Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 338 Lm Team A Team!

Xu Pingyang also deserved the punishment he deserved.

This finally untied the entangled knot in Yu Luocheng's heart, and gave Xiao Bei a complete explanation.

Penalties are heavy, and domestic laws are slowly improving. People who simply think that stealing accounts and planting Trojan horses are harmless are really too naive. With the development of technology and the soundness of network management, these people will sooner or later become The key target.

Who is responsible for this incident? Lin Dong asked Li Xi.

Who do you mean solved it? Li Xi said.

Lin Dong nodded.

Shanghai's Internet police system is relatively developed. I don't know who is in charge of this case, but if it is solved technically, if I remember correctly, it should be those two outstanding female police officers. Li Xi said .

Lin Dong's face changed when he heard it.

As soon as he heard about the Internet police, especially those two women, Lin Dong felt like seeing the King of Hades, with an indescribable disgust and panic.

However, this incident must have been solved by them, otherwise Xu Pingyang, a cancerous online game, would not know when he would be completely eradicated.

Lin Dong didn't ask any more questions. Finally, he was in a good mood one day, so there was no need to worry about the two female white guests anymore. Anyway, after a while, his imprisonment would almost be lifted...

Yu Luocheng was also in a good mood. Even though he didn't participate in the Asian Indoor Games in the end, it was very comforting for him to be able to finish this matter.

According to what was previously announced in the media, Yu Luosheng and the others donated the money that the government and Xu Pingyang compensated Xiaobei to Xiaobei Village on the border of Gansu, providing the children there with an opportunity to receive education in the county. After their children get ahead in the future, they can clearly remember that the reason why they have achieved today is because of a person who has dedicated everything to e-sports.

After the donation was made, the Internet gave high praise to the lm team's move, which greatly increased the popularity of the lm team, which won the championship.

On lpl, team lm's eclectic style of play and novel tactics are indeed the most eye-catching in the entire League of Legends professional arena, coupled with the shocking one-vs-four save of the world at the last stop, it brings people's respect for l A different kind of passion, plus netizens learned that the LM team is not affiliated with the club, but often appears in a Demacia club that is open to the public. Such a grassroots and friendly team is really easy to get everyone So much so that Li Meiqi always felt that she was losing money by selling the live broadcast authorization to the Thunder Club at a price of 500,000.

The income of the lm team has already been distributed. None of the five players will occupy a higher share of sponsors, licensing fees, stationing fees, and bonuses. Li Meiqi and Jianfeng have slightly lower shares besides fixed salaries. Li Meiqi had already drawn up this quota before. Yu Luosheng and others, who didn't know much about business operations before, felt that Jianfeng and Li Meiqi should take the same ratio as them. After all, they really helped the LM team a lot. , but Li Meiqi comes from a wealthy family, she knows very well that since a team has developed to the current level, in order not to cause serious disputes in the future, some regulations must be fully prepared in advance, and all should be done in a professional way Only through distribution can the stable development of the entire team be maintained.

The reason why the team is easy to collapse is because there are not enough norms and no clear indicators. Li Meiqi made this very clear and told them very seriously that no emotions are allowed in this matter. If it becomes more complicated and affects emotions at the same time, you must follow these regulations.

Everyone was naturally speechless, but they felt that Li Meiqi and Jianfeng were running the team together with them, and it was not good to take a small share.

Of course, Yu Luocheng also knew that it was the right thing for her to do this, some things cannot be resolved with emotions, that would be a very immature performance, and it would only make it more difficult for the team to reconcile in the future.

Five hundred thousand RMB, this is quite a huge amount, the money belongs to Li Meiqi, and no one has much opinion, she will give everyone a basic salary and share according to the standard salary time every month, how to calculate it , and specific details, Li Meiqi carefully made a table for everyone to see.

In fact, Yu Luocheng and the others will not go into details. Li Meiqi regards this as her job and does something meaningful to herself. As for the issue of money, she probably never cared about it. Fifty Ten thousand yuan is an astronomical figure for Yu Luosheng, Lin Dong, Zhou Yan, Wu Sen, and Da Luo. For a rich lady like Li Meiqi, it is just a drizzle. Anyway, what she wears, what kind of bag is three 40,000 yuan, 40,000 to 5,000 yuan for a set of earrings, 10,000 to 20,000 yuan for a set of clothes, all tailor-made, there is no such thing as the same style in the world

Perhaps, most of the big men in the team have had the idea to get this beautiful rich woman. I guess when they think that the money they have worked hard for is not enough to buy someone else a bag, they just want to buy a bag. The son wilted down and lost his courage.

It's really close at hand, far away in the sky

Of course, money should not be spent indiscriminately. It is impossible to say that 500,000 yuan was directly credited, so the seven people immediately divided the spoils directly.

Li Meiqi has made a long-term consideration, which is to take into account the time period when there is no competition, or the time period when LM enters the trough, and then pay out monthly salary and share, so that everyone can feel at ease Play every game well.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Li Meiqi is worried that this group of men will spend a lot of money looking for sleazy women and so on as soon as they have money. Fried dough sticks, always thinking of ways to bring down these people in the LM team, how can Li Meiqi agree, these are all his male concubines =

Haha, our champion is back

The store manager Xiao Duoduo greeted the members of Team LM with a smile all over his face.

Jianfeng glanced at the store manager, and immediately raised his head and chest, recalling that when he first entered the Demacia clubhouse, the store manager Xiao Duoduo was a hundred times unwilling.

Now, this Demacia clubhouse is all about gaining the glory of their lpl championship, it is simply an infinite cash cow, thinking that Boss Lei can still send a lot of money to stabilize the determination of the LM team, Jianfeng can't help laughing

Fortunately, the owner of the Demacia clubhouse is really kind to them, and their lm team plans to take root here.

Xiao Duoduo, remember what you said before, if our guardian team enters the lpl, you will eat the keyboard. Now that we come back with the lpl championship, do you want to eat the Internet cafes of the whole club? Do you want black pepper sauce or tomato? Sauce? Jianfeng laughed maliciously.

The expression on Xiao Duoduo's face became rich all of a sudden, Yu Yu smiled and said, I'll treat you tonight, I'll treat you tonight, just tell me what you want to eat.

You are acquainted

Jianfeng left after teasing Xiao Duoduo, but Xiao Duoduo stopped them.

What's wrong? Yu Luocheng asked puzzled.

It's like this. You are the LPL champions now, and your status is completely different. Our boss Lei is thinking whether to cancel that ring. There is basically no one in our country that can beat your team. The bonuses continue to stack up. It doesn’t make much sense to go up, so our clubhouse plans to form a guardian team and let them replace you to pick up those who come to challenge the team?” Xiao Duoduo said.

That's right, but if there are powerful teams who want to fight us, they can come too. Yu Luocheng said.

The current LM is naturally different from a few months ago. Many teams have the heart to challenge, but they may not have the courage. This arena may exist in name only. It is really necessary to give other teams the opportunity to continue this challenge.

Of course, Yu Luocheng doesn't put on airs for his own team. If those challenged teams win against their Demacia clubhouse, then they will challenge them again. Yu Luocheng will definitely take over. Welcome any team to challenge is definitely not a casual talk .

Many of Yu Luocheng's tactical systems are actually inspired by those mixed teams. Yu Luocheng will not refuse such a game, even if it is deliberately making the game more difficult, he will play it seriously.

After the lm team became the champion, many high-level professional players asked Yu Luosheng and the others if the lm team had any intention of forming a second team.

Although a team has a fixed set of five members, Yu Luocheng didn't have any plans for the second team at first, but after what happened with King Qin Guang, Yu Luocheng clearly knew that no matter how strong a player is, he can't beat the time. The only way to prevent this from happening is to continuously cultivate better e-sports players.

Everyone in the LM team has retired, and the LM competitive spirit has dissipated?

That definitely won't work, there must be new players joining in to create another glory.

The lm team is not a club, and it is a bit difficult to form a complete professional system, but Yu Luosheng thinks that it can be realized with the help of the platform of the Demacia clubhouse. The service life of this kind of club must be relatively long. The second team of the LM team is stationed here like them. They train and play games, play live broadcasts, and fight in the ring. People will come to challenge, this model of the clubhouse can continue, and this resident model can also continue.

(It seems that the firepower is fully fired again this weekend, everyone pay attention to your health)

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