Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 520 Who Said I Can Only Use Support?

Remember [Chinese website] www. in one second, to provide you with high-speed text starting. Why? Everyone was very puzzled.

The snipers are actually our old opponents. They know our tactics like the back of their hands, including the moving castle tactics. Yu Luocheng said.

Lin Dong also nodded and said: Well, the moving castle is ineffective against them, and we can't use many tactics in front of the sniper. The boss couldn't play roaming in the last game, and this is the main reason. The five of them It is very clear that the boss's support ability and unexpected temporary jungler gank, most of the roaming will return without success.

Indeed, all the ganks of the sniper's jungler will definitely take Yu Luocheng into consideration, Da Luo said.

At this time, Wu Xiaokang and Luo Qingjin realized why Yu Luosheng didn't wander around like before in this round.

In this way, Taiwan's snipers are indeed a very troublesome enemy.

What can we do? If the live broadcast rate can't pick up, we will fall short. Wu Xiaokang said.

l In order to create a real e-sports brand, the project team has spent a lot of talent and financial resources. Similarly, the players have also put in a lot of hard work and effort to fight against foreign professional players when the conditions are not superior to others. , just so that e-sports can have a positive name in China...

Captain Yu, we have done everything we can, and I hope you will go all out for the second match anyway. Ike said seriously.

The expectations of e-sports rest on the five of them. Although the five of them have performed very well, Ike hopes that they can withstand the huge pressure in front of them and fight back the game.

Obviously, people want the Chinese team to win, and only winning can bring people together.

I think our data can be released to the public. It doesn't make much sense for us to pay here. We need to let the players know the true meaning of this game. Luo Qingjin said.

The establishment of the China E-sports Association should be a matter for the whole people, and this power is also needed right now, why hide it, we should let everyone know that e-sports needs everyone's support now.

Well, I think it's feasible. I'll let the publicity team announce this matter now, and let the commentator describe the situation slowly during the game. Ike nodded.

Whether the players can overcome their hearts and win the game is what the players have to do. How to let the public know that it is their responsibility. There are as many as 40 million e-sports players in China, and there is no real centripetal force, but centripetal force There has always been a need for guidance, and this guidance work must be done by them.

Okay, let's work hard together, Zhang Aijing said.

E-sports people have been waiting for this moment for a long time. It is time to open the door for all players who love e-sports and embrace a new era of e-sports

This era will be created by these people present, just thinking about it makes people feel excited

work together\

,"work together

Xia Yingxing, Ike, and Luo Qingjin represent the government, project team, and investors respectively. What they can do is to create more opportunities for e-sports, but it is the players themselves who can truly control the fate of e-sports.

In the field of e-sports, there is a need for a person who can truly carry the banner, just like Jordan made people fall in love with basketball, and Manadona made people obsessed with football. E-sports also need such a team, a person, who can ⊥ People love esports obsessively and are truly proud of it

Where's Lao Zhou? You haven't come back yet? Zhang Aijing asked.

It's okay, let him think about it. Yu Luosheng didn't let anyone bother Zhou Yan.

Having known Zhou Yan for so long, Yu Luocheng believed that his heart would never be so easily broken.

Outside the lounge, Zhou Yan was sitting on a big chair, staring at the blue wall in front of him with some absent-minded eyes.

Drip, drop, drop

The phone rang, and Zhou Yan came back to his senses, and looked down at the text message.

Are you still not going to tell him clearly?

Zhou Yan looked at this line of words, quickly pressed his finger, and replied: There is no need for that.

There's no need for that? Are you stupid or something? I've told you ten thousand times that you are not suitable for jungle. If you spend half a year practicing your best position, how can your current strength be like this? Hehe, Huanfenghe, I think it's like a stupid bird, but you still have to choose some clumsy junglers according to the team's needs, so how can you play to the level you should? Let me tell you, if you lose this game Now, everyone will definitely point their fingers at you, you are the one who took the blame, do you know that?

A long string of confidence jumped in, Zhou Yan just glanced at it hastily, and didn't answer again.

Looking at the time, the game is about to start, Zhou Yan turned off his phone and returned to the waiting room.

Zhou Yan actually understood what Zhao Tinghua said, but what's the point of saying it now?

Lao Zhou, relax, it's nothing serious. Da Luo patted Zhou Yan on the shoulder and said.

En. Zhou Yan nodded.

The second match is about to start, and the contestants are on the stage. On the commentary stand, Qiqiao said

Through the screen, Yiqin also saw a close-up picture.

When they were on stage before, the members of the LM team seemed relatively relaxed and made a few jokes from time to time

But now, they are obviously not in the mood to joke at all, presumably they already know about the sharp drop in data.

The three commentators couldn't help feeling worried, especially Yiqin. She had read Yu Luosheng's unspoken words and understood how much he longed for the rise of e-sports and the world championship. Losing in the semi-finals was undoubtedly a huge blow to him.

E-sports players are too young, and Yiqin heard that Qin Guangwang, whom she knew, has retired, which means that there are really only a few years for e-sports players to fight.

Back on the competition stage again, facing more than 20,000 spectators, some of the courage that was finally mustered disappeared inexplicably, and the pressure doubled.

Yu Luocheng, Yu Luocheng... Zhang Aijing walked in, holding a mobile phone.

Yu Luocheng was a little puzzled, and inexplicably picked it up, and there was a text message on it...

I'm already here, do your best, if other people you care about don't support you, I will always support you—Xue Yiyi.

This text message surprised Yu Luocheng, because the note displayed on Zhang Aijing's phone was clearly Yi Qin.

She asked me to show you. I also heard about your father from them... No matter what, I will always support you. You must fight well. Zhang Aijing said.

Yu Luocheng nodded, feeling warmer in his heart, but he didn't know how Yiqin was the main commentator, so how did he send this text message to Zhang Aijing.

She obviously admitted that she was Xue Yiyi, which made Yu Luocheng's heart rippling. Everyone has a confidant in their hearts, who can tell her the deepest words in their hearts without any worries, and she is the one who accompanies them through the most difficult period of loneliness and depression after retirement, allowing them to get in touch with e-sports again She is also the one who loves her. Fortunately, this person did not just disappear in her own world, but reappeared in a more moving posture.

What about yourself?

At the beginning, it was like a cynical child who didn't care about everything, but poorly still sought his own habitat on the Internet.

Now that I have climbed to this step today, how can I not fight like a man and fight to show my true self?

Don't forget, I am Fighting Eagle, the lord of e-sports throne, making the strongest player in the whole world frightened

Wow, this is really surprising. The Taiwanese sniper actually hanked three heroes in a row, and all three are in the support position. It is too obvious who the Chinese players are targeting. Mo Lun, the North American commentator, was very surprised Said.

All fans of the world are watching this game. From the group stage to the quarter-finals, people have already admired this Chinese team, and they know Yu Luocheng's name as a sharp supporter.

However, who would have thought that in a top league in the world, the opponent Taiwan's sniper and three banned heroes would actually ban all of Yu Luocheng's well-used supports. It seems that in the entire professional league, only a giant like Adams suffered from such a situation. treatment

Could it be that, in the eyes of Taiwanese snipers, is Yu Luocheng so terrifying?

This action of the sniper surprised the audience all over the world. They were eager to win the second game, and they were determined not to cause any complications.

Two rounds of kills, so as not to have long nights and dreams

This... this... is so unreasonable, three heroes who banned Captain Yu. Qiqiao was already angrily.

Others are a support. It's too much for you to put all the three bans on the support. This is clearly a pursuit of victory. You must use morale to completely suppress Yu Luosheng, so that he will not be saved in the second game world of opportunity.

Yiqin bit her lip lightly, feeling more and more uneasy.

She believes that after Yu Luocheng loses one game, there will definitely be an explosion in the second game, but like the sniper who directly bans three support positions at the beginning, it is really crazy

The Taiwanese guys are a bit ruthless. Boss, how are you going to play this round? Your carr support has been hacked by them, and they have targeted strategies for other supports. Da Luo said.

Who told them that I can only use support? A smile appeared on Yu Luocheng's face.

In the first game, the sniper's strategy was very good, and he didn't waste too much time on his own bomber support who couldn't cause too much trouble. Yu Luocheng also admitted that the bomber was a bit poorly selected.

But in the second round, the snipers who were eager to win still couldn't hold back. They threw all three bans on themselves, trying to put pressure on themselves, flattening themselves.

It can only be said that they are naive

You have forced my assistant to have nowhere to go, and I will not leave at all...

Who stipulated that I, Yu Luosheng, can only use support?

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