Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 335 Weibo mocks the e-sports storm

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Yu Luocheng, come and take a look, this Weibo. Lin Dong shouted at Yu Luocheng who was in the room

Yu Luosheng left Beijing early the next morning and returned to Shanghai.

The weather in Beijing is very smoggy, which makes Yu Luosheng not in a good mood. Similarly, the weather in Shanghai is not much better.

What's wrong? Yu Luocheng asked puzzled.

Walking to Lin Dong's computer, Yu Luocheng saw a Weibo.

The avatar on this weibo made Yu Luocheng look familiar. After a closer look, he realized, damn it, isn't this h the diving champion Cao He?

Is e-sports considered a sport? Then we athletes should all go play games, why don't we train so hard every day? Yu Luosheng read out these words.

This guy even tweeted

What happened yesterday made Yu Luocheng and Xie Lianda very angry. Who knew that this idiot even posted on Weibo, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he despises e-sports

There are thousands of comments at once, this guy is just looking for scolding, Lin Dong said.

Lin Dong pulled down the webpage, and Yu Luocheng took a look at it, and found that the comments on this person's Weibo were about to explode. You felt that the rows of words were like curses reaching your ears. He's Weibo is full of hustle and bustle

What's the matter, so many people replied? Yu Luocheng said.

Hey, I asked those e-sports players to repost this Weibo. You have to know how many people are playing l now, and there are tens of millions of people who follow l related Weibo. Once this Weibo is retweeted, it will immediately attract attention. Netizens are angry, look, they are still scrolling, still scrolling, and if I don’t expect, this funny comparison will be on the headlines of Tencent News tomorrow,” Lin Dong said with a smile on his face.

Bullying our e-sports, you dare to say such things on Weibo so arrogantly, aren't you looking for shit?

Lin Dong admitted that he did some small tricks to increase the number of reposts of this Weibo, but the rest was not done by him, it was all those netizens who spontaneously bombarded Cao He

Look at this, look at this. Lin Dong clicked on the Weibo of a Shanghai talk show artist with a smile on his face, and read out happily:

A certain person has jumped into the cesspit too much. How is e-sports not a sport? E-sports has long had formal competitions in the world. E-sports players have to maintain a fixed time of training every day. The level of hardship is no more than yours. With well-developed limbs and a simple mind, can you look down on e-sports?

Lin Dong continued to scroll down and showed Yu Luocheng another item:

Speaking of which, diving is just a plunge into the water with a hard head. What's wrong with e-sports? E-sports players are fighting for themselves with their own hands and hard work. It's not like some athletes lead the support of the country but do it. Without any results, but won a non-international authoritative champion and started to pull up

Weibo's response speed is really fast. It's only been a day, and I feel that countless people have forwarded this message on Weibo, and countless people have criticized this matter.

At night, when Yu Luocheng discovered that this Weibo had thousands of comments, basically all of which were scolding Cao He, Yu Luocheng suddenly felt refreshed, and the haze of the whole day was swept away. up.

It seems that e-sports is still very sacred in the hearts of netizens. The most important thing is that Yu Luosheng learned from some celebrities with high fan value that they have a clear distinction between e-sports and video games, and they don't want Cao How stupid and ignorant.

Of course, in view of this matter, there are still many people who still maintain their unfavorable attitude towards e-sports, such as: Although I also play e-sports myself, I don't think e-sports will be on the stage. If the children don't go to school Going to play e-sports, the family does not agree, and the country does not agree.

Yu Luocheng would scoff at people with this kind of concept.

It is as if those professional basketball and football players have to study hard. It is a fact that the life span of e-sports is short. If e-sports has reached the same status as basketball and football, will there still be the so-called problem of disapproval from the family and the country? ?

Everything starts from not being on the stage to being on the stage. Is it because they cannot accept new things into their old, conservative, and pedantic worldview, or is e-sports really not on the stage as they say? , if it really can't be on the stage, then how to explain that the All-Star Game will be held in the venue with 6,000 people, and the number of viewers in the World League will surpass that of NH?

As for the education of e-sports recognized by the country, many children will give up their studies and play e-sports...

Don't be naive, and if you still have a face that after finishing college, your income will be very high, and your social status will be very high, no matter how good an education is, it will not save this kind of person.

A truly excellent education is just teaching you how to work hard and persevere for what you want, and go through such a process of thinking and giving to finally achieve your goals.

The school has never stopped you from playing basketball, football, diving, music, painting, dancing, and e-sports. The question is, have you chosen, or do you not even have the courage to tell your family?

How many children are the parents who want you to get good grades before taking the test, and how many students are the parents who want you to go to the university before you go to the university. Supervision, no score ranking, teacher rewards, school announcements, so what is the reason to support them to study hard?

There is nothing, and they don't even know what to do, and the jobs they find after graduation have never been as they wished.

Nonsense, from the age of five to more than 20 years old, you only went to school because your parents told you to read good books, but you never thought about what you want to do, what you want to be, how can you find your own belonging and identity in society exist

And as a person who dropped out of university to play e-sports, Yu Luocheng has never felt that it is shameful to give up his studies to play e-sports. If his talent is here and his heart is here, why can't he be here? Break out of your own piece of blue sky here?

What price does Yu Luosheng and his partners dare to pay? How much effort does Yu Luosheng and his partners have to pay? Let more people see the charm of e-sports

It's not a game, it's a game of honor

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