Li Meiqi cried out excitedly, looking at the five big boys hugging each other on the stage, she was so excited that she wanted to cry.

Finally, they finally won the championship as they wished. They are the champions of China and the strongest team in China! !

Yu Luosheng, Zhou Yan, Lin Dong, and Wu Sen almost lifted up Da Luo and threw him away! !

This is the Lone Gull! !

One person held down the entire enemy team, one person reversed the situation of the battle, and one person saved the world!

That last teleportation really drove everyone crazy! !

It's so exciting, it's so tearful, the last two minutes of Lone Gull's Mundo's performance is like an epic scene in our LPL, who would have thought of such a result!! !

The two commentators were shocked and incoherent. The Lm team lost the dragon, don't push it to the high ground, was forced to a desperate situation, and finally relied on Mundo to come back. Is there a more amazing lV5 final victory than this in this world? ?

The 4,000 spectators stood up, not only because of the victory or defeat of the game, but also in awe of a player like Da Luo, Da Luo's persistence, his courage, and his friendship with Mundo. The same madness, let everyone see the true style of the Lm team! !

This champion, well deserved, belongs to Team Lm! !

On the other hand, the expressions on the faces of the five members of the long sky team were completely stiff.

It's unimaginable, really unimaginable, that Mondo, who was caught by Zhao Tinghua in the early stage, actually destroyed their entire team with the strength of one person!

Nightmare, this Mundo is their nightmare! ! two

There was no expression on the faces of the five people. The astonishment, sudden defeat, and disbelief will linger in their hearts for a long, long time!

As for Xu Pingyang in the VIP lounge, this bald skinny profiteer has completely gone berserk, he smashed the ashtray on the table in a fit of anger, and even scolded the team members in the VIP room to the point of blood!

Boss... Boss, don't be impatient, don't we still have a trump card? We won that lawsuit,

Disband their team directly, and the championship will still go to us. Sun Liang, the dog-legged son, said in relief.

Wait, wait, I won't believe it unless I destroy their team!!

Xu Pingyang is really going crazy, every time the Lm team jumps out in a key match, and every time he wins against his team, he doesn't understand what is the use of spending so much money to support these five people! !

When the commentator yelled Congratulations to Team Lm for winning this year's LPL points championship, Xu Pingyang couldn't hold back the suffocation in his chest, and kicked hard on the sofa! !

Ouch, I'm stupid, I'm stupid!!!

Unexpectedly, Xu Pingyang didn't know that the inside of the sofa was made of hard boards, and this kick that kicked him out of embarrassment made him swear all over again.

The Lm team walked to the middle of the stage, and they put their hands on each other's shoulders!

Champion, this is the heartiest victory since their comeback! !

Yu Luocheng stood in the middle of the line, with the purest smile on his face, this was the happiest he had smiled in more than a year.

What is it like to be alive?

That is now, with the most dynamic music in my ears, and crowds of spectators cheering and cheering for them in front of my eyes, a surge of joy of victory poured into my body, stimulating the blood in my veins like an electric shock to my heart , Let my heart beat violently, until I can feel it clearly!

How long has it been since I binge-drank this feeling of victory! !

The camera keeps zooming in, giving this team of five people standing on the seat of the champion of the LPL palace an incomparably perfect special display!

Li Yun, who was sitting in front of the computer watching this scene, was deeply touched by this scene for some reason.

In Li Yun's impression, the older Yu Luosheng grew up, the less lively he became, especially after retiring from the professional league. Li Yun just never saw his real smile.

This time, he smiled so undisguisedly.

This is the smile that a child should have. It reminds Li Yun of how he was when he was very young. He was lively, cute, and mischievous enough to be blamed. When he smiles, it is harmless to humans and animals. It always makes you feel No matter what you pay for this child, as long as you see this happy smile, everything is worth it.

Just live well, just live happily.

Li Yun is sincerely proud of him, and also happy for him to win the competition!

The scene of the competition lasted for a long, long time, and there has been no such scene in the LPL arena for a long, long time. Even the organizing committee could not help but sigh the amazing charm of the Lm team when they saw this somewhat out-of-control scene!

They have broken the pattern of the sky and the underworld team, and they will also become a dazzling new star in China's new s competition

I hope, I hope this team can win the quarter-finals for China, and it will truly be the pride of the entire nation to be among the e-sports powerhouses! !

It was a very beautiful game. At first I thought that this team was supported by Dou Ying alone, but now it seems that this team has just spread its own wings, and maybe it will bring us More surprises! Ike, the general manager of the event, let out a long sigh.

Indeed, the Lm team entered the LPL, injected very fresh blood into the LPL, and made people watching live or on the computer screen excited about it. Such a team deserves the support of the players, and it is even more worthy of their tournament organizing committee. Focus on support and promotion!

By the way, I have a small matter here, take a look. Ike's assistant handed over a legal document.

Ike glanced at it quickly, frowned immediately, and said, What the hell did this Xu Pingyang do to me again, what happened last time wasn't enough for him to settle down!!

Ike took this document and went straight to the VIP room.

Pushing open the door and entering, I saw a bald man in a state of exasperation, and a lot of things were broken on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Ike couldn't help sneering, is it necessary to pretend to be calm, the broken things on the floor have already betrayed the false smile on your face!

Ike threw the legal document on the table and said, You'd better not make anything happen.

This... I'm just protecting my own rights and interests. I can't just watch a person who originally signed a contract with my club cause losses to my club because of professional ethics issues. Xu Pingyang quibbled.

Ike knew about legal issues. If Xu Pingyang really had evidence, he wouldn't be able to help the Lm team, so he said coldly, You will kill yourself if you do too many unrighteous actions!

Xu Pingyang watched Ike leave, and the flattering smile on his face gradually turned into disdain.

Boss, it seems that there is a previous contract in the database of the secretary-general of the alliance. Sun Liang suddenly remembered something and said hastily.

Xu Pingyang was stunned.

Yes, when going through the signing process, he deliberately asked the alliance to intervene so that the contract would have legal effect

There is a real contract with the alliance, if that contract comes out, all his lies will be self-defeating.

Recently, I heard from one of the members that the manager of the Lm team seemed to be looking for something. Could it be that they knew about the contract... Sun Liang said.

Xu Pingyang slapped his thigh fiercely.

How could the members of the Lm team get that contract? If they got it, the appeal would basically be their complete defeat for Xu Pingyang!

But now the problem is big.

Their long-air team did not win the championship, and the position of the secretary general of the alliance will not be his turn, so that contract will not belong to him...

If, if someone from the Lm team took that contract.

Thinking of this, Xu Pingyang couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. No, nothing can make them get this contract!

Boss, Xiao Lian belongs to us, why don't I go to the Alliance Studio tonight and secretly steal that contract? Sun Liang rolled his eyes and said in a low voice.

I can't steal it. The door cabinet is locked, and only Lao Liang has the key. He wouldn't give me the key if I didn't become the Secretary-General. Xu Pingyang said.


Destroy it, destroy it directly, you will go there tonight, it is a wooden protective cabinet, you just burn that cabinet down. Xu Pingyang said viciously.

Will something big happen? Sun Liang asked worriedly.

The office is actually very easy to cause fire. If you burn a big wooden cabinet...

Stupid, call the fire alarm immediately when it's almost burned. As long as it doesn't burn the whole room down, it's fine. There are documents in the cabinet, so it's easy to catch fire! Xu Pingyang said.

Sun Liang glanced at Xu Pingyang, and found the cruel light in this guy's eyes...

To be honest, Sun Liang just took care to steal the documents and destroyed them. He didn't expect Xu Pingyang to be more ruthless. Without the key, he directly burned the file cabinet.

This reminded Sun Liang that someone said before that Xu Pingyang did a lot of shady tricks to get rich. It seems that it is absolutely true, a normal businessman can't do such a thing!

With the joy of victory, the five finally walked backstage.

At this moment, no matter what his lawsuits, no matter what he will be disbanded, winning this championship is really enough for the five big boys of the Lm team who have given their hearts to e-sports.

Come on, give everyone a hug!!! I love you guys so much!!!

Li Meiqi hugged them one by one. The five of them didn't expect to have such benefits, and they were immediately intoxicated by the softness and fragrance!

Let me tell you another piece of good news. The contract has been confirmed to be in the secretary-general's cabinet of the league. After you won the championship, Xu Pingyang will not be appointed as the secretary-general. After two days, when Secretary-General Liang comes back, we can get it. Everything about that contract will be revealed at that time, Xu Pingyang is dead! Li Mei! Qi said happily.

The five members of the Lm team were stunned.

This... this is really a good thing in pairs!

So, our team doesn't need to be disbanded! Lin Dong said excitedly.

Not only do you not have to disband, you also have to enter the world and fight against teams from other countries!!

Wow ha ha ha ha, that's great!! Da Luo laughed out loud!

All the bad breath was swept away at this moment, these two things are undoubtedly a sound of nature to the Lm team!

When everyone was happy, Lin Dong's cell phone rang.

Lin Dong picked it up, subconsciously thinking that some friend sent a message to congratulate him.

However, when he found this strange number and the content of this text message, the smile on Lin Dong's face disappeared.

Xu Pingyang will destroy the evidence tonight! Lin Dong spat out these words bluntly.

(to be continued)

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