhou Yan's widow was also there

Da Luo is also a smart person, so he naturally understood the intentions of his teammates, even though there was actually an enemy defense tower between them at this time.

Da Luo glanced back at Pan Sen who was about to chase, and walked decisively towards the enemy's defense tower.


There was an angry sound from the defense tower, and it scolded the enemies who dared to break into its forbidden area.

Da Luo is still walking forward, the defensive tower did not attack him, because at this moment his teammates are helping him carry the tower

oh my god

Ping Shun called out at this time.

He saw Jax walking down his tower just now, so he didn't chase after him, because Jax is the rhythm of sending the tower to death, so he might as well push a wave of lines by himself.

Who knew that this Jax walked through the forbidden area of ​​the defense tower unharmed, and his teammates took turns to bear the damage of the defense tower for him once.

Yu Luocheng and Zhou Yan had been wandering around in this wild area just now, and when they saw that Da Luo was surrounded, they knew that it was too late for support, but Da Luo suddenly flashed back and forcibly killed the angel on the opposite side, leaving Yu Luocheng, who happened to be nearby, immediately had a flash of inspiration.

The defensive tower's furious attack returned to its furious attack, but its shells fell on Yu Luocheng's mice in a very stupid way.

The damage of the defense tower will be superimposed on the same target. In order to ensure his own blood volume, after Yu Luocheng's mouse has carried it once, Zhou Yan's widow will carry it for the second time. In the process of alternating precision, Da Luo Jax passed through the enemy's death defense tower smoothly, and his teammates would fight with him

And this scene made the L players in the whole world a little amazed

This... I am afraid that such an unparalleled tacit cooperation can only be seen in the top professional teams of the World League.

You know, that Jax has already stepped into the gate of hell and has nowhere to escape. As a result, with the tacit understanding of his teammates, he even showed a face of death at the gate of hell, assisting Xiaoyan and Confidence who were about to take the head with confidence. Ping Shun also looked silly, and countless thoughts floated in his head: This TNh is also okay.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

The foreigners in the audience were a little excited, and they all gave thumbs up to the Lm team for such a wonderful rescue of teammates.

Indeed, apart from professional competitions, how could such cooperation be seen in ordinary passers-by and ranking games?

Most of the arena are Koreans. Originally, Koreans had deep resentment towards this Chinese team, but after seeing this scene, they couldn't help applauding.

Not everyone can rescue teammates from this kind of trap, the details and awareness are handled too well

(Chapter 2 may be released very late...it is very late, maybe three or four in the morning or something. So everyone, watch it tomorrow, don't stay up late)

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