Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 432: Hitting IQ (Part 1)

Damn the mid laner cursed

Drink followed closely, a kick of Lei Yinbo flew out from behind the wall, and the blind monk with the skin of the descendant of the white dragon suddenly appeared, and kicked the Clockwork Demon directly in the face

When Wu Sen was stunned by the clockwork monster, the magic ball skills, smashing skills, and ignition were all on the waiter. When Zhou Yan kicked over, he immediately received a broken bone palm, and the clockwork monster was instantly killed under the tower.

Zhou Yan immediately used the golden bell cover to fly to Wu Sen's body after killing the man, and exited the defense tower gracefully. Even the defense tower didn't react to attack the blind monk who had finished killing...

Wow, it's very beautiful. The lm team didn't even have a return trip, but outflanked the middle lane from the opponent's jungle area. They forced a kill under the tower when the clockwork monster didn't even press the flash. It's a perfect skill Bao Jun Immediately exclaimed excitedly.

The Dark Head of State was under the control of a tower, and Yu Luocheng, who was hiding behind the wall, imprisoned the clockwork with a q at an extreme distance. The blind monk and the Dark Head of State quickly followed the output and took them away without explanation. The scene that reflects Zhou Yan's hand speed and operation is that the defensive towers did not respond

I was not hit by the defense tower, but the kill under the tower has been completed cleanly, just in the short time between the defense tower attack

No one thought that the members of the lm team did not return, but sneaked to the middle to take a head.

The opponent now has three people gathered in the middle, and a wave of soldiers is obviously about to enter the defensive tower. In this case, if the team does not defend this tower, their defensive tower in the middle will be gone.

There is no middle l tower, no upper tower, which means that the right half of their map board is basically completely black, which is quite dangerous in the later stage, and it is likely to be ambushed by various guardian dragons.

The tower can't be lost, and the dragon won't fight first. An Luoxuan made a judgment immediately, and led the three teammates towards the middle.

lm knew their movements like the back of their hands, and didn't even retreat after grinding half the HP of the opponent's middle defense tower, directly forcing the opponent to detour back to defend.

There are only 3 people on lm's side, it is 4, but they are not empty at all.

You must know that Wu Sen is developing in the middle lane alone, and now he is almost u at level five.

That is to say, the four people are basically demolished in the bottom lane, generally level 3.

Level 5 Wu Sen's Dark Head is just like a father to them, and there is no pressure to beat them with little HP and mana.

It's helpless, if you can't beat Xiaolong and come back to defend the defensive tower in the middle, time must be wasted, especially Li Yin, who was pushed by Lin Dong to the high ground again, and Li Yin had to lose a wave of economy and level.

On the other hand, Da Luo, who returned to the city early, has already reached the bottom lane, happily controlling the large wave of soldiers pushed by the opponent, and basically can develop to u level in a stable manner.

Lin Dong, come back, they're going back to defend. Yu Luocheng said to Lin Dong who was still developing on the opponent's high ground.

En. Lin Dong nodded, and chose to return to the city to supply an attack speed shoe and a blood-sucking scepter.

The money for pushing the line is all for Lin Dong, and Lin Dong is relatively rich.

There is only one reason why he chooses to build like this, to push away the opponent's middle lane, anyway, it is impossible for Lin Dong in the top lane to go deep into the opponent's tower to find money for development.

After Lin Dong went back to resupply, Da Luo controlled the line of soldiers in place, and immediately dared to go to Xiaolong's position.

It is very beneficial for the purple side to take the dragon, and the top laner Li Yin is pitifully developing in the top lane where two towers have been demolished. In this case, the five members of the LM team gather here immediately, and the opponent has no defense at all. ability.

They are taking Xiaolong, let's stop it. The middle road found that the dark head of state was missing, and said immediately.

An Luoxuan shook his head: Don't go, we can't take this little dragon.

Why? Pu Yisheng asked angrily.

Damn, the little dragon originally belonged to them. This kind of forced push and change of lanes must have an advantage for them who pushed the little dragon's line. But because they were forcibly killed in the middle, they felt that the rhythm was suddenly caught by the opponent.

The clockwork is only level 5, and the head of state should be almost u. The opponent's ad should be level 5, and the top laner is almost level 5. We are far behind in terms of level. Even if Li Yin rushes over, he will give away his head in the past. An Luoxuan said in a calm voice.

In fact, An Luoxuan already felt a chill at this moment.

The routine of changing lanes this time was simply designed by them lm. First push their top two towers, and they must take advantage of the trend to push down the two towers and take out Xiaolong.

Taking advantage of this time, the three of them suddenly surrounded and killed the clockwork monster in the middle lane. The success rate of this behavior of directly circling from the wild area and then besieged and killed was very high, which forced them to be unable to safely take down the little dragon at all.

During the period between the four of them went to take the dragons and defended in the middle, the opponent's ad top laner had developed steadily in the lane for a short period of time, and their level had improved. The level has risen, but it is one hundred and eight thousand miles away from Xiaolong...

The playing time was poor, the level was poor, and they were directly led by the nose by the lm team.

As soon as the little dragon is given, the economy will fall behind immediately. The most important thing is that they don't know where to go to develop, because the opponent's top laner has already controlled the pawn line not far from their high ground. go there to make money

After clearing up all his thoughts, An Luoxuan couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

Terrible switch tactic

Damn it, I have nowhere to spend money. Park Yisheng scolded extremely angrily.

Park Yisheng returned to the bottom lane, but did he have any money in the bottom lane? The pawn line was pushed to such a deep place by them, and the hateful top laner of the opponent firmly controlled the pawn line against them. Being dumped by the opponent's middle lane and jungler

It's where they get money. Li Yin said.

Li Yin, like Da Luo, controlled the line of soldiers on his own side, and the opponent's did not dare to come over.

The problem is, his level and economy are better than ours. An Luoxuan said in a calm voice.

In the same situation where there is no place to develop, you, Pu Yisheng, are only at level 4, and Lin Dong is almost at level U at level 5.

The opponent's jungle level was also one level higher than their Nightmare, which made An Luoxuan always a little uneasy.

They will steal our hhpp Suddenly, An Luoxuan thought of something

It's been 7 minutes, An Luoxuan doesn't believe that the opponent won't take advantage of the level and economy to do something

(People are away these days, this second chapter may be updated later, please be careful)

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