Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 321: Magic Chains, Double Dog Walking!

After killing the robot, Yu Luocheng and Lin Dong quickly pushed the line of soldiers over.

The defense tower in the bottom lane should also be dismantled. If the defense tower on the opposite side is removed, it will be really much easier for them to take Xiaolong next.

The two had just pushed the pawn line under the tower, forcing Guan Langjie's mouse to abandon the tower in despair. Unfortunately, there was another head on the road, and Da Luo's Mondo was caught and killed by Zhao Tinghua again.

Zhao Tinghua is absolutely catching Da Luo to kill him, and he will not stop until he breaks Da Luo's path

Zhao Tinghua's choice is indeed very correct, because judging from the lineup like ⊥, the only front row in the middle and late stages is Mundo. If Mundo can't develop, their lineup will be easily overwhelmed by monkeys and crocodiles.

Yu Luosheng was constantly looking for opportunities to kill Bengguan Langjie and Chang Kongli, and started a bloody fight in the bottom lane, while Zhao Tinghua caused a lot of trouble in the top lane. Both of them had a clear purpose, that is to Let one of your paths collapse directly

Xiaolong, Zhao Tinghua is not in a hurry to take it. While controlling the top lane, he also controls Wu Sen's blue hhp in the middle lane to death. Xie Yi's mid laner's strength is stronger than Wu Sen's. One has blue hhpp and the other has no blue hhpp, the number of spawns will definitely increase gradually.

Clockwork, the hero is a super big brush, let him brush two hundred soldiers, and it is very scary to fight with all the equipment

In the mid-term, the gank ideas on both sides are really obvious.

After Zhou Yan knew that even if he went to help the top lane, he would not be able to beat the combination of the crocodile and monkey, fortunately, he gave up the top lane and walked frequently in the middle and bottom lanes.

I'll send a mouse over here, you can pick it up. Zhou Yan glanced at the mouse nestled under the tower, and said to Yu Luocheng and Lin Dong.

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Yan twitched very smoothly, and flew directly from the very thick wall to the position of the next road tower opposite. The mouse was retreating, who knew that a blind monk would come out from behind

dragon wagging tail

This kick kicked the mouse from the defensive tower to the outside, and Yu Luocheng's cunning enchantress was like an alley-oop, hitting the mouse with a set of skills before it landed.

In the end, it was still Lin Dong's finisher who took off Guan Langjie's head

Damn, come to me again

Guan Langjie is already in a bad mood

The record of 0 is really too much to look at, and there are as many as 50 less soldiers on the opposite side of Obama. Looking at the record of others, Obama 4, the damage is not at the same level in comparison.

As if not to be outdone, once the LM team made some achievements in the bottom lane, Zhao Tinghua's monkeys would always break a tower in the top lane, or forcefully kill Da Luo once.

In this game, Da Luo was really squatted by his father and son, and died 4 times in total.

His replenishment is not too small, and compared with the crocodile on the opposite side, his equipment is basically the same as that of mice and Obama.

One is ad and the other is the top laner, both of which are very important positions, so judging from the situation, it is still impossible to see which side will take some advantage. A little bit.

Inadvertently, lm has already demolished all the towers in the bottom lane, and a wave of soldiers rushed directly towards the opponent's defensive tower.

No matter which side you are on, the meaning of pushing down the bottom lane defense tower is actually greater than that of the top lane, because in the mid-term, the dragon will become the key to the victory or defeat. If you push down the enemy's bottom lane defense tower, the enemy must go to the bottom lane. Collect a wave of soldiers at the high ground of the road. At this time, immediately gather at the position of the big dragon, and it will take down the big dragon to a certain extent.

Even if he doesn't take down the big dragon, the opponent will be led by the nose because he wants to protect the big dragon.

Yu Luosheng and Lin Dong frenziedly pushed the line of troops to the opponent's high ground tower, then switched positions, and began to entangle in Dalong's position.

It has to be said that the long sky team is indeed a very experienced team, they did not make this kind of mistake, especially after experiencing the moving castle tactics of the lm team, they have a certain degree of vigilance against the lm team's tricks.

Therefore, they would rather give up the line of soldiers that fell off the road and guard at the position of the dragon.

But fighting here in Dalong is a skillful exchange of fire after all

Ugh whoa whoa

Suddenly, from the other side of the Dalong Canyon, a prehistoric giant crocodile directly activated its ultimate move, like a huge sharp blade, directly inserted into the lm team's formation.

Team Long Sky is about to start a team.

Chang Kongjie's crocodile was too fat by Zhao Tinghua. When a round of skills bombarded his face, it seemed to be tickling him, but he didn't lose much of his blood.

At the same time, Zhao Tinghua's monkey also disappeared on the map strangely

Yu Luocheng's heart tightened. What he was worried about wasn't the giant crocodile at all. The crocodile's damage was limited after all. What he was worried about was Zhao Tinghua's monkey.

Zhao Tinghua's Monkey uses Egg Knife and Black Cut. Once he rushes into the crowd with his ult move and sweeps up the ln team, the armor damage caused by the black cut will be very impressive. Tiao Tiao will also receive a big move, this cooperation is determined not to allow them to play

Yu Luocheng's gaze was scanning the surroundings, he was looking for Zhao Tinghua's location.

There were a lot of bushes near the big dragon, which caused a lot of obstacles to Yu Luosheng's vision.

The reason why monkey junglers are becoming very popular today is that monkeys use stealth to advance. In fact, the success rate and effect of gank are better than many other heroes. When fighting in groups, a powerful monkey will Make you avoid him every time he stands still, because you can't be sure whether he is really standing there, or has entered the forward state, approaching you quietly.

Silence him, be sure to silence him when he releases his big move

Yu Luocheng concentrated his attention. When he was struggling to find Zhao Tinghua, he suddenly realized a very serious problem, that is, he was a little close to the bushes next to him, and Zhao Tinghua might use himself as a springboard first.

When Yu Luocheng thought of this step, a monkey wearing battle armor suddenly appeared

This guy used Yu Luocheng as a springboard, and directly landed on Yu Luocheng's body

It seemed that he knew that Yu Luocheng was a fast guy, so Zhao Tinghua didn't give Yu Luocheng a chance to silence him at all, and immediately made a big move after poking on Yu Luocheng

Havoc in the Heavenly Palace

The sticks flew in a sweep, and everything they passed was smashed into pieces. In order to sweep more targets, Zhao Tinghua immediately appeared in front of Lin Dong and Wu Sen in a flash after sweeping away Yu Luosheng.

Naturally, his goal can't be Yu Luosheng as a support, but the most critical AP and

Yu Luocheng saw that Zhao Tinghua's monkey had a clockwork magic ball on it, and his mood immediately became heavy.

The monkey was knocked into the air, followed by a big move of the Clockwork Demon, this damage is enough to instantly kill

In this situation, Lin Dong really has nothing to do. Using a certain hero as a springboard, and then flashing a big move, normal people can't react.

Lin Dong's Obama was knocked into the air, but fortunately, Wu Sen's mid laner Lulu gave Lin Dong a big move in time.

Lulu's ult became bigger and thicker, which gave Lin Dong's Obama a chance to breathe. Lin Dong hurriedly moved to a more comfortable position and started his output.

The scene became a bit chaotic at this moment, all the skills were intertwined on the Dalong Canyon, the grass, and the mound, making it somewhat unclear who was who

What can a support do in a team battle, especially when the skills on the scene are so overwhelming that some can't find their position?

The first thing to consider is definitely not how accurately you can hand over your skills to the enemy, nor is it to steal the heads of those bloody people in the crowd, but to see where your own is, and whether there is anyone who cut him brainlessly

Support is actually very fragile, unless you are a female tank or bull head, you can rush into the crowd and take a lot of damage, but no matter what, support should save some skills to protect your ad instead of being inexplicably in team battles Walking around, so many skills are thrown at you, you can walk around inside and still not die?

In fact, there is really no need for many supports to serve as human shields, and there is no need to deliberately find their own sense of presence as soon as the team battle starts, but should be as cautious as fighting

Don't wade into the muddy waters of team battles, learn to wait for the opponent's control skills and big damage skills to exchange a wave before looking for a more suitable attack opportunity, or don't attack at all, stand by your side, and beat anyone who comes over who

Lin Dong took enough kills in this round, and his equipment is the best in the team.

Yu Luosheng's duty in team battles is to protect him.

Obviously, the opponent's crocodile as fleshy as a whale is Lin Dong, and the primary target of Zhao Tinghua's monkey to kill Lin Dong is also Lin Dong. Judging from the current equipment of the jungler and the jungler alone, it is difficult for Lin Dong to survive the end of their next wave of skill cds.

A crocodile and a monkey. Facing the two people's assault on him, Yu Luosheng's thinking was very clear. First, he hit the crocodile with one.

Immediately after the Sigil of Silence, put a magic chain on this dog-like crocodile

The silence effect is triggered, followed by another 5-second imprisonment after 5 seconds.

At the same time, Yu Luocheng used his ult to directly copy his magic chain

The target of this chain is Zhao Tinghua's monkey

Zhao Tinghua tried to hide consciously, but was still held by the chains, so the two ferocious wild beasts that were rushing towards Lin Dong were suddenly firmly tied by two chains... In the group, some joy was added in vain

Extremely, Dou Ying completed a double dog walk in the team battle, which directly shattered the intention of the long sky team to take a second

Once the trick enchantress's chain binds people, it can basically be called a dog walker

It just so happens that this picture also looks like a magic beauty leading two beasts that are about to bite

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