Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 325 Don't even think about going back to the city!

Yu's beautiful, Da Luo Yu Luosheng and Lin Dong shouted at the same time

It's not over, there is still a chance, the super soldiers along the way will delay them enough time, and they can find a chance to fight back, not only breaking their crystal, but also smashing their base, smashing the sky team cancer

Don't worry, I'm still here. Da Luo grinned, and patted the shoulder of Lao Zhou next to him when he was resurrected in a few seconds

Zhou Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

As a jungler, you need to take on the heavy responsibility of the entire team. The pressure is really too great, especially when taking the big dragon and grabbing the big dragon. The slowness and speed of punishment are related to the victory or defeat of a game. too much burden.

Fortunately, fortunately, Da Luo lived up to expectations and demolished the opponent's crystal base.

The push of the super soldiers made the Changkong team not dare to be too presumptuous. They have the big dragon hhpp, and they have been trying to find opportunities to fight against the lm team, but they dare not linger in front of the tower for too long, because the super in the bottom lane The soldiers will soon be pushed directly to their hometown. If they don't defend, the crystal base may be gone.

The long-air team is also very experienced in fighting. After pushing the other two lanes of soldiers, they choose the next lane to attack

The five of them gathered in the bottom lane and forcibly cleared this lane that spawned super soldiers, so that they would not be too much restrained by the other lane

Da Luo, you take it first, we will guard. Yu Luocheng said.

The presence of super soldiers can slightly slow down their attacking rhythm. If Da Luo chooses to lead the middle, he can still reach the battle with his movement speed.

As long as they survive the wave where the opponent has Dalong hhpp, and Daluo's teleportation is fine, they can still use this teleportation to disrupt the opponent's rhythm

There was a wave of soldiers coming from the middle, and Da Luo quickly took this wave of soldiers away with flames on.

Mundo is in the middle, ready to go first Zhao Tinghua glanced at Mundo who was in the middle, and said decisively to Chang Kongli.

Chang Kongli nodded

Since he dares to choose a robot as an assistant in the game, he has absolute confidence to pull an enemy over in this stalemate

In the advantageous game, the robot doesn't need to think about pulling the opponent's crispy skin at all. If it can catch a person, the team battle is basically won.

The possibility of hooking a professional player in front of others is too low. Even if Yu Luocheng hits a robot, his face-to-face hook must be based on that terrifying movement speed...

However, if there is a flash, it's another matter.

When flashing q is most likely to concentrate the enemy, that is when the opponent clears a wave of troops and our side retreats.

Pretend to go back, and then suddenly a flash back to pull people, you can definitely win a lottery in the chaos

Chang Kongli focused his eyes on the opponent's Highland Tower, and soon the time he wanted had appeared. He saw the opponent's Obama coming out and wanted to throw a skill

Chang Kongli clearly remembered that Obama used his movement to avoid the clockwork attack just now. He didn't move. In the last wave, his flash was also used to hide from the monkeys.

just catch him

Chang Kongli took a few steps back, and then suddenly flashed

The mechanical flying claw seemed to stretch a lot inexplicably, and it flew towards Lin Dong fiercely.

A flash of astonishment flashed in Lin Dong's eyes, and he swung the pendulum up and down without any hesitation.

This position of his almost passed the flying claw, and everyone in the audience exclaimed

Lin Dong dodged the mechanical flying claws, but Zhou Yan, who was standing beside Lin Dong protecting him, should have been shot while lying down.

The mechanical flying claw was originally intended to catch Lin Dong, but after Lin Dong dodged, the claw flew towards Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan reckoned that he was used to being caught in this round, and he didn't panic at all after being pulled over by the robot, because he believed that Wu Sen would definitely set him up with a big move immediately

It's just that this time, he couldn't let Wu Sen give him a big move. The other party obviously wouldn't give all his vitality skills to himself, a blind monk.

Zhou Yan's reaction is really fast. Under normal circumstances, don't hook the robot, if you don't flash, you will be knocked into the air by the robot.

However, after Zhou Yan was pulled over, he jumped away before the robot knocked him into the air, avoiding that important round of control

Seeing the blind monk escaping like this, Chang Kongjie was not reconciled, and even directly activated the crocodile's big move, and rushed towards Zhou Yan's blind monk

Shuang bit the blind monk hard, stunned Zhou Yan there, and then, all the skills of the Clockwork Demon and the mouse were thrown at Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan's blood volume was knocked out by half in an instant, and it seems that the long sky team is going to use the big dragon hhpp to fight directly

Seeing that Zhou Yan had suffered tons of damage, Wu Sen finally couldn't bear it anymore, and gave Zhou Yan's blind monk a big move. The timing of this big move was very second, and it knocked away three people on the opposite side

The long sky team has already played a fierce force, even if Zhou Yan returned to the range of the defense tower, the long sky team still forcibly rushed into the defense tower

The battle broke out on the high ground, Zhao Tinghua's monkey walked forward for a certain distance in stealth, using the blind monk as a springboard, and then used flash to kill Wu Sen and Lin Dong in front of the two ADPRs

ah hoo

The random stick sweep and the blue shield deceleration effect are activated at the same time, and the armor-piercing effect of the black cut quickly destroys their defense

Blue Shield, Black Cut, Egg Knife, Banshee Veil, Zhao Tinghua's equipment is luxurious, with high damage, high dual resistance, and a lot of blood. Even if he is a little out of touch with his teammates, he still doesn't have to worry about being instantly

Zhao Tinghua stood in the front alone, directly driving away the two main output of Wu Sen and Lin Dong, and Zhou Yan fell into a very dangerous situation for a while.

Old Zhou, kick the clockwork! Yu Luosheng shouted to Zhou Yan

The monkey has already rushed in, and it is meaningless to kick him again. What we need to do now is to forcibly kick the clockwork monster out without giving him enough output environment

Zhou Yan has Lulu's big move on him, and his survivability is quite strong. He turned around and kicked the clockwork demon alive with a dragon wagging its tail.

Monkey's big move, the clockwork followed by the big move, this time the Changkong team failed to successfully play, Zhou Yan kicked the clockwork away and fled back home in a hurry.

He has home guards, and he can quickly return to the battlefield to fight after returning home.

There is no front row on lm's side, and the fight is very passive. The five members of the long sky team went directly to the high ground

After they drove away the lm team, they were very smart not to pursue deep, but let the crocodile top tower directly forcibly demolish the highland defense tower.

With this move, the LM team really has nothing to do, they can only watch them demolish the tower.

Da Luo, don't come back, keep taking it. Yu Luocheng glanced at Da Luo who was already returning to the city, and said hastily.

It is basically impossible to hold this high ground, so it is better to just give it to them and let Da Luo take it to their high ground tower.

The four members of the lm team continued to defend, and a wave of super soldiers happened to be refreshed. With the help of these super soldiers, the lm team quickly counterattacked and knocked out a lot of blood from the members of the long sky team.

The super soldiers stand in front of the long sky team. It is impossible for the long sky team to advance to the crystal tower. They have the big dragon hhpp, and they have such a big meat as the crocodile, but at least the small soldiers have to block them first Not to mention that the two defense towers of the crystal tower are not something you can withstand if you are very fleshy. The damage caused by the defense towers will be superimposed. The further you go, the more terrifying the damage of the defense towers...

The four members of the lm team defended desperately, not giving the Changkong team a chance to advance again, and Da Luo led the line all the way, once again bringing the line of troops to the high ground of the Changkong team

There is a large wave of soldiers behind him, and the speed of demolishing towers is not slow at all

Team Sky's bottom lane high ground has been broken, if the middle lane high ground is also broken, they will be extremely passive in the next step, so seeing Da Luo enter the high ground, Yu Luocheng's eyes lit up

Sky team will definitely not be able to push in, they have to choose to go back to the city to defend, otherwise they won't make any money from this attack, it's just another high ground with their lm team.

In other words, as long as they are dragged back to the city, they may be destroyed in two ways.

Sure enough, after Zhao Tinghua and the others found that they could no longer enter the tower even with the big dragon hhpp, they chose to quit the highland and return to the city

Yu Luocheng was also extraordinarily cheap, the robot had already returned to the city for about 5 seconds, Yu Luocheng flew down from the wall, and the phantom shadow appeared beside the robot in an instant...

Yu Luocheng didn't let go of his skills, he just used a normal attack to hit the robot

AP's normal attack is very low, and even the damage dealt is probably not as fast as the blood recovery effect of the great dragon hhpp.

However, it was this kind of normal attack that didn't even lose blood, but the robot's return to the city was interrupted

Oh shit

Chang Kongli was very unhappy and tried to hook Yu Luocheng with his skills, Yu Luocheng took advantage of the situation and pressed the second paragraph to return to the high ground.

Changkongli had no choice but to continue to hide in the grass and return to the city.

The rest of the sky team returned to the city in other places, Zhou Yan and Yu Luosheng had the same idea, that is, they must not be allowed to go home successfully

Drink Lei Yinbo kicked Zhao Tinghua's monkey, and Zhao Tinghua's monkey's return to the city was interrupted

On the other side, Clockwork Demon's return to the city seems to be coming to an end soon, Zhou Yan gritted his teeth, and even kicked Echo directly

In an eye, Zhou Yan elegantly used the monkey as a springboard, and quickly moved to the front of the clockwork monster. A p bone-breaking hand interrupted the clockwork at the last second when it was returning to the city

I'm stupid... Xie Yi couldn't help but cursed loudly.

The highland tower will be destroyed, if you don't go back, the crystal in their middle road will also be demolished

Go back quickly, Guan Langjie yelled irritably.

Return what, fight back! Zhao Tinghua yelled, and yelled back Guan Langjie's absolute.

They dare to come out from the protection of the defense tower, why don't they kill them and push their base directly

No matter what a Mundo does, can this Mundo tear down their base?

Zhao Tinghua hid in a safe place and chose to return to the city again.

It's just that Zhao Tinghua's return to the city this time is completely like a wolf taking a nap. When others are not paying attention, he half-closed his eyes, and his eyes slowly revealed a fierce light.

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