Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 308 Standing on the opposite side!

It is very lucky, but also very unfortunate, to be on the same team as a person who is so strong that I have to admire him from the bottom of my heart

He, Zhao Tinghua, was equally talented in the field of e-sports at that time. His p had few opponents. After moving to ta, he showed his talent to the fullest. His precise calculation and fierce fighting style made the blood eagle the strongest in the t field.

However, it seems that a poster can only accommodate one headline. Fortunately, I can create the miracle of Chinese e-sports with him. Unfortunately, his light is too dazzling and even strong enough to cover up his talent

Many times, Zhao Tinghua wondered, if he was not on the same team as him and became his opponent, would he be able to compete with him? The e-sports world would put the blood eagle in front of the fighting eagle,

Originally, these were just Zhao Tinghua's fleeting thoughts.

But in a blink of an eye, this turned out to be an unavoidable fact

Zhao Tinghua didn't feel regretful at all, but excited for having such an opportunity

After playing professional games for so long, professional games are no longer the restraint and uneasiness for novices, but more of a kind of self-confidence that should be taken for granted.

Now Zhao Tinghua's hands are shaking like a novice entering the competition

Is it caused by the excitement after being able to compete with this person who was originally indistinguishable, or is it the fear of this strongest player born for e-sports, or the lingering resentment over his retirement?

it doesn't matter

Even in world competitions, Zhao Tinghua has never been so eager for a victory with Yu Luosheng in the opponent's game as he is now. Most importantly, Zhao Tinghua also knows that Yu Luosheng has a reason to win. With all his strength, he will also burst out his long-hidden wild potential

This guy's ambition is bigger than anyone else, he's just superficially calm

He is more arrogant than anyone else, but he just learned from somewhere to pretend to be deep

Yu Luosheng didn't know that Zhao Tinghua was still in China last year. The reason why he didn't choose to fight was very simple. Yu Luosheng, who had just woken up like a sick lion, was not worth his shot at all. He who is driven to a dead end deserves to face it with all his strength

Yu Luocheng never had a direct conversation with Zhao Tinghua, because he knew exactly what this guy wanted to do.

Yu Luocheng will not feel sorry for the enemy, it just means that he will shoulder a heavier burden on the team

He retracted his gaze and focused on the screen.

A mouse, a keyboard, a host, and a monitor.

The world in the monitor is like the second world in his own life, he really exists.

Inadvertently, I boarded this battlefield again with vivid past events. It seems that everything is the same as before, and there is a big difference from before.

Competition is still the same competition, but people's enthusiasm and recognition for it are completely different.

Perhaps, I was not born in the wrong era at all, but the transformation itself needs to be burned to ashes once before it can be nirvana

One day, I will let them see that I am supported by tens of thousands of people, and let them know that what I am fighting for is not a game, but glory

Viewers and friends, what you are watching is the top game of professional league points brought to you by Tencent.

The team on the right is this year's LPL Shining Star team. After a year of precipitation, this team has brought us shock and disbelief for several consecutive games. I believe their strength has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. After the draw with the Hell team After their astonishing results, they will face the long sky team of our lpl unbeaten team

This year's sky has a lot of blood. Even against the underworld team, it still has a surprising result. It has become the team with the highest points and all victories in LPL, far ahead.

Which of the two teams is stronger and who is weaker, who will win the LP championship this year? Let us wait and see.

The host's sonorous and powerful voice fell, and suddenly two pillars of fire full of heat erupted on the stage

The flames are burning, and the flames of battle will soon be brought into the Summoner Canyon by the unsung heroes of both sides, and then sweep the battlefield with countless blood donations and refreshes with countless blood donations =

After a passionate prelude, the screen finally jumps to the forbidden selection screen

More than one hundred heroes, ten summoners will choose ten heroes in the end

There are five heroes in each team, and there are hundreds of options to choose from. Usually, when playing matchmaking and ranking, the choice of heroes is always random, but in the process of exploration, more and more offensive and defensive, defensive, and rigid heroes will always be found. Soft lineup

The selection of a professional player lineup is a trend, tens of millions of l players all over the world will follow suit unconsciously. ,

l The team has gone through long-term research and drills. Although their routines are wild and uninhibited, some teams imitated them and were surprised to find that the winning rate was unimaginably high.

But in fact, Team L's lineup has never been suitable for passers-by. This point Yu Luosheng specifically stated in an interview, so as to prevent countless elementary school students from imitating without the company of their parents and causing tragedies.

Players who watched Team L's match had some guesswork and anticipation at this time.

They guessed what lineup Team L would come up with, and at the same time expected that Team L would give them something refreshing

First of all, Han, Team L must target Zhao Tinghua.

For a person, it is not necessary to ban his hero.

Part of Zhao Tinghua's disruptive rhythm requires the support and cooperation of the mid laner. The mid laner and jungler invade, gank, and tempo are very commonly used in some high-end passerby games.

Zhao Tinghua's jungle control must be based on having a strong mid laner, because not always he can beat the opponent's jungler, if the opponent's mid laner, top laner, and bottom lane support are faster...

Banned with one hand, banned Xie Yi's trick enchantress in the long sky team

Starting with Zhao Tinghua, followed by Xie Yi's Yaoji, this system has been tried and tested repeatedly, and the l team is very smart to see that the key to the problem is not what hero Zhao Tinghua chooses to play in the jungle, but the mid laner who supports the back ...

Obviously, Xie Yi must have practiced hard on the hero of the Demon Fairy, in order to cooperate with Zhao Tinghua to fight a wild area and catch people

Killing the enchantress is equivalent to limiting the intensity of Zhao Tinghua's invasion, preventing him from being too presumptuous.

For Sky Team, their first ban is the Ice Crystal Phoenix.

In so many games in LPL, the hero Ice Crystal Phoenix has never been selected, let alone banned.

But Team Hell and Sky were wasting a precious forbidden resource to kill such an unpopular hero. From this we can see how much pressure Yu Luocheng's Ice Crystal Phoenix has put on the professional players.

Yes, changing lanes and reviving the first-class Phoenix is ​​a scourge. The sky team will not see how disgusting this style of play will play in the late teamfights like the underworld team...

In the second prohibition, the long sky team removed the female police officer.

Team l is known for its love to change lanes and push the flow quickly. The policewoman with the blood-drinking sword is simply born to push the line. Team Changkong must slow down the rhythm of team l.

In the third prohibition, the long-air team removed Da Luo's Mundo

l The team is playing speed push, but they are not afraid of pushing the late game, because they have a nearly invincible Meng

Banning Mundo is tantamount to weakening team l's ability to fight in the late stage

The three-hand ban, the ban knows us very well. Lin Dong said.

Yu Luocheng nodded.

No matter how arrogant and lofty Changkong is, they always maintain the attitude of studying and understanding their opponents. Each of these three-hand bans is a stab at the core of Team L. heroes, but you can tell from their bans, they already know their style of play

Selection, l team first selection

The first hero to take is ad Goddess of War.

The first choice is generally not to choose ap, because there are some restraints in the mid lane ap, and the first choice is more likely to choose support and two versions of strong adl

Ad defeated the goddess, seemingly without displacement skills, but he was an extremely difficult hero to kill, and the contribution of his ultimate move to the team was simply unmatched by other adfs.

Are you playing normal laning? Lin Dong glanced at Yu Luocheng and asked.

Yu Luocheng stared at the opposite hero selection bar, he had to look at the choices of the two opposite heroes before making a decision.

Needless to say, the two picks on the opposite side will definitely give birth to a top laner or support.

And as long as two heroes appear, Yu Luosheng can roughly guess Zhao Tinghua's choice of hero

Today, the first echelon of junglers is nothing more than: Spider, Blind Sin, Mantis, Wei, Pan Sen, etc. What jungler Zhao Tinghua chooses is related to whether they change lanes.

If he can't match up normally, he will choose Mantis 70% of the time. Finally, Yu Luosheng made his own choice

The praying mantis in Zhao Tinghua's hands is simply a harvester, more terrifying than mid laners and top laners, you need to spend a lot of energy watching him.

However, even if you stare at him, you can't stop him from leaping from corpse to corpse, opening the scythe of death like a god of death to harvest...

Normal laning, that would only give Zhao Tinghua's praying mantis too much time to develop.

The better he develops, the more difficult team l's team battles will be in the later stage

How do you know he will choose... Just when Wu Sen was about to be puzzled, the 34th pick on the opposite side had already jumped out.

Before Wu Sen finished speaking, the third floor locked on the hero Mantis almost without hesitation.

Mantis is not a hero that can be used in all situations. If there is a lot of control, it is very dangerous for mantis to jump in and harvest.

But Zhao Tinghua has that kind of self-confidence, he doesn't care whether there will be no mind control behind Team L

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