Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 316 Auxiliary tricks

How could this happen, that forty thousand yuan...

Li Yun stayed there for a long time.

How could the 40,000 yuan be given to Lao Guan by Yu Luocheng.

Where did he get so much money? ?

Apart from playing that game all day long, he didn't do anything at all...

Suddenly, Li Yun remembered Yu Luosheng's summer vacation when he finished his third year of high school, leaving early and returning late every day.

At this time, Li Yun suddenly remembered something, hurriedly closed the door and ran into the house to find her mobile phone.

Although Yu Jing received some reimbursement for hospitalization expenses, surgery expenses, and recuperation expenses in Shanghai, the expenses were still unbearably expensive.

Li Yun really went to all the relatives, and finally borrowed those expenses from unfamiliar and familiar people. The debt list is really too long to list. My elder brother's 30,000 My younger brother has 40,000 yuan, my third uncle has 10,000 yuan, this friend has 20,000 yuan, and I have borrowed a few thousand yuan, and there are more than 20 pieces in pieces.

Thinking about this debt every day, Li Yun's mood never feels better.

Fortunately, Yu Yu would return the bonuses from time to time, and slowly eliminate the debts one by one, otherwise, these days would not have been paid at all.

And some time ago, when Li Yun wanted to pay back the 30,000 yuan to her sixth uncle, the sixth uncle told herself that the 30,000 yuan had already been paid back.

At that time, Li Yun wondered, the debt clearly stated that she owed someone 30,000 yuan, but she hadn't written it off, so why did she pay it back? Uncle Six said that Yu Yu paid for it himself, Li Yun went to ask Yu Yu again, but Yu Yu said there was no such thing

Li Yun was confused at the time, she shouldn't have made such a mistake, the money that had already been paid was not canceled

At this time, in connection with what Lao Guan said today, Li Yun suddenly thought of a possibility, that is, Yu Luocheng was using the same method as before to help his family reduce their debts

Li Yun hurriedly picked up the phone to ask, but the sixth uncle still said that it was Yu Yu who called.

At that moment, Li Yun called one by one to ask...

It's me, Xiaoyun, the 20,000 yuan that Yu borrowed from you for surgery... No, no, I just want to make sure, don't worry, we will definitely pay it back... That, that is, the child Yu Yu very promising”

Sister, it's me, Yu actually borrowed 30,000 yuan from you for surgery... Oh, I've already paid it back, it's Yu Yu's account that called you... It's okay, it's okay, Yu Yu didn't tell me anything , I'm worried that she didn't transfer it to you... Hehe, yes, I picked up a good daughter...

Li Yun called one by one the money she borrowed from her relatives. After asking, Li Yun was too shocked to speak.

sixty thousand

The 30,000 borrowed from the sixth uncle and the 30,000 borrowed from my elder sister, a total of 60,000 yuan has been repaid

It is said that Yu Yu sent a text message to ask them for their bank account number, and then specifically reminded them not to tell them about this matter, and he left a bank transaction information over there, and the debt will be settled.

The problem is, Li Yun is very clear about how much money Yu Yu has, and all the bonuses are placed on Li Yun's side so that Li Yun can get rid of the debt. This 60,000 yuan was paid out of thin air...

40,000 from Lao Guan, and 60,000 from my eldest sister and third uncle, the total is 100,000 RMB

Li Yun couldn't believe it...

She sat back in front of the computer. On the computer screen, the director happened to give Yu Luosheng a shot.

Li Yun just looked at him like that, and suddenly there was a burst of crazy longing and guilt that couldn't be described in words.

He is not as immature as they imagined at all...

It's that he's matured beyond them.

Like, they still stubbornly and naively think that he is addicted to the game, but he chooses not to argue and silently works hard to prove himself

This is the first time, this is the first time, Li Yun sincerely prayed for his child, praying that he can win the second game, because a person who doesn't understand the game knows that this victory must be incomparable to him importance

(In the genesis of this book, you can see the freshly released updated chapters in qq bookstore and qq reading

Entering the selection of heroes, the audience continued to be excited, and the banning and selection of any hero seemed to be an extremely fierce game

Well, after the break in the middle of the game, Team Changkong had a retreat strategy discussion time, and it was obvious that they had worked out a way to deal with Team L's moving castle... Okay, just ban the wheel mom, Miracle said.

There are two core heroes in the moving castle, one is Pan Sen and the other is Wheel Mom, so to avoid being beaten hard in the second game, Sky Team wisely banned Wheel Mom, the core of their tactical system.

The problem is, Team L really has too many heroes to ban, and you have one more spot to ban Wheel Mom, what about Phoenix? What about Assistant Shen? What about Daro's Mondo? What about Zhou Yan's spider? What about Lin Dong's Draven?

Also, do you guys really believe that Yu Luosheng plays a support role without changing his position?

In case he is suddenly in such a bad mood, choose Wei En

a hundred heads

**Hundred naked heads! Ever since that match, Sky Team has been crazy. They banned Wei En when they saw the match. Well, this hero has been deleted from the league.

I really don't know who to ban

In the end, Team Sky banned Team L's system that might pose the greatest threat to them, and that was the doubles wild routine used when fighting against Team Underworld.

They banned the important spiders of the system

Finally entered the selection again, whether team l will come up with a different system, this has become particularly exciting

Da Luo, the hero has been chosen. Lin Dong pushed Da Luo next to him.

Da Luo didn't get distracted, and didn't need too much discussion at all. No one banned his Mondo, so he used his Mondo to trample the sky, and let the girl he once liked know how much she said. ridiculous

Mundo, just be sure, the tough choice doesn't need any explanation, no matter what you get on the other side

On the other side of the sky, after careful consideration, Xie Yi took the clockwork and played the mid laner, while Zhao Tinghua chose a newly born jungler star monkey

Monkey is a hero who usually plays top lane, but in front of stronger animals such as crocodiles, dragon girls, and lions in the top lane zoo where the water is very deep, monkey really can't hold his head up

But after transitioning to the jungler, the monkey is doing well. Compared with the spider spirit and the Tang monk, it is not inferior. The powerful group control ability in the later stage is enough to cause a devastating blow to the opponent

Since Zhao Tinghua chose the monkey, Zhou Yan was not in a hurry to fight for the jungler, and let Yu Luosheng and Wu Sen choose the hero first

Wu Sen's hero selection is very fast, directly trick enchantress

Yu Luosheng's selection was also very fast, a support Lulu

The choice of this hero will definitely surprise the audience, professional players and commentators

Assist Lulu? ?

Is this the fighting eagle that everyone knows? ?

This guy never chooses to be passively assisted...

Well, Lulu can actually be considered to be very strong offensively, with a high operational quality, the problem is that Lulu who adds status and shields doesn't fit Yu Luosheng's style at all.

Amidst the doubts, Yu Luocheng was sure

Feng Da, who thought he knew Captain Yu very well, swallowed the sentence that he said to his companions, He definitely won't use Lulu, if I'm sure, I'll kill myself

Really useful Lulu...

Is Yu Luocheng going to play an upright support this time? ?

After thinking about it, Lulu's support is actually very strong. He has acceleration skills, which also ensures Lulu's strong support ability. If the ultimate move is well placed, it can change the situation of the battle.

Amidst the strange voices, Lin Dong also confirmed that his hero is the sharpshooter Obama who can use Pegasus Meteor Fist... Well, his name is Lu Xian

Mundo, Blind Sin, Enchantress, Lulu, Obama, this lineup doesn't look like a routine

The lineup was finally determined, and the audience expressed a little disappointment. Although Lulu is very good at playing, she is really not as good as the other supports from the viewing point of view.

Entering the final adjustment, 30 seconds will also enter the game.

Okay, we're about to enter the final battle for the points championship, let's greet this with the warmest applause, what's the situation, what did I see? Miracle was originally a very official statement, with a tone of voice It changed like that halfway through

It's changed, the fighting eagle and the crow have exchanged heroes

It's Lulu's mid laner, so it was Lulu's mid laner... So, Dou Ying is going to use the trick enchantress as a support

Tricky Bewitching play support

The lpl audience is estimated in millions, and naturally there are many players who are not very high ranks. When they saw that Yu Luocheng chose the enchantress, they were dumbfounded for a while.

This... this hero can also play support? ?

What is wrong with this society now, all the good APs are going to play support? ?

What about Zyra, Morgana, Annie? Even the typical little unpopular mid laner, the Deceitful Fairy, was not spared. Instead, Wannian's auxiliary party Lulu, the abnormal auxiliary Leopard Girl, ran to fight single

Never seen such an elusive game

The professional players' eyes lit up on Yu Luocheng's move.

In their eyes, enchantress assistants really can't be regarded as non-mainstream, on the contrary they are extremely powerful

Dou Ying's surname is original, powerful, and powerful, and the hero Yao Ji is a hero who is extremely capable of showing off.

In the last championship points match, everyone believes that Yu Luosheng will definitely show his best... the one that can lead the audience to victory

Auxiliary, Trickster

A support hero that you should never look at as a support

(The thing is like this, April 1st is here, who and Zhengfeng, who are often played by you as a dungeon, accidentally dropped a lot of guaranteed monthly tickets, and all students who subscribed to who and Zhengfeng should have picked up one or two. Then please be sure to return the monthly pass to the owner, otherwise it will affect the update. For example, the update is not punctual now. Without a monthly pass, it is estimated that the update may be interrupted. It’s not listed in it, so I can’t save face...Okay, I’ve said so much, please give me some monthly tickets. In addition, Lin Hai Tingtao’s Champion Light is on the shelves, everyone hurry to watch)

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