Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 504 Battle of the Giant Gods!


Fifty minutes of a game is still a bit long in a professional league. During these fifty minutes, the players must be highly concentrated, maintaining the dexterity of their fingers and the tension of their nerves. Access to download TXT novels

It is also this kind of competition of speed, operation, and consciousness. After completing the extreme solo kill and escaping from a crisis, the emotions will be particularly excited. This is also the charm of the game. Can't put it down!

During the fifty-minute duel, Yu Luocheng gradually forgot about his five hundred dollars, and felt that he didn't have time to eat popcorn.

The iconic hero of Adams is the fox. He was the first to equip the underworld fire, and he could take the crispy head from the crowd and get out of it.

It was also the mid-lane fox style that Adams set off that caused Riot to study this hero and then weaken it!

The fist company also didn't have any intention of avoiding suspicion, and it was very clear that it would weaken the fox because of the player Adams.

Many people would say how powerful their hero is, how powerful their skills are, but how many people are strong enough to force the game company to weaken this hero and finally suppress this invincible storm? ?

Similarly, the weakening of Jie and Ruiwen is thanks to Li Yuexin.

Last season, Jie was a frequent visitor to the middle lane. Ever since Li Yuexin had killed countless times in the professional league like killing a dog, Riot finally couldn't hold back and slashed this hero severely.

Afterwards, Li Yuexin developed a mid laner Ruiwen style of play!

Let's put it this way, as long as his Raven has a flash, it is definitely a corpse. No matter how much he moves and scratches, it is useless no matter how good his consciousness is. It is really too easy to kill someone with a flash of Raven, at least for Li Yuexin and Adams This is true for players of this level.

Not long after the mid laner Raven was developed, Riot Games felt that the balance was about to be destroyed, so they analyzed that the hero Raven's damage in the early stage was too high, and his e skill was unreasonable, so it should be cut.

Strong enough to scare game companies, it is not an exaggeration to call these two guys demons and gods.

In this game, Adams didn't make any reservations, and directly sacrificed his strongest mid laner, Deceitful Fairy.

Yu Luocheng also likes the hero of Deceitful Fairy. As a support, her offensive surname is very strong, and she can perfectly restrain those who have no displacement in the bottom lane.

And the mid laner Trickster,

The threat to the enemy is quite deadly.

For Adams, the hero of the Bewitching Fairy has four displacement skills, and the use of W Magic Shadow and R Mirror Copy has reached the pinnacle.

No wonder, for a person with a speed of 16 per second, getting the hero of the Demon Fairy is like a dragon entering the sea!

Not surprisingly, Adams destroyed the team's defense in the first game by relying on his superb personal strength!

No. 1 in the world, in front of Adams, he was a weak and sick dog. Many times, he directly killed Han Zongzhi, who was playing too confidently, in less than a second.

As for the rookie mid laner, in this round it really showed the gap with the Titan.

Adams has been wandering since he got his big move, taking heads and taking the lead with mending troops.

The strength of the other players in the Free team is actually not high in the world rankings, but it is because of Li Tuchuan's rigorous tactics and the team's carry Adams that they are proud of the crowd!

In fifty minutes, the Free team won the first game!

In a huge venue with 24,000 people, you can imagine how ugly the faces that have undergone cosmetic surgery will be without counting after losing the first game!


That Li Yuexin looks very calm. Lin Dong said.

I don't believe this b can sit still, he will definitely be in the next game.

This should not be the case. He himself made it clear that he is just a coach... Zhang Aijing said.

In the second round, no matter how many Koreans in the entire venue were calling for their celestial demon Li Yuexin, Li Yuexin still did not waver, just like what he said to the camera just now: If you lose, it is also your fate. But I believe I cultivated These players who come out will not fall so easily, didn't they only lose one game?

With two wins in three rounds and two wins in four rounds, the so-called loss of only one game sounds ridiculous.

In sports, it is very necessary to seize the opportunity, just like football, if a weak team scores first and scores a point, then they will put enormous pressure on the strong team.

The same is true in e-sports. The first round is the key to victory. Team Free won the first round, and it is really difficult to win two rounds in a row after that.

Damn it, it's a big loss, and it's too disappointing. I lost a lot of money! Da Luo cursed displeased.

Yu Luocheng silently took back more than 900 yuan, eating popcorn and waiting for the next round.

I don't know why, but Yu Luocheng always felt that the mid laner was a bit weird. This guy gave people a feeling that his performance was very unstable. I remember that when he was facing the Fan team, this kid suppressed the great god Apollo. Yu Luocheng gave him a very high evaluation.

But this time, the performance was very average. Li Yuexin really allowed Adams to carry the audience like Li Yuexin?



The pattering rain brought a lot of heat to the city, but it couldn't cool down the enthusiasm of the young people in Koreatown.

In this Seoul city, the number of people who pay attention to e-sports is several times higher than that in mainland China. In the previous hour, the people in the whole city were sweating. At the same time, Adams turned into a real giant. Standing proudly above the entire city of Seoul, South Korea, those proud blue eyes look down on the entire e-sports city, giving all Korean e-sports fans a feeling of tension and uneasiness that is completely out of breath!

When Koreans talk about e-sports, they are used to smiling, and when they talk about Li Yuexin, they shake their legs even more. But when Adams is mentioned, their awkwardness will disappear immediately. Adams is indeed He is an e-sports player who can truly sanction all of South Korea, which has been very clearly reflected in the first contest.

When the heavy rain was heavy and the wind was blowing everywhere, the entire Korean people were immersed in a state of overwhelming excitement!

Except for the middle lane, top, field, and bottom lanes, the team exploded with astonishing combat power, and the team even surrounded and suppressed Adams with three or four people many times. Adams, who was tired of coping, didn't get enough time to develop...

Many people can see that Adams is making sacrifices for his teammates.

The top lane was solo-killed twice, and he was in a state of being unable to match the lane. The bottom lane was suppressed, the last knife was greatly reduced, the wild area was occupied, and the economy was crazily lost.

Adams did not take roaming in this round, but frantically put pressure on the enemy's mid lane!

It is a good choice to help teammates establish an advantage by roaming, but if the teammate's collapse is a little serious, even if you are still weaker than the opponent, then you must give up the idea of ​​​​joining the team, it is through your own way The advantages are constantly expanding, and at the same time attract the attention of the opponent's firepower.

When the opponent comes to encircle and suppress, you can at least exchange for one, which is not a loss. At the same time, your teammates have enough breathing time, and you can even seize some opportunities when the enemy is alone, and slowly make up for the economic difference.

The giant Adams has a very clear thinking and is infinitely pressing.

It doesn't matter if you junglers come to squat me with no brains, I develop as well.

Come kill me with your jungler and support, I can change one

You all come in the jungle, support, and top laner, 4 people kill? It's okay, my teammates push you two towers!

A player who can force such a strong team to launch a four-man siege is no longer a simple competitive duel!

And after completing the sniping of Adams, the entire Korean city seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

This Nima is not gAnK at all, it is the rhythm of group fights, and even feels that fighting is particularly strenuous, a wrong skill can wipe out the entire army.


Adams is just Adams. If it were me, the jungler on the other side beat me up. In the arena, Wu Sen sighed.

He is also a mid laner, facing these world-class professional players in 1v1, Wu Sen felt deeply struggling.

This Adams has been defeated by the opponent's jungler, support, top laner squatting and team formation, and his economy is still higher than the opponent's mid laner. You really can't really admire this guy.

It's a pity, I can't save it. This top lane and bottom lane play routines, it's a bit scratchy! Lin Dong shook his head and sighed.

If Free wins this round, it will completely end the position of the overlord, and in good conscience they still hope to meet the Free team in the finals, no!

The Lm team's fear of the Free team is not particularly strong. Free has the giant Adams, but the Lm people believe that Yu Luosheng, the king of the throne who is at the same level as Adams, can play a certain role in mutual generation and restraint. Everyone's pressure will not be so great.

But in the team, there are too many star-level players. The jungler is Mo, who is from the same school as Lu Shi, the bottom laner is Han Zongzhi, the world's number one, and the support is someone who can challenge An Luoxuan. The strength of the mid laner is erratic. The players suppressed by Apollo were scary, except for one top laner who was not very good, but Zhang Aijing said that the others also had a combined score of 23!

It's too sophisticated, and there are no flaws. The Free team is supported by giants and tactics, but when these two points are suppressed in the second game, it is difficult to have a chance to turn around.

Forty minutes, the game finally ended!

Taking back a game gave a small reassurance to the 24,000 people present and millions of people in Seoul.

There's still a third game, the tiebreaker...

Tense and exciting! ! !

It is hard for anyone to predict whether Adams will lead his team to the world finals, or maintain their undying record and continue to aspire to the pinnacle of e-sports.

Yu Luocheng, it's your turn to suppress! Are you still suppressing Free? Da Luo asked unscrupulously.

Yu Luocheng shook his head.

It is impossible for him to win, and he does not want them to win.

But he didn't want to make things difficult for Qian, because this third round... To use the words that Athena often said: I have a bad feeling.

(Have you been waiting for a long time for the event with Uncle Kaihei??

The time is confirmed at 8pm on Saturday, July 12th. As for the selection of such candidates and where they will be broadcast live, everyone has not yet decided. Everyone pays attention to WeChat, and WeChat will convey it first-hand, luanshu920. )

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