Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 347 A cesspit, do you jump or...

In fact, when a group wins, as long as the ad is still alive, they should choose to take the baron, unless the battle takes place at the corner of the bottom lane...

In this way, if you win the team battle, choose to take the high ground on the opposite side, wait for your people to remove the crystal on the opposite side, and the person on the opposite side happens to be revived and still in full state. In this case, you must return to the city, and you may even be chased. You only need to press Return to the city after a short distance. In this case, the opponent will go directly to the dragon. Even if you know that they will rush over after taking the supplies from the dragon to return to the city, it will be too late, and your teammates may be caught if they are scattered. die

And after the opponent has a 3-minute big dragon hhpp, 300 yuan per person, basically the economy of a team battle has been recovered. As for the damage of the crystal, it is not the key at all. With the 3-minute big dragon hhpp, you don't have to worry about it. Don't dare to start a group with the opponent easily. When the big dragon hup disappears, the crystal will almost be resurrected.

Even, because the team wins and takes the high ground, it is easy for passer-by players to have the mentality of how to win the team because they have the advantage, and then reluctantly start a team with the opposite dragon hhpp. The result was pushed away

Therefore, after Yituan wins, they have a limited choice to take Dalong. With Dalong hhpp, it will be a matter of time before Kamikochi expands its economic advantage.

The team just now was an accident. Although the team won, the problem was that if you went to fight Dalong without enough AD output, it was very likely that the blind man on the other side would squat and take one, and even lost Dalong, so they The choice must be to push the ground.

Then, I hoped that Yu Luocheng, who had just returned home early, would succeed in harassing the opponent Nalong

Yu Luocheng had indeed considered all the next steps. He knew very well that if he pushed the high ground this time, the other side would definitely run to the dragon, so he didn't participate in the push of the crystal, but went home decisively and bought it. After putting on the equipment and supplementing your blood volume, you immediately run towards the Dalong Canyon

As he expected, the opposite party had already gathered in the Dalong Canyon, and they started to fight without saying a word.

Naturally, Yu Luocheng didn't dare to walk into the Dalong Canyon from the normal river course, and purposely went around to the top of the Dalong Canyon.

When going out, Yu Luocheng had prepared enough eye positions, and inserted three eyes directly from the top of the Dalong Canyon, and then placed a real eye there.

You take it off, you take it off, you take it off my eyes

Yu Luocheng made it clear that he wanted to use his eyes to delay the opponent's time to fight the dragon.

Don't look at the eye position, just write it down to mourn, and it's enough to make the opponent feel annoying.

Li Jingxiong is pretty smart, he knows Yu Luocheng's trick, he knows that even if the eye is removed, he might still have the eye, because all the people who have delayed until the other side rush over, they will all be wiped out

Ignoring Yu Luocheng's throwing soap like a blind eye, Li Jingxiong and his teammates punched and kicked the big dragon, and waited on him with various magic, sorcery, and skills. The long blood volume of the big dragon kept increasing. drop

Yu Luocheng glanced at the positions of his teammates, and then at Dalong's blood volume...

it's too late

must grab

Yu Luocheng stared fixedly at the dragon's blood volume, he didn't use the mouse to click on the dragon's blood gauge, grabbing the big dragon was based on feeling, sometimes he really couldn't concentrate on staring at the dragon's blood volume number , because many times you have to take into account the skill damage of other heroes.

Teams in Taiwan have their own routines when fighting Dalong, that is, when Dalong only has uu blood, everyone will release their skills at the same time, so that Dalong's blood volume is instantly lower than 1,000. At this time, the blind monk The jungler with a percentage damage like the spider also punishes and adds skills at the same time, catching those opponents who grab the dragon by surprise...

As for the South Korean team, they have a habit when they fight Baron. When they see the opponent's jungler jumping down, everyone will stop attacking Baron instantly, because many junglers who grab Baron will deliberately count the enemy's Damage, and then go down a little bit ahead of time, and sadly found that other people have stopped cheating, and his damage is not enough to kill the dragon, so first finish the jungler who wants to grab the dragon, and then kill the dragon

After seeing a lot, Yu Luocheng is used to relying on feeling to snatch

Seeing that the big dragon's blood volume was about the same, Yu Luocheng directly activated his big move

Invisibility flash

The blind monk on the opposite side had actually been observing when Yu Luocheng came down, when suddenly the praying mantis above disappeared, leaving only a flickering light in the air

Can't see the praying mantis

They obviously have real eyes, but they can't see the location of the praying mantis


A heavy blow landed, and at the same time a claw stretched out from the air, sweeping fiercely on Dalong's body.

The blind jungler on the opposite side was so stunned because the mantis disappeared, and his hand was a step slower. When he woke up, he suddenly found a blue head and killed the dragon

They didn't get the 300 yuan, and the big dragon hhpp didn't linger around them. Instead, a surge of turbulent energy swept from the blue hhpp wild area, approaching the five of them in the Dalong Canyon.

Kill the praying mantis first! Li Jingxiong yelled

At this time, the real eye had already shown the location of the evil praying mantis, and suddenly, silence, imprisonment, and dizziness were all thrown towards Yu Luocheng.

Yu Luocheng's hand speed is really fast. After grabbing the big dragon, this guy flew into the sky, flew directly from the inside of the big dragon canyon to the outside of the big dragon canyon, and then turned around and hit Soraka.

Soraka's reaction was obviously slow, and he waited until Yu Luocheng landed and used his skills before silence him. He had no choice just now, the mantis flashed in directly from stealth, and Silence couldn't find this cunning mantis.

After jumping out, Qianmeng's shield was applied immediately, and Yu Luocheng activated the third invisibility effect of attacking from the void, which is to fly into the crowd of people who are so courageous

With Dalong, it is most likely that the position will be too concentrated, and Yu Luocheng drilled right at the exit of Dalong. Qianmeng saw the right time and made a strangling attack, so gorgeous that it was so big that the 4 people on the opposite side

On the live broadcast platform, there was an exclamation

In this round, besides Yu Luocheng's mantis which was extremely eye-catching, this Clockwork Demon was also extremely powerful. His ultimate move was always big enough to be crucial. The burst of damage made the group of people on the opposite side, who were already hurt by the big dragon, feel like they were all going to be killed in seconds

Yu Luocheng wandered among the crowd for a while, and casually mourned the app on the opposite side.

That AP is at least a high-end player in Hanbok, but in this round he was simply horrible, he was always the first to die in team battles

The ap was dropped in seconds, refreshing Yu Luocheng's pounce directly on Morgana and the Son of the Stars. After the short cd was finished, another bloodthirsty claw wiped Morgana's neck, Blood is sprayed in the Dalong Canyon

As soon as he tasted the blood of death, the wings of Void Predator Khazik would tremble for a while, and the flying stamina he had just lost instantly filled his wings

Jump again, you are the son of the stars

You still add blood, you still add blood, is it useful?

Let you choose a funny top laner Soraka

Yu Luocheng's gorgeous and glamorous leap, the armor-piercing damage made Soraka, who has nearly 200 armors, unable to bear it

The head of Soraka was not directly taken away, Yu Luocheng did not have an ad that could use him as a springboard to kill Li Jingxiong

However, Yu Luosheng's other teammates had already arrived

At this time, it’s useless to assist you no matter how you act, so looking at this horrible scene and seeing the situation that is over, I hurriedly expressed my sincerity, and used my skills to control Li Jingxiong’s Goddess of War, so that my side The ad, who had been frustrated for a long time, finally let out a bad breath and completed the kill

This is the rhythm of one

Kuut reluctantly followed the large force and ran into the enemy's crystal base.

When he saw the big victory flashing on the screen, he was annoyed and shocked at the same time.

This mantis is too strong, he won the game directly when he was disconnected in the early stage and constantly exposed his position

He was not among that group of people. After the fight, he had to admit that the Clockwork Demon and the Praying Mantis were outrageously powerful.

Over there, Park Yisheng is already swearing at her mother, how about you, even the sixth person on the opposite side failed so badly after receiving my whoring fee

Thinking about it, it’s also like playing ranked. Once an actor appears, this game is impossible to play. How stupid people must be to mess up such a simple thing. Come

Park Yisheng was very upset, how could that guy win a game with such a careful design?

Could you be serious, can't you forget how this guy humiliated our Korean e-sports? Park Yisheng said very dissatisfied in the group, with the attitude of an e-sports banner bearer

We did our best.

Well, your actors aren't doing their best.

We can't blame anyone, we have actors, and the other side also has actors, for example, that cheating blind monk...

Who are you talking about, who are you talking about, dare you?

Park Yisheng saw that this was the rhythm of a quarrel, and hurriedly stopped it and said: Don't quarrel, don't quarrel, prepare for the next round, we must not let him win again, do you think a Chinese mouse came to our site to win two sets and go back , as players from the strongest e-sports kingdom, can you accept it?”

As soon as we talked about this kind of Korean-level stuff, everyone stopped arguing and started filming with concerted efforts

Strange, why didn't he line up?

I don't know. There is news from over there that the Chinese player is adjusting.

He will definitely play all three rounds. If he dare not play the third round, then we can laugh at him for fear of losing the third round. It's safe and I can explain to my fans.

That's ridiculous compared to our e-sports spirit in Korea. Can a game without victory be called a game? You're as cowardly as a mouse

Pu Yisheng praised everyone's remarks, nodded vigorously and said: But it's true when you think about it, a weak person will always feel that it is very proud to be tied with a strong person.

Yes, that's right.

That's why they like to go to our site to show off their power, but their own servers don't play.

The Korean e-sports circle was buzzing, everyone was waiting to see the third game.

But what about Yu Luosheng?

Such a cesspit, should he jump or not, or can he fly all over these sticks without touching the leaves? ru! .

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